/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2019 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Imports. */ import { addPaytoQueryParams, AgeRestriction, classifyTalerUri, clk, codecForList, codecForString, CoreApiMessageEnvelope, CoreApiRequestEnvelope, CoreApiResponse, decodeCrock, encodeCrock, getRandomBytes, j2s, Logger, parsePaytoUri, PreparePayResultType, RecoveryMergeStrategy, setDangerousTimetravel, setGlobalLogLevelFromString, TalerUriType, WalletNotification, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { OpenedPromise, openPromise, TalerCryptoInterface, TalerError, WalletCoreResponseType, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-wallet-core"; import { CryptoDispatcher, getDefaultNodeWallet, getDefaultNodeWallet2, getErrorDetailFromException, nativeCrypto, NodeHttpLib, NodeThreadCryptoWorkerFactory, summarizeTalerErrorDetail, SynchronousCryptoWorkerFactoryNode, Wallet, WalletApiOperation, WalletCoreApiClient, walletCoreDebugFlags, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-wallet-core"; import fs from "fs"; import os from "os"; import { connectRpc, JsonMessage, runRpcServer } from "./rpc.js"; // This module also serves as the entry point for the crypto // thread worker, and thus must expose these two handlers. export { handleWorkerError, handleWorkerMessage, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-wallet-core"; const logger = new Logger("taler-wallet-cli.ts"); const EXIT_EXCEPTION = 4; const EXIT_API_ERROR = 5; const EXIT_RETRIES_EXCEEDED = 6; process.on("unhandledRejection", (error: any) => { logger.error("unhandledRejection", error.message); logger.error("stack", error.stack); process.exit(2); }); const defaultWalletDbPath = os.homedir + "/" + ".talerwalletdb.json"; function assertUnreachable(x: never): never { throw new Error("Didn't expect to get here"); } async function doPay( wallet: WalletCoreApiClient, payUrl: string, options: { alwaysYes: boolean } = { alwaysYes: true }, ): Promise { const result = await wallet.call(WalletApiOperation.PreparePayForUri, { talerPayUri: payUrl, }); if (result.status === PreparePayResultType.InsufficientBalance) { console.log("contract", result.contractTerms); console.error("insufficient balance"); process.exit(1); return; } if (result.status === PreparePayResultType.AlreadyConfirmed) { if (result.paid) { console.log("already paid!"); } else { console.log("payment already in progress"); } process.exit(0); return; } if (result.status === "payment-possible") { console.log("paying ..."); } else { throw Error("not reached"); } console.log("contract", result.contractTerms); console.log("raw amount:", result.amountRaw); console.log("effective amount:", result.amountEffective); let pay; if (options.alwaysYes) { pay = true; } else { while (true) { const yesNoResp = (await clk.prompt("Pay? [Y/n]")).toLowerCase(); if (yesNoResp === "" || yesNoResp === "y" || yesNoResp === "yes") { pay = true; break; } else if (yesNoResp === "n" || yesNoResp === "no") { pay = false; break; } else { console.log("please answer y/n"); } } } if (pay) { await wallet.call(WalletApiOperation.ConfirmPay, { proposalId: result.proposalId, }); } else { console.log("not paying"); } } function applyVerbose(verbose: boolean): void { // TODO } declare const __VERSION__: string; function printVersion(): void { console.log(__VERSION__); process.exit(0); } export const walletCli = clk .program("wallet", { help: "Command line interface for the GNU Taler wallet.", }) .maybeOption("walletDbFile", ["--wallet-db"], clk.STRING, { help: "Location of the wallet database file", }) .maybeOption("walletConnection", ["--wallet-connection"], clk.STRING, { help: "Connect to an RPC wallet", }) .maybeOption("timetravel", ["--timetravel"], clk.INT, { help: "modify system time by given offset in microseconds", onPresentHandler: (x) => { // Convert microseconds to milliseconds and do timetravel logger.info(`timetravelling ${x} microseconds`); setDangerousTimetravel(x / 1000); }, }) .maybeOption("cryptoWorker", ["--crypto-worker"], clk.STRING, { help: "Override crypto worker implementation type.", }) .maybeOption("log", ["-L", "--log"], clk.STRING, { help: "configure log level (NONE, ..., TRACE)", onPresentHandler: (x) => { setGlobalLogLevelFromString(x); }, }) .maybeOption("inhibit", ["--inhibit"], clk.STRING, { help: "Inhibit running certain operations, useful for debugging and testing.", }) .flag("noThrottle", ["--no-throttle"], { help: "Don't do any request throttling.", }) .flag("version", ["-v", "--version"], { onPresentHandler: printVersion, }) .flag("verbose", ["-V", "--verbose"], { help: "Enable verbose output.", }) .flag("skipDefaults", ["--skip-defaults"], { help: "Skip configuring default exchanges.", }); type