/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2021-2023 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * * @author Sebastian Javier Marchano (sebasjm) */ import { tests } from "@gnu-taler/web-util/lib/index.browser"; import { expect } from "chai"; import { MerchantBackend } from "../declaration.js"; import { API_INFORM_TRANSFERS, API_LIST_TRANSFERS } from "./urls.js"; import { ApiMockEnvironment } from "./testing.js"; import { useInstanceTransfers, useTransferAPI } from "./transfer.js"; describe("transfer api interaction with listing", () => { it("should evict cache when informing a transfer", async () => { const env = new ApiMockEnvironment(); env.addRequestExpectation(API_LIST_TRANSFERS, { qparam: { limit: 0 }, response: { transfers: [{ wtid: "2" } as MerchantBackend.Transfers.TransferDetails], }, }); // FIXME: is this query really needed? if the hook is rendered without // position argument then then backend is returning the newest and no need // to this second query env.addRequestExpectation(API_LIST_TRANSFERS, { qparam: { limit: -20 }, response: { transfers: [], }, }); const moveCursor = (d: string) => { console.log("new position", d); }; const hookBehavior = await tests.hookBehaveLikeThis( () => { const query = useInstanceTransfers({}, moveCursor); const api = useTransferAPI(); return { query, api }; }, {}, [ ({ query, api }) => { expect(query.loading).true; }, ({ query, api }) => { expect(env.assertJustExpectedRequestWereMade()).deep.eq({ result: "ok", }); expect(query.loading).undefined; expect(query.ok).true; if (!query.ok) return; expect(query.data).deep.equals({ transfers: [{ wtid: "2" }], }); env.addRequestExpectation(API_INFORM_TRANSFERS, { request: { wtid: "3", credit_amount: "EUR:1", exchange_url: "exchange.url", payto_uri: "payto://", }, response: { total: "" } as any, }); env.addRequestExpectation(API_LIST_TRANSFERS, { qparam: { limit: 0 }, response: { transfers: [{ wtid: "2" } as any, { wtid: "3" } as any], }, }); env.addRequestExpectation(API_LIST_TRANSFERS, { qparam: { limit: -20 }, response: { transfers: [], }, }); api.informTransfer({ wtid: "3", credit_amount: "EUR:1", exchange_url: "exchange.url", payto_uri: "payto://", }); }, ({ query, api }) => { expect(env.assertJustExpectedRequestWereMade()).deep.eq({ result: "ok", }); expect(query.loading).undefined; expect(query.ok).true; if (!query.ok) return; expect(query.data).deep.equals({ transfers: [{ wtid: "3" }, { wtid: "2" }], }); }, ], env.buildTestingContext(), ); expect(hookBehavior).deep.eq({ result: "ok" }); expect(env.assertJustExpectedRequestWereMade()).deep.eq({ result: "ok" }); }); }); describe("transfer listing pagination", () => { it("should not load more if has reach the end", async () => { const env = new ApiMockEnvironment(); env.addRequestExpectation(API_LIST_TRANSFERS, { qparam: { limit: 0, payto_uri: "payto://" }, response: { transfers: [{ wtid: "2" } as any], }, }); env.addRequestExpectation(API_LIST_TRANSFERS, { qparam: { limit: -20, payto_uri: "payto://" }, response: { transfers: [{ wtid: "1" } as any], }, }); const moveCursor = (d: string) => { console.log("new position", d); }; const hookBehavior = await tests.hookBehaveLikeThis( () => { return useInstanceTransfers({ payto_uri: "payto://" }, moveCursor); }, {}, [ (query) => { expect(env.assertJustExpectedRequestWereMade()).deep.eq({ result: "ok", }); expect(query.loading).true; }, (query) => { expect(query.loading).undefined; expect(query.ok).true; if (!query.ok) return; expect(query.data).deep.equals({ transfers: [{ wtid: "2" }, { wtid: "1" }], }); expect(query.isReachingEnd).true; expect(query.isReachingStart).true; //check that this button won't trigger more updates since //has reach end and start query.loadMore(); query.loadMorePrev(); }, ], env.buildTestingContext(), ); expect(env.assertJustExpectedRequestWereMade()).deep.eq({ result: "ok" }); expect(hookBehavior).deep.eq({ result: "ok" }); }); it("should load more if result brings more that PAGE_SIZE", async () => { const env = new ApiMockEnvironment(); const transfersFrom0to20 = Array.from({ length: 20 }).map((e, i) => ({ wtid: String(i), })); const transfersFrom20to40 = Array.from({ length: 20 }).map((e, i) => ({ wtid: String(i + 20), })); const transfersFrom20to0 = [...transfersFrom0to20].reverse(); env.addRequestExpectation(API_LIST_TRANSFERS, { qparam: { limit: 20, payto_uri: "payto://", offset: "1" }, response: { transfers: transfersFrom0to20, }, }); env.addRequestExpectation(API_LIST_TRANSFERS, { qparam: { limit: -20, payto_uri: "payto://", offset: "1" }, response: { transfers: transfersFrom20to40, }, }); const moveCursor = (d: string) => { console.log("new position", d); }; const hookBehavior = await tests.hookBehaveLikeThis( () => { return useInstanceTransfers( { payto_uri: "payto://", position: "1" }, moveCursor, ); }, {}, [ (result) => { expect(env.assertJustExpectedRequestWereMade()).deep.eq({ result: "ok", }); expect(result.loading).true; }, (result) => { expect(result.loading).undefined; expect(result.ok).true; if (!result.ok) return; expect(result.data).deep.equals({ transfers: [...transfersFrom20to0, ...transfersFrom20to40], }); expect(result.isReachingEnd).false; expect(result.isReachingStart).false; //query more env.addRequestExpectation(API_LIST_TRANSFERS, { qparam: { limit: -40, payto_uri: "payto://", offset: "1" }, response: { transfers: [...transfersFrom20to40, { wtid: "41" }], }, }); result.loadMore(); }, (result) => { expect(env.assertJustExpectedRequestWereMade()).deep.eq({ result: "ok", }); expect(result.loading).true; }, (result) => { expect(env.assertJustExpectedRequestWereMade()).deep.eq({ result: "ok", }); expect(result.loading).undefined; expect(result.ok).true; if (!result.ok) return; expect(result.data).deep.equals({ transfers: [ ...transfersFrom20to0, ...transfersFrom20to40, { wtid: "41" }, ], }); expect(result.isReachingEnd).true; expect(result.isReachingStart).false; }, ], env.buildTestingContext(), ); expect(env.assertJustExpectedRequestWereMade()).deep.eq({ result: "ok" }); expect(hookBehavior).deep.eq({ result: "ok" }); }); });