/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2019-2020 Taler Systems SA TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Synchronous implementation of crypto-related functions for the wallet. * * The functionality is parameterized over an Emscripten environment. * * @author Florian Dold */ /** * Imports. */ // FIXME: Crypto should not use DB Types! import { CoinRecord, DenominationRecord, WireFee, CoinSourceType, } from "../../db.js"; import { CoinDepositPermission, RecoupRequest, RefreshPlanchetInfo } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; // FIXME: These types should be internal to the wallet! import { BenchmarkResult, PlanchetCreationResult, PlanchetCreationRequest, DepositInfo, MakeSyncSignatureRequest, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { AmountJson, Amounts } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import * as timer from "../../util/timer.js"; import { encodeCrock, decodeCrock, createEddsaKeyPair, hash, rsaBlind, eddsaVerify, eddsaSign, rsaUnblind, stringToBytes, createHashContext, keyExchangeEcdheEddsa, setupRefreshPlanchet, rsaVerify, setupRefreshTransferPub, setupTipPlanchet, setupWithdrawPlanchet, eddsaGetPublic, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { randomBytes } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { kdf } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { Timestamp, timestampTruncateToSecond } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { Logger } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { DerivedRefreshSession, DerivedTipPlanchet, DeriveRefreshSessionRequest, DeriveTipRequest, SignTrackTransactionRequest, } from "../cryptoTypes.js"; import bigint from "big-integer"; const logger = new Logger("cryptoImplementation.ts"); enum SignaturePurpose { MERCHANT_TRACK_TRANSACTION = 1103, WALLET_RESERVE_WITHDRAW = 1200, WALLET_COIN_DEPOSIT = 1201, MASTER_DENOMINATION_KEY_VALIDITY = 1025, MASTER_WIRE_FEES = 1028, MASTER_WIRE_DETAILS = 1030, WALLET_COIN_MELT = 1202, TEST = 4242, MERCHANT_PAYMENT_OK = 1104, MERCHANT_CONTRACT = 1101, WALLET_COIN_RECOUP = 1203, WALLET_COIN_LINK = 1204, EXCHANGE_CONFIRM_RECOUP = 1039, EXCHANGE_CONFIRM_RECOUP_REFRESH = 1041, SYNC_BACKUP_UPLOAD = 1450, } function amountToBuffer(amount: AmountJson): Uint8Array { const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8 + 4 + 12); const dvbuf = new DataView(buffer); const u8buf = new Uint8Array(buffer); const curr = stringToBytes(amount.currency); if (typeof dvbuf.setBigUint64 !== "undefined") { dvbuf.setBigUint64(0, BigInt(amount.value)); } else { const arr = bigint(amount.value).toArray(2 ** 8).value; let offset = 8 - arr.length; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { dvbuf.setUint8(offset++, arr[i]); } } dvbuf.setUint32(8, amount.fraction); u8buf.set(curr, 8 + 4); return u8buf; } function timestampRoundedToBuffer(ts: Timestamp): Uint8Array { const b = new ArrayBuffer(8); const v = new DataView(b); const tsRounded = timestampTruncateToSecond(ts); if (typeof v.setBigUint64 !