WalletCliArgsType = clk.GetArgType; function checkEnvFlag(name: string): boolean { const val = process.env[name]; if (val == "1") { return true; } return false; } export interface WalletContext { /** * High-level client for making API requests to wallet-core. */ client: WalletCoreApiClient; /** * Low-level interface for making API requests to wallet-core. */ makeCoreApiRequest( operation: string, payload: unknown, ): Promise; /** * Return a promise that resolves after the wallet has emitted a notification * that meets the criteria of the "cond" predicate. */ waitForNotificationCond( cond: (n: WalletNotification) => boolean, ): Promise; } async function createLocalWallet( walletCliArgs: WalletCliArgsType, notificationHandler?: (n: WalletNotification) => void, ): Promise { const dbPath = walletCliArgs.wallet.walletDbFile ?? defaultWalletDbPath; const myHttpLib = new NodeHttpLib(); if (walletCliArgs.wallet.noThrottle) { myHttpLib.setThrottling(false); } const wallet = await getDefaultNodeWallet({ persistentStoragePath: dbPath, httpLib: myHttpLib, notifyHandler: (n) => { logger.info(`wallet notification: ${j2s(n)}`); if (notificationHandler) { notificationHandler(n); } }, cryptoWorkerType: walletCliArgs.wallet.cryptoWorker as any, }); if (checkEnvFlag("TALER_WALLET_BATCH_WITHDRAWAL")) { wallet.setBatchWithdrawal(true); } applyVerbose(walletCliArgs.wallet.verbose); try { await wallet.handleCoreApiRequest("initWallet", "native-init", { skipDefaults: walletCliArgs.wallet.skipDefaults, }); return wallet; } catch (e) { const ed = getErrorDetailFromException(e); console.error("Operation failed: " + summarizeTalerErrorDetail(ed)); console.error("Error details:", JSON.stringify(ed, undefined, 2)); process.exit(1); } finally { logger.trace("operation with wallet finished, stopping"); logger.trace("stopped wallet"); } } export interface RemoteWallet { /** * Low-level interface for making API requests to wallet-core. */ makeCoreApiRequest( operation: string, payload: unknown, ): Promise; /** * Close the connection to the remote wallet. */ close(): void; } async function createRemoteWallet( notificationHandler?: (n: WalletNotification) => void, ): Promise { let nextRequestId = 1; let requestMap: Map< string, { promiseCapability: OpenedPromise; } > = new Map(); const ctx = await connectRpc({ socketFilename: "wallet-core.sock", onEstablished(connection) { const ctx: RemoteWallet = { makeCoreApiRequest(operation, payload) { const id = `req-${nextRequestId}`; const req: CoreApiRequestEnvelope = { operation, id, args: payload, }; const promiseCap = openPromise(); requestMap.set(id, { promiseCapability: promiseCap, }); connection.sendMessage(req as unknown as JsonMessage); return promiseCap.promise; }, close() { connection.close(); }, }; return { result: ctx, onDisconnect() { logger.info("remote wallet disconnected"); }, onMessage(m) { // FIXME: use a codec for parsing the response envelope! logger.info(`got message from remote wallet: ${j2s(m)}`); if (typeof m !== "object" || m == null) { logger.warn("message from wallet not understood (wrong type)"); return; } const type = (m as any).type; if (type === "response" || type === "error") { const id = (m as any).id; if (typeof id !== "string") { logger.warn( "message from wallet not understood (no id in response)", ); return; } const h = requestMap.get(id); if (!h) { logger.warn(`no handler registered for response id ${id}`); return; } h.promiseCapability.resolve(m as any); } else if (type === "notification") { logger.info("got notification"); if (notificationHandler) { notificationHandler((m as any).payload); } } else { logger.warn("message from wallet not understood"); } }, }; }, }); return ctx; } /** * Get a high-level API client from a remove wallet. */ function getClientFromRemoteWallet(w: RemoteWallet): WalletCoreApiClient { const client: WalletCoreApiClient = { async call(op, payload): Promise { const res = await w.makeCoreApiRequest(op, payload); switch (res.type) { case "error": throw TalerError.fromUncheckedDetail(res.error); case "response": return res.result; } }, }; return client; } async function withWallet( walletCliArgs: WalletCliArgsType, f: (ctx: WalletContext) => Promise, ): Promise { // Bookkeeping for waiting on notification conditions let nextCondIndex = 1; const condMap: Map< number, { condition: (n: WalletNotification) => boolean; promiseCapability: OpenedPromise; } > = new Map(); function onNotification(n: WalletNotification) { condMap.forEach((cond, condKey) => { if (cond.condition(n)) { cond.promiseCapability.resolve(); } }); } function waitForNotificationCond(cond: (n: WalletNotification) => boolean) { const promCap = openPromise(); condMap.set(nextCondIndex++, { condition: cond, promiseCapability: