/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2022 GNUnet e.V. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Imports. */ import { AbsoluteTime, AmountJson, Amounts, CoinRefreshRequest, CoinStatus, Duration, ExchangeEntryState, ExchangeEntryStatus, ExchangeTosStatus, ExchangeUpdateStatus, Logger, RefreshReason, TalerErrorDetail, TalerPreciseTimestamp, TalerProtocolTimestamp, TombstoneIdStr, TransactionIdStr, durationMul, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { BackupProviderRecord, CoinRecord, DbPreciseTimestamp, DepositGroupRecord, ExchangeEntryDbRecordStatus, ExchangeEntryDbUpdateStatus, ExchangeEntryRecord, PeerPullCreditRecord, PeerPullPaymentIncomingRecord, PeerPushDebitRecord, PeerPushPaymentIncomingRecord, PurchaseRecord, RecoupGroupRecord, RefreshGroupRecord, RewardRecord, WalletDbReadWriteTransaction, WithdrawalGroupRecord, timestampPreciseToDb, } from "./db.js"; import { InternalWalletState } from "./internal-wallet-state.js"; import { createRefreshGroup } from "./refresh.js"; import { assertUnreachable } from "./util/assertUnreachable.js"; import { checkDbInvariant, checkLogicInvariant } from "./util/invariants.js"; const logger = new Logger("operations/common.ts"); export interface CoinsSpendInfo { coinPubs: string[]; contributions: AmountJson[]; refreshReason: RefreshReason; /** * Identifier for what the coin has been spent for. */ allocationId: TransactionIdStr; } export async function makeCoinsVisible( ws: InternalWalletState, tx: WalletDbReadWriteTransaction<["coins", "coinAvailability"]>, transactionId: string, ): Promise { const coins = await tx.coins.indexes.bySourceTransactionId.getAll(transactionId); for (const coinRecord of coins) { if (!coinRecord.visible) { coinRecord.visible = 1; await tx.coins.put(coinRecord); const ageRestriction = coinRecord.maxAge; const car = await tx.coinAvailability.get([ coinRecord.exchangeBaseUrl, coinRecord.denomPubHash, ageRestriction, ]); if (!car) { logger.error("missing coin availability record"); continue; } const visCount = car.visibleCoinCount ?? 0; car.visibleCoinCount = visCount + 1; await tx.coinAvailability.put(car); } } } export async function makeCoinAvailable( ws: InternalWalletState, tx: WalletDbReadWriteTransaction< ["coins", "coinAvailability", "denominations"] >, coinRecord: CoinRecord, ): Promise { checkLogicInvariant(coinRecord.status === CoinStatus.Fresh); const existingCoin = await tx.coins.get(coinRecord.coinPub); if (existingCoin) { return; } const denom = await tx.denominations.get([ coinRecord.exchangeBaseUrl, coinRecord.denomPubHash, ]); checkDbInvariant(!!denom); const ageRestriction = coinRecord.maxAge; let car = await tx.coinAvailability.get([ coinRecord.exchangeBaseUrl, coinRecord.denomPubHash, ageRestriction, ]); if (!car) { car = { maxAge: ageRestriction, value: denom.value, currency: denom.currency, denomPubHash: denom.denomPubHash, exchangeBaseUrl: denom.exchangeBaseUrl, freshCoinCount: 0, visibleCoinCount: 0, }; } car.freshCoinCount++; await tx.coins.put(coinRecord); await tx.coinAvailability.put(car); } export async function spendCoins( ws: InternalWalletState, tx: WalletDbReadWriteTransaction< ["coins", "coinAvailability", "refreshGroups", "denominations"] >, csi: CoinsSpendInfo, ): Promise { if (csi.coinPubs.length != csi.contributions.length) { throw Error("assertion failed"); } if (csi.coinPubs.length === 0) { return; } let refreshCoinPubs: CoinRefreshRequest[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < csi.coinPubs.length; i++) { const coin = await tx.coins.get(csi.coinPubs[i]); if (!coin) { throw Error("coin allocated for payment doesn't exist anymore"); } const denom = await ws.getDenomInfo( ws, tx, coin.exchangeBaseUrl, coin.denomPubHash, ); checkDbInvariant(!!denom); const coinAvailability = await tx.coinAvailability.get([ coin.exchangeBaseUrl, coin.denomPubHash, coin.maxAge, ]); checkDbInvariant(!!coinAvailability); const contrib = csi.contributions[i]; if (coin.status !