import { useState } from "preact/hooks"; import { HttpResponsePaginated } from "@gnu-taler/web-util/browser"; import { AmlExchangeBackend } from "../types.js"; // FIX default import import { AmountString, OfficerAccount, OperationFail, TalerExchangeApi, TalerExchangeResultByMethod, TalerHttpError } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import _useSWR, { SWRHook } from "swr"; import { useExchangeApiContext } from "../context/config.js"; import { useOfficer } from "./useOfficer.js"; const useSWR = _useSWR as unknown as SWRHook; const PAGE_SIZE = 10; const MAX_RESULT_SIZE = PAGE_SIZE * 2 - 1; /** * FIXME: mutate result when balance change (transaction ) * @param account * @param args * @returns */ export function useCases(state: AmlExchangeBackend.AmlState) { const officer = useOfficer(); const session = officer.state === "ready" ? officer.account : undefined; const { api } = useExchangeApiContext(); const [offset, setOffet] = useState(); async function fetcher([officer, state, offset]: [OfficerAccount, AmlExchangeBackend.AmlState, string | undefined]) { return await api.getDecisionsByState(officer, state, { order: "asc", offset, limit: MAX_RESULT_SIZE }) } const { data, error } = useSWR, TalerHttpError>( !session ? undefined : [session, state, offset], fetcher, ); // const [lastAfter, setLastAfter] = useState< // HttpResponse // >({ loading: true }); // useEffect(() => { // if (afterData) setLastAfter(afterData); // }, [afterData]); // if (afterError) { // return afterError.cause; // } // if the query returns less that we ask, then we have reach the end or beginning const isLastPage = data && data.type === "ok" && data.body.records.length < PAGE_SIZE; const isFirstPage = !offset; const pagination = { isLastPage, isFirstPage, loadMore: () => { if (isLastPage || data?.type !== "ok") return; const list = data.body.records if (list.length < MAX_RESULT_SIZE) { // setOffset(list[list.length-1].account_name); } }, loadMorePrev: () => { null; }, }; // const public_accountslist = data?.type !== "ok" ? [] : data.body.public_accounts; if (!session) { return { data: { type: "fail", case: "unauthorized", detail: {} } as OperationFail } } if (data) { if (data.type === "fail") { return { data } } return { data, pagination } } if (error) { return error; } return undefined; } const example1: TalerExchangeApi.AmlRecords = { records: [ { current_state: 0, h_payto: "QWEQWEQWEQWEWQE", rowid: 1, threshold: "USD 100" as AmountString, }, { current_state: 1, h_payto: "ASDASDASD", rowid: 1, threshold: "USD 100" as AmountString, }, { current_state: 2, h_payto: "ZXCZXCZXCXZC", rowid: 1, threshold: "USD 1000" as AmountString, }, { current_state: 0, h_payto: "QWEQWEQWEQWEWQE", rowid: 1, threshold: "USD 100" as AmountString, }, { current_state: 1, h_payto: "ASDASDASD", rowid: 1, threshold: "USD 100" as AmountString, }, { current_state: 2, h_payto: "ZXCZXCZXCXZC", rowid: 1, threshold: "USD 1000" as AmountString, }, ].map((e, idx) => { e.rowid = idx; e.threshold = `${e.threshold}${idx}` as AmountString; return e; }), };