promCap, }); return promCap.promise; } if (walletCliArgs.wallet.walletConnection) { logger.info("creating remote wallet"); const w = await createRemoteWallet(onNotification); const ctx: WalletContext = { makeCoreApiRequest(operation, payload) { return w.makeCoreApiRequest(operation, payload); }, client: getClientFromRemoteWallet(w), waitForNotificationCond, }; const res = await f(ctx); w.close(); return res; } else { const w = await createLocalWallet(walletCliArgs, onNotification); const ctx: WalletContext = { client: w.client, waitForNotificationCond, makeCoreApiRequest(operation, payload) { return w.handleCoreApiRequest(operation, "my-req", payload); }, }; return await f(ctx); } } /** * Run a function with a local wallet. * * Stops the wallet after the function is done. */ async function withLocalWallet( walletCliArgs: WalletCliArgsType, f: (w: { client: WalletCoreApiClient; ws: Wallet }) => Promise, ): Promise { const w = await createLocalWallet(walletCliArgs); const res = await f({ client: w.client, ws: w }); w.stop(); return res; } walletCli .subcommand("balance", "balance", { help: "Show wallet balance." }) .flag("json", ["--json"], { help: "Show raw JSON.", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const balance = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.GetBalances, {}, ); console.log(JSON.stringify(balance, undefined, 2)); }); }); walletCli .subcommand("api", "api", { help: "Call the wallet-core API directly." }) .requiredArgument("operation", clk.STRING) .requiredArgument("request", clk.STRING) .flag("expectSuccess", ["--expect-success"], { help: "Exit with non-zero status code when request fails instead of returning error JSON.", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { let requestJson; logger.info(`handling 'api' request (${args.api.operation})`); try { requestJson = JSON.parse(args.api.request); } catch (e) { console.error("Invalid JSON"); process.exit(1); } try { const resp = await wallet.makeCoreApiRequest( args.api.operation, requestJson, ); console.log(JSON.stringify(resp, undefined, 2)); if (resp.type === "error") { if (args.api.expectSuccess) { process.exit(EXIT_API_ERROR); } } } catch (e) { logger.error(`Got exception while handling API request ${e}`); process.exit(EXIT_EXCEPTION); } }); logger.info("finished handling API request"); }); const transactionsCli = walletCli .subcommand("transactions", "transactions", { help: "Manage transactions." }) .maybeOption("currency", ["--currency"], clk.STRING) .maybeOption("search", ["--search"], clk.STRING); // Default action transactionsCli.action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const pending = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.GetTransactions, { currency: args.transactions.currency, search: args.transactions.search, }, ); console.log(JSON.stringify(pending, undefined, 2)); }); }); transactionsCli .subcommand("deleteTransaction", "delete", { help: "Permanently delete a transaction from the transaction list.", }) .requiredArgument("transactionId", clk.STRING, { help: "Identifier of the transaction to delete", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.DeleteTransaction, { transactionId: args.deleteTransaction.transactionId, }); }); }); transactionsCli .subcommand("abortTransaction", "delete", { help: "Abort a transaction.", }) .requiredArgument("transactionId", clk.STRING, { help: "Identifier of the transaction to delete", }) .flag("force", ["--force"], { help: "Force aborting the transaction. Might lose money.", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.AbortTransaction, { transactionId: args.abortTransaction.transactionId, forceImmediateAbort: args.abortTransaction.force, }); }); }); walletCli .subcommand("version", "version", { help: "Show version details.", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const versionInfo = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.GetVersion, {}, ); console.log(j2s(versionInfo)); }); }); transactionsCli .subcommand("retryTransaction", "retry", { help: "Retry a transaction.", }) .requiredArgument("transactionId", clk.STRING) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.RetryTransaction, { transactionId: args.retryTransaction.transactionId, }); }); }); walletCli .subcommand("finishPendingOpt", "run-until-done", { help: "Run until no more work is left.", }) .maybeOption("maxRetries", ["--max-retries"], clk.INT) .flag("failOnMaxRetries", ["--fail-on-max-retries"]) .action(async (args) => { await withLocalWallet(args, async (wallet) => { logger.info("running until pending operations are finished"); const resp = await wallet.ws.runTaskLoop({ maxRetries: args.finishPendingOpt.maxRetries, stopWhenDone: true, }); wallet.ws.stop(); if (resp.retriesExceeded && args.finishPendingOpt.failOnMaxRetries) { process.exit(EXIT_RETRIES_EXCEEDED); } }); }); const withdrawCli = walletCli.subcommand("withdraw", "withdraw", { help: "Withdraw with a taler://withdraw/ URI", }); withdrawCli .subcommand("withdrawCheckUri", "check-uri") .requiredArgument("uri", clk.STRING) .maybeOption("restrictAge", ["--restrict-age"], clk.INT) .action(async (args) => { const uri = args.withdrawCheckUri.uri; const restrictAge = args.withdrawCheckUri.restrictAge; console.log(`age restriction requested (${restrictAge})`); await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const withdrawInfo = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.GetWithdrawalDetailsForUri, { talerWithdrawUri: uri, restrictAge, }, ); console.log("withdrawInfo", withdrawInfo); }); }); withdrawCli .subcommand("withdrawCheckAmount", "check-amount") .requiredArgument("exchange", clk.STRING) .requiredArgument("amount", clk.STRING) .maybeOption("restrictAge", ["--restrict-age"], clk.INT) .action(async (args) => { const restrictAge = args.withdrawCheckAmount.restrictAge; console.log(`age restriction requested (${restrictAge})`); await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const withdrawInfo = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmount, { amount: args.withdrawCheckAmount.amount, exchangeBaseUrl: args.withdrawCheckAmount.exchange, restrictAge, }, ); console.log("withdrawInfo", withdrawInfo); }); }); withdrawCli .subcommand("withdrawAcceptUri", "accept-uri") .requiredArgument("uri", clk.STRING) .requiredOption("exchange", ["--exchange"], clk.STRING) .maybeOption("restrictAge", ["--restrict-age"], clk.INT) .action(async (args) => { const uri = args.withdrawAcceptUri.uri; const restrictAge = args.withdrawAcceptUri.restrictAge; console.log(`age restriction requested (${restrictAge})`); await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const res = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawal, { exchangeBaseUrl: args.withdrawAcceptUri.exchange, talerWithdrawUri: uri, restrictAge, }, ); console.log(j2s(res)); }); }); walletCli .subcommand("handleUri", "handle-uri", { help: "Handle a taler:// URI.", }) .requiredArgument("uri", clk.STRING) .flag("autoYes", ["-y", "--yes"]) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const uri: string = args.handleUri.uri; const uriType = classifyTalerUri(uri); switch (uriType) { case TalerUriType.TalerPay: await doPay(wallet.client, uri, { alwaysYes: args.handleUri.autoYes, }); break; case TalerUriType.TalerTip: { const res = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.PrepareTip, { talerTipUri: uri, }, ); console.log("tip status", res); await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.AcceptTip, { walletTipId: res.walletTipId, }); } break; case TalerUriType.TalerRefund: await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.ApplyRefund, { talerRefundUri: uri, }); break; case TalerUriType.TalerWithdraw: { const withdrawInfo = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.GetWithdrawalDetailsForUri, { talerWithdrawUri: uri, }, ); console.log("withdrawInfo", withdrawInfo); const selectedExchange = withdrawInfo.defaultExchangeBaseUrl; if (!selectedExchange) { console.error("no suggested exchange!"); process.exit(1); return; } const res = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawal, { exchangeBaseUrl: selectedExchange, talerWithdrawUri: uri, }, ); console.log("accept withdrawal response", res); } break; case TalerUriType.TalerDevExperiment: { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.ApplyDevExperiment, { devExperimentUri: uri, }); break; } default: console.log(`URI type (${uriType}) not handled`); break; } return; }); }); withdrawCli .subcommand("withdrawManually", "manual", { help: "Withdraw manually from an exchange.", }) .requiredOption("exchange", ["--exchange"], clk.STRING, { help: "Base URL of the exchange.", }) .requiredOption("amount", ["--amount"], clk.STRING, { help: "Amount to withdraw", }) .maybeOption("restrictAge", ["--restrict-age"], clk.INT) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const exchangeBaseUrl = args.withdrawManually.exchange; const amount = args.withdrawManually.amount; const d = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.GetWithdrawalDetailsForAmount, { amount: args.withdrawManually.amount, exchangeBaseUrl: exchangeBaseUrl, }, ); const acct = d.paytoUris[0]; if (!acct) { console.log("exchange has no accounts"); return; } const resp = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.AcceptManualWithdrawal, { amount, exchangeBaseUrl, restrictAge: parseInt(String(args.withdrawManually.restrictAge), 10), }, ); const reservePub = resp.reservePub; const completePaytoUri = addPaytoQueryParams(acct, { amount: