### 3.7.7 * Fix browserify ### 3.7.6 * Add browser dist version to npm package ### 3.7.5 * Improve unhandled rejection formatting in ie8 ### 3.7.4 * Add `when/keys settle`, for settling a hash of promises. * Use `poly` from npm instead of a git link in package.json. No need for git to be available to npm install when. * Various community-contributed documentation updates. Thanks! ### 3.7.3 * Fix console.log check when using `monitor/console` in IE8. * Fix issues with webpack environment and fake timers. * Several community-contributed doc fixes. Thanks! ### 3.7.2 * Republish 3.7.1 npm package: for some reason, `npm publish` did not include the file `poll.js` when publishing 3.7.1 * No functional changes ### 3.7.1 * Fix `when.settle` unhandled rejection reporting case. ### 3.7.0 * Add [`process` and `window` unhandled rejection events](#docs/debug-api.md) for cross-library debugging tools. * Improve internal task queueing performance and memory usage. * Stabilize handler ordering in the face of multiple promise implementations. ### 3.6.4 * Fix handling of `null` errors in unhandled rejection reporting * Add [examples of supporting both promise and node style callbacks](docs/api.md#support-promises-and-node-style-callback-functions) in the same API ### 3.6.3 * Fix regression in `when/callbacks` introduced in 3.6.1 ### 3.6.2 * Work around [v8 optimizing compiler bug](https://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3692) with some *truly amazing* help from community members. Thank you [@anodynos](https://github.com/anodynos), [@jefflage](https://github.com/jefflage), [@pbarnes](https://github.com/pbarnes), [@spion](https://github.com/spion), [@tsouza](https://github.com/tsouza). * Fix regressions in `when.filter` and `when.reduce` (which also affected `when/sequence`). ### 3.6.1 * Significant improvements to `when.try`, and `when.lift`. * Additional improvements to array functions: `when.reduce`, `when.any`, and `when.some`. * Improved handling of early bail-out cases in `when.all`, `when.map`, and `when.any`. ### 3.6.0 * Significant performance improvements: * 10x or more for `when.map`, especially for large arrays * ~2x for `when.reduce` and `promise.fold` * ~1.5-2x for generators using `when/generator` `lift`, `call`, and/or `apply`. * Memory use reductions for `when.reduce` and `promise.fold`. ### 3.5.2 * Prevent minifiers from clobbering unhandled rejection reporting if they remove `console.*` calls. Unhandled rejections will be reported even when using Uglify `drop_console`. * `when/function.apply` now handles passing an Arguments object directly, e.g. `fn.apply(f, arguments);`. Use with care: v8 will deoptimize any function where you pass `arguments` to another function. ### 3.5.1 * `when.race` & `Promise.race` now reject with a `TypeError` if you pass something that is not iterable. * Improve scheduler compatibility with MutationObserver shims * Simplify checks for vert.x environment ### 3.5.0 * Improve `when.race` & `Promise.race` performance. * Internal changes to start paving the way toward 4.0.0. * Deprecate `when.iterate` and `when.unfold`. Use [cujoJS/most](https://github.com/cujojs/most) for streaming asynchronous values. * Deprecate progress events. See [the docs for more information](docs/api.md#progress-events-are-deprecated) and [tips on refactoring](docs/api.md#refactoring-progress) code that uses promise progress. ### 3.4.6 * Fix webpack compatibility by excluding `vertx` from browser bundles ### 3.4.5 * Fixes for edge cases for unhandled rejection reporting ### 3.4.4 * Workaround for node 0.10.30 setTimeout bug. See [this issue](https://github.com/joyent/node/issues/8167) ### 3.4.3 * Improve error handling for [predicate catch](docs/api.md#promisecatch) * Simplify internals and reduce code size ### 3.4.2 * Fix for rare false negative in [unhandled rejection reporting](docs/api.md#debugging-promises). ### 3.4.1 * Fix for `promise.finally` not waiting on returned promises. ### 3.4.0 * New [`when.filter`](docs/api.md#whenfilter) for filtering arrays of promises. * [`when.map`](docs/api.md#whenmap) and [`when.filter`](docs/api.md#whenfilter) now provide the array index as the second param to their mapping and filtering functions. * [`when/keys.map`](docs/api.md#whenkeys-map) now provides the associated key to its mapping function. * Smaller ES6 shim. ### 3.3.1 * Fix argument ordering bug in `when/node` introduced in 3.3.0. ### 3.3.0 * Promote [`when.race`](docs/api.md#whenrace) to public API. * `when.any` and `when.some` now reject with a `RangeError` if the race is obviously unwinnable, for example: `when.some([1,2,3], 