import { Fragment, h, VNode } from "preact"; import { AnastasisClientFrame } from "."; import { ChallengeFeedback, ChallengeFeedbackStatus } from "../../../../anastasis-core/lib"; import { Notifications } from "../../components/Notifications"; import { useAnastasisContext } from "../../context/anastasis"; import { authMethods, AuthMethodSolveProps, KnownAuthMethods } from "./authMethod"; export function SolveOverviewFeedbackDisplay(props: { feedback?: ChallengeFeedback }): VNode { const { feedback } = props; if (!feedback) { return
; } switch (feedback.state) { case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.Message: return (); case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.Payment: return To pay you can click here }]} /> case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.AuthIban: return ; case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.ServerFailure: return (); case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.RateLimitExceeded: return (); case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.Redirect: return ( Please visit this link: {feedback.redirect_url} }]} />); case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.Unsupported: return (); case ChallengeFeedbackStatus.TruthUnknown: return (); default: return (
); } } export function SolveScreen(): VNode { const reducer = useAnastasisContext(); if (!reducer) { return (
no reducer in context
); } if ( !reducer.currentReducerState || reducer.currentReducerState.recovery_state === undefined ) { return (
invalid state
); } if (!reducer.currentReducerState.recovery_information) { return (
no recovery information found
); } if (!reducer.currentReducerState.selected_challenge_uuid) { return (
invalid state
); } function SolveNotImplemented(): VNode { return (

The challenge selected is not supported for this UI. Please update this version or try using another policy.

{reducer &&
); } const chArr = reducer.currentReducerState.recovery_information.challenges; const selectedUuid = reducer.currentReducerState.selected_challenge_uuid; const selectedChallenge = chArr.find(ch => ch.uuid === selectedUuid) const SolveDialog = !selectedChallenge || !authMethods[selectedChallenge.type as KnownAuthMethods] ? SolveNotImplemented : authMethods[selectedChallenge.type as KnownAuthMethods].solve ?? SolveNotImplemented return }