args.withdrawManually.amount, message: `Taler top-up ${reservePub}`, }); console.log("Created reserve", reservePub); console.log("Payto URI", completePaytoUri); }); }); const exchangesCli = walletCli.subcommand("exchangesCmd", "exchanges", { help: "Manage exchanges.", }); exchangesCli .subcommand("exchangesListCmd", "list", { help: "List known exchanges.", }) .action(async (args) => { console.log("Listing exchanges ..."); await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const exchanges = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.ListExchanges, {}, ); console.log(JSON.stringify(exchanges, undefined, 2)); }); }); exchangesCli .subcommand("exchangesUpdateCmd", "update", { help: "Update or add an exchange by base URL.", }) .requiredArgument("url", clk.STRING, { help: "Base URL of the exchange.", }) .flag("force", ["-f", "--force"]) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.AddExchange, { exchangeBaseUrl: args.exchangesUpdateCmd.url, forceUpdate: args.exchangesUpdateCmd.force, }); }); }); exchangesCli .subcommand("exchangesShowCmd", "show", { help: "Show exchange details", }) .requiredArgument("url", clk.STRING, { help: "Base URL of the exchange.", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const resp = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.GetExchangeDetailedInfo, { exchangeBaseUrl: args.exchangesShowCmd.url, }, ); console.log(JSON.stringify(resp, undefined, 2)); }); }); exchangesCli .subcommand("exchangesAddCmd", "add", { help: "Add an exchange by base URL.", }) .requiredArgument("url", clk.STRING, { help: "Base URL of the exchange.", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.AddExchange, { exchangeBaseUrl: args.exchangesAddCmd.url, }); }); }); exchangesCli .subcommand("exchangesAcceptTosCmd", "accept-tos", { help: "Accept terms of service.", }) .requiredArgument("url", clk.STRING, { help: "Base URL of the exchange.", }) .requiredArgument("etag", clk.STRING, { help: "ToS version tag to accept", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.SetExchangeTosAccepted, { etag: args.exchangesAcceptTosCmd.etag, exchangeBaseUrl: args.exchangesAcceptTosCmd.url, }); }); }); exchangesCli .subcommand("exchangesTosCmd", "tos", { help: "Show/request terms of service.", }) .requiredArgument("url", clk.STRING, { help: "Base URL of the exchange.", }) .maybeOption("contentTypes", ["--content-type"], clk.STRING) .action(async (args) => { let acceptedFormat: string[] | undefined = undefined; if (args.exchangesTosCmd.contentTypes) { const split = args.exchangesTosCmd.contentTypes .split(",") .map((x) => x.trim()); acceptedFormat = split; } await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const tosResult = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.GetExchangeTos, { exchangeBaseUrl: args.exchangesTosCmd.url, acceptedFormat, }, ); console.log(JSON.stringify(tosResult, undefined, 2)); }); }); const backupCli = walletCli.subcommand("backupArgs", "backup", { help: "Subcommands for backups", }); backupCli .subcommand("setDeviceId", "set-device-id") .requiredArgument("deviceId", clk.STRING, { help: "new device ID", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.SetWalletDeviceId, { walletDeviceId: args.setDeviceId.deviceId, }); }); }); backupCli.subcommand("exportPlain", "export-plain").action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const backup = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.ExportBackupPlain, {}, ); console.log(JSON.stringify(backup, undefined, 2)); }); }); backupCli.subcommand("recoverySave", "save-recovery").action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const recoveryJson = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.ExportBackupRecovery, {}, ); console.log(JSON.stringify(recoveryJson, undefined, 2)); }); }); backupCli.subcommand("run", "run").action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.RunBackupCycle, {}); }); }); backupCli.subcommand("status", "status").action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const status = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.GetBackupInfo, {}, ); console.log(JSON.stringify(status, undefined, 2)); }); }); backupCli .subcommand("recoveryLoad", "load-recovery") .maybeOption("strategy", ["--strategy"], clk.STRING, { help: "Strategy for resolving a conflict with the existing wallet key ('theirs' or 'ours')", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const data = JSON.parse(await read(process.stdin)); let strategy: RecoveryMergeStrategy | undefined; const stratStr = args.recoveryLoad.strategy; if (stratStr) { if (stratStr === "theirs") { strategy = RecoveryMergeStrategy.Theirs; } else if (stratStr === "ours") { strategy = RecoveryMergeStrategy.Theirs; } else { throw Error("invalid recovery strategy"); } } await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.ImportBackupRecovery, { recovery: data, strategy, }); }); }); backupCli .subcommand("addProvider", "add-provider") .requiredArgument("url", clk.STRING) .maybeArgument("name", clk.STRING) .flag("activate", ["--activate"]) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.AddBackupProvider, { backupProviderBaseUrl: args.addProvider.url, activate: args.addProvider.activate, name: args.addProvider.name || args.addProvider.url, }); }); }); const depositCli = walletCli.subcommand("depositArgs", "deposit", { help: "Subcommands for depositing money to payto:// accounts", }); depositCli .subcommand("createDepositArgs", "create") .requiredArgument("amount", clk.STRING) .requiredArgument("targetPayto", clk.STRING) .action(async (args) => { await withLocalWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const resp = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.CreateDepositGroup, { amount: args.createDepositArgs.amount, depositPaytoUri: args.createDepositArgs.targetPayto, }, ); console.log(`Created deposit ${resp.depositGroupId}`); await wallet.ws.runPending(); }); }); // FIXME: should probably be removed depositCli .subcommand("trackDepositArgs", "track") .requiredArgument("depositGroupId", clk.STRING) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const resp = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.TrackDepositGroup, { depositGroupId: args.trackDepositArgs.depositGroupId, }, ); console.log(JSON.stringify(resp, undefined, 2)); }); }); const advancedCli = walletCli.subcommand("advancedArgs", "advanced", { help: "Subcommands for advanced operations (only use if you know what you're doing!).", }); advancedCli .subcommand("serve", "serve", { help: "Serve the wallet API via a unix domain socket.", }) .action(async (args) => { const w = await createLocalWallet(args); w.runTaskLoop() .then((res) => { logger.warn("task loop exited unexpectedly"); }) .catch((e) => { logger.error(`error in task loop: ${e}`); }); let nextClientId = 1; const notifyHandlers = new Map void>(); w.addNotificationListener((n) => { notifyHandlers.forEach((v, k) => { v(n); }); }); await runRpcServer({ socketFilename: "wallet-core.sock", onConnect(client) { logger.info("connected"); const clientId = nextClientId++; notifyHandlers.set(clientId, (n: WalletNotification) => { client.sendResponse({ type: "notification", payload: n as unknown as JsonMessage, }); }); return { onDisconnect() { notifyHandlers.delete(clientId); logger.info("disconnected"); }, onMessage(msg) { logger.info(`message: ${j2s(msg)}`); const op = (msg as any).operation; const id = (msg as any).id; const payload = (msg as any).args; w.handleCoreApiRequest(op, id, payload) .then((resp) => { logger.info("sending response"); client.sendResponse(resp as unknown as JsonMessage); }) .catch((e) => { logger.error(`unexpected error: ${e}`); }); }, }; }, }); }); advancedCli .subcommand("init", "init", { help: "Initialize the wallet (with DB) and exit.", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async () => {}); }); advancedCli .subcommand("runPendingOpt", "run-pending", { help: "Run pending operations.", }) .flag("forceNow", ["-f", "--force-now"]) .action(async (args) => { await withLocalWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.ws.runPending(args.runPendingOpt.forceNow); }); }); advancedCli .subcommand("", "pending", { help: "Show pending operations." }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const pending = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.GetPendingOperations, {}, ); console.log(JSON.stringify(pending, undefined, 2)); }); }); advancedCli .subcommand("benchInternal", "bench-internal", { help: "Run the 'bench-internal' benchmark", }) .action(async (args) => { const myHttpLib = new NodeHttpLib(); myHttpLib.setThrottling(false); const res = await getDefaultNodeWallet2({ // No persistent DB storage. persistentStoragePath: undefined, httpLib: myHttpLib, }); const wallet = res.wallet; await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.InitWallet, {}); await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.RunIntegrationTest, { amountToSpend: "TESTKUDOS:1", amountToWithdraw: "TESTKUDOS:3", bankBaseUrl: "http://localhost:8082/", bankAccessApiBaseUrl: "http://localhost:8082/taler-bank-access/", exchangeBaseUrl: "http://localhost:8081/", merchantBaseUrl: "http://localhost:8083/", }); await wallet.runTaskLoop({ stopWhenDone: true, }); wallet.stop(); }); advancedCli .subcommand("withdrawFakebank", "withdraw-fakebank", { help: "Withdraw via a fakebank.", }) .requiredOption("exchange", ["--exchange"], clk.STRING, { help: "Base URL of the