import { AbsoluteTime, AmountJson, TranslatedString, } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { FormState } from "../handlers/FormProvider.js"; import { FlexibleForm } from "./index.js"; import { State } from "../pages/AntiMoneyLaunderingForm.js"; import { AmlState } from "../types.js"; import { Simplest, resolutionSection } from "./simplest.js"; export const v1 = (current: State): FlexibleForm => ({ versionId: "2023-05-15", design: [ { title: "Establishing of the controlling person of operating legal entities and partnerships both not quoted on the stock exchange" as TranslatedString, description: "for operating legal entities and partnership that are contracting partner as well as analogously for operating legal entities and partnership that are beneficial owners." as TranslatedString, fields: [ { type: "textArea", props: { name: "contractingPartner", label: "Contracting partner" as TranslatedString, }, }, { type: "choiceStacked", props: { name: "declares", label: "The contracting partner hereby declares that" as TranslatedString, required: true, choices: [ { label: "the person(s) listed below is/are holding 25% or more of the contracting partner's shares (capital shares or voting rights)" as TranslatedString, value: "25-or-more", }, { label: "if the capital shares or voting rights cannot be determined or in case there are no capital shares or voting rights 25% or more, the contracting partner hereby declares that the person(s) listed below is/are controlling the contracting partner in other ways" as TranslatedString, value: "controlling-in-other-ways", }, { label: "in case this/these person(s) cannot be determined or this/these person(s) does/do not exist, the contracting partner hereby declares that the person(s) listed below is/are the managing director(s)" as TranslatedString, value: "managing-director", }, ], }, }, { type: "array", props: { name: "businessEstablisher", label: "Persons" as TranslatedString, required: true, tooltip: "hola" as TranslatedString, placeholder: "this is the placeholder" as TranslatedString, fields: [ { type: "text", props: { name: "lastName", label: "Last name(s)" as TranslatedString, required: true, }, }, { type: "text", props: { name: "firstName", label: "First name(s)" as TranslatedString, required: true, }, }, { type: "text", props: { name: "address", label: "Actual address of domicile" as TranslatedString, required: true, }, }, ], labelField: "lastName", }, }, { type: "choiceStacked", props: { name: "fiduciaryAssets", label: "Fiduciary holding assets" as TranslatedString, help: "Is a third person the beneficial owner of the assets held in the account/securities account?" as TranslatedString, required: true, choices: [ { label: "No" as TranslatedString, value: "no", }, { label: "Yes" as TranslatedString, value: "yes", description: "The relevant information regarding the beneficial owner has to be obtained by filling in a separate VQF doc. No. 902.9" as TranslatedString, }, ], }, }, { type: "date", props: { name: "when", pattern: "dd/MM/yyyy", label: "Date" as TranslatedString, help: "format 'dd/MM/yyyy'" as TranslatedString, }, }, ], }, resolutionSection(current), ], behavior: function formBehavior( v: Partial, ): FormState { return { person: { hidden: v.declares !== "controlling-in-other-ways" && v.declares !== "managing-director", }, when: { disabled: true, }, }; }, }); namespace Form902_11 { interface Person { lastName: string; firstName: string; address: string; } export interface Form extends Simplest.WithResolution { contractingPartner: string; declares: "25-or-more" | "controlling-in-other-ways" | "managing-director"; person: Person[]; fiduciaryAssets: "no" | "yes"; signature: string; } }