/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Imports. */ import { Duration, Logger, NotificationType, TalerCorebankApiClient, TransactionMajorState, TransactionMinorState, TransactionType, codecForKycProcessClientInformation, j2s, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { readResponseJsonOrThrow } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util/http"; import { WalletApiOperation } from "@gnu-taler/taler-wallet-core"; import * as http from "node:http"; import { CoinConfig, defaultCoinConfig } from "../harness/denomStructures.js"; import { BankService, ExchangeService, GlobalTestState, MerchantService, WalletClient, WalletService, getTestHarnessPaytoForLabel, harnessHttpLib, setupDb, } from "../harness/harness.js"; import { EnvOptions, SimpleTestEnvironmentNg3 } from "../harness/helpers.js"; const logger = new Logger("test-kyc.ts"); async function createKycTestkudosEnvironment( t: GlobalTestState, coinConfig: CoinConfig[] = defaultCoinConfig.map((x) => x("TESTKUDOS")), opts: EnvOptions = {}, ): Promise { const db = await setupDb(t); const bank = await BankService.create(t, { allowRegistrations: true, currency: "TESTKUDOS", database: db.connStr, httpPort: 8082, }); const exchange = ExchangeService.create(t, { name: "testexchange-1", currency: "TESTKUDOS", httpPort: 8081, database: db.connStr, }); const merchant = await MerchantService.create(t, { name: "testmerchant-1", currency: "TESTKUDOS", httpPort: 8083, database: db.connStr, }); let receiverName = "Exchange"; let exchangeBankUsername = "exchange"; let exchangeBankPassword = "mypw"; let exchangePaytoUri = getTestHarnessPaytoForLabel(exchangeBankUsername); await exchange.addBankAccount("1", { accountName: exchangeBankUsername, accountPassword: exchangeBankPassword, wireGatewayApiBaseUrl: new URL( "accounts/exchange/taler-wire-gateway/", bank.baseUrl, ).href, accountPaytoUri: exchangePaytoUri, }); bank.setSuggestedExchange(exchange, exchangePaytoUri); await bank.start(); await bank.pingUntilAvailable(); const bankClient = new TalerCorebankApiClient(bank.corebankApiBaseUrl, { auth: { username: "admin", password: "adminpw", }, }); await bankClient.registerAccountExtended({ name: receiverName, password: exchangeBankPassword, username: exchangeBankUsername, is_taler_exchange: true, payto_uri: exchangePaytoUri, }); const ageMaskSpec = opts.ageMaskSpec; if (ageMaskSpec) { exchange.enableAgeRestrictions(ageMaskSpec); // Enable age restriction for all coins. exchange.addCoinConfigList( coinConfig.map((x) => ({ ...x, name: `${x.name}-age`, ageRestricted: true, })), ); // For mixed age restrictions, we also offer coins without age restrictions if (opts.mixedAgeRestriction) { exchange.addCoinConfigList( coinConfig.map((x) => ({ ...x, ageRestricted: false })), ); } } else { exchange.addCoinConfigList(coinConfig); } await exchange.modifyConfig(async (config) => { config.setString("exchange", "enable_kyc", "yes"); config.setString("KYC-RULE-R1", "operation_type", "withdraw"); config.setString("KYC-RULE-R1", "enabled", "yes"); config.setString("KYC-RULE-R1", "exposed", "yes"); config.setString("KYC-RULE-R1", "is_and_combinator", "yes"); config.setString("KYC-RULE-R1", "threshold", "TESTKUDOS:5"); config.setString("KYC-RULE-R1", "timeframe", "1d"); config.setString("KYC-RULE-R1", "next_measures", "M1"); config.setString("KYC-MEASURE-M1", "check_name", "C1"); config.setString("KYC-MEASURE-M1", "context", "{}"); config.setString("KYC-MEASURE-M1", "program", "P1"); config.setString("KYC-CHECK-C1", "type", "LINK"); config.setString("KYC-CHECK-C1", "provider_id", "MYPROV"); config.setString("KYC-CHECK-C1", "description", "my check!"); config.setString("KYC-CHECK-C1", "description_i18n", "{}"); config.setString("KYC-CHECK-C1", "outputs", "full_name birthdate"); config.setString("KYC-CHECK-C1", "fallback", "M1"); config.setString( "AML-PROGRAM-P1", "command", "taler-exchange-helper-measure-test-form", ); config.setString("AML-PROGRAM-P1", "enabled", "true"); config.setString( "AML-PROGRAM-P1", "description", "test for