/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2015-2020 Taler Systems SA TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Types used by clients of the wallet. * * These types are defined in a separate file make tree shaking easier, since * some components use these types (via RPC) but do not depend on the wallet * code directly. * * @author Florian Dold */ /** * Imports. */ import { AmountJson, codecForAmountJson } from "../util/amounts"; import * as LibtoolVersion from "../util/libtoolVersion"; import { ExchangeRecord, ExchangeWireInfo, DenominationSelectionInfo, } from "./dbTypes"; import { Timestamp } from "../util/time"; import { makeCodecForObject, codecForString, makeCodecOptional, Codec, makeCodecForList, codecForBoolean, } from "../util/codec"; import { AmountString } from "./talerTypes"; import { codec } from ".."; import { TransactionError } from "./transactions"; /** * Response for the create reserve request to the wallet. */ export class CreateReserveResponse { /** * Exchange URL where the bank should create the reserve. * The URL is canonicalized in the response. */ exchange: string; /** * Reserve public key of the newly created reserve. */ reservePub: string; } /** * Information about what will happen when creating a reserve. * * Sent to the wallet frontend to be rendered and shown to the user. */ export interface ExchangeWithdrawDetails { /** * Exchange that the reserve will be created at. */ exchangeInfo: ExchangeRecord; /** * Filtered wire info to send to the bank. */ exchangeWireAccounts: string[]; /** * Selected denominations for withdraw. */ selectedDenoms: DenominationSelectionInfo; /** * Fees for withdraw. */ withdrawFee: AmountJson; /** * Remaining balance that is too small to be withdrawn. */ overhead: AmountJson; /** * Wire fees from the exchange. */ wireFees: ExchangeWireInfo; /** * Does the wallet know about an auditor for * the exchange that the reserve. */ isAudited: boolean; /** * Did the user already accept the current terms of service for the exchange? */ termsOfServiceAccepted: boolean; /** * The exchange is trusted directly. */ isTrusted: boolean; /** * The earliest deposit expiration of the selected coins. */ earliestDepositExpiration: Timestamp; /** * Number of currently offered denominations. */ numOfferedDenoms: number; /** * Public keys of trusted auditors for the currency we're withdrawing. */ trustedAuditorPubs: string[]; /** * Result of checking the wallet's version * against the exchange's version. * * Older exchanges don't return version information. */ versionMatch: LibtoolVersion.VersionMatchResult | undefined; /** * Libtool-style version string for the exchange or "unknown" * for older exchanges. */ exchangeVersion: string; /** * Libtool-style version string for the wallet. */ walletVersion: string; } export interface Balance { available: AmountString; pendingIncoming: AmountString; pendingOutgoing: AmountString; // Does the balance for this currency have a pending // transaction? hasPendingTransactions: boolean; // Is there a pending transaction that would affect the balance // and requires user input? requiresUserInput: boolean; } export interface BalancesResponse { balances: Balance[]; } export const codecForBalance = (): Codec => makeCodecForObject() .property("available", codecForString) .property("hasPendingTransactions", codecForBoolean) .property("pendingIncoming", codecForString) .property("pendingOutgoing", codecForString) .property("requiresUserInput", codecForBoolean) .build("Balance"); export const codecForBalancesResponse = (): Codec => makeCodecForObject() .property("balances", makeCodecForList(codecForBalance())) .build("BalancesResponse"); /** * For terseness. */ export function mkAmount( value: number, fraction: number, currency: string, ): AmountJson { return { value, fraction, currency }; } export const enum ConfirmPayResultType { Done = "done", Pending = "pending", } /** * Result for confirmPay */ export interface ConfirmPayResultDone { type: ConfirmPayResultType.Done, nextUrl: string; } export interface ConfirmPayResultPending { type: ConfirmPayResultType.Pending, lastError: TransactionError; } export type ConfirmPayResult = | ConfirmPayResultDone | ConfirmPayResultPending /** * Information about all sender wire details known to the wallet, * as well as exchanges that accept these wire types. */ export interface SenderWireInfos { /** * Mapping from exchange base url to list of accepted * wire types. */ exchangeWireTypes: { [exchangeBaseUrl: string]: string[] }; /** * Sender wire information stored in the wallet. */ senderWires: string[]; } /** * Request to create a reserve. */ export interface CreateReserveRequest { /** * The initial amount for the reserve. */ amount: AmountJson; /** * Exchange URL where the bank should create the reserve. */ exchange: string; /** * Payto URI that identifies the exchange's account that the funds * for this reserve go into. */ exchangePaytoUri?: string; /** * Wire details (as a payto URI) for the bank account that sent the funds to * the exchange. */ senderWire?: string; /** * URL to fetch the withdraw status from the bank. */ bankWithdrawStatusUrl?: string; } export const codecForCreateReserveRequest = (): Codec => makeCodecForObject() .property("amount", codecForAmountJson()) .property("exchange", codecForString) .property("exchangePaytoUri", codecForString) .property("senderWire", makeCodecOptional(codecForString)) .property("bankWithdrawStatusUrl", makeCodecOptional(codecForString)) .build("CreateReserveRequest"); /** * Request