import "core-js/stable"; import "regenerator-runtime/runtime"; import "@testing-library/jest-dom"; import { BankHome } from '../../src/pages/home'; import { h } from 'preact'; import { waitFor, cleanup, render, fireEvent, screen } from '@testing-library/preact'; import expect from 'expect'; import fetchMock from "jest-fetch-mock"; /** * This mock makes the translator always return the * english string. It didn't work within the 'beforeAll' * function... */ jest.mock("../../src/i18n") const i18n = require("../../src/i18n") i18n.useTranslator.mockImplementation(() => function(arg) {return arg}) beforeAll(() => { Object.defineProperty(window, 'location', { value: { origin: "http://localhost", pathname: "/demobanks/default" } }) global.Storage.prototype.setItem = jest.fn((key, value) => {}) }) function fillCredentialsForm() { const username = Math.random().toString().substring(2); const u = screen.getByPlaceholderText("username"); const p = screen.getByPlaceholderText("password"); fireEvent.input(u, {target: {value: username}}) fireEvent.input(p, {target: {value: "bar"}}) const signinButton = screen.getByText("Login"); return { username: username, signinButton: signinButton }; } fetchMock.enableMocks(); function mockSuccessLoginOrRegistration() { fetch.once("{}", { status: 200 }).once(JSON.stringify({ balance: { amount: "EUR:10", credit_debit_indicator: "credit" }, paytoUri: "payto://iban/123/ABC" })) } /** * Render homepage -> navigate to register page -> submit registration. * 'webMock' is called before submission to mock the server response */ function signUp(context, webMock) { render(); const registerPage = screen.getByText("Register!");; const username = Math.random().toString().substring(2); const u = screen.getByPlaceholderText("username"); const p = screen.getByPlaceholderText("password"); fireEvent.input(u, {target: {value: username}}) fireEvent.input(p, {target: {value: "bar"}}) const registerButton = screen.getByText("Register"); webMock();; context.username = username; return context; } describe("wire transfer", () => { beforeEach(() => { signUp({}, mockSuccessLoginOrRegistration); // context unused }) test("Wire transfer success", async () => { const transferButton = screen.getByText("Create wire transfer"); const payto = screen.getByPlaceholderText("payto address"); fireEvent.input(payto, {target: {value: "payto://only-checked-by-the-backend!"}}) fetch.once("{}"); // 200 OK; await screen.findByText("wire transfer created", {exact: false}) }) test("Wire transfer fail", async () => { const transferButton = screen.getByText("Create wire transfer"); const payto = screen.getByPlaceholderText("payto address"); fireEvent.input(payto, {target: {value: "payto://only-checked-by-the-backend!"}}) fetch.once("{}", {status: 400});; // assert this below does NOT appear. await waitFor(() => expect( screen.queryByText("wire transfer created", {exact: false})).not.toBeInTheDocument()); }) }) describe("withdraw", () => { afterEach(() => { fetch.resetMocks(); cleanup(); }) let context = {}; // Register and land on the profile page. beforeEach(() => { context = signUp(context, mockSuccessLoginOrRegistration); }) test("network failure before withdrawal creation", async () => { const a = screen.getAllByPlaceholderText("amount")[0]; fireEvent.input(a, {target: {value: "10"}}); let withdrawButton = screen.getByText("Charge Taler wallet"); // mock network failure. fetch.mockReject("API is down");; await screen.findByText("could not create withdrawal operation", {exact: false}) }) test("HTTP response error upon withdrawal creation", async () => { const a = screen.getAllByPlaceholderText("amount")[0]; fireEvent.input(a, {target: {value: "10,0"}}); let withdrawButton = screen.getByText("Charge Taler wallet"); fetch.once("{}", {status: 404});; await screen.findByText("gave response error", {exact: false}) }) test("Abort withdrawal", async () => { const a = screen.getAllByPlaceholderText("amount")[0]; fireEvent.input(a, {target: {value: "10,0"}}); let withdrawButton = screen.getByText("Charge Taler wallet"); fetch.once(JSON.stringify({ taler_withdraw_uri: "taler://withdraw/foo", withdrawal_id: "foo" })); /** * After triggering a withdrawal, check if the taler://withdraw URI * rendered, and confirm if so. Lastly, check that a success message * appeared on the screen. */; const abortButton = await screen.findByText("abort withdrawal", {exact: false}); expect(fetch).