/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2019-2020 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ import { URLSearchParams } from "./url"; export interface PayUriResult { merchantBaseUrl: string; orderId: string; sessionId: string; claimToken: string | undefined; } export interface WithdrawUriResult { bankIntegrationApiBaseUrl: string; withdrawalOperationId: string; } export interface RefundUriResult { merchantBaseUrl: string; orderId: string; } export interface TipUriResult { merchantTipId: string; merchantBaseUrl: string; } /** * Parse a taler[+http]://withdraw URI. * Return undefined if not passed a valid URI. */ export function parseWithdrawUri(s: string): WithdrawUriResult | undefined { const pi = parseProtoInfo(s, "withdraw"); if (!pi) { return undefined; } const parts = pi.rest.split("/"); if (parts.length < 2) { return undefined; } const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); const withdrawId = parts[parts.length - 1]; const p = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); return { bankIntegrationApiBaseUrl: `${pi.innerProto}://${p}/`, withdrawalOperationId: withdrawId, }; } export const enum TalerUriType { TalerPay = "taler-pay", TalerWithdraw = "taler-withdraw", TalerTip = "taler-tip", TalerRefund = "taler-refund", TalerNotifyReserve = "taler-notify-reserve", Unknown = "unknown", } /** * Classify a taler:// URI. */ export function classifyTalerUri(s: string): TalerUriType { const sl = s.toLowerCase(); if (sl.startsWith("taler://pay/")) { return TalerUriType.TalerPay; } if (sl.startsWith("taler+http://pay/")) { return TalerUriType.TalerPay; } if (sl.startsWith("taler://tip/")) { return TalerUriType.TalerTip; } if (sl.startsWith("taler+http://tip/")) { return TalerUriType.TalerTip; } if (sl.startsWith("taler://refund/")) { return TalerUriType.TalerRefund; } if (sl.startsWith("taler+http://refund/")) { return TalerUriType.TalerRefund; } if (sl.startsWith("taler://withdraw/")) { return TalerUriType.TalerWithdraw; } if (sl.startsWith("taler://notify-reserve/")) { return TalerUriType.TalerNotifyReserve; } return TalerUriType.Unknown; } interface TalerUriProtoInfo { innerProto: "http" | "https"; rest: string; } function parseProtoInfo( s: string, action: string, ): TalerUriProtoInfo | undefined { const pfxPlain = `taler://${action}/`; const pfxHttp = `taler+http://${action}/`; if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith(pfxPlain)) { return { innerProto: "https", rest: s.substring(pfxPlain.length), }; } else if (s.toLowerCase().startsWith(pfxHttp)) { return { innerProto: "http", rest: s.substring(pfxHttp.length), }; } else { return undefined; } } /** * Parse a taler[+http]://pay URI. * Return undefined if not passed a valid URI. */ export function parsePayUri(s: string): PayUriResult | undefined { const pi = parseProtoInfo(s, "pay"); if (!pi) { return undefined; } const c = pi?.rest.split("?"); const q = new URLSearchParams(c[1] ?? ""); const claimToken = q.get("c") ?? undefined; const parts = c[0].split("/"); if (parts.length < 3) { return undefined; } const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); const sessionId = parts[parts.length - 1]; const orderId = parts[parts.length - 2]; const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 2); const p = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); const merchantBaseUrl = `${pi.innerProto}://${p}/`; return { merchantBaseUrl, orderId, sessionId: sessionId, claimToken, }; } /** * Parse a taler[+http]://tip URI. * Return undefined if not passed a valid URI. */ export function parseTipUri(s: string): TipUriResult | undefined { const pi = parseProtoInfo(s, "tip"); if (!pi) { return undefined; } const c = pi?.rest.split("?"); const parts = c[0].split("/"); if (parts.length < 2) { return undefined; } const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); const tipId = parts[parts.length - 1]; const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); const p = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); const merchantBaseUrl = `${pi.innerProto}://${p}/`; return { merchantBaseUrl, merchantTipId: tipId, }; } /** * Parse a taler[+http]://refund URI. * Return undefined if not passed a valid URI. */ export function parseRefundUri(s: string): RefundUriResult | undefined { const pi = parseProtoInfo(s, "refund"); if (!pi) { return undefined; } const c = pi?.rest.split("?"); const parts = c[0].split("/"); if (parts.length < 3) { return undefined; } const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); const sessionId = parts[parts.length - 1]; const orderId = parts[parts.length - 2]; const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 2); const p = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); const merchantBaseUrl = `${pi.innerProto}://${p}/`; return { merchantBaseUrl, orderId, }; }