to mark a reserve as confirmed. */ export interface ConfirmReserveRequest { /** * Public key of then reserve that should be marked * as confirmed. */ reservePub: string; } export const codecForConfirmReserveRequest = (): Codec => makeCodecForObject() .property("reservePub", codecForString) .build("ConfirmReserveRequest"); /** * Wire coins to the user's own bank account. */ export class ReturnCoinsRequest { /** * The amount to wire. */ amount: AmountJson; /** * The exchange to take the coins from. */ exchange: string; /** * Wire details for the bank account of the customer that will * receive the funds. */ senderWire?: string; /** * Verify that a value matches the schema of this class and convert it into a * member. */ static checked: (obj: any) => ReturnCoinsRequest; } /** * Status of processing a tip. */ export interface TipStatus { accepted: boolean; amount: AmountJson; amountLeft: AmountJson; nextUrl: string; exchangeUrl: string; tipId: string; merchantTipId: string; merchantOrigin: string; expirationTimestamp: Timestamp; timestamp: Timestamp; totalFees: AmountJson; } export interface BenchmarkResult { time: { [s: string]: number }; repetitions: number; } /** * Cached next URL for a particular session id. */ export interface NextUrlResult { nextUrl: string; lastSessionId: string | undefined; } export const enum PreparePayResultType { PaymentPossible = "payment-possible", InsufficientBalance = "insufficient-balance", AlreadyConfirmed = "already-confirmed", } export type PreparePayResult = | PreparePayResultInsufficientBalance | PreparePayResultAlreadyConfirmed | PreparePayResultPaymentPossible; export interface PreparePayResultPaymentPossible { status: PreparePayResultType.PaymentPossible; proposalId: string; contractTerms: Record; amountRaw: string; amountEffective: string; } export interface PreparePayResultInsufficientBalance { status: PreparePayResultType.InsufficientBalance; proposalId: string; contractTerms: Record; amountRaw: string; } export interface PreparePayResultAlreadyConfirmed { status: PreparePayResultType.AlreadyConfirmed; contractTerms: Record; paid: boolean; amountRaw: string; amountEffective: string; // Only specified if paid. nextUrl?: string; } export interface BankWithdrawDetails { selectionDone: boolean; transferDone: boolean; amount: AmountJson; senderWire?: string; suggestedExchange?: string; confirmTransferUrl?: string; wireTypes: string[]; extractedStatusUrl: string; } export interface AcceptWithdrawalResponse { reservePub: string; confirmTransferUrl?: string; } /** * Details about a purchase, including refund status. */ export interface PurchaseDetails { contractTerms: Record; hasRefund: boolean; totalRefundAmount: AmountJson; totalRefundAndRefreshFees: AmountJson; } export interface WalletDiagnostics { walletManifestVersion: string; walletManifestDisplayVersion: string; errors: string[]; firefoxIdbProblem: boolean; dbOutdated: boolean; } export interface OperationErrorDetails { talerErrorCode: number; talerErrorHint: string; message: string; details: unknown; } export interface PlanchetCreationResult { coinPub: string; coinPriv: string; reservePub: string; denomPubHash: string; denomPub: string; blindingKey: string; withdrawSig: string; coinEv: string; coinValue: AmountJson; coinEvHash: string; } export interface PlanchetCreationRequest { value: AmountJson; feeWithdraw: AmountJson; denomPub: string; reservePub: string; reservePriv: string; } /** * Reasons for why a coin is being refreshed. */ export const enum RefreshReason { Manual = "manual", Pay = "pay", Refund = "refund", AbortPay = "abort-pay", Recoup = "recoup", BackupRestored = "backup-restored", } /** * Wrapper for coin public keys. */ export interface CoinPublicKey { readonly coinPub: string; } /** * Wrapper for refresh group IDs. */ export interface RefreshGroupId { readonly refreshGroupId: string; } /** * Private data required to make a deposit permission. */ export interface DepositInfo { exchangeBaseUrl: string; contractTermsHash: string; coinPub: string; coinPriv: string; spendAmount: AmountJson; timestamp: Timestamp; refundDeadline: Timestamp; merchantPub: string; feeDeposit: AmountJson; wireInfoHash: string; denomPubHash: string; denomSig: string; } export interface ExchangesListRespose { exchanges: ExchangeListItem[]; } export interface ExchangeListItem { exchangeBaseUrl: string; currency: string; paytoUris: string[]; } export interface AcceptManualWithdrawalResult { /** * Payto URIs that can be used to fund the withdrawal. */ exchangePaytoUris: string[]; /** * Public key of the newly created reserve. */ reservePub: string; } export interface ManualWithdrawalDetails { /** * Did the user accept the current version of the exchange's * terms of service? */ tosAccepted: boolean; /** * Amount that the user will transfer to the exchange. */ amountRaw: AmountString; /** * Amount that will be added to the user's wallet balance. */ amountEffective: AmountString; /** * Ways to pay the exchange. */ paytoUris: string[]; } export interface GetExchangeTosResult { /** * Markdown version of the current ToS. */ tos: string; /** * Version tag of the current ToS. */ currentEtag: string; /** * Version tag of the last ToS that the user has accepted, * if any. */ acceptedEtag: string | undefined; }