import { clk } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { getBackupStartState, getRecoveryStartState, reduceAction, } from "./index.js"; import fs from "fs"; export const reducerCli = clk .program("reducer", { help: "Command line interface for the GNU Taler wallet.", }) .flag("initBackup", ["-b", "--backup"]) .flag("initRecovery", ["-r", "--restore"]) .maybeOption("argumentsJson", ["-a", "--arguments"], clk.STRING) .maybeArgument("action", clk.STRING) .maybeArgument("stateFile", clk.STRING); async function read(stream: NodeJS.ReadStream): Promise { const chunks = []; for await (const chunk of stream) { chunks.push(chunk); } return Buffer.concat(chunks).toString("utf8"); } reducerCli.action(async (x) => { if (x.reducer.initBackup) { console.log(JSON.stringify(await getBackupStartState())); return; } else if (x.reducer.initRecovery) { console.log(JSON.stringify(await getRecoveryStartState())); return; } const action = x.reducer.action; if (!action) { console.log("action required"); return; } let lastState: any; if (x.reducer.stateFile) { const s = fs.readFileSync(x.reducer.stateFile, { encoding: "utf-8" }); lastState = JSON.parse(s); } else { const s = await read(process.stdin); lastState = JSON.parse(s); } let args: any; if (x.reducer.argumentsJson) { args = JSON.parse(x.reducer.argumentsJson); } else { args = {}; } const nextState = await reduceAction(lastState, action, args); console.log(JSON.stringify(nextState)); }); export function reducerCliMain() {; }