/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/camelcase */ import { BackupStates, ContinentInfo, RecoveryStates } from "anastasis-core"; import { h, VNode } from "preact"; import { useState } from "preact/hooks"; import { useAnastasisContext } from "../../context/anastasis"; import { AnastasisClientFrame, withProcessLabel } from "./index"; export function ContinentSelectionScreen(): VNode { const reducer = useAnastasisContext() //FIXME: remove this when #7056 is fixed const [countryCode, setCountryCode] = useState("") if (!reducer || !reducer.currentReducerState || !("continents" in reducer.currentReducerState)) { return
} const selectContinent = (continent: string): void => { reducer.transition("select_continent", { continent }) }; const selectCountry = (country: string): void => { setCountryCode(country) }; const continentList = reducer.currentReducerState.continents || []; const countryList = reducer.currentReducerState.countries || []; const theContinent = reducer.currentReducerState.selected_continent || "" // const cc = reducer.currentReducerState.selected_country || ""; const theCountry = countryList.find(c => c.code === countryCode) const selectCountryAction = () => { //selection should be when the select box changes it value if (!theCountry) return; reducer.transition("select_country", { country_code: countryCode, currencies: [theCountry.currency], }) } const step1 = reducer.currentReducerState.backup_state === BackupStates.ContinentSelecting || reducer.currentReducerState.recovery_state === RecoveryStates.ContinentSelecting; const errors = !theCountry ? "Select a country" : undefined return (
{!step1 && reducer.back()}> X }
{theCountry &&

A location will help to define a common information that will be use to locate your secret and a currency for payments if needed.

); }