== CoinStatus.Fresh) { const alloc = coin.spendAllocation; if (!alloc) { continue; } if (alloc.id !== csi.allocationId) { // FIXME: assign error code logger.info("conflicting coin allocation ID"); logger.info(`old ID: ${alloc.id}, new ID: ${csi.allocationId}`); throw Error("conflicting coin allocation (id)"); } if (0 !== Amounts.cmp(alloc.amount, contrib)) { // FIXME: assign error code throw Error("conflicting coin allocation (contrib)"); } continue; } coin.status = CoinStatus.Dormant; coin.spendAllocation = { id: csi.allocationId, amount: Amounts.stringify(contrib), }; const remaining = Amounts.sub(denom.value, contrib); if (remaining.saturated) { throw Error("not enough remaining balance on coin for payment"); } refreshCoinPubs.push({ amount: Amounts.stringify(remaining.amount), coinPub: coin.coinPub, }); checkDbInvariant(!!coinAvailability); if (coinAvailability.freshCoinCount === 0) { throw Error( `invalid coin count ${coinAvailability.freshCoinCount} in DB`, ); } coinAvailability.freshCoinCount--; if (coin.visible) { if (!coinAvailability.visibleCoinCount) { logger.error("coin availability inconsistent"); } else { coinAvailability.visibleCoinCount--; } } await tx.coins.put(coin); await tx.coinAvailability.put(coinAvailability); } await createRefreshGroup( ws, tx, Amounts.currencyOf(csi.contributions[0]), refreshCoinPubs, csi.refreshReason, csi.allocationId, ); } export enum TombstoneTag { DeleteWithdrawalGroup = "delete-withdrawal-group", DeleteReserve = "delete-reserve", DeletePayment = "delete-payment", DeleteReward = "delete-reward", DeleteRefreshGroup = "delete-refresh-group", DeleteDepositGroup = "delete-deposit-group", DeleteRefund = "delete-refund", DeletePeerPullDebit = "delete-peer-pull-debit", DeletePeerPushDebit = "delete-peer-push-debit", DeletePeerPullCredit = "delete-peer-pull-credit", DeletePeerPushCredit = "delete-peer-push-credit", } export function getExchangeTosStatusFromRecord( exchange: ExchangeEntryRecord, ): ExchangeTosStatus { if (!exchange.tosAcceptedEtag) { return ExchangeTosStatus.Proposed; } if (exchange.tosAcceptedEtag == exchange.tosCurrentEtag) { return ExchangeTosStatus.Accepted; } return ExchangeTosStatus.Proposed; } export function getExchangeUpdateStatusFromRecord( r: ExchangeEntryRecord, ): ExchangeUpdateStatus { switch (r.updateStatus) { case ExchangeEntryDbUpdateStatus.UnavailableUpdate: return ExchangeUpdateStatus.UnavailableUpdate; case ExchangeEntryDbUpdateStatus.Initial: return ExchangeUpdateStatus.Initial; case ExchangeEntryDbUpdateStatus.InitialUpdate: return ExchangeUpdateStatus.InitialUpdate; case ExchangeEntryDbUpdateStatus.Ready: return ExchangeUpdateStatus.Ready; case ExchangeEntryDbUpdateStatus.ReadyUpdate: return ExchangeUpdateStatus.ReadyUpdate; case ExchangeEntryDbUpdateStatus.Suspended: return ExchangeUpdateStatus.Suspended; } } export function getExchangeEntryStatusFromRecord( r: ExchangeEntryRecord, ): ExchangeEntryStatus { switch (r.entryStatus) { case ExchangeEntryDbRecordStatus.Ephemeral: return ExchangeEntryStatus.Ephemeral; case ExchangeEntryDbRecordStatus.Preset: return ExchangeEntryStatus.Preset; case ExchangeEntryDbRecordStatus.Used: return ExchangeEntryStatus.Used; } } /** * Compute the state of an exchange entry from the DB * record. */ export function getExchangeState(r: ExchangeEntryRecord): ExchangeEntryState { return { exchangeEntryStatus: getExchangeEntryStatusFromRecord(r), exchangeUpdateStatus: getExchangeUpdateStatusFromRecord(r), tosStatus: getExchangeTosStatusFromRecord(r), }; } export type ParsedTombstone = | { tag: TombstoneTag.DeleteWithdrawalGroup; withdrawalGroupId: string; } | { tag: TombstoneTag.DeleteRefund; refundGroupId: string } | { tag: TombstoneTag.DeleteReserve; reservePub: string } | { tag: TombstoneTag.DeleteRefreshGroup; refreshGroupId: string } | { tag: TombstoneTag.DeleteReward; walletTipId: string } | { tag: