/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2022 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ import { AccessToken, HttpStatusCode, LibtoolVersion, OperationAlternative, OperationFail, OperationOk, TalerCorebankApi, TalerCoreBankHttpClient, TalerError, TalerErrorCode, UserAndToken } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { HttpRequestLibrary } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util/http"; import { BrowserHttpLib, ErrorLoading, useTranslationContext } from "@gnu-taler/web-util/browser"; import { ComponentChildren, createContext, FunctionComponent, h, VNode } from "preact"; import { useContext, useEffect, useState } from "preact/hooks"; import { revalidateAccountDetails, revalidatePublicAccounts, revalidateTransactions } from "../hooks/access.js"; import { revalidateBusinessAccounts, revalidateCashouts } from "../hooks/circuit.js"; /** * * @author Sebastian Javier Marchano (sebasjm) */ export type Type = { url: URL, config: TalerCorebankApi.Config, api: TalerCoreBankHttpClient, hints: VersionHint[] }; const Context = createContext(undefined as any); export const useBankCoreApiContext = (): Type => useContext(Context); export enum VersionHint { /** * when this flag is on, server is running an old version with cashout before implementing 2fa API */ CASHOUT_BEFORE_2FA, } export type ConfigResult = undefined | { type: "ok", config: TalerCorebankApi.Config, hints: VersionHint[] } | { type: "incompatible", result: TalerCorebankApi.Config, supported: string } | { type: "error", error: TalerError } export const BankCoreApiProvider = ({ baseUrl, children, frameOnError, }: { baseUrl: string, children: ComponentChildren; frameOnError: FunctionComponent<{ children: ComponentChildren }>, }): VNode => { const [checked, setChecked] = useState() const { i18n } = useTranslationContext(); const url = new URL(baseUrl) const api = new CacheAwareApi(url.href, new BrowserHttpLib()) useEffect(() => { api.getConfig() .then((resp) => { if (api.isCompatible(resp.body.version)) { setChecked({ type: "ok", config: resp.body, hints: [] }); } else { //this API supports version 3.0.3 const compare = LibtoolVersion.compare("3:0:3", resp.body.version) if (compare?.compatible ?? false) { setChecked({ type: "ok", config: resp.body, hints: [VersionHint.CASHOUT_BEFORE_2FA] }); } else { setChecked({ type: "incompatible", result: resp.body, supported: api.PROTOCOL_VERSION }) } } }) .catch((error: unknown) => { if (error instanceof TalerError) { setChecked({ type: "error", error }); } }); }, []); if (checked === undefined) { return h(frameOnError, { children: h("div", {}, "loading...") }) } if (checked.type === "error") { return h(frameOnError, { children: h(ErrorLoading, { error: checked.error, showDetail: true }) }) } if (checked.type === "incompatible") { return h(frameOnError, { children: h("div", {}, i18n.str`the bank backend is not supported. supported version "${checked.supported}", server version "${checked.result.version}"`) }) } const value: Type = { url, config: checked.config, api: api, hints: checked.hints, } return h(Context.Provider, { value, children, }); }; export class CacheAwareApi extends TalerCoreBankHttpClient { constructor(baseUrl: string, httpClient?: HttpRequestLibrary) { super(baseUrl, httpClient) } async deleteAccount(auth: UserAndToken, cid?: string | undefined) { const resp = await super.deleteAccount(auth, cid) if (resp.type === "ok") { revalidatePublicAccounts() revalidateBusinessAccounts() } return resp; } async createAccount(auth: AccessToken, body: TalerCorebankApi.RegisterAccountRequest) { const resp = await super.createAccount(auth, body) if (resp.type === "ok") { revalidatePublicAccounts() revalidateBusinessAccounts() } return resp; } async updateAccount(auth: UserAndToken, body: TalerCorebankApi.AccountReconfiguration, cid?: string | undefined) { const resp = await super.updateAccount(auth, body, cid) if (resp.type === "ok") { revalidateAccountDetails() } return resp; } async createTransaction(auth: UserAndToken, body: TalerCorebankApi.CreateTransactionRequest, cid?: string | undefined) { const resp = await super.createTransaction(auth, body, cid) if (resp.type === "ok") { revalidateAccountDetails() revalidateTransactions() } return resp; } async confirmWithdrawalById(auth: UserAndToken, wid: string, cid?: string | undefined) { const resp = await super.confirmWithdrawalById(auth, wid, cid) if (resp.type === "ok") { revalidateAccountDetails() revalidateTransactions() } return resp; } async createCashout(auth: UserAndToken, body: TalerCorebankApi.CashoutRequest, cid?: string | undefined) { const resp = await super.createCashout(auth, body, cid) if (resp.type === "ok") { revalidateAccountDetails() revalidateCashouts() } return resp; } } export const BankCoreApiProviderTesting = ({ children, state, url, }: { children: ComponentChildren; state: TalerCorebankApi.Config; url: string, }): VNode => { const value: Type = { url: new URL(url), config: state, api: undefined as any, hints: [], }; return h(Context.Provider, { value, children, }); };