# How to contribute We're always happy about useful new pull requests. Keep in mind that the better your pull request is, the easier it can be added to `xml2js`. As such please make sure your patch is ok: * `xml2js` is written in CoffeeScript. Please don't send patches to the JavaScript source, as it get's overwritten by the CoffeeScript compiler. The reason we have the JS code in the repository is for easier use with eg. `git submodule` * Make sure that the unit tests still all pass. Failing unit tests mean that someone *will* run into a bug, if we accept your pull request. * Please, add a unit test with your pull request, to show what was broken and is now fixed or what was impossible and now works due to your new code. * If you add a new feature, please add some documentation that it exists. If you like, you can add yourself in the `package.json` as contributor if you deem your contribution significant enough. Otherwise, we will decide and maybe add you.