/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Imports. */ import { MerchantApiClient, PreparePayResultType } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { WalletApiOperation } from "@gnu-taler/taler-wallet-core"; import { GlobalTestState } from "../harness/harness.js"; import { createSimpleTestkudosEnvironmentV3, createWalletDaemonWithClient, makeTestPaymentV2, withdrawViaBankV3, } from "../harness/helpers.js"; import { SyncService } from "../harness/sync.js"; export async function runWalletBackupDoublespendTest(t: GlobalTestState) { // Set up test environment const { commonDb, merchant, walletClient, bankClient, exchange } = await createSimpleTestkudosEnvironmentV3(t); const merchantClient = new MerchantApiClient(merchant.makeInstanceBaseUrl()); const sync = await SyncService.create(t, { currency: "TESTKUDOS", annualFee: "TESTKUDOS:0.5", database: commonDb.connStr, fulfillmentUrl: "taler://fulfillment-success", httpPort: 8089, name: "sync1", paymentBackendUrl: merchant.makeInstanceBaseUrl(), uploadLimitMb: 10, }); await sync.start(); await sync.pingUntilAvailable(); await walletClient.call(WalletApiOperation.AddBackupProvider, { backupProviderBaseUrl: sync.baseUrl, activate: true, name: sync.baseUrl, }); await withdrawViaBankV3(t, { walletClient, bankClient, exchange, amount: "TESTKUDOS:10", }); await walletClient.call(WalletApiOperation.TestingWaitTransactionsFinal, {}); await walletClient.call(WalletApiOperation.RunBackupCycle, {}); await walletClient.call(WalletApiOperation.TestingWaitTransactionsFinal, {}); await walletClient.call(WalletApiOperation.RunBackupCycle, {}); const backupRecovery = await walletClient.call( WalletApiOperation.ExportBackupRecovery, {}, ); const { walletClient: walletClientTwo } = await createWalletDaemonWithClient( t, { name: "default" }, ); await walletClientTwo.call(WalletApiOperation.ImportBackupRecovery, { recovery: backupRecovery, }); await walletClientTwo.call(WalletApiOperation.RunBackupCycle, {}); console.log( "wallet1 balance before spend:", await walletClient.call(WalletApiOperation.GetBalances, {}), ); await makeTestPaymentV2(t, { merchant, walletClient, order: { summary: "foo", amount: "TESTKUDOS:7", }, }); await walletClient.call(WalletApiOperation.TestingWaitTransactionsFinal, {}); console.log( "wallet1 balance after spend:", await walletClient.call(WalletApiOperation.GetBalances, {}), ); { console.log( "wallet2 balance:", await walletClientTwo.call(WalletApiOperation.GetBalances, {}), ); } // Now we double-spend with the second wallet { const instance = "default"; const orderResp = await merchantClient.createOrder({ order: { amount: "TESTKUDOS:8", summary: "bla", fulfillment_url: "taler://fulfillment-success", }, }); let orderStatus = await merchantClient.queryPrivateOrderStatus({ orderId: orderResp.order_id, }); t.assertTrue(orderStatus.order_status === "unpaid"); // Make wallet pay for the order { console.log( "wallet2 balance before preparePay:", await walletClientTwo.call(WalletApiOperation.GetBalances, {}), ); } const preparePayResult = await walletClientTwo.call( WalletApiOperation.PreparePayForUri, { talerPayUri: orderStatus.taler_pay_uri, }, ); t.assertDeepEqual( preparePayResult.status, PreparePayResultType.PaymentPossible, ); const res = await walletClientTwo.call(WalletApiOperation.ConfirmPay, { transactionId: preparePayResult.transactionId, }); console.log(res); // FIXME: wait for a notification that indicates insufficient funds! await withdrawViaBankV3(t, { walletClient: walletClientTwo, bankClient, exchange, amount: "TESTKUDOS:50", }); const bal = await walletClientTwo.call(WalletApiOperation.GetBalances, {}); console.log("bal", bal); await walletClientTwo.call( WalletApiOperation.TestingWaitTransactionsFinal, {}, ); } } runWalletBackupDoublespendTest.suites = ["wallet", "wallet-backup"]; // See https://bugs.taler.net/n/7598 runWalletBackupDoublespendTest.experimental = true;