/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2019 GNUnet e.V. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Type and schema definitions and helpers for the core GNU Taler protocol. * * All types here should be "@Checkable". * * Even though the rest of the wallet uses camelCase for fields, use snake_case * here, since that's the convention for the Taler JSON+HTTP API. */ /** * Imports. */ import { buildCodecForObject, codecForString, codecForList, codecOptional, codecForAny, codecForNumber, codecForBoolean, codecForMap, Codec, codecForConstNumber, buildCodecForUnion, codecForConstString, } from "../util/codec"; import { Timestamp, codecForTimestamp, Duration, codecForDuration, } from "../util/time"; import { ExchangeListItem } from "./walletTypes"; import { codecForAmountString } from "../util/amounts"; /** * Denomination as found in the /keys response from the exchange. */ export class Denomination { /** * Value of one coin of the denomination. */ value: string; /** * Public signing key of the denomination. */ denom_pub: string; /** * Fee for withdrawing. */ fee_withdraw: string; /** * Fee for depositing. */ fee_deposit: string; /** * Fee for refreshing. */ fee_refresh: string; /** * Fee for refunding. */ fee_refund: string; /** * Start date from which withdraw is allowed. */ stamp_start: Timestamp; /** * End date for withdrawing. */ stamp_expire_withdraw: Timestamp; /** * Expiration date after which the exchange can forget about * the currency. */ stamp_expire_legal: Timestamp; /** * Date after which the coins of this denomination can't be * deposited anymore. */ stamp_expire_deposit: Timestamp; /** * Signature over the denomination information by the exchange's master * signing key. */ master_sig: string; } /** * Signature by the auditor that a particular denomination key is audited. */ export class AuditorDenomSig { /** * Denomination public key's hash. */ denom_pub_h: string; /** * The signature. */ auditor_sig: string; } /** * Auditor information as given by the exchange in /keys. */ export class Auditor { /** * Auditor's public key. */ auditor_pub: string; /** * Base URL of the auditor. */ auditor_url: string; /** * List of signatures for denominations by the auditor. */ denomination_keys: AuditorDenomSig[]; } /** * Request that we send to the exchange to get a payback. */ export interface RecoupRequest { /** * Hashed enomination public key of the coin we want to get * paid back. */ denom_pub_hash: string; /** * Signature over the coin public key by the denomination. */ denom_sig: string; /** * Coin public key of the coin we want to refund. */ coin_pub: string; /** * Blinding key that was used during withdraw, * used to prove that we were actually withdrawing the coin. */ coin_blind_key_secret: string; /** * Signature made by the coin, authorizing the payback. */ coin_sig: string; /** * Was the coin refreshed (and thus the recoup should go to the old coin)? */ refreshed: boolean; } /** * Response that we get from the exchange for a payback request. */ export class RecoupConfirmation { /** * Public key of the reserve that will receive the payback. */ reserve_pub?: string; /** * Public key of the old coin that will receive the recoup, * provided if refreshed was true. */ old_coin_pub?: string; } /** * Deposit permission for a single coin. */ export interface CoinDepositPermission { /** * Signature by the coin. */ coin_sig: string; /** * Public key of the coin being spend. */ coin_pub: string; /** * Signature made by the denomination public key. */ ub_sig: string; /** * The denomination public key associated with this coin. */ h_denom: string; /** * The amount that is subtracted from this coin with this payment. */ contribution: string; /** * URL of the exchange this coin was withdrawn from. */ exchange_url: string; } /** * Information about an exchange as stored inside a * merchant's contract terms. */ export class ExchangeHandle { /** * Master public signing key of the exchange. */ master_pub: string; /** * Base URL of the exchange. */ url: string; } export class AuditorHandle { /** * Official name of the auditor. */ name: string; /** * Master public signing key of the auditor. */ master_pub: string; /** * Base URL of the auditor. */ url: string; } export interface MerchantInfo { name: string; jurisdiction: string | undefined; address: string | undefined; } export interface Tax { // the name of the tax name: string; // amount paid in tax tax: AmountString; } export interface Product { // merchant-internal identifier for the product. product_id?: string; // Human-readable product description. description: string; // Map from IETF BCP 47 language tags to localized descriptions description_i18n?: { [lang_tag: string]: string }; // The number of units of the product to deliver to the customer. quantity?: number; // The unit in which the product is measured (liters, kilograms, packages, etc.) unit?: string; // The price of the product; this is the total price for quantity times unit of this product. price?: AmountString; // An optional base64-encoded product image image?: string; // a list of taxes paid by the merchant for this product. Can be empty. taxes?: Tax[]; // time indicating when this product should be delivered delivery_date?: Timestamp; // where to deliver this product. This may be an URL for online delivery // (i.e. 