/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/camelcase */ import { AuthMethod } from "anastasis-core"; import { ComponentChildren, Fragment, h, VNode } from "preact"; import { useState } from "preact/hooks"; import { TextInput } from "../../components/fields/TextInput"; import { useAnastasisContext } from "../../context/anastasis"; import { authMethods, KnownAuthMethods } from "./authMethod"; import { AnastasisClientFrame } from "./index"; const getKeys = Object.keys as (obj: T) => Array export function AuthenticationEditorScreen(): VNode { const [noProvidersAck, setNoProvidersAck] = useState(false) const [selectedMethod, setSelectedMethod] = useState(undefined); const [addingProvider, setAddingProvider] = useState(undefined) const reducer = useAnastasisContext() if (!reducer) { return
no reducer in context
} if (!reducer.currentReducerState || reducer.currentReducerState.backup_state === undefined) { return
invalid state
} const configuredAuthMethods: AuthMethod[] = reducer.currentReducerState.authentication_methods ?? []; const haveMethodsConfigured = configuredAuthMethods.length > 0; function removeByIndex(index: number): void { if (reducer) reducer.transition("delete_authentication", { authentication_method: index, }) } const camByType: { [s: string]: AuthMethodWithRemove[] } = {} for (let index = 0; index < configuredAuthMethods.length; index++) { const cam = { ...configuredAuthMethods[index], remove: () => removeByIndex(index) } const prevValue = camByType[cam.type] || [] prevValue.push(cam) camByType[cam.type] = prevValue; } const providers = reducer.currentReducerState.authentication_providers!; const authAvailableSet = new Set(); for (const provKey of Object.keys(providers)) { const p = providers[provKey]; if ("http_status" in p && (!("error_code" in p)) && p.methods) { for (const meth of p.methods) { authAvailableSet.add(meth.type); } } } if (selectedMethod) { const cancel = (): void => setSelectedMethod(undefined); const addMethod = (args: any): void => { reducer.transition("add_authentication", args); setSelectedMethod(undefined); }; const AuthSetup = authMethods[selectedMethod].screen ?? AuthMethodNotImplemented; return ( {!authAvailableSet.has(selectedMethod) && { null }} > We have found no trusted cloud providers for your recovery secret. You can add a provider manually. To add a provider you must know the provider URL (e.g. https://provider.com)

More about cloud providers

); } if (addingProvider !== undefined) { return
} function MethodButton(props: { method: KnownAuthMethods }): VNode { if (authMethods[props.method].skip) return
return (
); } const errors = !haveMethodsConfigured ? "There is not enough authentication methods." : undefined; return (
{getKeys(authMethods).map(method => )}
{authAvailableSet.size === 0 && setNoProvidersAck(true)} description="No providers founds" label="Add a provider manually" onConfirm={() => { null }} > We have found no trusted cloud providers for your recovery secret. You can add a provider manually. To add a provider you must know the provider URL (e.g. https://provider.com)

More about cloud providers


When recovering your wallet, you will be asked to verify your identity via the methods you configure here. The list of authentication method is defined by the backup provider list.

{authAvailableSet.size > 0 &&

We couldn't find provider for some of the authentication methods.

); } type AuthMethodWithRemove = AuthMethod & { remove: () => void } export interface AuthMethodSetupProps { method: string; addAuthMethod: (x: any) => void; configured: AuthMethodWithRemove[]; cancel: () => void; } function AuthMethodNotImplemented(props: AuthMethodSetupProps): VNode { return (

This auth method is not implemented yet, please choose another one.

); } function ConfirmModal({ active, description, onCancel, onConfirm, children, danger, disabled, label = 'Confirm' }: Props): VNode { return
} interface Props { active?: boolean; description?: string; onCancel?: () => void; onConfirm?: () => void; label?: string; children?: ComponentChildren; danger?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; }