## AUditor Admin Frontend Auditor Admin Frontend is a Single Page Application (SPA) that connects with a running Auditor Backend and lets you audit the exchange. ## System requirements - Node: v16.15.0 - pnpm: 7.14.2 - make ## Compiling from source Run `pnpm install --frozen-lockfile --filter @gnu-taler/auditor-backoffice...` to install all the nodejs dependencies. Then the command `pnpm build` create the distribution in the `dist` folder. By default the installation prefix will be `/usr/local/share/taler/auditor-backoffice/` but it can be overridden by `--prefix` in the configuration process: ```shell ./configure --prefix=/another/directory ``` To install run `make install` ## Running develop To run a development server run: ```shell ./dev.mjs ``` This should start a watch process that will reload the server every time that a file is saved. The application need to connect to a auditor-backend properly configured to run. ## Building for deploy To build and deploy the SPA in your local server run the install script: ```shell make install ``` ## Runtime dependencies * preact: Fast 3kB alternative to React with the same modern API * preact-router: URL component router for Preact * SWR: React Hooks library for data fetching (stale-while-revalidate) * Yup: schema builder for value parsing and validation (to be deprecated) * Date-fns: library for manipulating javascript date * qrcode-generator: simplest qr implementation based on JIS X 0510:1999 * @gnu-taler/taler-util: types and tooling * history: manage the history stack, navigate, and persist state between sessions * jed: gettext like library for internationalization