'http://example.com/download' or 'mailto:customer@example.com'), // or a location label defined inside the proposition's 'locations'. // The presence of a colon (':') indicates the use of an URL. delivery_location?: string; } /** * Contract terms from a merchant. */ export class ContractTerms { /** * Hash of the merchant's wire details. */ h_wire: string; /** * Hash of the merchant's wire details. */ auto_refund?: Duration; /** * Wire method the merchant wants to use. */ wire_method: string; /** * Human-readable short summary of the contract. */ summary: string; summary_i18n?: { [lang_tag: string]: string }; /** * Nonce used to ensure freshness. */ nonce: string; /** * Total amount payable. */ amount: string; /** * Auditors accepted by the merchant. */ auditors: AuditorHandle[]; /** * Deadline to pay for the contract. */ pay_deadline: Timestamp; /** * Delivery locations. */ locations: any; /** * Maximum deposit fee covered by the merchant. */ max_fee: string; /** * Information about the merchant. */ merchant: MerchantInfo; /** * Public key of the merchant. */ merchant_pub: string; /** * List of accepted exchanges. */ exchanges: ExchangeHandle[]; /** * Products that are sold in this contract. */ products?: Product[]; /** * Deadline for refunds. */ refund_deadline: Timestamp; /** * Deadline for the wire transfer. */ wire_transfer_deadline: Timestamp; /** * Time when the contract was generated by the merchant. */ timestamp: Timestamp; /** * Order id to uniquely identify the purchase within * one merchant instance. */ order_id: string; /** * Base URL of the merchant's backend. */ merchant_base_url: string; /** * Fulfillment URL to view the product or * delivery status. */ fulfillment_url: string; /** * Share of the wire fee that must be settled with one payment. */ wire_fee_amortization?: number; /** * Maximum wire fee that the merchant agrees to pay for. */ max_wire_fee?: string; /** * Extra data, interpreted by the mechant only. */ extra: any; } /** * Refund permission in the format that the merchant gives it to us. */ export class MerchantAbortPayRefundDetails { /** * Amount to be refunded. */ refund_amount: string; /** * Fee for the refund. */ refund_fee: string; /** * Public key of the coin being refunded. */ coin_pub: string; /** * Refund transaction ID between merchant and exchange. */ rtransaction_id: number; /** * Exchange's key used for the signature. */ exchange_pub?: string; /** * Exchange's signature to confirm the refund. */ exchange_sig?: string; /** * Error replay from the exchange (if any). */ exchange_reply?: any; /** * Error code from the exchange (if any). */ exchange_code?: number; /** * HTTP status code of the exchange's response * to the merchant's refund request. */ exchange_http_status: number; } /** * Response for a refund pickup or a /pay in abort mode. */ export class MerchantRefundResponse { /** * Public key of the merchant */ merchant_pub: string; /** * Contract terms hash of the contract that * is being refunded. */ h_contract_terms: string; /** * The signed refund permissions, to be sent to the exchange. */ refunds: MerchantAbortPayRefundDetails[]; } /** * Planchet detail sent to the merchant. */ export interface TipPlanchetDetail { /** * Hashed denomination public key. */ denom_pub_hash: string; /** * Coin's blinded public key. */ coin_ev: string; } /** * Request sent to the merchant to pick up a tip. */ export interface TipPickupRequest { /** * Identifier of the tip. */ tip_id: string; /** * List of planchets the wallet wants to use for the tip. */ planchets: TipPlanchetDetail[]; } /** * Reserve signature, defined as separate class to facilitate * schema validation with "@Checkable". */ export class ReserveSigSingleton { /** * Reserve signature. */ reserve_sig: string; } /** * Response of the merchant * to the TipPickupRequest. */ export class TipResponse { /** * Public key of the reserve */ reserve_pub: string; /** * The order of the signatures matches the planchets list. */ reserve_sigs: ReserveSigSingleton[]; } /** * Element of the payback list that the * exchange gives us in /keys. */ export class Recoup { /** * The hash of the denomination public key for which the payback is offered. */ h_denom_pub: string; } /** * Structure of one exchange signing key in the /keys response. */ export class ExchangeSignKeyJson { stamp_start: Timestamp; stamp_expire: Timestamp; stamp_end: Timestamp; key: EddsaPublicKeyString; master_sig: EddsaSignatureString; } /** * Structure that the exchange gives us in /keys. */ export class ExchangeKeysJson { /** * List of offered denominations. */ denoms: Denomination[]; /** * The exchange's master public key. */ master_public_key: string; /** * The list of auditors (partially) auditing the exchange. */ auditors: Auditor[]; /** * Timestamp when this response was issued. */ list_issue_date: Timestamp; /** * List of revoked denominations. */ recoup?: Recoup[]; /** * Short-lived signing keys used to sign online * responses. */ signkeys: ExchangeSignKeyJson[]; /** * Protocol version. */ version: string; } /** * Wire fees as anounced by the exchange. */ export class WireFeesJson { /** * Cost of a wire transfer. */ wire_fee: string; /** * Cost of clising a reserve. */ closing_fee: string; /** * Signature made with the exchange's master key. */ sig: string; /** * Date from which the fee applies. */ start_date: Timestamp; /** * Data after which the fee doesn't apply anymore. */ end_date: Timestamp; } export class AccountInfo { payto_uri: string; master_sig: string; } export class ExchangeWireJson { accounts: AccountInfo[]; fees: { [methodName: string]: WireFeesJson[] }; } /** * Proposal returned from the contract URL. */ export class Proposal { /** * Contract terms for the propoal. * Raw, un-decoded JSON object. */ contract_terms: any; /** * Signature over contract, made by the merchant. The public key used for signing * must be contract_terms.merchant_pub. */ sig: string; } /** * Response from the internal merchant API. */ export class CheckPaymentResponse { order_status: string; refunded: boolean | undefined; refunded_amount: string | undefined; contract_terms: any | undefined; taler_pay_uri: string | undefined; contract_url: string | undefined; } /** * Response from the bank. */ export class WithdrawOperationStatusResponse { selection_done: boolean; transfer_done: boolean; amount: string; sender_wire?: string; suggested_exchange?: string; confirm_transfer_url?: string; wire_types: string[]; } /** * Response from the merchant. */ export class TipPickupGetResponse { extra: any; amount: string; amount_left: string; exchange_url: string; stamp_expire: Timestamp; stamp_created: Timestamp; } export class WithdrawResponse { ev_sig: string; } /** * Easy to process format for the public data of coins * managed by the wallet. */ export interface CoinDumpJson { coins: Array<{ /** * The coin's denomination's public key. */ denom_pub: string; /** * Hash of denom_pub. */ denom_pub_hash: string; /** * Value of the denomination (without any fees). */ denom_value: string; /** * Public key of the coin. */ coin_pub: string; /** * Base URL of the exchange for the coin. */ exchange_base_url: string; /** * Remaining value on the coin, to the knowledge of * the wallet. */ remaining_value: string; /** * Public key of the parent coin. * Only present if this coin was obtained via refreshing. */ refresh_parent_coin_pub: string | undefined; /** * Public key of the reserve for this coin. * Only present if this coin was obtained via refreshing. */ withdrawal_reserve_pub: string | undefined; /** * Is the coin suspended? * Suspended coins are not considered for payments. */ coin_suspended: boolean; }>; } export interface MerchantPayResponse { sig: string; } export interface ExchangeMeltResponse { /** * Which of the kappa indices does the client not have to reveal. */ noreveal_index: number; /** * Signature of TALER_RefreshMeltConfirmationPS whereby the exchange * affirms the successful melt and confirming the noreveal_index */ exchange_sig: EddsaSignatureString; /* * public EdDSA key of the exchange that was used to generate the signature. * Should match one of the exchange's signing keys from /keys. Again given * explicitly as the client might otherwise be confused by clock skew as to * which signing key was used. */ exchange_pub: EddsaPublicKeyString; /* * Base URL to use for operations on the refresh context * (so the reveal operation). If not given, * the base URL is the same as the one used for this request. * Can be used if the base URL for /refreshes/ differs from that * for /coins/, i.e. for load balancing. Clients SHOULD * respect the refresh_base_url if provided. Any HTTP server * belonging to an exchange MUST generate a 307 or 308 redirection * to the correct base URL should a client uses the wrong base * URL, or if the base URL has changed since the melt. * * When melting the same coin twice (technically allowed * as the response might have been lost on the network), * the exchange may return different values for the refresh_base_url. */ refresh_base_url?: string; } export interface ExchangeRevealItem { ev_sig: string; } export interface ExchangeRevealResponse { // List of the exchange's blinded RSA signatures on the new