4)`. See the [`when.any`](docs/api.md#whenany) and [`when.some`](docs/api.md#whensome) docs for more info. ### 3.2.3 * Updated [debugging docs](docs/api.md#debugging-promises) * Report when previously unhandled rejections become handled, with an ID to correlate the two messages. * Improve unhandled rejection reporting for cases where multiple different promise implementations interleave. ### 3.2.2 * More mem and perf improvements * Improvements to unhandled rejection reporting ### 3.2.1 * Minor mem and perf tweaks for `when.all` * Defend against `JSON.stringify` exceptions when formatting unhandled rejection output. ### 3.2.0 * Potentially unhandled rejections are now logged to `console.error` by default, even without using `done` or `when/monitor/console`. As before, enabling `when/monitor/console` still adds long async stack traces, and using `done` still makes errors fatal. See [Debugging Promises](docs/api.md#debugging-promises) for more info. * [`promise.timeout`](docs/api.md#promisetimeout) now rejects with a [`TimeoutError`](docs/api.md#timeouterror) by default (unless you specify a custom reason) for better pattern matching with [`promise.catch`](docs/api.md#promisecatch). * Performance improvements across the board, especially to `when.all` (and `Promise.all` in the [ES6-shim](docs/es6-promise-shim.md)) and `node.lift`: lifted functions and lift*ing* are faster now. * New [`promise.fold`](docs/api.md#promisefold) for combining two promises to generate a new promise. * Deprecated: * Using `when/node.lift`, `when/function.lift`, and `when/callbacks.lift` to provide partial arguments * `promise.then`'s 3rd argument, and `when()`'s 4th argument. Use the dedicated [`promise.progress`](docs/api.md#promiseprogress) API to listen to promise progress events. * `when.some`. See https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/288 * `when/callbacks.promisify` See https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/318 ### 3.1.0 * Added [optional `reason` param to `promise.timeout`](docs/api.md#promisetimeout) to specify your own timeout value. * Another significant speed bump for `when.all` (and es6-shim `Promise.all`) * More `when/monitor/console` long stack trace improvements. Traces can track nested async functions [even if you forget to return a promise](docs/api.md#whenmonitorconsole). * Clean up bower and npm installs by ignoring more markdown files ### 3.0.1 * [API doc](docs/api.md) updates and fixes * Improvements to unhandled rejection long stack trace filtering * Internal performance improvements ### 3.0.0 * New internal architecture with significant performance improvements and memory efficiency * New APIs * [`when.try`](docs/api.md#whentry), [`when.lift`](docs/api.md#whenlift), [`when.reduceRight`](docs/api.md#whenreduceRight), [`when.iterate`](docs/api.md#wheniterate), [`when.unfold`](docs/api.md#whenunfold), [`when.race`](docs/api.md#whenrace) * [`promise.with`](docs/api.md#promisewith), [`promise.else`](docs/api.md#promiseelse), [`promise.delay`](docs/api.md#promisedelay), [`promise.timeout`](docs/api.md#promisetimeout), [`promise.progress`](docs/api.md#promiseprogress) * New liftAll variants for lifting all of an object's functions in one shot, eg. `var promisedFs = node.liftAll(require('fs'))` * [`fn.liftAll`](docs/api.md#fnliftall), [`node.liftAll`](docs/api.md#nodeliftall), [`callbacks.liftAll`](docs/api.md#callbacksliftall) * `when.Promise` public, inheritance-friendly, Promise constructor * New [ES6 Promise shim](docs/es6-promise-shim.md) * Check out the [tips for upgrading to 3.0 from 2.x](docs/api.md#upgrading-to-30-from-2x) ### 2.8.0 * Experimental [ES6 generator support](docs/api.md#es6-generators) via new `when/generator` module, with `lift`, `call`, `apply`. ### 2.7.1 * Internal changes to reduce overall memory usage, along with minor performance improvements. ### 2.7.0 * Added [`promise.catch`](docs/api.md#catch) and [`promise.finally`](docs/api.md#finally) as synonyms for `promise.otherwise` and `promise.ensure`. (#212) * New [browserify build](../README.md#legacy-environments-via-browserify) for those using globals. (#209) * Added [ender](http://ender.jit.su) support to `package.json`. (#223) * Fix compatibility with [PhantomJS](http://phantomjs.org)'s CommonJS module support. (#226) * Fix [Sauce Labs](https://saucelabs.com) tests for pull requests. (#216) * Added `bower.json` `ignore` to trim files installed via bower. (#193) ### 2.6.0 * New [`promise.done`](docs/api.md#done) allows consuming the ultimate value at the end of a promise chain while ensuring that any errors are thrown to the host environment