import { AmountString, buildSigPS, bytesToString, Codec, codecForAny, decodeCrock, eddsaSign, encodeCrock, getRandomBytes, hash, j2s, Logger, stringToBytes, TalerErrorCode, TalerSignaturePurpose, Timestamp, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { anastasisData } from "./anastasis-data.js"; import { EscrowConfigurationResponse, TruthUploadRequest, } from "./provider-types.js"; import { ActionArgAddAuthentication, ActionArgDeleteAuthentication, ActionArgDeletePolicy, ActionArgEnterSecret, ActionArgEnterSecretName, ActionArgEnterUserAttributes, ActionArgsAddPolicy, ActionArgSelectContinent, ActionArgSelectCountry, ActionArgsSelectChallenge, ActionArgsSolveChallengeRequest, ActionArgsUpdateExpiration, AuthenticationProviderStatus, AuthenticationProviderStatusOk, AuthMethod, BackupStates, codecForActionArgEnterUserAttributes, codecForActionArgsAddPolicy, codecForActionArgSelectChallenge, codecForActionArgSelectContinent, codecForActionArgSelectCountry, codecForActionArgsUpdateExpiration, ContinentInfo, CountryInfo, MethodSpec, Policy, PolicyProvider, RecoveryInformation, RecoveryInternalData, RecoveryStates, ReducerState, ReducerStateBackup, ReducerStateBackupUserAttributesCollecting, ReducerStateError, ReducerStateRecovery, SuccessDetails, UserAttributeSpec, } from "./reducer-types.js"; import fetchPonyfill from "fetch-ponyfill"; import { accountKeypairDerive, asOpaque, coreSecretEncrypt, encryptKeyshare, encryptRecoveryDocument, encryptTruth, OpaqueData, PolicyKey, policyKeyDerive, PolicySalt, TruthSalt, secureAnswerHash, UserIdentifier, userIdentifierDerive, typedArrayConcat, decryptRecoveryDocument, decryptKeyShare, KeyShare, coreSecretRecover, } from "./crypto.js"; import { unzlibSync, zlibSync } from "fflate"; import { EscrowMethod, RecoveryDocument } from "./recovery-document-types.js"; const { fetch } = fetchPonyfill({}); export * from "./reducer-types.js"; export * as validators from "./validators.js"; const logger = new Logger("anastasis-core:index.ts"); function getContinents(): ContinentInfo[] { const continentSet = new Set(); const continents: ContinentInfo[] = []; for (const country of anastasisData.countriesList.countries) { if (continentSet.has(country.continent)) { continue; } continentSet.add(country.continent); continents.push({ ...{ name_i18n: country.continent_i18n }, name: country.continent, }); } return continents; } interface ErrorDetails { code: TalerErrorCode; message?: string; hint?: string; } export class ReducerError extends Error { constructor(public errorJson: ErrorDetails) { super( errorJson.message ?? errorJson.hint ?? `${TalerErrorCode[errorJson.code]}`, ); // Set the prototype explicitly. Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ReducerError.prototype); } } /** * Get countries for a continent, abort with ReducerError * exception when continent doesn't exist. */ function getCountries(continent: string): CountryInfo[] { const countries = anastasisData.countriesList.countries.filter( (x) => x.continent === continent, ); if (countries.length <= 0) { throw new ReducerError({ code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_INVALID, hint: "continent not found", }); } return countries; } export async function getBackupStartState(): Promise { return { backup_state: BackupStates.ContinentSelecting, continents: getContinents(), }; } export async function getRecoveryStartState(): Promise { return { recovery_state: RecoveryStates.ContinentSelecting, continents: getContinents(), }; } async function selectCountry( selectedContinent: string, args: ActionArgSelectCountry, ): Promise & Partial> { const countryCode = args.country_code; const currencies = args.currencies; const country = anastasisData.countriesList.countries.find( (x) => x.code === countryCode, ); if (!country) { throw new ReducerError({ code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_REDUCER_ACTION_INVALID, hint: "invalid country selected", }); } if (country.continent !