/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2019 GNUnet e.V. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Type and schema definitions for pending operations in the wallet. * * These are only used internally, and are not part of the public * interface to the wallet. */ /** * Imports. */ import { TalerErrorDetails, BalancesResponse, Duration, Timestamp, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { ReserveRecordStatus } from "./db.js"; import { RetryInfo } from "./util/retries.js"; export enum PendingOperationType { ExchangeUpdate = "exchange-update", ExchangeCheckRefresh = "exchange-check-refresh", Pay = "pay", ProposalChoice = "proposal-choice", ProposalDownload = "proposal-download", Refresh = "refresh", Reserve = "reserve", Recoup = "recoup", RefundQuery = "refund-query", TipPickup = "tip-pickup", Withdraw = "withdraw", Deposit = "deposit", } /** * Information about a pending operation. */ export type PendingOperationInfo = PendingOperationInfoCommon & ( | PendingExchangeUpdateOperation | PendingExchangeCheckRefreshOperation | PendingPayOperation | PendingProposalDownloadOperation | PendingRefreshOperation | PendingRefundQueryOperation | PendingReserveOperation | PendingTipPickupOperation | PendingWithdrawOperation | PendingRecoupOperation | PendingDepositOperation ); /** * The wallet is currently updating information about an exchange. */ export interface PendingExchangeUpdateOperation { type: PendingOperationType.ExchangeUpdate; exchangeBaseUrl: string; lastError: TalerErrorDetails | undefined; } /** * The wallet should check whether coins from this exchange * need to be auto-refreshed. */ export interface PendingExchangeCheckRefreshOperation { type: PendingOperationType.ExchangeCheckRefresh; exchangeBaseUrl: string; } export enum ReserveType { /** * Manually created. */ Manual = "manual", /** * Withdrawn from a bank that has "tight" Taler integration */ TalerBankWithdraw = "taler-bank-withdraw", } /** * Status of processing a reserve. * * Does *not* include the withdrawal operation that might result * from this. */ export interface PendingReserveOperation { type: PendingOperationType.Reserve; retryInfo: RetryInfo | undefined; stage: ReserveRecordStatus; timestampCreated: Timestamp; reserveType: ReserveType; reservePub: string; bankWithdrawConfirmUrl?: string; } /** * Status of an ongoing withdrawal operation. */ export interface PendingRefreshOperation { type: PendingOperationType.Refresh; lastError?: TalerErrorDetails; refreshGroupId: string; finishedPerCoin: boolean[]; retryInfo: RetryInfo; } /** * Status of downloading signed contract terms from a merchant. */ export interface PendingProposalDownloadOperation { type: PendingOperationType.ProposalDownload; merchantBaseUrl: string; proposalTimestamp: Timestamp; proposalId: string; orderId: string; lastError?: TalerErrorDetails; retryInfo: RetryInfo; } /** * User must choose whether to accept or reject the merchant's * proposed contract terms. */ export interface PendingProposalChoiceOperation { type: PendingOperationType.ProposalChoice; merchantBaseUrl: string; proposalTimestamp: Timestamp; proposalId: string; } /** * The wallet is picking up a tip that the user has accepted. */ export interface PendingTipPickupOperation { type: PendingOperationType.TipPickup; tipId: string; merchantBaseUrl: string; merchantTipId: string; } /** * The wallet is signing coins and then sending them to * the merchant. */ export interface PendingPayOperation { type: PendingOperationType.Pay; proposalId: string; isReplay: boolean; retryInfo: RetryInfo; lastError: TalerErrorDetails | undefined; } /** * The wallet is querying the merchant about whether any refund * permissions are available for a purchase. */ export interface PendingRefundQueryOperation { type: PendingOperationType.RefundQuery; proposalId: string; retryInfo: RetryInfo; lastError: TalerErrorDetails | undefined; } export interface PendingRecoupOperation { type: PendingOperationType.Recoup; recoupGroupId: string; retryInfo: RetryInfo; lastError: TalerErrorDetails | undefined; } /** * Status of an ongoing withdrawal operation. */ export interface PendingWithdrawOperation { type: PendingOperationType.Withdraw; lastError: TalerErrorDetails | undefined; retryInfo: RetryInfo; withdrawalGroupId: string; } /** * Status of an ongoing deposit operation. */ export interface PendingDepositOperation { type: PendingOperationType.Deposit; lastError: TalerErrorDetails | undefined; retryInfo: RetryInfo; depositGroupId: string; } /** * Fields that are present in every pending operation. */ export interface PendingOperationInfoCommon { /** * Type of the pending operation. */ type: PendingOperationType; /** * Set to true if the operation indicates that something is really in progress, * as opposed to some regular scheduled operation that can be tried later. */ givesLifeness: boolean; /** * Timestamp when the pending operation should be executed next. */ timestampDue: Timestamp; /** * Retry info. Currently used to stop the wallet after any operation * exceeds a number of retries. */ retryInfo?: RetryInfo; } /** * Response returned from the pending operations API. */ export interface PendingOperationsResponse { /** * List of pending operations. */ pendingOperations: PendingOperationInfo[]; /** * Current wallet balance, including pending balances. */ walletBalance: BalancesResponse; }