/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2019 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Types and helper functions for dealing with Taler amounts. */ /** * Imports. */ import { buildCodecForObject, codecForString, codecForNumber, Codec, } from "./codec"; import { AmountString } from "../types/talerTypes"; /** * Number of fractional units that one value unit represents. */ export const fractionalBase = 1e8; /** * How many digits behind the comma are required to represent the * fractional value in human readable decimal format? Must match * lg(fractionalBase) */ export const fractionalLength = 8; /** * Maximum allowed value field of an amount. */ export const maxAmountValue = 2 ** 52; /** * Non-negative financial amount. Fractional values are expressed as multiples * of 1e-8. */ export interface AmountJson { /** * Value, must be an integer. */ readonly value: number; /** * Fraction, must be an integer. Represent 1/1e8 of a unit. */ readonly fraction: number; /** * Currency of the amount. */ readonly currency: string; } export const codecForAmountJson = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("currency", codecForString()) .property("value", codecForNumber()) .property("fraction", codecForNumber()) .build("AmountJson"); export const codecForAmountString = (): Codec => codecForString(); /** * Result of a possibly overflowing operation. */ export interface Result { /** * Resulting, possibly saturated amount. */ amount: AmountJson; /** * Was there an over-/underflow? */ saturated: boolean; } /** * Get an amount that represents zero units of a currency. */ export function getZero(currency: string): AmountJson { return { currency, fraction: 0, value: 0, }; } export type AmountLike = AmountString | AmountJson; export function jsonifyAmount(amt: AmountLike): AmountJson { if (typeof amt === "string") { return parseOrThrow(amt); } return amt; } export function sum(amounts: AmountLike[]): Result { if (amounts.length <= 0) { throw Error("can't sum zero amounts"); } const jsonAmounts = amounts.map((x) => jsonifyAmount(x)); return add(jsonAmounts[0], ...jsonAmounts.slice(1)); } /** * Add two amounts. Return the result and whether * the addition overflowed. The overflow is always handled * by saturating and never by wrapping. * * Throws when currencies don't match. */ export function add(first: AmountJson, ...rest: AmountJson[]): Result { const currency = first.currency; let value = first.value + Math.floor(first.fraction / fractionalBase); if (value > maxAmountValue) { return { amount: { currency, value: maxAmountValue, fraction: fractionalBase - 1 }, saturated: true, }; } let fraction = first.fraction % fractionalBase; for (const x of rest) { if (x.currency !== currency) { throw Error(`Mismatched currency: ${x.currency} and ${currency}`); } value = value + x.value + Math.floor((fraction + x.fraction) / fractionalBase); fraction = Math.floor((fraction + x.fraction) % fractionalBase); if (value > maxAmountValue) { return { amount: { currency, value: maxAmountValue, fraction: fractionalBase - 1, }, saturated: true, }; } } return { amount: { currency, value, fraction }, saturated: false }; } /** * Subtract two amounts. Return the result and whether * the subtraction overflowed. The overflow is always handled * by saturating and never by wrapping. * * Throws when currencies don't match. */ export function sub(a: AmountJson, ...rest: AmountJson[]): Result { const currency = a.currency; let value = a.value; let fraction = a.fraction; for (const b of rest) { if (b.currency !== currency) { throw Error(`Mismatched currency: ${b.currency} and ${currency}`); } if (fraction < b.fraction) { if (value < 1) { return { amount: { currency, value: 0, fraction: 0 }, saturated: true }; } value--; fraction += fractionalBase; } console.assert(fraction >= b.fraction); fraction -= b.fraction; if (value < b.value) { return { amount: { currency, value: 0, fraction: 0 }, saturated: true }; } value -= b.value; } return { amount: { currency, value, fraction }, saturated: false }; } /** * Compare two amounts. Returns 0 when equal, -1 when a < b * and +1 when a > b. Throws when currencies don't match. */ export function cmp(a: AmountLike, b: AmountLike): -1 | 0 | 1 { a = jsonifyAmount(a); b = jsonifyAmount(b); if (a.currency !