## HTTP Cclients This folder contain class or function specifically designed to facilitate HTTP client interactions with a the core systems. These API defines: 1. **API Communication**: Handle communication with the component API, abstracting away the details of HTTP requests and responses. This includes making GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests to the servers. 2. **Data Formatting**: Responsible for formatting requests to the API in a way that's expected by the servers (JSON) and parsing the responses back into formats usable by the client. 3. **Authentication and Security**: Handling authentication with the server API, which could involve sending API keys, client credentials, or managing tokens. It might also implement security features to ensure data integrity and confidentiality during transit. 4. **Error Handling**: Providing robust error handling and retry mechanisms for failed HTTP requests, including logging and potentially user notifications for critical failures. 5. **Data Validation**: Before sending requests, it could validate the data to ensure it meets the API's expected format, types, and value ranges, reducing the likelihood of errors and improving system reliability.