== "undefined") { const s = BigInt(tsRounded.t_ms) * BigInt(1000); v.setBigUint64(0, s); } else { const s = tsRounded.t_ms === "never" ? bigint.zero : bigint(tsRounded.t_ms).times(1000); const arr = s.toArray(2 ** 8).value; let offset = 8 - arr.length; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { v.setUint8(offset++, arr[i]); } } return new Uint8Array(b); } class SignaturePurposeBuilder { private chunks: Uint8Array[] = []; constructor(private purposeNum: number) { } put(bytes: Uint8Array): SignaturePurposeBuilder { this.chunks.push(Uint8Array.from(bytes)); return this; } build(): Uint8Array { let payloadLen = 0; for (const c of this.chunks) { payloadLen += c.byteLength; } const buf = new ArrayBuffer(4 + 4 + payloadLen); const u8buf = new Uint8Array(buf); let p = 8; for (const c of this.chunks) { u8buf.set(c, p); p += c.byteLength; } const dvbuf = new DataView(buf); dvbuf.setUint32(0, payloadLen + 4 + 4); dvbuf.setUint32(4, this.purposeNum); return u8buf; } } function buildSigPS(purposeNum: number): SignaturePurposeBuilder { return new SignaturePurposeBuilder(purposeNum); } export class CryptoImplementation { static enableTracing = false; /** * Create a pre-coin of the given denomination to be withdrawn from then given * reserve. */ createPlanchet(req: PlanchetCreationRequest): PlanchetCreationResult { const reservePub = decodeCrock(req.reservePub); const reservePriv = decodeCrock(req.reservePriv); const denomPub = decodeCrock(req.denomPub); const derivedPlanchet = setupWithdrawPlanchet( decodeCrock(req.secretSeed), req.coinIndex, ); const coinPubHash = hash(derivedPlanchet.coinPub); const ev = rsaBlind(coinPubHash, derivedPlanchet.bks, denomPub); const amountWithFee = Amounts.add(req.value, req.feeWithdraw).amount; const denomPubHash = hash(denomPub); const evHash = hash(ev); const withdrawRequest = buildSigPS(SignaturePurpose.WALLET_RESERVE_WITHDRAW) .put(reservePub) .put(amountToBuffer(amountWithFee)) .put(denomPubHash) .put(evHash) .build(); const sig = eddsaSign(withdrawRequest, reservePriv); const planchet: PlanchetCreationResult = { blindingKey: encodeCrock(derivedPlanchet.bks), coinEv: encodeCrock(ev), coinPriv: encodeCrock(derivedPlanchet.coinPriv), coinPub: encodeCrock(derivedPlanchet.coinPub), coinValue: req.value, denomPub: encodeCrock(denomPub), denomPubHash: encodeCrock(denomPubHash), reservePub: encodeCrock(reservePub), withdrawSig: encodeCrock(sig), coinEvHash: encodeCrock(evHash), }; return planchet; } /** * Create a planchet used for tipping, including the private keys. */ createTipPlanchet(req: DeriveTipRequest): DerivedTipPlanchet { const fc = setupTipPlanchet(decodeCrock(req.secretSeed), req.planchetIndex); const denomPub = decodeCrock(req.denomPub); const coinPubHash = hash(fc.coinPub); const ev = rsaBlind(coinPubHash, fc.bks, denomPub); const tipPlanchet: DerivedTipPlanchet = { blindingKey: encodeCrock(fc.bks), coinEv: encodeCrock(ev), coinEvHash: encodeCrock(hash(ev)), coinPriv: encodeCrock(fc.coinPriv), coinPub: encodeCrock(fc.coinPub), }; return tipPlanchet; } signTrackTransaction(req: SignTrackTransactionRequest): string { const p = buildSigPS(SignaturePurpose.MERCHANT_TRACK_TRANSACTION) .put(decodeCrock(req.contractTermsHash)) .put(decodeCrock(req.wireHash)) .put(decodeCrock(req.merchantPub)) .put(decodeCrock(req.coinPub)) .build(); return encodeCrock(eddsaSign(p, decodeCrock(req.merchantPriv))); } /** * Create and sign a message to recoup a coin. */ createRecoupRequest(coin: CoinRecord): RecoupRequest { const p = buildSigPS(SignaturePurpose.WALLET_COIN_RECOUP) .put(decodeCrock(coin.coinPub)) .put(decodeCrock(coin.denomPubHash)) .put(decodeCrock(coin.blindingKey)) .build(); const coinPriv = decodeCrock(coin.coinPriv); const coinSig = eddsaSign(p, coinPriv); const paybackRequest: RecoupRequest = { coin_blind_key_secret: coin.blindingKey, coin_pub: coin.coinPub, coin_sig: encodeCrock(coinSig), denom_pub_hash: coin.denomPubHash, denom_sig: coin.denomSig, refreshed: coin.coinSource.type === CoinSourceType.Refresh, }; return paybackRequest; } /** * Check if a payment signature is valid. */ isValidPaymentSignature( sig: string, contractHash: string, merchantPub: string, ): boolean { const p = buildSigPS(SignaturePurpose.MERCHANT_PAYMENT_OK) .put(decodeCrock(contractHash)) .build(); const sigBytes = decodeCrock(sig); const pubBytes = decodeCrock(merchantPub); return eddsaVerify(p, sigBytes, pubBytes); } /** * Check if a wire fee is correctly signed. */ isValidWireFee(type: string, wf: WireFee, masterPub: string): boolean { const p = buildSigPS(SignaturePurpose.MASTER_WIRE_FEES) .put(hash(stringToBytes(type + "\0"))) .put(timestampRoundedToBuffer(wf.startStamp)) .put(timestampRoundedToBuffer(wf.endStamp)) .put(amountToBuffer(wf.wireFee)) .put(amountToBuffer(wf.closingFee)) .build(); const sig = decodeCrock(wf.sig); const pub = decodeCrock(masterPub); return eddsaVerify(p, sig, pub); } /** * Check if the signature of a denomination is valid. */ isValidDenom(denom: DenominationRecord, masterPub: string): boolean { const p = buildSigPS(SignaturePurpose.MASTER_DENOMINATION_KEY_VALIDITY) .put(decodeCrock(masterPub)) .put(timestampRoundedToBuffer(denom.stampStart)) .put(timestampRoundedToBuffer(denom.stampExpireWithdraw)) .put(timestampRoundedToBuffer(denom.stampExpireDeposit)) .put(timestampRoundedToBuffer(denom.stampExpireLegal)) .put(amountToBuffer(denom.value)) .put(amountToBuffer(denom.feeWithdraw)) .put(amountToBuffer(denom.feeDeposit)) .put(amountToBuffer(denom.feeRefresh)) .put(amountToBuffer(denom.feeRefund)) .put(decodeCrock(denom.denomPubHash)) .build(); const sig = decodeCrock(denom.masterSig); const pub = decodeCrock(masterPub); const res = eddsaVerify(p, sig, pub); return res; } isValidWireAccount( paytoUri: string, sig: string, masterPub: string, ): boolean { const h = kdf( 64, stringToBytes("exchange-wire-signature"), stringToBytes(paytoUri + "\0"), new Uint8Array(0), ); const p = buildSigPS(SignaturePurpose.MASTER_WIRE_DETAILS).put(h).build(); return eddsaVerify(p, decodeCrock(sig), decodeCrock(masterPub)); } isValidContractTermsSignature( contractTermsHash: string, sig: string, merchantPub: string, ): boolean { const cthDec = decodeCrock(contractTermsHash); const p = buildSigPS(SignaturePurpose.MERCHANT_CONTRACT) .put(cthDec) .build(); return eddsaVerify(p, decodeCrock(sig), decodeCrock(merchantPub)); } /** * Create a new EdDSA key pair. */ createEddsaKeypair(): { priv: string; pub: string } { const pair = createEddsaKeyPair(); return { priv: encodeCrock(pair.eddsaPriv), pub: encodeCrock(pair.eddsaPub), }; } eddsaGetPublic(key: string): { priv: string; pub: string } { return { priv: key, pub: encodeCrock(eddsaGetPublic(decodeCrock(key))) } } /** * Unblind a blindly signed value. */ rsaUnblind(blindedSig: string, bk: string, pk: string): string { const denomSig = rsaUnblind( decodeCrock(blindedSig), decodeCrock(pk), decodeCrock(bk), ); return