== b.currency) { throw Error(`Mismatched currency: ${a.currency} and ${b.currency}`); } const av = a.value + Math.floor(a.fraction / fractionalBase); const af = a.fraction % fractionalBase; const bv = b.value + Math.floor(b.fraction / fractionalBase); const bf = b.fraction % fractionalBase; switch (true) { case av < bv: return -1; case av > bv: return 1; case af < bf: return -1; case af > bf: return 1; case af === bf: return 0; default: throw Error("assertion failed"); } } /** * Create a copy of an amount. */ export function copy(a: AmountJson): AmountJson { return { currency: a.currency, fraction: a.fraction, value: a.value, }; } /** * Divide an amount. Throws on division by zero. */ export function divide(a: AmountJson, n: number): AmountJson { if (n === 0) { throw Error(`Division by 0`); } if (n === 1) { return { value: a.value, fraction: a.fraction, currency: a.currency }; } const r = a.value % n; return { currency: a.currency, fraction: Math.floor((r * fractionalBase + a.fraction) / n), value: Math.floor(a.value / n), }; } /** * Check if an amount is non-zero. */ export function isNonZero(a: AmountJson): boolean { return a.value > 0 || a.fraction > 0; } export function isZero(a: AmountLike): boolean { a = jsonifyAmount(a); return a.value === 0 && a.fraction === 0; } /** * Parse an amount like 'EUR:20.5' for 20 Euros and 50 ct. */ export function parse(s: string): AmountJson | undefined { const res = s.match(/^([a-zA-Z0-9_*-]+):([0-9]+)([.][0-9]+)?$/); if (!res) { return undefined; } const tail = res[3] || ".0"; if (tail.length > fractionalLength + 1) { return undefined; } const value = Number.parseInt(res[2]); if (value > maxAmountValue) { return undefined; } return { currency: res[1], fraction: Math.round(fractionalBase * Number.parseFloat(tail)), value, }; } /** * Parse amount in standard string form (like 'EUR:20.5'), * throw if the input is not a valid amount. */ export function parseOrThrow(s: string): AmountJson { const res = parse(s); if (!res) { throw Error(`Can't parse amount: "${s}"`); } return res; } /** * Convert a float to a Taler amount. * Loss of precision possible. */ export function fromFloat(floatVal: number, currency: string): AmountJson { return { currency, fraction: Math.floor((floatVal - Math.floor(floatVal)) * fractionalBase), value: Math.floor(floatVal), }; } /** * Convert to standard human-readable string representation that's * also used in JSON formats. */ export function stringify(a: AmountLike): string { a = jsonifyAmount(a); const av = a.value + Math.floor(a.fraction / fractionalBase); const af = a.fraction % fractionalBase; let s = av.toString(); if (af) { s = s + "."; let n = af; for (let i = 0; i < fractionalLength; i++) { if (!n) { break; } s = s + Math.floor((n / fractionalBase) * 10).toString(); n = (n * 10) % fractionalBase; } } return `${a.currency}:${s}`; } /** * Check if the argument is a valid amount in string form. */ function check(a: any): boolean { if (typeof a !== "string") { return false; } try { const parsedAmount = parse(a); return !!parsedAmount; } catch { return false; } } function mult(a: AmountJson, n: number): Result { if (!Number.isInteger(n)) { throw Error("amount can only be multipied by an integer"); } if (n < 0) { throw Error("amount can only be multiplied by a positive integer"); } if (n == 0) { return { amount: getZero(a.currency), saturated: false }; } let x = a; let acc = getZero(a.currency); while (n > 1) { if (n % 2 == 0) { n = n / 2; } else { n = (n - 1) / 2; const r2 = add(acc, x); if (r2.saturated) { return r2; } acc = r2.amount; } const r2 = add(x, x); if (r2.saturated) { return r2; } x = r2.amount; } return add(acc, x); } function max(a: AmountLike, b: AmountLike): AmountJson { const cr = Amounts.cmp(a, b); if (cr >= 0) { return jsonifyAmount(a); } else { return jsonifyAmount(b); } } function min(a: AmountLike, b: AmountLike): AmountJson { const cr = Amounts.cmp(a, b); if (cr >= 0) { return jsonifyAmount(b); } else { return jsonifyAmount(a); } } // Export all amount-related functions here for better IDE experience. export const Amounts = { stringify: stringify, parse: parse, parseOrThrow: parseOrThrow, cmp: cmp, add: add, sum: sum, sub: sub, mult: mult, max: max, min: min, check: check, getZero: getZero, isZero: isZero, maxAmountValue: maxAmountValue, fromFloat: fromFloat, copy: copy, fractionalBase: fractionalBase, divide: divide, };