/* MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 Conrad Reuter Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ const NOOP = () => {}; /** * A token that can be passed around to inform consumers of the token that a * certain operation has been cancelled. */ class CancellationToken { private _reason: any; private _callbacks?: Set<(reason?: any) => void> = new Set(); /** * A cancellation token that is already cancelled. */ public static readonly CANCELLED: CancellationToken = new CancellationToken( true, true, ); /** * A cancellation token that is never cancelled. */ public static readonly CONTINUE: CancellationToken = new CancellationToken( false, false, ); /** * Whether the token has been cancelled. */ public get isCancelled(): boolean { return this._isCancelled; } /** * Whether the token can be cancelled. */ public get canBeCancelled(): boolean { return this._canBeCancelled; } /** * Why this token has been cancelled. */ public get reason(): any { if (this.isCancelled) { return this._reason; } else { throw new Error("This token is not cancelled."); } } /** * Make a promise that resolves when the async operation resolves, * or rejects when the operation is rejected or this token is cancelled. */ public racePromise(asyncOperation: Promise): Promise { if (!this.canBeCancelled) { return asyncOperation; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // we could use Promise.finally here as soon as it's implemented in the major browsers const unregister = this.onCancelled((reason) => reject(new CancellationToken.CancellationError(reason)), ); asyncOperation.then( (value) => { resolve(value); unregister(); }, (err) => { reject(err); unregister(); }, ); }); } /** * Throw a {CancellationToken.CancellationError} if this token is cancelled. */ public throwIfCancelled(): void { if (this._isCancelled) { throw new CancellationToken.CancellationError(this._reason); } } /** * Invoke the callback when this token is cancelled. * If this token is already cancelled, the callback is invoked immediately. * Returns a function that unregisters the cancellation callback. */ public onCancelled(cb: (reason?: any) => void): () => void { if (!this.canBeCancelled) { return NOOP; } if (this.isCancelled) { cb(this.reason); return NOOP; } /* istanbul ignore next */ this._callbacks?.add(cb); return () => this._callbacks?.delete(cb); } private constructor( /** * Whether the token is already cancelled. */ private _isCancelled: boolean, /** * Whether the token can be cancelled. */ private _canBeCancelled: boolean, ) {} /** * Create a {CancellationTokenSource}. */ public static create(): CancellationToken.Source { const token = new CancellationToken(false, true); const cancel = (reason?: any) => { if (token._isCancelled) return; token._isCancelled = true; token._reason = reason; token._callbacks?.forEach((cb) => cb(reason)); dispose(); }; const dispose = () => { token._canBeCancelled = token.isCancelled; delete token._callbacks; // release memory }; return { token, cancel, dispose }; } /** * Create a {CancellationTokenSource}. * The token will be cancelled automatically after the specified timeout in milliseconds. */ public static timeout(ms: number): CancellationToken.Source { const { token, cancel: originalCancel, dispose: originalDispose, } = CancellationToken.create(); let timer: NodeJS.Timeout | null; timer = setTimeout(() => originalCancel(`CancellationToken.timeout ${ms}`), ms); const disposeTimer = () => { if (timer == null) return; clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; }; const cancel = (reason?: any) => { disposeTimer(); originalCancel(reason); }; /* istanbul ignore next */ const dispose = () => { disposeTimer(); originalDispose(); }; return { token, cancel, dispose }; } /** * Create a {CancellationToken} that is cancelled when all of the given tokens are cancelled. * * This is like {Promise.all} for {CancellationToken}s. */ public static all(...tokens: CancellationToken[]): CancellationToken { // If *any* of the tokens cannot be cancelled, then the token we return can never be. if (tokens.some((token) => !token.canBeCancelled)) { return CancellationToken.CONTINUE; } const combined = CancellationToken.create(); let countdown = tokens.length; const handleNextTokenCancelled = () => { if (--countdown === 0) { const reasons = tokens.map((token) => token._reason); combined.cancel(reasons); } }; tokens.forEach((token) => token.onCancelled(handleNextTokenCancelled)); return combined.token; } /** * Create a {CancellationToken} that is cancelled when at least one of the given tokens is cancelled. * * This is like {Promise.race} for {CancellationToken}s. */ public static race(...tokens: CancellationToken[]): CancellationToken { // If *any* of the tokens is already cancelled, immediately return that token. for (const token of tokens) { if (token._isCancelled) { return token; } } const combined = CancellationToken.create(); let unregistrations: (() => void)[]; const handleAnyTokenCancelled = (reason?: any) => { unregistrations.forEach((unregister) => unregister()); // release memory combined.cancel(reason); }; unregistrations = tokens.map((token) => token.onCancelled(handleAnyTokenCancelled), ); return combined.token; } } /* istanbul ignore next */ namespace CancellationToken { /** * Provides a {CancellationToken}, along with some methods to operate on it. */ export interface Source { /** * The token provided by this source. */ token: CancellationToken; /** * Cancel the provided token with the given reason. * Do nothing if the provided token cannot be cancelled or is already cancelled. */ cancel(reason?: any): void; /** * Dispose of the token and this source and release memory. */ dispose(): void; } /** * The error that is thrown when a {CancellationToken} has been cancelled and a * consumer of the token calls {CancellationToken.throwIfCancelled} on it. */ export class CancellationError extends Error { public constructor( /** * The reason why the token was cancelled. */ public readonly reason: any, ) { super("Operation cancelled"); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, CancellationError.prototype); } } } export { CancellationToken };