/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2022-2024 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ import { AbsoluteTime, AccountLetter, HttpStatusCode, TalerCorebankApi, TalerError, TalerErrorCode, TranslatedString, assertUnreachable, parsePaytoUri, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { CopyButton, Loading, LocalNotificationBanner, RouteDefinition, notifyInfo, useBankCoreApiContext, useLocalNotification, useTranslationContext, } from "@gnu-taler/web-util/browser"; import { Fragment, VNode, h } from "preact"; import { useState } from "preact/hooks"; import { ErrorLoadingWithDebug } from "../../components/ErrorLoadingWithDebug.js"; import { useAccountDetails } from "../../hooks/account.js"; import { useBankState } from "../../hooks/bank-state.js"; import { useSessionState } from "../../hooks/session.js"; import { LoginForm } from "../LoginForm.js"; import { ProfileNavigation } from "../ProfileNavigation.js"; import { AccountForm } from "../admin/AccountForm.js"; import { usePreferences } from "../../hooks/preferences.js"; export function ShowAccountDetails({ account, routeClose, onUpdateSuccess, onAuthorizationRequired, routeMyAccountCashout, routeMyAccountDelete, routeMyAccountDetails, routeHere, routeMyAccountPassword, routeConversionConfig, }: { routeClose: RouteDefinition; routeHere: RouteDefinition<{ account: string }>; routeMyAccountDetails: RouteDefinition; routeMyAccountDelete: RouteDefinition; routeMyAccountPassword: RouteDefinition; routeMyAccountCashout: RouteDefinition; routeConversionConfig: RouteDefinition; onUpdateSuccess: () => void; onAuthorizationRequired: () => void; account: string; }): VNode { const { i18n } = useTranslationContext(); const [preferences] = usePreferences(); const { state: credentials } = useSessionState(); const creds = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? undefined : credentials; const { lib: { bank }, } = useBankCoreApiContext(); const accountIsTheCurrentUser = credentials.status === "loggedIn" ? credentials.username === account : false; const [submitAccount, setSubmitAccount] = useState< TalerCorebankApi.AccountReconfiguration | undefined >(); const [notification, notify, handleError] = useLocalNotification(); const [, updateBankState] = useBankState(); const result = useAccountDetails(account); if (!result) { return ; } if (result instanceof TalerError) { return ( ); } if (result.type === "fail") { switch (result.case) { case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: return ; default: assertUnreachable(result); } } async function doUpdate() { if (!submitAccount || !creds) return; await handleError(async () => { const resp = await bank.updateAccount( { token: creds.token, username: account, }, submitAccount, ); if (resp.type === "ok") { notifyInfo(i18n.str`Account updated`); onUpdateSuccess(); } else { switch (resp.case) { case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: return notify({ type: "error", title: i18n.str`The rights to change the account are not sufficient`, description: resp.detail.hint as TranslatedString, debug: resp.detail, when: AbsoluteTime.now(), }); case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: return notify({ type: "error", title: i18n.str`The username was not found`, description: resp.detail.hint as TranslatedString, debug: resp.detail, when: AbsoluteTime.now(), }); case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_LEGAL_NAME: return notify({ type: "error", title: i18n.str`You can't change the legal name, please contact the your account administrator.`, description: resp.detail.hint as TranslatedString, debug: resp.detail, when: AbsoluteTime.now(), }); case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_DEBT_LIMIT: return notify({ type: "error", title: i18n.str`You can't change the debt limit, please contact the your account administrator.`, description: resp.detail.hint as TranslatedString, debug: resp.detail, when: AbsoluteTime.now(), }); case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_CASHOUT: return notify({ type: "error", title: i18n.str`You can't change the cashout address, please contact the your account administrator.`, description: resp.detail.hint as TranslatedString, debug: resp.detail, when: AbsoluteTime.now(), }); case TalerErrorCode.BANK_MISSING_TAN_INFO: return notify({ type: "error", title: i18n.str`No information for the selected authentication channel.`, description: resp.detail.hint as TranslatedString, debug: resp.detail, when: AbsoluteTime.now(), }); case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: { updateBankState("currentChallenge", { operation: "update-account", id: String(resp.body.challenge_id), location: routeHere.url({ account }), sent: AbsoluteTime.never(), request: submitAccount, }); return onAuthorizationRequired(); } case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_NOT_SUPPORTED: { return notify({ type: "error", title: i18n.str`Authentication channel is not supported.`, description: resp.detail.hint as TranslatedString, debug: resp.detail, when: AbsoluteTime.now(), }); } case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_SET_MIN_CASHOUT: { return notify({ type: "error", title: i18n.str`Only the administrator can change the minimum cashout limit.`, description: resp.detail.hint as TranslatedString, debug: resp.detail, when: AbsoluteTime.now(), }); } default: assertUnreachable(resp); } } }); } const url = bank.getRevenueAPI(account); const baseURL = url.href; const revenueURL = new URL(baseURL); revenueURL.username = account; revenueURL.password; const ac = parsePaytoUri(result.body.payto_uri); const payto = !ac?.isKnown ? undefined : ac; const accountLetter: AccountLetter | undefined = !payto ? undefined : { accountURI: result.body.payto_uri, infoURL: revenueURL.href, accountToken: creds?.token, }; return ( {accountIsTheCurrentUser ? ( ) : (

Account "{account}"


Change details

setSubmitAccount(a)} >

Merchant integration

Use this information to link your Taler Merchant Backoffice account with the current bank account. You can start by copying the values, then go to your merchant backoffice service provider, login into your account and look for the "import" button in the "bank account" section.

{payto !== undefined && (

Method to use for wire transfer.

{((payto) => { switch (payto.targetType) { case "iban": { return (
payto.iban} />

International Bank Account Number.

); } case "x-taler-bank": { return (
payto.host} />

Bank host where the service is located.

payto.account} />

Bank account identifier for wire transfers.

); } case "bitcoin": { return (
"Asd"} />

International Bank Account Number.

); } } })(payto)}
result.body.name} />

Legal name of the person holding the account.

baseURL} />

From where the merchant can download information about incoming wire transfers to this account.

Cancel {!preferences.showCopyAccount ? ( ) : ( !accountLetter ? "" : JSON.stringify(accountLetter) } class="flex text-center disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600" > Copy )}
); }