so you get loud stack traces. * `when/node/function` [`bindCallback`](docs/api.md#nodefn-bindcallback) and [`liftCallback`](docs/api.md#nodefn-liftcallback) now behave more like standard node-style APIs in that they allow exceptions to propagate to the host environment for loud stack traces. ### 2.5.1 * `ensure` now ignores non-functions, [like `then` does](http://promisesaplus.com/#point-25), for consistency. (#207) ### 2.5.0 * [Promises/A+ 1.1](http://promisesaplus.com) compliant. Passes version 2.0.0 of the [Promises/A+ test suite](https://github.com/promises-aplus/promises-tests). ### 2.4.1 * New `MutationObserver` scheduler further reduces "time-to-first-handler" in modern browsers. (#198) * Also, this works around a horrible IE10 bug (desktop and mobile) that renders `setImmediate`, `MessageChannel`, and `postMessage` unusable as fast task schedulers. Many thanks to @plaa and @calvinmetcalf for their help in discovering the problem and working out a solution. (#197) ### 2.4.0 * Experimental support for [vert.x 2.x](http://vertx.io). Should now run in vert.x >= 1.1.0. * New `when.isPromiseLike` as the more accurately-named synonym for `when.isPromise`. * **DEPRECATED**: `when.isPromise`. It can only tell you that something is "promise-like" (aka "thenable") anyway. Use the new, more accurately-named `when.isPromiseLike` instead. * Fix for promise monitor reporting extra unhandled rejections for `when.all` and `when.map`. ### 2.3.0 * New [`promise.tap`](docs/api.md#tap) for adding side effects to a promise chain. * New `MessageChannel` scheduler reduces "time-to-first" handler, in environments that support it. * Performance optimizations for promise resolution. * Internal architecture improvements to pave the way for when.js 3.0.0. ### 2.2.1 * Fix for `when.defer().reject()` bypassing the unhandled rejection monitor. (#166) * Fix for `when/function`, `when/callbacks`, and `when/node/function` not preserving `thisArg`. (#162) * Doc clarifications for [`promise.yield`](docs/api.md#yield). (#164) ### 2.2.0 * New experimental [promise monitoring and debugging](docs.md#debugging-promises) via `when/monitor/console`. * New [`when.promise(resolver)`](docs/api.md#whenpromise) promise creation API. A lighter alternative to the heavier `when.defer()` * New `bindCallback` and `liftCallback` in `when/node/function` for more integration options with node-style callbacks. ### 2.1.1 * Quote internal usages of `promise.yield` to workaround .NET minifier tools that don't yet understand ES5 identifier-as-property rules. See [#157](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/157) ### 2.1.0 * New [`when.settle`](docs/api.md#whensettle) that settles an array of promises, regardless of whether the fulfill or reject. * New [`when/guard`](docs/api.md#whenguard) generalized concurrency guarding and limiting * New [`promise.inspect`](docs/api.md#inspect) for synchronously getting a snapshot of a promise's state at a particular instant. * Significant performance improvements when resolving promises with non-primitives (Arrays, Objects, etc.) * Experimental [vert.x](http://vertx.io) support * **DEPRECATED**: `onFulfilled`, `onRejected`, `onProgress` handler arguments to `when.all`, `when.any`, `when.some`. Use the returned promise's `then()` (or `otherwise()`, `ensure()`, etc) to register handlers instead. * For example, do this: `when.all(array).then(onFulfilled, onRejected)` instead of this: `when.all(array, onFulfilled, onRejected)`. The functionality is equivalent. ### 2.0.1 * Account for the fact that Mocha creates a global named `process`. Thanks [Narsul](https://github.com/cujojs/when/pull/136) ### 2.0.0 * Fully asynchronous resolutions. * [Promises/A+](http://promises-aplus.github.com/promises-spec) compliance. * New [`when/keys`](docs/api.md#object-keys) module with `all()` and `map()` for object keys/values. * New [`promise.ensure`](docs/api.md#ensure) as a better, and safer, replacement for `promise.always`. [See discussion](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/103) as to why `promise.always` is mistake-prone. * **DEPRECATED:** `promise.always` * `lift()` is now the preferred name for what was `bind()` in [when/function](docs/api.md#synchronous-functions), [when/node/function](docs/api.md#node-style-asynchronous-functions), and [when/callbacks](docs/api.md#asynchronous-functions). * **DEPRECATED:** `bind()` in `when/function`, `when/node/function`, and `when/callbacks`. Use `lift()` instead. ### 1.8.1 * Last 1.x.x release before 2.0.0 barring critical fixes. * To prepare for 2.0.0, [test your code against the dev-200 