== selectedContinent) { throw new ReducerError({ code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_REDUCER_ACTION_INVALID, hint: "selected country is not in selected continent", }); } const providers: { [x: string]: {} } = {}; for (const prov of anastasisData.providersList.anastasis_provider) { if (currencies.includes(prov.currency)) { providers[prov.url] = {}; } } const ra = (anastasisData.countryDetails as any)[countryCode] .required_attributes; return { selected_country: countryCode, currencies, required_attributes: ra, authentication_providers: providers, }; } async function backupSelectCountry( state: ReducerStateBackup, args: ActionArgSelectCountry, ): Promise { return { ...state, ...(await selectCountry(state.selected_continent!, args)), backup_state: BackupStates.UserAttributesCollecting, }; } async function recoverySelectCountry( state: ReducerStateRecovery, args: ActionArgSelectCountry, ): Promise { return { ...state, recovery_state: RecoveryStates.UserAttributesCollecting, ...(await selectCountry(state.selected_continent!, args)), }; } async function getProviderInfo( providerBaseUrl: string, ): Promise { // FIXME: Use a reasonable timeout here. let resp: Response; try { resp = await fetch(new URL("config", providerBaseUrl).href); } catch (e) { return { code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_REDUCER_NETWORK_FAILED, hint: "request to provider failed", }; } if (resp.status !== 200) { return { code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_REDUCER_NETWORK_FAILED, hint: "unexpected status", http_status: resp.status, }; } try { const jsonResp: EscrowConfigurationResponse = await resp.json(); return { http_status: 200, annual_fee: jsonResp.annual_fee, business_name: jsonResp.business_name, currency: jsonResp.currency, liability_limit: jsonResp.liability_limit, methods: => ({ type: x.type, usage_fee: x.cost, })), salt: jsonResp.server_salt, storage_limit_in_megabytes: jsonResp.storage_limit_in_megabytes, truth_upload_fee: jsonResp.truth_upload_fee, } as AuthenticationProviderStatusOk; } catch (e) { return { code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_REDUCER_NETWORK_FAILED, hint: "provider did not return JSON", }; } } async function backupEnterUserAttributes( state: ReducerStateBackup, args: ActionArgEnterUserAttributes, ): Promise { const attributes = args.identity_attributes; const providerUrls = Object.keys(state.authentication_providers ?? {}); const newProviders = state.authentication_providers ?? {}; for (const url of providerUrls) { newProviders[url] = await getProviderInfo(url); } const newState = { ...state, backup_state: BackupStates.AuthenticationsEditing, authentication_providers: newProviders, identity_attributes: attributes, }; return newState; } interface PolicySelectionResult { policies: Policy[]; policy_providers: PolicyProvider[]; } type MethodSelection = number[]; function enumerateSelections(n: number, m: number): MethodSelection[] { const selections: MethodSelection[] = []; const a = new Array(n); const sel = (i: number) => { if (i === n) { selections.push([...a]); return; } const start = i == 0 ? 0 : a[i - 1] + 1; for (let j = start; j < m; j++) { a[i] = j; sel(i + 1); } }; sel(0); return selections; } /** * Provider information used during provider/method mapping. */ interface ProviderInfo { url: string; methodCost: Record; } /** * Assign providers to a method selection. */ function assignProviders( methods: AuthMethod[], providers: ProviderInfo[], methodSelection: number[], ): Policy | undefined { const selectedProviders: string[] = []; for (const mi of methodSelection) { const m = methods[mi]; let found = false; for (const prov of providers) { if (prov.methodCost[m.type]) { selectedProviders.push(prov.url); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { /* No provider found for this method */ return undefined; } } return { methods:, i) => { return { authentication_method: x, provider: selectedProviders[i], }; }), }; } function suggestPolicies( methods: AuthMethod[], providers: ProviderInfo[], ): PolicySelectionResult { const numMethods = methods.length; if (numMethods === 0) { throw Error("no methods"); } let numSel: number; if (numMethods <= 2) { numSel = numMethods; } else if (numMethods <= 4) { numSel = numMethods - 1; } else if (numMethods <= 6) { numSel = numMethods - 2; } else if (numMethods == 7) { numSel = numMethods - 3; } else { numSel = 4; } const policies: Policy[] = []; const selections = enumerateSelections(numSel, numMethods);`selections: ${j2s(selections)}`); for (const sel of selections) { const p = assignProviders(methods, providers, sel); if (p) { policies.push(p); } } return { policies, policy_providers: => ({ provider_url: x.url, })), }; } /** * Truth data as stored in the reducer. */ interface TruthMetaData { uuid: string; key_share: string; policy_index: number; pol_method_index: number; /** * Nonce used for encrypting the truth. */ nonce: string; /** * Key that the truth (i.e. secret question answer, email address, mobile number, ...) * is encrypted with when stored at the provider. */ truth_key: string; /** * Truth-specific salt. */ truth_salt: string; } async function getTruthValue( authMethod: AuthMethod, truthUuid: string, questionSalt: TruthSalt, ): Promise { switch (authMethod.type) { case "question": { return asOpaque( await secureAnswerHash( bytesToString(decodeCrock(authMethod.challenge)), truthUuid, questionSalt, ), ); } case "sms": case "email": case "totp": case "iban": return authMethod.challenge; default: throw Error("unknown auth type"); } } /** * Compress the recovery document and add a size header. */ async function compressRecoveryDoc(rd: any): Promise {`recovery document: ${j2s(rd)}`); const docBytes = stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(rd)); const sizeHeaderBuf = new ArrayBuffer(4); const dvbuf = new DataView(sizeHeaderBuf); dvbuf.setUint32(0, docBytes.length, false); const zippedDoc = zlibSync(docBytes); return typedArrayConcat([new Uint8Array(sizeHeaderBuf), zippedDoc]); } async function uncompressRecoveryDoc(zippedRd: Uint8Array): Promise { const header = zippedRd.slice(0, 4); const data = zippedRd.slice(4); const res = unzlibSync(data); return JSON.parse(bytesToString(res)); } async function uploadSecret( state: ReducerStateBackup, ): Promise { const policies = state.policies!; const secretName = state.secret_name!; const coreSecret: OpaqueData = encodeCrock( stringToBytes(JSON.stringify(state.core_secret!)), ); // Truth key is `${methodIndex}/${providerUrl}` const truthMetadataMap: Record = {}; const policyKeys: PolicyKey[] = []; const policySalts: PolicySalt[] = []; // truth UUIDs for every policy. const policyUuids: string[][] = []; for (let policyIndex = 0; policyIndex < policies.length; policyIndex++) { const pol = policies[policyIndex]; const policySalt = encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(64)); const keyShares: string[] = []; const methUuids: string[] = []; for (let methIndex = 0; methIndex < pol.methods.length; methIndex++) { const meth = pol.methods[methIndex]; const truthReference = `${meth.authentication_method}:${meth.provider}`; let tm = truthMetadataMap[truthReference]; if (!tm) { tm = { key_share: encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(32)), nonce: encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(24)), truth_salt: encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(16)), truth_key: encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(64)), uuid: encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(32)), pol_method_index: methIndex, policy_index: policyIndex, }; truthMetadataMap[truthReference] = tm; } keyShares.push(tm.key_share); methUuids.push(tm.uuid); } const policyKey = await policyKeyDerive(keyShares, policySalt); policyUuids.push(methUuids); policyKeys.push(policyKey); policySalts.push(policySalt); } const csr = await coreSecretEncrypt(policyKeys, coreSecret); const uidMap: Record = {}; for (const prov of state.policy_providers!) { const provider = state.authentication_providers![ prov.provider_url ] as AuthenticationProviderStatusOk; uidMap[prov.provider_url] = await userIdentifierDerive( state.identity_attributes!, provider.salt, ); } const escrowMethods: EscrowMethod[] = []; for (const truthKey of Object.keys(truthMetadataMap)) { const tm = truthMetadataMap[truthKey]; const pol = state.policies![tm.policy_index]; const meth = pol.methods[tm.pol_method_index]; const authMethod = state.authentication_methods![meth.authentication_method]; const provider = state.authentication_providers![ meth.provider ] as AuthenticationProviderStatusOk; const truthValue = await getTruthValue(authMethod, tm.uuid, tm.truth_salt); const encryptedTruth = await encryptTruth( tm.nonce, tm.truth_key, truthValue, ); const uid = uidMap[meth.provider]; const encryptedKeyShare = await encryptKeyshare( tm.key_share, uid, authMethod.type === "question" ? bytesToString(decodeCrock(authMethod.challenge)) : undefined, ); const tur: TruthUploadRequest = { encrypted_truth: encryptedTruth, key_share_data: encryptedKeyShare, storage_duration_years: 5 /* FIXME */, type: authMethod.type, truth_mime: authMethod.mime_type, }; const resp = await fetch(new URL(`truth/${tm.uuid}`, meth.provider).href, { method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(tur), }); if (resp.status !