/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2021 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Imports. */ import { URL } from "@gnu-taler/taler-wallet-core"; import axios from "axios"; import { ExchangeService, GlobalTestState, MerchantApiClient, MerchantService, setupDb, } from "./harness"; /** * Do basic checks on instance management and authentication. */ export async function runMerchantInstancesUrlsTest(t: GlobalTestState) { // Set up test environment const db = await setupDb(t); const exchange = ExchangeService.create(t, { name: "testexchange-1", currency: "TESTKUDOS", httpPort: 8081, database: db.connStr, }); const merchant = await MerchantService.create(t, { name: "testmerchant-1", currency: "TESTKUDOS", httpPort: 8083, database: db.connStr, }); merchant.addExchange(exchange); await merchant.start(); await merchant.pingUntilAvailable(); const clientForDefault = new MerchantApiClient( merchant.makeInstanceBaseUrl(), { method: "token", token: "secret-token:i-am-default", }, ); const clientForMyinst = new MerchantApiClient( merchant.makeInstanceBaseUrl("myinst"), { method: "token", token: "secret-token:i-am-myinst", }, ); await clientForDefault.createInstance({ id: "default", address: {}, default_max_deposit_fee: "TESTKUDOS:1", default_max_wire_fee: "TESTKUDOS:1", default_pay_delay: { d_ms: 60000 }, default_wire_fee_amortization: 1, default_wire_transfer_delay: { d_ms: 60000 }, jurisdiction: {}, name: "My Default Instance", payto_uris: ["payto://x-taler-bank/foo/bar"], auth: { method: "token", token: "secret-token:i-am-default", }, }); await clientForDefault.createInstance({ id: "myinst", address: {}, default_max_deposit_fee: "TESTKUDOS:1", default_max_wire_fee: "TESTKUDOS:1", default_pay_delay: { d_ms: 60000 }, default_wire_fee_amortization: 1, default_wire_transfer_delay: { d_ms: 60000 }, jurisdiction: {}, name: "My Second Instance", payto_uris: ["payto://x-taler-bank/foo/bar"], auth: { method: "token", token: "secret-token:i-am-myinst", }, }); async function check(url: string, token: string, expectedStatus: number) { const resp = await axios.get(url, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`, }, validateStatus: () => true, }); console.log("checking", url); t.assertDeepEqual(resp.status, expectedStatus); } const tokDefault = "secret-token:i-am-default"; const tokMyinst = "secret-token:i-am-myinst"; const defaultBaseUrl = merchant.makeInstanceBaseUrl(); await check( `${defaultBaseUrl}private/instances/default/instances/default/config`, tokDefault, 404, ); await check( `${defaultBaseUrl}instances/default/private/instances`, "foo", 200, ); // Non-default instances don't allow instance management. await check( `${defaultBaseUrl}instances/foo/private/instances`, "foo", 404, ); await check(`${defaultBaseUrl}config`, "foo", 200); await check(`${defaultBaseUrl}instances/default/config`, "foo", 200); await check(`${defaultBaseUrl}instances/myinst/config`, "foo", 200); await check(`${defaultBaseUrl}instances/foo/config`, "foo", 404); await check( `${defaultBaseUrl}instances/default/instances/config`, "foo", 404, ); await check( `${defaultBaseUrl}private/instances/myinst/config`, tokDefault, 404, ); await check( `${defaultBaseUrl}instances/myinst/private/orders`, tokDefault, 200, ); await check( `${defaultBaseUrl}private/instances/myinst/orders`, tokDefault, 404, ); } runMerchantInstancesUrlsTest.suites = ["merchant"];