coins. ev_sigs: ExchangeRevealItem[]; } interface MerchantOrderStatusPaid { /** * Was the payment refunded (even partially, via refund or abort)? */ refunded: boolean; /** * Amount that was refunded in total. */ refund_amount: AmountString; /** * Successful refunds for this payment, empty array for none. */ refunds: MerchantCoinRefundStatus[]; /** * Public key of the merchant. */ merchant_pub: EddsaPublicKeyString; } export type MerchantCoinRefundStatus = | MerchantCoinRefundSuccessStatus | MerchantCoinRefundFailureStatus; export interface MerchantCoinRefundSuccessStatus { type: "success"; // HTTP status of the exchange request, 200 (integer) required for refund confirmations. exchange_status: 200; // the EdDSA :ref:signature (binary-only) with purpose // TALER_SIGNATURE_EXCHANGE_CONFIRM_REFUND using a current signing key of the // exchange affirming the successful refund exchange_sig: EddsaSignatureString; // public EdDSA key of the exchange that was used to generate the signature. // Should match one of the exchange's signing keys from /keys. It is given // explicitly as the client might otherwise be confused by clock skew as to // which signing key was used. exchange_pub: EddsaPublicKeyString; // Refund transaction ID. rtransaction_id: number; // public key of a coin that was refunded coin_pub: EddsaPublicKeyString; // Amount that was refunded, including refund fee charged by the exchange // to the customer. refund_amount: AmountString; execution_time: Timestamp; } export interface MerchantCoinRefundFailureStatus { type: "failure"; // HTTP status of the exchange request, must NOT be 200. exchange_status: number; // Taler error code from the exchange reply, if available. exchange_code?: number; // If available, HTTP reply from the exchange. exchange_reply?: any; // Refund transaction ID. rtransaction_id: number; // public key of a coin that was refunded coin_pub: EddsaPublicKeyString; // Amount that was refunded, including refund fee charged by the exchange // to the customer. refund_amount: AmountString; execution_time: Timestamp; } export interface MerchantOrderStatusUnpaid { /** * URI that the wallet must process to complete the payment. */ taler_pay_uri: string; /** * Alternative order ID which was paid for already in the same session. * * Only given if the same product was purchased before in the same session. */ already_paid_order_id?: string; } export interface WithdrawUriInfoResponse { amount: AmountString; defaultExchangeBaseUrl?: string; possibleExchanges: ExchangeListItem[]; } /** * Response body for the following endpoint: * * POST {talerBankIntegrationApi}/withdrawal-operation/{wopid} */ export interface BankWithdrawalOperationPostResponse { transfer_done: boolean; } export const codecForBankWithdrawalOperationPostResponse = (): Codec< BankWithdrawalOperationPostResponse > => buildCodecForObject() .property("transfer_done", codecForBoolean) .build("BankWithdrawalOperationPostResponse"); export type AmountString = string; export type Base32String = string; export type EddsaSignatureString = string; export type EddsaPublicKeyString = string; export type CoinPublicKeyString = string; export const codecForDenomination = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("value", codecForString()) .property("denom_pub", codecForString()) .property("fee_withdraw", codecForString()) .property("fee_deposit", codecForString()) .property("fee_refresh", codecForString()) .property("fee_refund", codecForString()) .property("stamp_start", codecForTimestamp) .property("stamp_expire_withdraw", codecForTimestamp) .property("stamp_expire_legal", codecForTimestamp) .property("stamp_expire_deposit", codecForTimestamp) .property("master_sig", codecForString()) .build("Denomination"); export const codecForAuditorDenomSig = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("denom_pub_h", codecForString()) .property("auditor_sig", codecForString()) .build("AuditorDenomSig"); export const codecForAuditor = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("auditor_pub", codecForString()) .property("auditor_url", codecForString()) .property("denomination_keys", codecForList(codecForAuditorDenomSig())) .build("Auditor"); export const codecForExchangeHandle = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("master_pub", codecForString()) .property("url", codecForString()) .build("ExchangeHandle"); export const codecForAuditorHandle = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("name", codecForString()) .property("master_pub", codecForString()) .property("url", codecForString()) .build("AuditorHandle"); export const codecForMerchantInfo = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("name", codecForString()) .property("address", codecOptional(codecForString())) .property("jurisdiction", codecOptional(codecForString())) .build("MerchantInfo"); export