== 204) { return { code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_REDUCER_NETWORK_FAILED, hint: "could not upload policy", }; } escrowMethods.push({ escrow_type: authMethod.type, instructions: authMethod.instructions, provider_salt: provider.salt, truth_salt: tm.truth_salt, truth_key: tm.truth_key, url: meth.provider, uuid: tm.uuid, }); } // FIXME: We need to store the truth metadata in // the state, since it's possible that we'll run into // a provider that requests a payment. const rd: RecoveryDocument = { secret_name: secretName, encrypted_core_secret: csr.encCoreSecret, escrow_methods: escrowMethods, policies:, i) => { return { master_key: csr.encMasterKeys[i], uuids: policyUuids[i], salt: policySalts[i], }; }), }; const successDetails: SuccessDetails = {}; for (const prov of state.policy_providers!) { const uid = uidMap[prov.provider_url]; const acctKeypair = accountKeypairDerive(uid); const zippedDoc = await compressRecoveryDoc(rd); const encRecoveryDoc = await encryptRecoveryDocument( uid, encodeCrock(zippedDoc), ); const bodyHash = hash(decodeCrock(encRecoveryDoc)); const sigPS = buildSigPS(TalerSignaturePurpose.ANASTASIS_POLICY_UPLOAD) .put(bodyHash) .build(); const sig = eddsaSign(sigPS, decodeCrock(acctKeypair.priv)); const resp = await fetch( new URL(`policy/${}`, prov.provider_url).href, { method: "POST", headers: { "Anastasis-Policy-Signature": encodeCrock(sig), "If-None-Match": encodeCrock(bodyHash), }, body: decodeCrock(encRecoveryDoc), }, ); if (resp.status !== 204) { return { code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_REDUCER_NETWORK_FAILED, hint: "could not upload policy", }; } let policyVersion = 0; let policyExpiration: Timestamp = { t_ms: 0 }; try { policyVersion = Number(resp.headers.get("Anastasis-Version") ?? "0"); } catch (e) {} try { policyExpiration = { t_ms: 1000 * Number(resp.headers.get("Anastasis-Policy-Expiration") ?? "0"), }; } catch (e) {} successDetails[prov.provider_url] = { policy_version: policyVersion, policy_expiration: policyExpiration, }; } return { ...state, backup_state: BackupStates.BackupFinished, success_details: successDetails, }; } /** * Download policy based on current user attributes and selected * version in the state. */ async function downloadPolicy( state: ReducerStateRecovery, ): Promise { const providerUrls = Object.keys(state.authentication_providers ?? {}); let foundRecoveryInfo: RecoveryInternalData | undefined = undefined; let recoveryDoc: RecoveryDocument | undefined = undefined; const newProviderStatus: { [url: string]: AuthenticationProviderStatusOk } = {}; const userAttributes = state.identity_attributes!; // FIXME: Shouldn't we also store the status of bad providers? for (const url of providerUrls) { const pi = await getProviderInfo(url); if ("error_code" in pi || !("http_status" in pi)) { // Could not even get /config of the provider continue; } newProviderStatus[url] = pi; } for (const url of providerUrls) { const pi = newProviderStatus[url]; if (!pi) { continue; } const userId = await userIdentifierDerive(userAttributes, pi.salt); const acctKeypair = accountKeypairDerive(userId); const resp = await fetch(new URL(`policy/${}`, url).href); if (resp.status !