# Taler Demobank UI Web-based user interface for the libeufin demobank. ## CLI Commands - `pnpm install`: Installs dependencies - `pnpm run build`: Create a production-ready build under `dist/`. - `pnpm run check`: Run type checker - `pnpm run lint`: Pass TypeScript files using ESLint ## Testing By default, the demobank-ui points to `https://bank.demo.taler.net/demobanks/default/` as the bank access API base URL. This can be changed for testing by setting the URL via local storage (via your browser's devtools): ``` localStorage.setItem("bank-base-url", OTHER_URL); ``` ## Customizing Per-Deployment Settings To customize per-deployment settings, make sure that the `demobank-ui-settings.js` file is served alongside the UI. This file is loaded before the SPA and can do customizations by changing `globalThis.`. For example, the following settings would correspond to the default settings: ``` globalThis.talerDemobankSettings = { allowRegistrations: true, bankName: "Taler Bank", // Show explainer text and navbar to other demo sites showDemoNav: true, // Names and links for other demo sites to show in the navbar demoSites: [ ["Landing", "https://demo.taler.net/"], ["Bank", "https://bank.demo.taler.net/"], ["Essay Shop", "https://shop.demo.taler.net/"], ["Donations", "https://donations.demo.taler.net/"], ["Survey", "https://donations.demo.taler.net/"], ], }; ```