/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2021 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ import { GlobalTestState, runTestWithState, shouldLingerInTest, TestRunResult, } from "./harness"; import { runPaymentTest } from "./test-payment"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as path from "path"; import * as os from "os"; import * as child_process from "child_process"; import { runBankApiTest } from "./test-bank-api"; import { runClaimLoopTest } from "./test-claim-loop"; import { runExchangeManagementTest } from "./test-exchange-management"; import { runFeeRegressionTest } from "./test-fee-regression"; import { runMerchantLongpollingTest } from "./test-merchant-longpolling"; import { runMerchantRefundApiTest } from "./test-merchant-refund-api"; import { runPayAbortTest } from "./test-pay-abort"; import { runPayPaidTest } from "./test-pay-paid"; import { runPaymentClaimTest } from "./test-payment-claim"; import { runPaymentFaultTest } from "./test-payment-fault"; import { runPaymentIdempotencyTest } from "./test-payment-idempotency"; import { runPaymentMultipleTest } from "./test-payment-multiple"; import { runPaymentTransientTest } from "./test-payment-transient"; import { runPaywallFlowTest } from "./test-paywall-flow"; import { runRefundAutoTest } from "./test-refund-auto"; import { runRefundGoneTest } from "./test-refund-gone"; import { runRefundIncrementalTest } from "./test-refund-incremental"; import { runRefundTest } from "./test-refund"; import { runRevocationTest } from "./test-revocation"; import { runTimetravelAutorefreshTest } from "./test-timetravel-autorefresh"; import { runTimetravelWithdrawTest } from "./test-timetravel-withdraw"; import { runTippingTest } from "./test-tipping"; import { runWallettestingTest } from "./test-wallettesting"; import { runTestWithdrawalManualTest } from "./test-withdrawal-manual"; import { runWithdrawalAbortBankTest } from "./test-withdrawal-abort-bank"; import { runWithdrawalBankIntegratedTest } from "./test-withdrawal-bank-integrated"; import M from "minimatch"; import { runMerchantExchangeConfusionTest } from "./test-merchant-exchange-confusion"; import { runLibeufinBasicTest } from "./test-libeufin-basic"; import { runLibeufinTutorialTest } from "./test-libeufin-tutorial"; import { runDepositTest } from "./test-deposit"; /** * Test runner. */ /** * Spec for one test. */ interface TestMainFunction { (t: GlobalTestState): Promise; } const allTests: TestMainFunction[] = [ runBankApiTest, runClaimLoopTest, runDepositTest, runExchangeManagementTest, runFeeRegressionTest, runLibeufinBasicTest, runLibeufinTutorialTest, runMerchantExchangeConfusionTest, runMerchantLongpollingTest, runMerchantRefundApiTest, runPayAbortTest, runPaymentClaimTest, runPaymentFaultTest, runPaymentIdempotencyTest, runPaymentMultipleTest, runPaymentTest, runPaymentTransientTest, runPayPaidTest, runPaywallFlowTest, runRefundAutoTest, runRefundGoneTest, runRefundIncrementalTest, runRefundTest, runRevocationTest, runTestWithdrawalManualTest, runTimetravelAutorefreshTest, runTimetravelWithdrawTest, runTippingTest, runWallettestingTest, runWithdrawalAbortBankTest, runWithdrawalBankIntegratedTest, ]; export interface TestRunSpec { include_pattern?: string; } export interface TestInfo { name: string; } function updateCurrentSymlink(testDir: string): void { const currLink = path.join(os.tmpdir(), "taler-integrationtests-current"); try { fs.unlinkSync(currLink); } catch (e) { // Ignore } try { fs.symlinkSync(testDir, currLink); } catch (e) { console.log(e); // Ignore } } export function getTestName(tf: TestMainFunction): string { const res = tf.name.match(/run([a-zA-Z0-9]*)Test/); if (!res) { throw Error("invalid test name, must be 'run${NAME}Test'"); } return res[1] .replace(/[a-z0-9][A-Z]/g, (x) => { return x[0] + "-" + x[1]; }) .toLowerCase(); } interface RunTestChildInstruction { testName: string; testRootDir: string; } export async function runTests(spec: TestRunSpec) { const testRootDir = fs.mkdtempSync( path.join(os.tmpdir(), "taler-integrationtests-"), ); updateCurrentSymlink(testRootDir); console.log("testsuite