== 200) { continue; } const body = await resp.arrayBuffer(); const bodyDecrypted = await decryptRecoveryDocument( userId, encodeCrock(body), ); const rd: RecoveryDocument = await uncompressRecoveryDoc( decodeCrock(bodyDecrypted), ); let policyVersion = 0; try { policyVersion = Number(resp.headers.get("Anastasis-Version") ?? "0"); } catch (e) {} foundRecoveryInfo = { provider_url: url, secret_name: rd.secret_name ?? "", version: policyVersion, }; recoveryDoc = rd; break; } if (!foundRecoveryInfo || !recoveryDoc) { return { code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_REDUCER_POLICY_LOOKUP_FAILED, hint: "No backups found at any provider for your identity information.", }; } const recoveryInfo: RecoveryInformation = { challenges: => { const prov = newProviderStatus[x.url] as AuthenticationProviderStatusOk; return { cost: prov.methods.find((m) => m.type === x.escrow_type)?.usage_fee!, instructions: x.instructions, type: x.escrow_type, uuid: x.uuid, }; }), policies: => { return => { return { uuid: m, }; }); }), }; return { ...state, recovery_state: RecoveryStates.SecretSelecting, recovery_document: foundRecoveryInfo, recovery_information: recoveryInfo, verbatim_recovery_document: recoveryDoc, }; } /** * Try to reconstruct the secret from the available shares. * * Returns the state unmodified if not enough key shares are available yet. */ async function tryRecoverSecret( state: ReducerStateRecovery, ): Promise { const rd = state.verbatim_recovery_document!; for (const p of rd.policies) { const keyShares: KeyShare[] = []; let missing = false; for (const truthUuid of p.uuids) { const ks = (state.recovered_key_shares ?? {})[truthUuid]; if (!ks) { missing = true; break; } keyShares.push(ks); } if (missing) { continue; } const policyKey = await policyKeyDerive(keyShares, p.salt); const coreSecretBytes = await coreSecretRecover({ encryptedCoreSecret: rd.encrypted_core_secret, encryptedMasterKey: p.master_key, policyKey, }); return { ...state, recovery_state: RecoveryStates.RecoveryFinished, selected_challenge_uuid: undefined, core_secret: JSON.parse(bytesToString(decodeCrock(coreSecretBytes))), }; } return { ...state }; } async function solveChallenge( state: ReducerStateRecovery, ta: ActionArgsSolveChallengeRequest, ): Promise { const recDoc: RecoveryDocument = state.verbatim_recovery_document!; const truth = recDoc.escrow_methods.find( (x) => x.uuid === state.selected_challenge_uuid, ); if (!truth) { throw "truth for challenge not found"; } const url = new URL(`/truth/${truth.uuid}`, truth.url); // FIXME: This isn't correct for non-question truth responses. url.searchParams.set( "response", await secureAnswerHash(ta.answer, truth.uuid, truth.truth_salt), ); const resp = await fetch(url.href, { headers: { "Anastasis-Truth-Decryption-Key": truth.truth_key, }, }); if (resp.status !== 200) { return { code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_FAILED, hint: "got non-200 response", http_status: resp.status, } as ReducerStateError; } const answerSalt = truth.escrow_type === "question" ? ta.answer : undefined; const userId = await userIdentifierDerive( state.identity_attributes, truth.provider_salt, ); const respBody = new Uint8Array(await resp.arrayBuffer()); const keyShare = await decryptKeyShare( encodeCrock(respBody), userId, answerSalt, ); const recoveredKeyShares = { ...(state.recovered_key_shares ?? {}), [truth.uuid]: keyShare, }; const challengeFeedback = { ...state.challenge_feedback, [truth.uuid]: { state: "solved", }, }; const newState: ReducerStateRecovery = { ...state, recovery_state: RecoveryStates.ChallengeSelecting, challenge_feedback: challengeFeedback, recovered_key_shares: recoveredKeyShares, }; return tryRecoverSecret(newState); } async function recoveryEnterUserAttributes( state: ReducerStateRecovery, args: ActionArgEnterUserAttributes, ): Promise { // FIXME: validate attributes const st: ReducerStateRecovery = { ...state, identity_attributes: args.identity_attributes, }; return downloadPolicy(st); } async function selectChallenge( state: ReducerStateRecovery, ta: ActionArgsSelectChallenge, ): Promise { const recDoc: RecoveryDocument = state.verbatim_recovery_document!; const truth = recDoc.escrow_methods.find((x) => x.uuid === ta.uuid); if (!truth) { throw "truth for challenge not found"; } const url = new URL(`/truth/${truth.uuid}`, truth.url); const resp = await fetch(url.href, { headers: { "Anastasis-Truth-Decryption-Key": truth.truth_key, }, }); return { ...state, recovery_state: RecoveryStates.ChallengeSolving, selected_challenge_uuid: ta.uuid, }; } async function backupSelectContinent( state: ReducerStateBackup, args: ActionArgSelectContinent, ): Promise { const countries = getCountries(args.continent); if (countries.length <= 0) { return { code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_INVALID, hint: "continent not found", }; } return { ...state, backup_state: BackupStates.CountrySelecting, countries, selected_continent: args.continent, }; } async function recoverySelectContinent( state: ReducerStateRecovery, args: ActionArgSelectContinent, ): Promise { const countries = getCountries(args.continent); return { ...state, recovery_state: RecoveryStates.CountrySelecting, countries, selected_continent: args.continent, }; } interface TransitionImpl { argCodec: Codec; handler: (s: S, args: T) => Promise; } interface Transition { [x: string]: TransitionImpl; } function transition( action: string, argCodec: Codec, handler: (s: S, args: T) => Promise, ): Transition { return { [action]: { argCodec, handler, }, }; } function transitionBackupJump( action: string, st: BackupStates, ): Transition { return { [action]: { argCodec: codecForAny(), handler: async (s, a) => ({ ...s, backup_state: st }), }, }; } function transitionRecoveryJump( action: string, st: RecoveryStates, ): Transition { return { [action]: { argCodec: codecForAny(), handler: async (s, a) => ({ ...s, recovery_state: st }), }, }; } async function addAuthentication( state: ReducerStateBackup, args: ActionArgAddAuthentication, ): Promise { return { ...state, authentication_methods: [ ...(state.authentication_methods ?? []), args.authentication_method, ], }; } async function deleteAuthentication( state: ReducerStateBackup, args: ActionArgDeleteAuthentication, ): Promise { const m = state.authentication_methods ?? []; m.splice(args.authentication_method, 1); return { ...state, authentication_methods: m, }; } async function deletePolicy( state: ReducerStateBackup, args: ActionArgDeletePolicy, ): Promise { const policies = [...(state.policies ?? [])]; policies.splice(args.policy_index, 1); return { ...state, policies, }; } async function addPolicy( state: ReducerStateBackup, args: ActionArgsAddPolicy, ): Promise { return { ...state, policies: [ ...(state.policies ?? []), { methods: args.policy, }, ], }; } async function nextFromAuthenticationsEditing( state: ReducerStateBackup, args: {}, ): Promise { const methods = state.authentication_methods ?? []; const providers: ProviderInfo[] = []; for (const provUrl of Object.keys(state.authentication_providers ?? {})) { const prov = state.authentication_providers![provUrl]; if ("error_code" in prov) { continue; } if (!("http_status" in prov && prov.http_status === 200)) { continue; } const methodCost: Record = {}; for (const meth of prov.methods) { methodCost[meth.type] = meth.usage_fee; } providers.push({ methodCost, url: provUrl, }); } const pol = suggestPolicies(methods, providers); return { ...state, backup_state: BackupStates.PoliciesReviewing, ...pol, }; } async function updateUploadFees( state: ReducerStateBackup, ): Promise { for (const prov of state.policy_providers ?? []) { const info = state.authentication_providers![prov.provider_url]; if (!("currency" in info)) { continue; } } return { ...state, upload_fees: [] }; } async function enterSecret( state: ReducerStateBackup, args: ActionArgEnterSecret, ): Promise { return { ...state, expiration: args.expiration, core_secret: { mime: args.secret.mime ?? "text/plain", value: args.secret.value, }, }; } async function nextFromChallengeSelecting( state: ReducerStateRecovery, args: void, ): Promise { const s2 = await tryRecoverSecret(state); if (s2.recovery_state === RecoveryStates.RecoveryFinished) { return s2; } return { code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_REDUCER_ACTION_INVALID, hint: "Not enough challenges solved", }; } async function enterSecretName( state: ReducerStateBackup, args: ActionArgEnterSecretName, ): Promise { return { ...state, secret_name:, }; } async function updateSecretExpiration( state: ReducerStateBackup, args: ActionArgsUpdateExpiration, ): Promise { // FIXME: implement! return { ...state, expiration: args.expiration, }; } const backupTransitions: Record< BackupStates, Transition > = { [BackupStates.ContinentSelecting]: { ...transition( "select_continent", codecForActionArgSelectContinent(), backupSelectContinent, ), }, [BackupStates.CountrySelecting]: { ...transitionBackupJump("back", BackupStates.ContinentSelecting), ...transition( "select_country", codecForActionArgSelectCountry(), backupSelectCountry, ), ...transition( "select_continent", codecForActionArgSelectContinent(), backupSelectContinent, ), }, [BackupStates.UserAttributesCollecting]: { ...transitionBackupJump("back", BackupStates.CountrySelecting), ...transition( "enter_user_attributes", codecForActionArgEnterUserAttributes(), backupEnterUserAttributes, ), }, [BackupStates.AuthenticationsEditing]: { ...transitionBackupJump("back", BackupStates.UserAttributesCollecting), ...transition("add_authentication", codecForAny(), addAuthentication), ...transition("delete_authentication", codecForAny(), deleteAuthentication), ...transition("next", codecForAny(), nextFromAuthenticationsEditing), }, [BackupStates.PoliciesReviewing]: { ...transitionBackupJump("back", BackupStates.AuthenticationsEditing), ...transitionBackupJump("next", BackupStates.SecretEditing), ...transition("add_policy", codecForActionArgsAddPolicy(), addPolicy), ...transition("delete_policy", codecForAny(), deletePolicy), }, [BackupStates.SecretEditing]: { ...transitionBackupJump("back", BackupStates.PoliciesPaying), ...transition("next", codecForAny(), uploadSecret), ...transition("enter_secret", codecForAny(), enterSecret), ...transition( "update_expiration", codecForActionArgsUpdateExpiration(), updateSecretExpiration, ), ...transition("enter_secret_name", codecForAny(), enterSecretName), }, [BackupStates.PoliciesPaying]: {}, [BackupStates.TruthsPaying]: {}, [BackupStates.PoliciesPaying]: {}, [BackupStates.BackupFinished]: { ...transitionBackupJump("back", BackupStates.SecretEditing), }, }; const recoveryTransitions: Record< RecoveryStates, Transition > = { [RecoveryStates.ContinentSelecting]: { ...transition( "select_continent", codecForActionArgSelectContinent(), recoverySelectContinent, ), }, [RecoveryStates.CountrySelecting]: { ...transitionRecoveryJump("back", RecoveryStates.ContinentSelecting), ...transition( "select_country", codecForActionArgSelectCountry(), recoverySelectCountry, ), ...transition( "select_continent", codecForActionArgSelectContinent(), recoverySelectContinent, ), }, [RecoveryStates.UserAttributesCollecting]: { ...transitionRecoveryJump("back", RecoveryStates.CountrySelecting), ...transition( "enter_user_attributes", codecForActionArgEnterUserAttributes(), recoveryEnterUserAttributes, ), }, [RecoveryStates.SecretSelecting]: { ...transitionRecoveryJump("back", RecoveryStates.UserAttributesCollecting), ...transitionRecoveryJump("next", RecoveryStates.ChallengeSelecting), }, [RecoveryStates.ChallengeSelecting]: { ...transitionRecoveryJump("back", RecoveryStates.SecretSelecting), ...transition( "select_challenge", codecForActionArgSelectChallenge(), selectChallenge, ), ...transition("next", codecForAny(), nextFromChallengeSelecting), }, [RecoveryStates.ChallengeSolving]: { ...transitionRecoveryJump("back", RecoveryStates.ChallengeSelecting), ...transition("solve_challenge", codecForAny(), solveChallenge), }, [RecoveryStates.ChallengePaying]: {}, [RecoveryStates.RecoveryFinished]: {}, }; export async function reduceAction( state: ReducerState, action: string, args: any, ): Promise { let h: TransitionImpl; let stateName: string; if ("backup_state" in state && state.backup_state) { stateName = state.backup_state; h = backupTransitions[state.backup_state][action]; } else if ("recovery_state" in state && state.recovery_state) { stateName = state.recovery_state; h = recoveryTransitions[state.recovery_state][action]; } else { return { code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_REDUCER_ACTION_INVALID, hint: `Invalid state (needs backup_state or recovery_state)`, }; } if (!h) { return { code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_REDUCER_ACTION_INVALID, hint: `Unsupported action '${action}' in state '${stateName}'`, }; } let parsedArgs: any; try { parsedArgs = h.argCodec.decode(args); } catch (e: any) { return { code: TalerErrorCode.ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_INVALID, hint: "argument validation failed", message: e.toString(), }; } try { return await h.handler(state, parsedArgs); } catch (e) { logger.error("action handler failed"); if (e instanceof ReducerError) { return e.errorJson; } throw e; } }