exchange to use", }) .requiredOption("amount", ["--amount"], clk.STRING, { help: "Amount to withdraw (before fees).", }) .requiredOption("bank", ["--bank"], clk.STRING, { help: "Base URL of the Taler fakebank service.", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.WithdrawFakebank, { amount: args.withdrawFakebank.amount, bank: args.withdrawFakebank.bank, exchange: args.withdrawFakebank.exchange, }); }); }); advancedCli .subcommand("decode", "decode", { help: "Decode base32-crockford.", }) .action((args) => { const enc = fs.readFileSync(0, "utf8"); console.log(decodeCrock(enc.trim())); }); advancedCli .subcommand("genSegwit", "gen-segwit") .requiredArgument("paytoUri", clk.STRING) .requiredArgument("reservePub", clk.STRING) .action(async (args) => { const p = parsePaytoUri(args.genSegwit.paytoUri); console.log(p); }); const currenciesCli = walletCli.subcommand("currencies", "currencies", { help: "Manage currencies.", }); currenciesCli .subcommand("show", "show", { help: "Show currencies." }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const currencies = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.ListCurrencies, {}, ); console.log(JSON.stringify(currencies, undefined, 2)); }); }); advancedCli .subcommand("clearDatabase", "clear-database", { help: "Clear the database, irrevocable deleting all data in the wallet.", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.ClearDb, {}); }); }); advancedCli .subcommand("recycle", "recycle", { help: "Export, clear and re-import the database via the backup mechanism.", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.Recycle, {}); }); }); advancedCli .subcommand("payPrepare", "pay-prepare", { help: "Claim an order but don't pay yet.", }) .requiredArgument("url", clk.STRING) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const res = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.PreparePayForUri, { talerPayUri: args.payPrepare.url, }, ); switch (res.status) { case PreparePayResultType.InsufficientBalance: console.log("insufficient balance"); break; case PreparePayResultType.AlreadyConfirmed: if (res.paid) { console.log("already paid!"); } else { console.log("payment in progress"); } break; case PreparePayResultType.PaymentPossible: console.log("payment possible"); break; default: assertUnreachable(res); } }); }); advancedCli .subcommand("payConfirm", "pay-confirm", { help: "Confirm payment proposed by a merchant.", }) .requiredArgument("proposalId", clk.STRING) .maybeOption("sessionIdOverride", ["--session-id"], clk.STRING) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.ConfirmPay, { proposalId: args.payConfirm.proposalId, sessionId: args.payConfirm.sessionIdOverride, }); }); }); advancedCli .subcommand("refresh", "force-refresh", { help: "Force a refresh on a coin.", }) .requiredArgument("coinPub", clk.STRING) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.ForceRefresh, { coinPubList: [args.refresh.coinPub], }); }); }); advancedCli .subcommand("dumpCoins", "dump-coins", { help: "Dump coins in an easy-to-process format.", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const coinDump = await wallet.client.call( WalletApiOperation.DumpCoins, {}, ); console.log(JSON.stringify(coinDump, undefined, 2)); }); }); advancedCli .subcommand("enableDevMode", "enable-dev-mode", { help: "Enable developer mode (dangerous!)", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.SetDevMode, { devModeEnabled: true, }); }); }); advancedCli .subcommand("disableDevMode", "disable-dev-mode", { help: "Disable developer mode", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.SetDevMode, { devModeEnabled: false, }); }); }); const coinPubListCodec = codecForList(codecForString()); advancedCli .subcommand("suspendCoins", "suspend-coins", { help: "Mark a coin as suspended, will not be used for payments.", }) .requiredArgument("coinPubSpec", clk.STRING) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { let coinPubList: string[]; try { coinPubList = coinPubListCodec.decode( JSON.parse(args.suspendCoins.coinPubSpec), ); } catch (e: any) { console.log("could not parse coin list:", e.message); process.exit(1); } for (const c of coinPubList) { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.SetCoinSuspended, { coinPub: c, suspended: true, }); } }); }); advancedCli .subcommand("unsuspendCoins", "unsuspend-coins", { help: "Mark a coin as suspended, will not be used for payments.", }) .requiredArgument("coinPubSpec", clk.STRING) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { let coinPubList: string[]; try { coinPubList = coinPubListCodec.decode( JSON.parse(args.unsuspendCoins.coinPubSpec), ); } catch (e: any) { console.log("could not parse coin list:", e.message); process.exit(1); } for (const c of coinPubList) { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.SetCoinSuspended, { coinPub: c, suspended: false, }); } }); }); advancedCli .subcommand("coins", "list-coins", { help: "List coins.", }) .