TombstoneTag.DeletePayment; proposalId: string }; export function constructTombstone(p: ParsedTombstone): TombstoneIdStr { switch (p.tag) { case TombstoneTag.DeleteWithdrawalGroup: return `tmb:${p.tag}:${p.withdrawalGroupId}` as TombstoneIdStr; case TombstoneTag.DeleteRefund: return `tmb:${p.tag}:${p.refundGroupId}` as TombstoneIdStr; case TombstoneTag.DeleteReserve: return `tmb:${p.tag}:${p.reservePub}` as TombstoneIdStr; case TombstoneTag.DeletePayment: return `tmb:${p.tag}:${p.proposalId}` as TombstoneIdStr; case TombstoneTag.DeleteRefreshGroup: return `tmb:${p.tag}:${p.refreshGroupId}` as TombstoneIdStr; case TombstoneTag.DeleteReward: return `tmb:${p.tag}:${p.walletTipId}` as TombstoneIdStr; default: assertUnreachable(p); } } /** * Uniform interface for a particular wallet transaction. */ export interface TransactionManager { get taskId(): TaskId; get transactionId(): TransactionIdStr; fail(): Promise; abort(): Promise; suspend(): Promise; resume(): Promise; process(): Promise; } export enum TaskRunResultType { Finished = "finished", Backoff = "backoff", Progress = "progress", Error = "error", LongpollReturnedPending = "longpoll-returned-pending", ScheduleLater = "schedule-later", } export type TaskRunResult = | TaskRunFinishedResult | TaskRunErrorResult | TaskRunBackoffResult | TaskRunProgressResult | TaskRunLongpollReturnedPendingResult | TaskRunScheduleLaterResult; export namespace TaskRunResult { /** * Task is finished and does not need to be processed again. */ export function finished(): TaskRunResult { return { type: TaskRunResultType.Finished, }; } /** * Task is waiting for something, should be invoked * again with exponentiall back-off until some other * result is returned. */ export function backoff(): TaskRunResult { return { type: TaskRunResultType.Backoff, }; } /** * Task made progress and should be processed again. */ export function progress(): TaskRunResult { return { type: TaskRunResultType.Progress, }; } /** * Run the task again at a fixed time in the future. */ export function runAgainAt(runAt: AbsoluteTime): TaskRunResult { return { type: TaskRunResultType.ScheduleLater, runAt, }; } /** * Longpolling returned, but what we're waiting for * is still pending on the other side. */ export function longpollReturnedPending(): TaskRunLongpollReturnedPendingResult { return { type: TaskRunResultType.LongpollReturnedPending, }; } } export interface TaskRunFinishedResult { type: TaskRunResultType.Finished; } export interface TaskRunBackoffResult { type: TaskRunResultType.Backoff; } export interface TaskRunProgressResult { type: TaskRunResultType.Progress; } export interface TaskRunScheduleLaterResult { type: TaskRunResultType.ScheduleLater; runAt: AbsoluteTime; } export interface TaskRunLongpollReturnedPendingResult { type: TaskRunResultType.LongpollReturnedPending; } export interface TaskRunErrorResult { type: TaskRunResultType.Error; errorDetail: TalerErrorDetail; } export interface DbRetryInfo { firstTry: DbPreciseTimestamp; nextRetry: DbPreciseTimestamp; retryCounter: number; } export interface RetryPolicy { readonly backoffDelta: Duration; readonly backoffBase: number; readonly maxTimeout: Duration; } const defaultRetryPolicy: RetryPolicy = { backoffBase: 1.5, backoffDelta: Duration.fromSpec({ seconds: 1 }), maxTimeout: Duration.fromSpec({ minutes: 2 }), }; function updateTimeout( r: DbRetryInfo, p: RetryPolicy = defaultRetryPolicy, ): void { const now = AbsoluteTime.now(); if (now.t_ms === "never") { throw Error("assertion failed"); } if (p.backoffDelta.d_ms === "forever") { r.nextRetry = timestampPreciseToDb( AbsoluteTime.toPreciseTimestamp(AbsoluteTime.never()), ); return; } const nextIncrement = p.backoffDelta.d_ms * Math.pow(p.backoffBase, r.retryCounter); const t = now.t_ms + (p.maxTimeout.d_ms === "forever" ? nextIncrement : Math.min(p.maxTimeout.d_ms, nextIncrement)); r.nextRetry = timestampPreciseToDb(TalerPreciseTimestamp.fromMilliseconds(t)); } export