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( `http://localhost/demobanks/default/access-api/accounts/${context.username}/withdrawals/foo/abort`, expect.anything() ) await waitFor(() => expect( screen.queryByText("abort withdrawal", {exact: false})).not.toBeInTheDocument()); }) test("Successful withdrawal creation and confirmation", async () => { const a = screen.getAllByPlaceholderText("amount")[0]; fireEvent.input(a, {target: {value: "10,0"}}); let withdrawButton = await screen.findByText("Charge Taler wallet"); fetch.once(JSON.stringify({ taler_withdraw_uri: "taler://withdraw/foo", withdrawal_id: "foo" })); /** * After triggering a withdrawal, check if the taler://withdraw URI * rendered, and confirm if so. Lastly, check that a success message * appeared on the screen. */; expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `http://localhost/demobanks/default/access-api/accounts/${context.username}/withdrawals`, expect.objectContaining({body: JSON.stringify({amount: "EUR:10.0"})}) ) // assume wallet POSTed the payment details. const confirmButton = await screen.findByText("confirm withdrawal", {exact: false}) /** * Not expecting a new withdrawal possibility while one is being processed. */ await waitFor(() => expect( screen.queryByText("charge taler wallet", {exact: false})).not.toBeInTheDocument()); fetch.once("{}") // Confirm currently processed withdrawal.; /** * After having confirmed above, wait that the * pre-withdrawal elements disappears and a success * message appears. */ await waitFor(() => expect( screen.queryByText( "confirm withdrawal", {exact: false})).not.toBeInTheDocument() ); await waitFor(() => expect( screen.queryByText( "give this address to the taler wallet", {exact: false})).not.toBeInTheDocument() ); expect(fetch).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith( `http://localhost/demobanks/default/access-api/accounts/${context.username}/withdrawals/foo/confirm`, expect.anything()) // success message await screen.findByText("withdrawal confirmed", {exact: false}) /** * Click on a "return to homepage / close" button, and * check that the withdrawal confirmation is gone, and * the option to withdraw again reappeared. */ const closeButton = await screen.findByText("close", {exact: false}); /** * After closing the operation, the confirmation message is not expected. */ await waitFor(() => expect( screen.queryByText("withdrawal confirmed", {exact: false})).not.toBeInTheDocument() ); /** * After closing the operation, the possibility to withdraw again should be offered. */ await waitFor(() => expect( screen.queryByText( "charge taler wallet", {exact: false})).toBeInTheDocument() ); }) }) describe("home page", () => { afterEach(() => { fetch.resetMocks(); cleanup(); }) test("public histories", async () => { render(); /** * Mock list of public accounts. 'bar' is * the shown account, since it occupies the last * position (and SPA picks it via the 'pop()' method) */ fetch.once(JSON.stringify({ "publicAccounts" : [ { "balance" : "EUR:1", "iban" : "XXX", "accountLabel" : "foo" }, { "balance" : "EUR:2", "iban" : "YYY", "accountLabel" : "bar" }] })).once(JSON.stringify({ transactions: [{ debtorIban: "XXX", debtorBic: "YYY", debtorName: "Foo", creditorIban: "AAA", creditorBic: "BBB", creditorName: "Bar", direction: "DBIT", amount: "EUR:5", subject: "Reimbursement", date: "1970-01-01" }, { debtorIban: "XXX", debtorBic: "YYY", debtorName: "Foo", creditorIban: "AAA", creditorBic: "BBB", creditorName: "Bar", direction: "CRDT", amount: "EUR:5", subject: "Bonus", date: "2000-01-01" }] })).once(JSON.stringify({ transactions: [{ debtorIban: "XXX", debtorBic: "YYY", debtorName: "Foo", creditorIban: "AAA", creditorBic: "BBB", creditorName: "Bar", direction: "DBIT", amount: "EUR:5", subject: "Donation", date: "1970-01-01" }, { debtorIban: "XXX", debtorBic: "YYY", debtorName: "Foo", creditorIban: "AAA", creditorBic: "BBB", creditorName: "Bar", direction: "CRDT", amount: "EUR:5", subject: "Refund", date: "2000-01-01" }] })) // Navigate to dedicate public histories page. const publicTxsPage = screen.getByText("transactions");; /** * Check that transactions data appears on the page. */ await screen.findByText("reimbursement", {exact: false}); await screen.findByText("bonus", {exact: false}); /** * The transactions below should not appear, because only * one public account renders. */ await waitFor(() => expect( screen.queryByText("refund", {exact: false})).not.toBeInTheDocument()); await waitFor(() => expect( screen.queryByText("donation", {exact: false})).not.toBeInTheDocument()); /** * First HTTP mock: */ await expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "http://localhost/demobanks/default/access-api/public-accounts" ) /** * Only expecting this request (second mock), as SWR doesn't let * the unshown history request to the backend: */ await expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "http://localhost/demobanks/default/access-api/accounts/bar/transactions?page=0" ) /** * Switch tab: */ let fooTab = await screen.findByText("foo", {exact: false});; /** * Last two HTTP mocks should render now: */ await screen.findByText("refund", {exact: false}); await screen.findByText("donation", {exact: false}); // Expect SWR to have requested 'foo' history // (consuming the last HTTP mock): await expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "http://localhost/demobanks/default/access-api/accounts/foo/transactions?page=0" ) let backButton = await screen.findByText("Go back", {exact: false});; await waitFor(() => expect( screen.queryByText("donation", {exact: false})).not.toBeInTheDocument()); await screen.findByText("welcome to eufin bank", {exact: false}) }) // check page informs about the current balance // after a successful registration. test("new registration response error 404", async () => { var context = signUp({}, () => fetch.mockResponseOnce("Not found", {status: 404})); await screen.findByText("has a problem", {exact: false}); expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "http://localhost/demobanks/default/access-api/testing/register", expect.objectContaining( {body: JSON.stringify({username: context.username, password: "bar"}), method: "POST"}, )) }) test("registration network failure", async () => { let context = signUp({}, ()=>fetch.mockReject("API is down")); await screen.findByText("has a problem", {exact: false}); expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "http://localhost/demobanks/default/access-api/testing/register", expect.objectContaining( {body: JSON.stringify({username: context.username, password: "bar"}), method: "POST"} )) }) test("login non existent user", async () => { render(); const { username, signinButton } = fillCredentialsForm(); fetch.once("{}", {status: 404});; await screen.findByText("username or account label not found", {exact: false}) }) test("login wrong credentials", async () => { render(); const { username, signinButton } = fillCredentialsForm(); fetch.once("{}", {status: 401});; await screen.findByText("wrong credentials given", {exact: false}) }) /** * Test that balance and last transactions get shown * after a successful login. */ test("login success", async () => { render(); const { username, signinButton } = fillCredentialsForm(); // Response to balance request. fetch.once(JSON.stringify({ balance: { amount: "EUR:10", credit_debit_indicator: "credit" }, paytoUri: "payto://iban/123/ABC" })).once(JSON.stringify({ // Response to history request. transactions: [{ debtorIban: "XXX", debtorBic: "YYY", debtorName: "Foo", creditorIban: "AAA", creditorBic: "BBB", creditorName: "Bar", direction: "DBIT", amount: "EUR:5", subject: "Donation", date: "01-01-1970" }, { debtorIban: "XXX", debtorBic: "YYY", debtorName: "Foo", creditorIban: "AAA", creditorBic: "BBB", creditorName: "Bar", direction: "CRDT", amount: "EUR:5", subject: "Refund", date: "01-01-2000" }] })); expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `http://localhost/demobanks/default/access-api/accounts/${username}`, expect.anything() ) await screen.findByText("balance is 10 EUR", {exact: false}) // The two transactions in the history mocked above. await screen.findByText("refund", {exact: false}) await screen.findByText("donation", {exact: false}) expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `http://localhost/demobanks/default/access-api/accounts/${username}/transactions?page=0`, expect.anything() ) }) test("registration success", async () => { let context = signUp({}, mockSuccessLoginOrRegistration); /** * Tests that a balance is shown after the successful * registration. */ await screen.findByText("balance is 10 EUR", {exact: false}) /** * The expectation below tests whether the account * balance was requested after the successful registration. */ expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( "http://localhost/demobanks/default/access-api/testing/register", expect.anything() // no need to match auth headers. ) expect(fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `http://localhost/demobanks/default/access-api/accounts/${context.username}`, expect.anything() // no need to match auth headers. ) }) })