/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2021 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * * @author Sebastian Javier Marchano (sebasjm) */ import { mutate, cache } from 'swr'; import axios, { AxiosError, AxiosResponse } from 'axios' import { MerchantBackend } from '../declaration'; import { useBackendContext } from '../context/backend'; import { useEffect, useState } from 'preact/hooks'; import { DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT } from '../utils/constants'; export function mutateAll(re: RegExp, value?: unknown): Array> { return cache.keys().filter(key => { return re.test(key) }).map(key => { return mutate(key, value) }) } export type HttpResponse = HttpResponseOk | HttpResponseLoading | HttpError; export type HttpResponsePaginated = HttpResponseOkPaginated | HttpResponseLoading | HttpError; export interface RequestInfo { url: string; hasToken: boolean; params: unknown; data: unknown; } interface HttpResponseLoading { ok?: false; loading: true; clientError?: false; serverError?: false; data?: T; } export interface HttpResponseOk { ok: true; loading?: false; clientError?: false; serverError?: false; data: T; info?: RequestInfo; } export type HttpResponseOkPaginated = HttpResponseOk & WithPagination export interface WithPagination { loadMore: () => void; loadMorePrev: () => void; isReachingEnd?: boolean; isReachingStart?: boolean; } export type HttpError = HttpResponseClientError | HttpResponseServerError | HttpResponseUnexpectedError; export interface SwrError { info: unknown, status: number, message: string, } export interface HttpResponseServerError { ok?: false; loading?: false; clientError?: false; serverError: true; error?: MerchantBackend.ErrorDetail; status: number; message: string; info?: RequestInfo; } interface HttpResponseClientError { ok?: false; loading?: false; clientError: true; serverError?: false; info?: RequestInfo; isUnauthorized: boolean; isNotfound: boolean; status: number; error?: MerchantBackend.ErrorDetail; message: string; } interface HttpResponseUnexpectedError { ok?: false; loading?: false; clientError?: false; serverError?: false; info?: RequestInfo; status?: number; error: unknown; message: string; } type Methods = 'get' | 'post' | 'patch' | 'delete' | 'put'; interface RequestOptions { method?: Methods; token?: string; data?: unknown; params?: unknown; } function buildRequestOk(res: AxiosResponse, url: string, hasToken: boolean): HttpResponseOk { return { ok: true, data: res.data, info: { params: res.config.params, data: res.config.data, url, hasToken, } } } // function buildResponse(data?: T, error?: MerchantBackend.ErrorDetail, isValidating?: boolean): HttpResponse { // if (isValidating) return {loading: true} // if (error) return buildRequestFailed() // } function buildRequestFailed(ex: AxiosError, url: string, hasToken: boolean): HttpResponseClientError | HttpResponseServerError | HttpResponseUnexpectedError { const status = ex.response?.status const info: RequestInfo = { data: ex.request?.data, params: ex.request?.params, url, hasToken, }; if (status && status >= 400 && status < 500) { const error: HttpResponseClientError = { clientError: true, isNotfound: status === 404, isUnauthorized: status === 401, status, info, message: ex.response?.data?.hint || ex.message, error: ex.response?.data } return error } if (status && status >= 500 && status < 600) { const error: HttpResponseServerError = { serverError: true, status, info, message: `${ex.response?.data?.hint} (code ${ex.response?.data?.code})` || ex.message, error: ex.response?.data } return error; } const error: HttpResponseUnexpectedError = { info, status, error: ex, message: ex.message } return error } const CancelToken = axios.CancelToken; let source = CancelToken.source(); export function cancelPendingRequest() { source.cancel('canceled by the user') source = CancelToken.source() } let removeAxiosCancelToken = false /** * Jest mocking seems to break when using the cancelToken property. * Using this workaround when testing while finding the correct solution */ export function setAxiosRequestAsTestingEnvironment() { removeAxiosCancelToken = true } export async function request(url: string, options: RequestOptions = {}): Promise> { const headers = options.token ? { Authorization: `Bearer ${options.token}` } : undefined try { const res = await axios({ url, responseType: 'json', headers, cancelToken: !removeAxiosCancelToken? source.token : undefined, method: options.method || 'get', data: options.data, params: options.params, timeout: DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT * 1000, }) return buildRequestOk(res, url, !!options.token) } catch (e) { const error = buildRequestFailed(e, url, !!options.token) throw error } } export function fetcher(url: string, token: string, backend: string): Promise> { return request(`${backend}${url}`, { token }) } export function useBackendInstancesTestForAdmin(): HttpResponse { const { url, token } = useBackendContext() type Type = MerchantBackend.Instances.InstancesResponse; const [result, setResult] = useState>({ loading: true }) useEffect(() => { request(`${url}/management/instances`, { token }) .then(data => setResult(data)) .catch(error => setResult(error)) }, [url, token]) return result } export function useBackendConfig(): HttpResponse { const { url, token } = useBackendContext() type Type = MerchantBackend.VersionResponse; const [result, setResult] = useState>({ loading: true }) useEffect(() => { request(`${url}/config`, { token }) .then(data => setResult(data)) .catch(error => setResult(error)) }, [url, token]) return result }