namespace DbRetryInfo { export function getDuration( r: DbRetryInfo | undefined, p: RetryPolicy = defaultRetryPolicy, ): Duration { if (!r) { // If we don't have any retry info, run immediately. return { d_ms: 0 }; } if (p.backoffDelta.d_ms === "forever") { return { d_ms: "forever" }; } const t = p.backoffDelta.d_ms * Math.pow(p.backoffBase, r.retryCounter); return { d_ms: p.maxTimeout.d_ms === "forever" ? t : Math.min(p.maxTimeout.d_ms, t), }; } export function reset(p: RetryPolicy = defaultRetryPolicy): DbRetryInfo { const now = TalerPreciseTimestamp.now(); const info: DbRetryInfo = { firstTry: timestampPreciseToDb(now), nextRetry: timestampPreciseToDb(now), retryCounter: 0, }; updateTimeout(info, p); return info; } export function increment( r: DbRetryInfo | undefined, p: RetryPolicy = defaultRetryPolicy, ): DbRetryInfo { if (!r) { return reset(p); } const r2 = { ...r }; r2.retryCounter++; updateTimeout(r2, p); return r2; } } /** * Timestamp after which the wallet would do an auto-refresh. */ export function getAutoRefreshExecuteThreshold(d: { stampExpireWithdraw: TalerProtocolTimestamp; stampExpireDeposit: TalerProtocolTimestamp; }): AbsoluteTime { const expireWithdraw = AbsoluteTime.fromProtocolTimestamp( d.stampExpireWithdraw, ); const expireDeposit = AbsoluteTime.fromProtocolTimestamp( d.stampExpireDeposit, ); const delta = AbsoluteTime.difference(expireWithdraw, expireDeposit); const deltaDiv = durationMul(delta, 0.5); return AbsoluteTime.addDuration(expireWithdraw, deltaDiv); } /** * Parsed representation of task identifiers. */ export type ParsedTaskIdentifier = | { tag: PendingTaskType.Withdraw; withdrawalGroupId: string; } | { tag: PendingTaskType.ExchangeUpdate; exchangeBaseUrl: string } | { tag: PendingTaskType.Backup; backupProviderBaseUrl: string } | { tag: PendingTaskType.Deposit; depositGroupId: string } | { tag: PendingTaskType.PeerPullDebit; peerPullDebitId: string } | { tag: PendingTaskType.PeerPullCredit; pursePub: string } | { tag: PendingTaskType.PeerPushCredit; peerPushCreditId: string } | { tag: PendingTaskType.PeerPushDebit; pursePub: string } | { tag: PendingTaskType.Purchase; proposalId: string } | { tag: PendingTaskType.Recoup; recoupGroupId: string } | { tag: PendingTaskType.RewardPickup; walletRewardId: string } | { tag: PendingTaskType.Refresh; refreshGroupId: string }; export function parseTaskIdentifier(x: string): ParsedTaskIdentifier { const task = x.split(":"); if (task.length < 2) { throw Error("task id should have al least 2 parts separated by ':'"); } const [type, ...rest] = task; switch (type) { case PendingTaskType.Backup: return { tag: type, backupProviderBaseUrl: decodeURIComponent(rest[0]) }; case PendingTaskType.Deposit: return { tag: type, depositGroupId: rest[0] }; case PendingTaskType.ExchangeUpdate: return { tag: type, exchangeBaseUrl: decodeURIComponent(rest[0]) }; case PendingTaskType.PeerPullCredit: return { tag: type, pursePub: rest[0] }; case PendingTaskType.PeerPullDebit: return { tag: type, peerPullDebitId: rest[0] }; case PendingTaskType.PeerPushCredit: return { tag: type, peerPushCreditId: rest[0] }; case PendingTaskType.PeerPushDebit: return { tag: type, pursePub: rest[0] }; case PendingTaskType.Purchase: return { tag: type, proposalId: rest[0] }; case PendingTaskType.Recoup: return { tag: type, recoupGroupId: rest[0] }; case PendingTaskType.Refresh: return { tag: type, refreshGroupId: rest[0] }; case PendingTaskType.RewardPickup: return { tag: type, walletRewardId: rest[0] }; case PendingTaskType.Withdraw: return { tag: type, withdrawalGroupId: rest[0] }; default: throw Error("invalid task identifier"); } } export function constructTaskIdentifier(p: ParsedTaskIdentifier): TaskId { switch (p.tag) { case PendingTaskType.Backup: return `${p.tag}:${p.backupProviderBaseUrl}` as TaskId; case PendingTaskType.Deposit: return `${p.tag}:${p.depositGroupId}` as TaskId; case