full_name and birthdate", ); config.setString("AML-PROGRAM-P1", "description_i18n", "{}"); config.setString("AML-PROGRAM-P1", "fallback", "M1"); const myprov = "KYC-PROVIDER-MYPROV"; config.setString(myprov, "logic", "oauth2"); config.setString( myprov, "converter", "taler-exchange-kyc-oauth2-test-converter.sh", ); config.setString(myprov, "kyc_oauth2_validity", "forever"); config.setString( myprov, "kyc_oauth2_token_url", "http://localhost:6666/oauth/v2/token", ); config.setString( myprov, "kyc_oauth2_authorize_url", "http://localhost:6666/oauth/v2/login", ); config.setString( myprov, "kyc_oauth2_info_url", "http://localhost:6666/oauth/v2/info", ); config.setString( myprov, "kyc_oauth2_converter_helper", "taler-exchange-kyc-oauth2-test-converter.sh", ); config.setString(myprov, "kyc_oauth2_client_id", "taler-exchange"); config.setString(myprov, "kyc_oauth2_client_secret", "exchange-secret"); config.setString(myprov, "kyc_oauth2_post_url", "https://taler.net"); config.setString( "kyc-legitimization-withdraw1", "operation_type", "withdraw", ); }); await exchange.start(); await exchange.pingUntilAvailable(); merchant.addExchange(exchange); await merchant.start(); await merchant.pingUntilAvailable(); await merchant.addInstanceWithWireAccount({ id: "default", name: "Default Instance", paytoUris: [getTestHarnessPaytoForLabel("merchant-default")], defaultWireTransferDelay: Duration.toTalerProtocolDuration( Duration.fromSpec({ minutes: 1 }), ), }); await merchant.addInstanceWithWireAccount({ id: "minst1", name: "minst1", paytoUris: [getTestHarnessPaytoForLabel("minst1")], defaultWireTransferDelay: Duration.toTalerProtocolDuration( Duration.fromSpec({ minutes: 1 }), ), }); const walletService = new WalletService(t, { name: "wallet", useInMemoryDb: true, }); await walletService.start(); await walletService.pingUntilAvailable(); const walletClient = new WalletClient({ name: "wallet", unixPath: walletService.socketPath, onNotification(n) { console.log("got notification", n); }, }); await walletClient.connect(); await walletClient.client.call(WalletApiOperation.InitWallet, { config: { testing: { skipDefaults: true, }, }, }); console.log("setup done!"); return { commonDb: db, exchange, merchant, walletClient, walletService, bank, bankClient, exchangeBankAccount: { accountName: "", accountPassword: "", accountPaytoUri: "", wireGatewayApiBaseUrl: "", }, }; } interface TestfakeKycService { stop: () => void; } function splitInTwoAt(s: string, separator: string): [string, string] { const idx = s.indexOf(separator); if (idx === -1) { return [s, ""]; } return [s.slice(0, idx), s.slice(idx + 1)]; } /** * Testfake for the kyc service that the exchange talks to. */ async function runTestfakeKycService(): Promise { const server = http.createServer((req, res) => { const requestUrl = req.url!; logger.info(`kyc: got ${req.method} request, ${requestUrl}`); const [path, query] = splitInTwoAt(requestUrl, "?"); const qp = new URLSearchParams(query); if (path === "/oauth/v2/login") { // Usually this would render some HTML page for the user to log in, // but we return JSON here. const redirUriUnparsed = qp.get("redirect_uri"); if (!redirUriUnparsed) { throw Error("missing redirect_url"); } const state = qp.get("state"); if (!state) { throw Error("missing state"); } const redirUri = new URL(redirUriUnparsed); redirUri.searchParams.set("code", "code_is_ok"); redirUri.searchParams.set("state", state); res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }); res.end( JSON.stringify({ redirect_uri: redirUri.href, }), ); } else if (path === "/oauth/v2/token") { let reqBody = ""; req.on("data", (x) => { reqBody += x; }); req.on("end", () => { logger.info("login request body:", reqBody); res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }); // Normally, the access_token would also include which user we're trying // to get info about, but we (for now) skip it in this test. res.end( JSON.stringify({ access_token: "exchange_access_token", token_type: "Bearer", }), ); }); } else if (path === "/oauth/v2/info") { logger.info("authorization header:", req.headers.authorization); res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }); res.end( JSON.stringify({ status: "success", data: { id: "Foobar", first_name: "Alice", last_name: "Abc", birthdate: "2000-01-01", }, }), ); } else { res.writeHead(400, { "Content-Type": "application/json" }); res.end(JSON.stringify({ code: 1, message: "bad request" })); } }); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { server.listen(6666, () => resolve()); }); return { stop() { server.close(); }, }; } export async function runKycTest(t: GlobalTestState) { // Set up test environment const { walletClient, bankClient, exchange, merchant } = await createKycTestkudosEnvironment(t); const kycServer = await runTestfakeKycService(); // Withdraw digital cash into the wallet. const amount = "TESTKUDOS:20"; const user = await bankClient.createRandomBankUser(); bankClient.setAuth({ username: user.username, password: user.password, }); const wop = await bankClient.createWithdrawalOperation(user.username, amount); // Hand it to the wallet await walletClient.client.call( WalletApiOperation.GetWithdrawalDetailsForUri, { talerWithdrawUri: wop.taler_withdraw_uri, }, ); // Withdraw const acceptResp = await walletClient.client.call( WalletApiOperation.AcceptBankIntegratedWithdrawal, { exchangeBaseUrl: exchange.baseUrl, talerWithdrawUri: wop.taler_withdraw_uri, }, ); const withdrawalTxId = acceptResp.transactionId; // Confirm it await bankClient.confirmWithdrawalOperation(user.username, { withdrawalOperationId: wop.withdrawal_id, }); const kycNotificationCond = walletClient.waitForNotificationCond((x) => { if ( x.type === NotificationType.TransactionStateTransition && x.transactionId === withdrawalTxId && x.newTxState.major === TransactionMajorState.Pending && x.newTxState.minor === TransactionMinorState.KycRequired ) { return x; } return false; }); const withdrawalDoneCond = walletClient.waitForNotificationCond( (x) => x.type === NotificationType.TransactionStateTransition && x.transactionId === withdrawalTxId && x.newTxState.major === TransactionMajorState.Done, ); const kycNotif = await kycNotificationCond; logger.info("got kyc notification:", j2s(kycNotif)); const txState = await walletClient.client.call( WalletApiOperation.GetTransactionById, { transactionId: withdrawalTxId, }, ); t.assertDeepEqual(txState.type, TransactionType.Withdrawal); const paytoHash = txState.kycPaytoHash; t.assertTrue(!!txState.kycUrl); t.assertTrue(!!paytoHash); // We now simulate the user interacting with the KYC service, // which would usually done in the browser. const accessToken = txState.kycAccessToken; t.assertTrue(!!accessToken); const infoResp = await harnessHttpLib.fetch( new URL(`kyc-info/${txState.kycAccessToken}`, exchange.baseUrl).href, ); const clientInfo = await readResponseJsonOrThrow( infoResp, codecForKycProcessClientInformation(), ); console.log(j2s(clientInfo)); const kycId = clientInfo.requirements.find((x) => x.id != null)?.id; t.assertTrue(!!kycId); const startResp = await harnessHttpLib.fetch( new URL(`kyc-start/${kycId}`, exchange.baseUrl).href, { method: "POST", body: {}, }, ); logger.info(`kyc-start resp status: ${startResp.status}`); logger.info(j2s(startResp.json())); // We need to "visit" the KYC proof URL at least once to trigger the exchange // asking for the KYC status. const proofUrl = new URL(`kyc-proof/MYPROV`, exchange.baseUrl); proofUrl.searchParams.set("state", paytoHash); proofUrl.searchParams.set("code", "code_is_ok"); const proofHttpResp = await harnessHttpLib.fetch(proofUrl.href); logger.info(`proof resp status ${proofHttpResp.status}`); logger.info(`resp headers ${j2s(proofHttpResp.headers.toJSON())}`); if ( !(proofHttpResp.status >= 200 && proofHttpResp.status <= 299) && proofHttpResp.status !== 303 ) { logger.error("kyc proof failed"); logger.info(await proofHttpResp.text()); t.assertTrue(false); } // Now that KYC is done, withdrawal should finally succeed. await withdrawalDoneCond; kycServer.stop(); } runKycTest.suites = ["wallet"];