root directory: ", testRootDir); let numTotal = 0; let numFail = 0; let numSkip = 0; let numPass = 0; const testResults: TestRunResult[] = []; let currentChild: child_process.ChildProcess | undefined; const handleSignal = () => { if (currentChild) { currentChild.kill("SIGTERM"); } process.exit(3); }; process.on("SIGINT", () => handleSignal); process.on("SIGTERM", () => handleSignal); //process.on("unhandledRejection", handleSignal); //process.on("uncaughtException", handleSignal); for (const [n, testCase] of allTests.entries()) { const testName = getTestName(testCase); if (spec.include_pattern && !M(testName, spec.include_pattern)) { continue; } const testInstr: RunTestChildInstruction = { testName, testRootDir, }; currentChild = child_process.fork(__filename, ["__TWCLI_TESTWORKER"], { env: { TWCLI_RUN_TEST_INSTRUCTION: JSON.stringify(testInstr), ...process.env, }, stdio: ["pipe", "pipe", "pipe", "ipc"], }); const testDir = path.join(testRootDir, testName); fs.mkdirSync(testDir, { recursive: true }); const harnessLogFilename = path.join(testRootDir, testName, "harness.log"); const harnessLogStream = fs.createWriteStream(harnessLogFilename); currentChild.stderr?.pipe(process.stderr); currentChild.stdout?.pipe(process.stdout); currentChild.stdout?.pipe(harnessLogStream); currentChild.stderr?.pipe(harnessLogStream); const result: TestRunResult = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let msg: TestRunResult | undefined; currentChild!.on("message", (m) => { msg = m as TestRunResult; }); currentChild!.on("exit", (code, signal) => { if (signal) { reject(new Error(`test worker exited with signal ${signal}`)); } else if (code != 0) { reject(new Error(`test worker exited with code ${code}`)); } else if (!msg) { reject( new Error( `test worker exited without giving back the test results`, ), ); } else { resolve(msg); } }); currentChild!.on("error", (err) => { reject(err); }); }); harnessLogStream.close(); console.log(`parent: got result ${JSON.stringify(result)}`); testResults.push(result); numTotal++; if (result.status === "fail") { numFail++; } else if (result.status === "skip") { numSkip++; } else if (result.status === "pass") { numPass++; } } const resultsFile = path.join(testRootDir, "results.json"); fs.writeFileSync( path.join(testRootDir, "results.json"), JSON.stringify({ testResults }, undefined, 2), ); console.log(`See ${resultsFile} for details`); console.log(`Skipped: ${numSkip}/${numTotal}`); console.log(`Failed: ${numFail}/${numTotal}`); console.log(`Passed: ${numPass}/${numTotal}`); if (numPass < numTotal - numSkip) { process.exit(1); } } export function getTestInfo(): TestInfo[] { return allTests.map((x) => ({ name: getTestName(x), })); } const runTestInstrStr = process.env["TWCLI_RUN_TEST_INSTRUCTION"]; if (runTestInstrStr && process.argv.includes("__TWCLI_TESTWORKER")) { // Test will call taler-wallet-cli, so we must not propagate this variable. delete process.env["TWCLI_RUN_TEST_INSTRUCTION"]; const { testRootDir, testName } = JSON.parse( runTestInstrStr, ) as RunTestChildInstruction; console.log(`running test ${testName} in worker process`); process.on("disconnect", () => { console.log("got disconnect from parent"); process.exit(3); }); try { require("source-map-support").install(); } catch (e) { // Do nothing. } const runTest = async () => { let testMain: TestMainFunction | undefined; for (const t of allTests) { if (getTestName(t) === testName) { testMain = t; break; } } if (!process.send) { console.error("can't communicate with parent"); process.exit(2); } if (!testMain) { console.log(`test ${testName} not found`); process.exit(2); } const testDir = path.join(testRootDir, testName); console.log(`running test ${testName}`); const gc = new GlobalTestState({ testDir, }); const testResult = await runTestWithState(gc, testMain, testName); process.send(testResult); }; runTest() .then(() => { console.log(`test ${testName} finished in worker`); if (shouldLingerInTest()) { console.log("lingering ..."); return; } process.exit(0); }) .catch((e) => { console.log(e); process.exit(1); }); }