PendingTaskType.ExchangeUpdate: return `${p.tag}:${encodeURIComponent(p.exchangeBaseUrl)}` as TaskId; case PendingTaskType.PeerPullDebit: return `${p.tag}:${p.peerPullDebitId}` as TaskId; case PendingTaskType.PeerPushCredit: return `${p.tag}:${p.peerPushCreditId}` as TaskId; case PendingTaskType.PeerPullCredit: return `${p.tag}:${p.pursePub}` as TaskId; case PendingTaskType.PeerPushDebit: return `${p.tag}:${p.pursePub}` as TaskId; case PendingTaskType.Purchase: return `${p.tag}:${p.proposalId}` as TaskId; case PendingTaskType.Recoup: return `${p.tag}:${p.recoupGroupId}` as TaskId; case PendingTaskType.Refresh: return `${p.tag}:${p.refreshGroupId}` as TaskId; case PendingTaskType.RewardPickup: return `${p.tag}:${p.walletRewardId}` as TaskId; case PendingTaskType.Withdraw: return `${p.tag}:${p.withdrawalGroupId}` as TaskId; default: assertUnreachable(p); } } export namespace TaskIdentifiers { export function forWithdrawal(wg: WithdrawalGroupRecord): TaskId { return `${PendingTaskType.Withdraw}:${wg.withdrawalGroupId}` as TaskId; } export function forExchangeUpdate(exch: ExchangeEntryRecord): TaskId { return `${PendingTaskType.ExchangeUpdate}:${encodeURIComponent( exch.baseUrl, )}` as TaskId; } export function forExchangeUpdateFromUrl(exchBaseUrl: string): TaskId { return `${PendingTaskType.ExchangeUpdate}:${encodeURIComponent( exchBaseUrl, )}` as TaskId; } export function forTipPickup(tipRecord: RewardRecord): TaskId { return `${PendingTaskType.RewardPickup}:${tipRecord.walletRewardId}` as TaskId; } export function forRefresh(refreshGroupRecord: RefreshGroupRecord): TaskId { return `${PendingTaskType.Refresh}:${refreshGroupRecord.refreshGroupId}` as TaskId; } export function forPay(purchaseRecord: PurchaseRecord): TaskId { return `${PendingTaskType.Purchase}:${purchaseRecord.proposalId}` as TaskId; } export function forRecoup(recoupRecord: RecoupGroupRecord): TaskId { return `${PendingTaskType.Recoup}:${recoupRecord.recoupGroupId}` as TaskId; } export function forDeposit(depositRecord: DepositGroupRecord): TaskId { return `${PendingTaskType.Deposit}:${depositRecord.depositGroupId}` as TaskId; } export function forBackup(backupRecord: BackupProviderRecord): TaskId { return `${PendingTaskType.Backup}:${encodeURIComponent( backupRecord.baseUrl, )}` as TaskId; } export function forPeerPushPaymentInitiation( ppi: PeerPushDebitRecord, ): TaskId { return `${PendingTaskType.PeerPushDebit}:${ppi.pursePub}` as TaskId; } export function forPeerPullPaymentInitiation( ppi: PeerPullCreditRecord, ): TaskId { return `${PendingTaskType.PeerPullCredit}:${ppi.pursePub}` as TaskId; } export function forPeerPullPaymentDebit( ppi: PeerPullPaymentIncomingRecord, ): TaskId { return `${PendingTaskType.PeerPullDebit}:${ppi.peerPullDebitId}` as TaskId; } export function forPeerPushCredit( ppi: PeerPushPaymentIncomingRecord, ): TaskId { return `${PendingTaskType.PeerPushCredit}:${ppi.peerPushCreditId}` as TaskId; } } /** * Result of a transaction transition. */ export enum TransitionResult { Transition = 1, Stay = 2, } /** * Transaction context. * Uniform interface to all transactions. */ export interface TransactionContext { abortTransaction(): Promise; suspendTransaction(): Promise; resumeTransaction(): Promise; failTransaction(): Promise; deleteTransaction(): Promise; } /** * Type and schema definitions for pending tasks in the wallet. * * These are only used internally, and are not part of the stable public * interface to the wallet. */ export enum PendingTaskType { ExchangeUpdate = "exchange-update", Purchase = "purchase", Refresh = "refresh", Recoup = "recoup", RewardPickup = "reward-pickup", Withdraw = "withdraw", Deposit = "deposit", Backup = "backup", PeerPushDebit = "peer-push-debit", PeerPullCredit = "peer-pull-credit", PeerPushCredit = "peer-push-credit", PeerPullDebit = "peer-pull-debit", } declare const __taskId: unique symbol; export type TaskId = string & { [__taskId]: true };