/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2022 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /*eslint quote-props: ["error", "consistent"]*/ export const strings: { [s: string]: any } = {}; strings["de"] = { domain: "messages", locale_data: { messages: { days: [""], hours: [""], minutes: [""], seconds: [""], Clear: [""], Logout: [""], "Demo Bank": [""], "Go back": [""], "Wire transfer": [""], "Transfer money to another account of this bank:": [""], "Want to try the raw payto://-format?": [""], "Transfer money via the Payto system:": [""], "payto address": [""], Confirm: [""], "Confirm Withdrawal": [""], "Waiting the bank to create the operaion...": [""], "This withdrawal was aborted!": [""], "Withdraw to a Taler Wallet": [""], "You can use this QR code to withdraw to your mobile wallet:": [""], "this link": [""], Abort: [""], "Start withdrawal": [""], "Withdraw Money into a Taler wallet": [""], "Amount to withdraw": [""], "Please login!": [""], Login: [""], "Register to the euFin bank!": [""], "Registration form": [""], Register: [""], Date: [""], Amount: [""], Counterpart: [""], Subject: [""], "Username or account label '%1$s' not found. Won't login.": [""], "Wrong credentials given.": [""], "Account information could not be retrieved.": [""], "Close wire transfer": [""], "Close Taler withdrawal": [""], "Bank account balance:": [""], "Latest transactions:": [""], "Transfer money manually": [""], "List of public accounts was not found.": [""], "List of public accounts could not be retrieved.": [""], "History of public accounts": [""], "Page has a problem: logged in but backend state is lost.": [""], "Welcome to the euFin bank!": [""], "": { domain: "messages", plural_forms: "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", lang: "de", }, }, }, }; strings["en"] = { domain: "messages", locale_data: { messages: { days: ["days"], hours: ["hours"], minutes: ["minutes"], seconds: ["seconds"], Clear: [""], Logout: [""], "Demo Bank": [""], "Go back": ["Go back"], "Wire transfer": [""], "Transfer money to another account of this bank:": [""], "Want to try the raw payto://-format?": [""], "Transfer money via the Payto system:": [""], "payto address": [""], Confirm: [""], "Confirm Withdrawal": ["Confirm withdrawal"], "Waiting the bank to create the operaion...": [""], "This withdrawal was aborted!": [""], "Withdraw to a Taler Wallet": ["Charge Taler wallet"], "You can use this QR code to withdraw to your mobile wallet:": [""], "this link": [""], Abort: [""], "Start withdrawal": ["Start withdrawal"], "Withdraw Money into a Taler wallet": ["Charge Taler wallet"], "Amount to withdraw": ["Amount to withdraw"], "Please login!": [""], Login: [""], "Register to the euFin bank!": [""], "Registration form": [""], Register: [""], Date: [""], Amount: [""], Counterpart: [""], Subject: [""], "Username or account label '%1$s' not found. Won't login.": [""], "Wrong credentials given.": [""], "Account information could not be retrieved.": [""], "Close wire transfer": [""], "Close Taler withdrawal": ["Close Taler withdrawal"], "Bank account balance:": [""], "Latest transactions:": [""], "Transfer money manually": [""], "List of public accounts was not found.": [""], "List of public accounts could not be retrieved.": [""], "History of public accounts": [""], "Page has a problem: logged in but backend state is lost.": [ "Page has a problem: logged in but backend state is lost.", ], "Welcome to the euFin bank!": [ "Welcome to euFin bank: Taler+IBAN now possible!", ], "": { domain: "messages", plural_forms: "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", lang: "en", }, }, }, }; strings["it"] = { domain: "messages", locale_data: { messages: { days: [""], hours: [""], minutes: [""], seconds: [""], Clear: ["Cancella"], Logout: [""], "Demo Bank": ["Banca 'demo'"], "Go back": ["Indietro"], "Wire transfer": ["Bonifico"], "Transfer money to another account of this bank:": [ "Trasferisci fondi a un altro conto di questa banca:", ], "Want to try the raw payto://-format?": [ "Prova il trasferimento tramite il formato Payto!", ], "Transfer money via the Payto system:": [ "Effettua un bonifico tramite il sistema Payto:", ], "payto address": ["indirizzo Payto"], Confirm: ["Conferma"], "Confirm Withdrawal": ["Conferma il ritiro"], "Waiting the bank to create the operaion...": [ "La banca sta creando l'operazione...", ], "This withdrawal was aborted!": ["Questo ritiro รจ stato annullato!"], "Withdraw to a Taler Wallet": ["Ritira contante nel portafoglio Taler"], "You can use this QR code to withdraw to your mobile wallet:": [ "Usa questo codice QR per ritirare contante nel tuo wallet:", ], "this link": ["questo link"], Abort: ["Annulla"], "Start withdrawal": ["Ritira contante"], "Withdraw Money into a Taler wallet": [ "Ritira contante nel portafoglio Taler", ], "Amount to withdraw": ["Somma da ritirare"], "Please login!": ["Accedi!"], Login: ["Accedi"], "Register to the euFin bank!": ["Apri un conto in banca euFin!"], "Registration form": ["Registrazione"], Register: ["Registrati"], Date: [""], Amount: ["Somma"], Counterpart: ["Controparte"], Subject: ["Causale"], "Username or account label '%1$s' not found. Won't login.": [ "L'utente '%1$s' non esiste. Login impossibile", ], "Wrong credentials given.": ["Credenziali invalide."], "Account information could not be retrieved.": [ "Impossibile ricevere le informazioni relative al conto.", ], "Close wire transfer": ["Chiudi il bonifico"], "Close Taler withdrawal": ["Chiudi il ritiro Taler"], "Bank account balance:": ["Bilancio:"], "Latest transactions:": ["Ultime transazioni:"], "Transfer money manually": ["Effettua un bonifico"], "List of public accounts was not found.": [ "Lista conti pubblici non trovata.", ], "List of public accounts could not be retrieved.": [ "Lista conti pubblici non pervenuta.", ], "History of public accounts": ["Storico dei conti pubblici"], "Page has a problem: logged in but backend state is lost.": [ "Stato inconsistente: accesso utente effettuato ma stato con server perso.", ], "Welcome to the euFin bank!": ["Benvenuti in banca euFin!"], "": { domain: "messages", plural_forms: "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", lang: "it", }, }, }, };