const codecForTax = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("name", codecForString()) .property("tax", codecForString()) .build("Tax"); export const codecForI18n = (): Codec<{ [lang_tag: string]: string }> => codecForMap(codecForString()); export const codecForProduct = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("product_id", codecOptional(codecForString())) .property("description", codecForString()) .property("description_i18n", codecOptional(codecForI18n())) .property("quantity", codecOptional(codecForNumber())) .property("unit", codecOptional(codecForString())) .property("price", codecOptional(codecForString())) .property("delivery_date", codecOptional(codecForTimestamp)) .property("delivery_location", codecOptional(codecForString())) .build("Tax"); export const codecForContractTerms = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("order_id", codecForString()) .property("fulfillment_url", codecForString()) .property("merchant_base_url", codecForString()) .property("h_wire", codecForString()) .property("auto_refund", codecOptional(codecForDuration)) .property("wire_method", codecForString()) .property("summary", codecForString()) .property("summary_i18n", codecOptional(codecForI18n())) .property("nonce", codecForString()) .property("amount", codecForString()) .property("auditors", codecForList(codecForAuditorHandle())) .property("pay_deadline", codecForTimestamp) .property("refund_deadline", codecForTimestamp) .property("wire_transfer_deadline", codecForTimestamp) .property("timestamp", codecForTimestamp) .property("locations", codecForAny()) .property("max_fee", codecForString()) .property("max_wire_fee", codecOptional(codecForString())) .property("merchant", codecForMerchantInfo()) .property("merchant_pub", codecForString()) .property("exchanges", codecForList(codecForExchangeHandle())) .property( "products", codecOptional(codecForList(codecForProduct())), ) .property("extra", codecForAny()) .build("ContractTerms"); export const codecForMerchantRefundPermission = (): Codec< MerchantAbortPayRefundDetails > => buildCodecForObject() .property("refund_amount", codecForAmountString()) .property("refund_fee", codecForAmountString()) .property("coin_pub", codecForString()) .property("rtransaction_id", codecForNumber()) .property("exchange_http_status", codecForNumber()) .property("exchange_code", codecOptional(codecForNumber())) .property("exchange_reply", codecOptional(codecForAny())) .property("exchange_sig", codecOptional(codecForString())) .property("exchange_pub", codecOptional(codecForString())) .build("MerchantRefundPermission"); export const codecForMerchantRefundResponse = (): Codec< MerchantRefundResponse > => buildCodecForObject() .property("merchant_pub", codecForString()) .property("h_contract_terms", codecForString()) .property("refunds", codecForList(codecForMerchantRefundPermission())) .build("MerchantRefundResponse"); export const codecForReserveSigSingleton = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("reserve_sig", codecForString()) .build("ReserveSigSingleton"); export const codecForTipResponse = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("reserve_pub", codecForString()) .property("reserve_sigs", codecForList(codecForReserveSigSingleton())) .build("TipResponse"); export const codecForRecoup = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("h_denom_pub", codecForString()) .build("Recoup"); export const codecForExchangeSigningKey = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("key", codecForString()) .property("master_sig", codecForString()) .property("stamp_end", codecForTimestamp) .property("stamp_start", codecForTimestamp) .property("stamp_expire", codecForTimestamp) .build("ExchangeSignKeyJson"); export const codecForExchangeKeysJson = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("denoms", codecForList(codecForDenomination())) .property("master_public_key", codecForString()) .property("auditors", codecForList(codecForAuditor())) .property("list_issue_date", codecForTimestamp) .property("recoup", codecOptional(codecForList(codecForRecoup()))) .property("signkeys", codecForList(codecForExchangeSigningKey())) .property("version", codecForString()) .build("KeysJson"); export const codecForWireFeesJson = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("wire_fee", codecForString()) .property("closing_fee", codecForString()) .property("sig", codecForString()) .property("start_date", codecForTimestamp) .property("end_date", codecForTimestamp) .build("WireFeesJson"); export const codecForAccountInfo = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("payto_uri", codecForString()) .property("master_sig", codecForString()) .build("AccountInfo"); export const codecForExchangeWireJson = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("accounts", codecForList(codecForAccountInfo())) .property("fees", codecForMap(codecForList(codecForWireFeesJson()))) .build("ExchangeWireJson"); export const codecForProposal = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("contract_terms", codecForAny()) .property("sig", codecForString()) .build("Proposal"); export const codecForCheckPaymentResponse = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("order_status", codecForString()) .property("refunded", codecOptional(codecForBoolean)) .property("refunded_amount", codecOptional(codecForString())) .property("contract_terms", codecOptional(codecForAny())) .property("taler_pay_uri", codecOptional(codecForString())) .property("contract_url", codecOptional(codecForString())) .build("CheckPaymentResponse"); export const codecForWithdrawOperationStatusResponse = (): Codec< WithdrawOperationStatusResponse > => buildCodecForObject() .property("selection_done", codecForBoolean) .property("transfer_done", codecForBoolean) .property("amount", codecForString()) .property("sender_wire", codecOptional(codecForString())) .property("suggested_exchange", codecOptional(codecForString())) .property("confirm_transfer_url", codecOptional(codecForString())) .property("wire_types", codecForList(codecForString())) .build("WithdrawOperationStatusResponse"); export const codecForTipPickupGetResponse = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("extra", codecForAny()) .property("amount", codecForString()) .property("amount_left", codecForString()) .property("exchange_url", codecForString()) .property("stamp_expire", codecForTimestamp) .property("stamp_created", codecForTimestamp) .build("TipPickupGetResponse"); export const codecForRecoupConfirmation = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("reserve_pub", codecOptional(codecForString())) .property("old_coin_pub", codecOptional(codecForString())) .build("RecoupConfirmation"); export const codecForWithdrawResponse = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("ev_sig", codecForString()) .build("WithdrawResponse"); export const codecForMerchantPayResponse = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("sig", codecForString()) .build("MerchantPayResponse"); export const codecForExchangeMeltResponse = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("exchange_pub", codecForString()) .property("exchange_sig", codecForString()) .property("noreveal_index", codecForNumber()) .property("refresh_base_url", codecOptional(codecForString())) .build("ExchangeMeltResponse"); export const codecForExchangeRevealItem = (): Codec => buildCodecForObject() .property("ev_sig", codecForString()) .build("ExchangeRevealItem"); export const codecForExchangeRevealResponse = (): Codec< ExchangeRevealResponse > => buildCodecForObject() .property("ev_sigs", codecForList(codecForExchangeRevealItem())) .build("ExchangeRevealResponse"); export const codecForMerchantCoinRefundSuccessStatus = (): Codec< MerchantCoinRefundSuccessStatus > => buildCodecForObject() .property("type", codecForConstString("success")) .property("coin_pub", codecForString()) .property("exchange_status", codecForConstNumber(200)) .property("exchange_sig", codecForString()) .property("rtransaction_id", codecForNumber()) .property("refund_amount", codecForString()) .property("exchange_pub", codecForString()) .property("execution_time", codecForTimestamp) .build("MerchantCoinRefundSuccessStatus"); export const codecForMerchantCoinRefundFailureStatus = (): Codec< MerchantCoinRefundFailureStatus > => buildCodecForObject() .property("type", codecForConstString("failure")) .property("coin_pub", codecForString()) .property("exchange_status", codecForConstNumber(200)) .property("rtransaction_id", codecForNumber()) .property("refund_amount", codecForString()) .property("exchange_code", codecOptional(codecForNumber())) .property("exchange_reply", codecOptional(codecForAny())) .property("execution_time", codecForTimestamp) .build("MerchantCoinRefundSuccessStatus"); export const codecForMerchantCoinRefundStatus = (): Codec< MerchantCoinRefundStatus > => buildCodecForUnion() .discriminateOn("type") .alternative("success", codecForMerchantCoinRefundSuccessStatus()) .alternative("failure", codecForMerchantCoinRefundFailureStatus()) .build("MerchantCoinRefundStatus"); export const codecForMerchantOrderStatusPaid = (): Codec< MerchantOrderStatusPaid > => buildCodecForObject() .property("merchant_pub", codecForString()) .property("refund_amount", codecForString()) .property("refunded", codecForBoolean) .property("refunds", codecForList(codecForMerchantCoinRefundStatus())) .build("MerchantOrderStatusPaid"); export const codecForMerchantOrderStatusUnpaid = (): Codec< MerchantOrderStatusUnpaid > => buildCodecForObject() .property("taler_pay_uri", codecForString()) .property("already_paid_order_id", codecOptional(codecForString())) .build("MerchantOrderStatusUnpaid");