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { const coins = await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.DumpCoins, {}); for (const coin of coins.coins) { console.log(`coin ${coin.coin_pub}`); console.log(` exchange ${coin.exchange_base_url}`); console.log(` denomPubHash ${coin.denom_pub_hash}`); console.log(` status ${coin.coin_status}`); } }); }); const testCli = walletCli.subcommand("testingArgs", "testing", { help: "Subcommands for testing.", }); testCli .subcommand("withdrawTestkudos", "withdraw-testkudos") .action(async (args) => { await withWallet(args, async (wallet) => { await wallet.client.call(WalletApiOperation.WithdrawTestkudos, {}); }); }); class PerfTimer { tStarted: bigint | undefined; tSum = BigInt(0); tSumSq = BigInt(0); start() { this.tStarted = process.hrtime.bigint(); } stop() { const now = process.hrtime.bigint(); const s = this.tStarted; if (s == null) { throw Error(); } this.tSum = this.tSum + (now - s); this.tSumSq = this.tSumSq + (now - s) * (now - s); } mean(nRuns: number): number { return Number(this.tSum / BigInt(nRuns)); } stdev(nRuns: number) { const m = this.tSum / BigInt(nRuns); const x = this.tSumSq / BigInt(nRuns) - m * m; return Math.floor(Math.sqrt(Number(x))); } } testCli .subcommand("benchmarkAgeRestrictions", "benchmark-age-restrictions") .requiredOption("reps", ["--reps"], clk.INT, { default: 100, help: "repetitions (default: 100)", }) .action(async (args) => { const numReps = args.benchmarkAgeRestrictions.reps ?? 100; let tCommit = new PerfTimer(); let tAttest = new PerfTimer(); let tVerify = new PerfTimer(); let tDerive = new PerfTimer(); let tCompare = new PerfTimer(); console.log("starting benchmark"); for (let i = 0; i < numReps; i++) { console.log(`doing iteration ${i}`); tCommit.start(); const commitProof = await AgeRestriction.restrictionCommit( 0b1000001010101010101001, 21, ); tCommit.stop(); tAttest.start(); const attest = AgeRestriction.commitmentAttest(commitProof, 18); tAttest.stop(); tVerify.start(); const attestRes = AgeRestriction.commitmentVerify( commitProof.commitment, encodeCrock(attest), 18, ); tVerify.stop(); if (!attestRes) { throw Error(); } const salt = getRandomBytes(32); tDerive.start(); const deriv = await AgeRestriction.commitmentDerive(commitProof, salt); tDerive.stop(); tCompare.start(); const res2 = await AgeRestriction.commitCompare( deriv.commitment, commitProof.commitment, salt, ); tCompare.stop(); if (!res2) { throw Error(); } } console.log( `edx25519-commit (ns): ${tCommit.mean(numReps)} (stdev ${tCommit.stdev( numReps, )})`, ); console.log( `edx25519-attest (ns): ${tAttest.mean(numReps)} (stdev ${tAttest.stdev( numReps, )})`, ); console.log( `edx25519-verify (ns): ${tVerify.mean(numReps)} (stdev ${tVerify.stdev( numReps, )})`, ); console.log( `edx25519-derive (ns): ${tDerive.mean(numReps)} (stdev ${tDerive.stdev( numReps, )})`, ); console.log( `edx25519-compare (ns): ${tCompare.mean(numReps)} (stdev ${tCompare.stdev( numReps, )})`, ); }); testCli.subcommand("logtest", "logtest").action(async (args) => { logger.trace("This is a trace message."); logger.info("This is an info message."); logger.warn("This is an warning message."); logger.error("This is an error message."); }); async function read(stream: NodeJS.ReadStream) { const chunks = []; for await (const chunk of stream) chunks.push(chunk); return Buffer.concat(chunks).toString("utf8"); } testCli .subcommand("cryptoworker", "cryptoworker") .maybeOption("impl", ["--impl"], clk.STRING) .action(async (args) => { let cryptoApi: TalerCryptoInterface; if (!args.cryptoworker.impl || args.cryptoworker.impl === "node") { const workerFactory = new NodeThreadCryptoWorkerFactory(); const cryptoDisp = new CryptoDispatcher(workerFactory); cryptoApi = cryptoDisp.cryptoApi; } else if (args.cryptoworker.impl === "sync") { const workerFactory = new SynchronousCryptoWorkerFactoryNode(); const cryptoDisp = new CryptoDispatcher(workerFactory); cryptoApi = cryptoDisp.cryptoApi; } else if (args.cryptoworker.impl === "none") { cryptoApi = nativeCrypto; } else { throw Error(`invalid crypto worker type ${args.cryptoworker.impl}`); } const input = "foo"; console.log(`testing crypto worker by hashing string '${input}'`); const res = await cryptoApi.hashString({ str: input }); console.log(res); }); export function main() { if (process.env["TALER_WALLET_DEBUG_DENOMSEL_ALLOW_LATE"]) { logger.warn("Allowing withdrawal of late denominations for debugging"); walletCoreDebugFlags.denomselAllowLate = true; } walletCli.run(); }