encodeCrock(denomSig); } /** * Unblind a blindly signed value. */ rsaVerify(hm: string, sig: string, pk: string): boolean { return rsaVerify(hash(decodeCrock(hm)), decodeCrock(sig), decodeCrock(pk)); } /** * Generate updated coins (to store in the database) * and deposit permissions for each given coin. */ signDepositPermission(depositInfo: DepositInfo): CoinDepositPermission { const d = buildSigPS(SignaturePurpose.WALLET_COIN_DEPOSIT) .put(decodeCrock(depositInfo.contractTermsHash)) .put(decodeCrock(depositInfo.wireInfoHash)) .put(decodeCrock(depositInfo.denomPubHash)) .put(timestampRoundedToBuffer(depositInfo.timestamp)) .put(timestampRoundedToBuffer(depositInfo.refundDeadline)) .put(amountToBuffer(depositInfo.spendAmount)) .put(amountToBuffer(depositInfo.feeDeposit)) .put(decodeCrock(depositInfo.merchantPub)) .put(decodeCrock(depositInfo.coinPub)) .build(); const coinSig = eddsaSign(d, decodeCrock(depositInfo.coinPriv)); const s: CoinDepositPermission = { coin_pub: depositInfo.coinPub, coin_sig: encodeCrock(coinSig), contribution: Amounts.stringify(depositInfo.spendAmount), h_denom: depositInfo.denomPubHash, exchange_url: depositInfo.exchangeBaseUrl, ub_sig: depositInfo.denomSig, }; return s; } deriveRefreshSession( req: DeriveRefreshSessionRequest, ): DerivedRefreshSession { const { newCoinDenoms, feeRefresh: meltFee, kappa, meltCoinDenomPubHash, meltCoinPriv, meltCoinPub, sessionSecretSeed: refreshSessionSecretSeed, } = req; const currency = newCoinDenoms[0].value.currency; let valueWithFee = Amounts.getZero(currency); for (const ncd of newCoinDenoms) { const t = Amounts.add(ncd.value, ncd.feeWithdraw).amount; valueWithFee = Amounts.add( valueWithFee, Amounts.mult(t, ncd.count).amount, ).amount; } // melt fee valueWithFee = Amounts.add(valueWithFee, meltFee).amount; const sessionHc = createHashContext(); const transferPubs: string[] = []; const transferPrivs: string[] = []; const planchetsForGammas: RefreshPlanchetInfo[][] = []; for (let i = 0; i < kappa; i++) { const transferKeyPair = setupRefreshTransferPub( decodeCrock(refreshSessionSecretSeed), i, ); sessionHc.update(transferKeyPair.ecdhePub); transferPrivs.push(encodeCrock(transferKeyPair.ecdhePriv)); transferPubs.push(encodeCrock(transferKeyPair.ecdhePub)); } for (const denomSel of newCoinDenoms) { for (let i = 0; i < denomSel.count; i++) { const r = decodeCrock(denomSel.denomPub); sessionHc.update(r); } } sessionHc.update(decodeCrock(meltCoinPub)); sessionHc.update(amountToBuffer(valueWithFee)); for (let i = 0; i < kappa; i++) { const planchets: RefreshPlanchetInfo[] = []; for (let j = 0; j < newCoinDenoms.length; j++) { const denomSel = newCoinDenoms[j]; for (let k = 0; k < denomSel.count; k++) { const coinNumber = planchets.length; const transferPriv = decodeCrock(transferPrivs[i]); const oldCoinPub = decodeCrock(meltCoinPub); const transferSecret = keyExchangeEcdheEddsa( transferPriv, oldCoinPub, ); const fresh = setupRefreshPlanchet(transferSecret, coinNumber); const coinPriv = fresh.coinPriv; const coinPub = fresh.coinPub; const blindingFactor = fresh.bks; const pubHash = hash(coinPub); const denomPub = decodeCrock(denomSel.denomPub); const ev = rsaBlind(pubHash, blindingFactor, denomPub); const planchet: RefreshPlanchetInfo = { blindingKey: encodeCrock(blindingFactor), coinEv: encodeCrock(ev), privateKey: encodeCrock(coinPriv), publicKey: encodeCrock(coinPub), coinEvHash: encodeCrock(hash(ev)), }; planchets.push(planchet); sessionHc.update(ev); } } planchetsForGammas.push(planchets); } const sessionHash = sessionHc.finish(); const confirmData = buildSigPS(SignaturePurpose.WALLET_COIN_MELT) .put(sessionHash) .put(decodeCrock(meltCoinDenomPubHash)) .put(amountToBuffer(valueWithFee)) .put(amountToBuffer(meltFee)) .put(decodeCrock(meltCoinPub)) .build(); const confirmSig = eddsaSign(confirmData, decodeCrock(meltCoinPriv)); const refreshSession: DerivedRefreshSession = { confirmSig: encodeCrock(confirmSig), hash: encodeCrock(sessionHash), meltCoinPub: meltCoinPub, planchetsForGammas: planchetsForGammas, transferPrivs, transferPubs, meltValueWithFee: valueWithFee, }; return refreshSession; } /** * Hash a string including the zero terminator. */ hashString(str: string): string { const b = stringToBytes(str + "\0"); return encodeCrock(hash(b)); } /** * Hash a crockford encoded value. */ hashEncoded(encodedBytes: string): string { return encodeCrock(hash(decodeCrock(encodedBytes))); } signCoinLink( oldCoinPriv: string, newDenomHash: string, oldCoinPub: string, transferPub: string, coinEv: string, ): string { const coinEvHash = hash(decodeCrock(coinEv)); const coinLink = buildSigPS(SignaturePurpose.WALLET_COIN_LINK) .put(decodeCrock(newDenomHash)) .put(decodeCrock(transferPub)) .put(coinEvHash) .build(); const coinPriv = decodeCrock(oldCoinPriv); const sig = eddsaSign(coinLink, coinPriv); return encodeCrock(sig); } benchmark(repetitions: number): BenchmarkResult { let time_hash = BigInt(0); for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); this.hashString("hello world"); time_hash += timer.performanceNow() - start; } let time_hash_big = BigInt(0); for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const ba = randomBytes(4096); const start = timer.performanceNow(); hash(ba); time_hash_big += timer.performanceNow() - start; } let time_eddsa_create = BigInt(0); for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); createEddsaKeyPair(); time_eddsa_create += timer.performanceNow() - start; } let time_eddsa_sign = BigInt(0); const p = randomBytes(4096); const pair = createEddsaKeyPair(); for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); eddsaSign(p, pair.eddsaPriv); time_eddsa_sign += timer.performanceNow() - start; } const sig = eddsaSign(p, pair.eddsaPriv); let time_eddsa_verify = BigInt(0); for (let i = 0; i < repetitions; i++) { const start = timer.performanceNow(); eddsaVerify(p, sig, pair.eddsaPub); time_eddsa_verify += timer.performanceNow() - start; } return { repetitions, time: { hash_small: Number(time_hash), hash_big: Number(time_hash_big), eddsa_create: Number(time_eddsa_create), eddsa_sign: Number(time_eddsa_sign), eddsa_verify: Number(time_eddsa_verify), }, }; } makeSyncSignature(req: MakeSyncSignatureRequest): string { const hNew = decodeCrock(req.newHash); let hOld: Uint8Array; if (req.oldHash) { hOld = decodeCrock(req.oldHash); } else { hOld = new Uint8Array(64); } const sigBlob = new SignaturePurposeBuilder( SignaturePurpose.SYNC_BACKUP_UPLOAD, ) .put(hOld) .put(hNew) .build(); const uploadSig = eddsaSign(sigBlob, decodeCrock(req.accountPriv)); return encodeCrock(uploadSig); } }