/** @license MIT License (c) copyright B Cavalier & J Hann */ (function(define) { define(function(require) { var unfold = require('../when').unfold; /** * @deprecated * Given a seed and generator, produces an Array. Effectively the * dual (opposite) of when.reduce() * @param {function} generator function that generates a value (or promise * for a value) to be placed in the resulting array * @param {function} condition given a seed, must return truthy if the unfold * should continue, or falsey if it should terminate * @param {*|Promise} seed any value or promise * @return {Promise} resulting array */ return function list(generator, condition, seed) { var result = []; return unfold(generator, condition, append, seed)['yield'](result); function append(value, newSeed) { result.push(value); return newSeed; } }; }); })(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define : function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require); });