branch](https://github.com/cujojs/when/tree/dev-200). It is fully API compatible, but has fully asynchronous resolutions. * Performance improvements for [when/function](docs/api.md#synchronous-functions). * [Documentation](docs/api.md) updates and fixes. Thanks, [@unscriptable](https://github.com/unscriptable)! * **DEPRECATED:** `deferred.progress` and `deferred.resolver.progress`. Use [`deferred.notify`](docs/api.md#progress-events) and [`deferred.resolver.notify`](docs/api.md#progress-events) instead. * **DEPRECATED:** [`when.chain`](docs/api.md#whenchain). Use [`resolver.resolve(promise)`](docs/api.md#resolver) or `resolver.resolve(promise.yield)` ([see `promise.yield`](docs/api.md#yield)) instead. * **DEPRECATED:** `when/timed` module. Use [`when/delay`](docs/api.md#whendelay) and [`when/timeout`](docs/api.md#whentimeout) modules instead. ### 1.8.0 * New [when/function](docs/api.md#synchronous-functions), [when/node/function](docs/api.md#node-style-asynchronous-functions), and [when/callbacks](docs/api.md#asynchronous-functions) with functional programming goodness, and adapters for turning callback-based APIs into promise-based APIs. Kudos [@riccieri](https://github.com/riccieri)! * New [when/unfold](docs/api.md#whenunfold), and [when/unfold/list](docs/api.md#whenunfoldlist) promise-aware anamorphic unfolds that can be used to generate and/or process unbounded lists. * New [when/poll](docs/api.md#whenpoll) promise-based periodic polling and task execution. Kudos [@scothis](https://github.com/scothis)! ### 1.7.1 * Removed leftover internal usages of `deferred.then`. * [when/debug](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-debug) allows configuring the set of "fatal" error types that will be rethrown to the host env. ### 1.7.0 * **DEPRECATED:** `deferred.then` [is deprecated](docs/api.md#deferred) and will be removed in an upcoming release. Use `deferred.promise.then` instead. * [promise.yield](docs/api.md#yield)(promiseOrValue) convenience API for substituting a new value into a promise chain. * [promise.spread](docs/api.md#spread)(variadicFunction) convenience API for spreading an array onto a fulfill handler that accepts variadic arguments. [Mmmm, buttery](http://s.shld.net/is/image/Sears/033W048977110001_20100422100331516?hei=1600&wid=1600&op_sharpen=1&resMode=sharp&op_usm=0.9,0.5,0,0) * Doc improvements: * [when()](docs/api.md#when) and [promise.then()](docs/api.md#main-promise-api) have more info about callbacks and chaining behavior. * More info and clarifications about the roles of [Deferred](docs/api.md#deferred) and [Resolver](docs/api.md#resolver) * Several minor clarifications for various APIs * Internal improvements to assimilation and interoperability with other promise implementations. ### 1.6.1 * Fix for accidental coercion of non-promises. See [#62](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/60). ### 1.6.0 * New [when.join](docs/api.md#whenjoin) - Joins 2 or more promises together into a single promise. * [when.some](docs/api.md#whensome) and [when.any](docs/api.md#whenany) now act like competitive races, and have generally more useful behavior. [Read the discussion in #60](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/60). * *Experimental* progress event propagation. Progress events will propagate through promise chains. [Read the details here](docs/api.md#progress-events). * *Temporarily* removed calls to `Object.freeze`. Promises are no longer frozen due to a horrendous v8 performance penalty. [Read discussion here](https://groups.google.com/d/topic/cujojs/w_olYqorbsY/discussion). * **IMPORTANT:** Continue to treat promises as if they are frozen, since `freeze()` will be reintroduced once v8 performance improves. * [when/debug](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-debug) now allows setting global a debugging callback for rejected promises. ### 1.5.2 * Integrate @domenic's [Promises/A Test Suite](https://github.com/domenic/promise-tests). Runs via `npm test`. * No functional change ### 1.5.1 * Performance optimization for [when.defer](docs/api.md#whendefer), up to 1.5x in some cases. * [when/debug](docs/api.md#whendebug) can now log exceptions and rejections in deeper promise chains, in some cases, even when the promises involved aren't when.js promises. ### 1.5.0 * New task execution and concurrency management: [when/sequence](docs/api.md#whensequence), [when/pipeline](docs/api.md#whenpipeline), and [when/parallel](docs/api.md#whenparallel). * Performance optimizations for [when.all](docs/api.md#whenall) and [when.map](docs/api.md#whenmap), up to 2x in some cases. * Options for disabling [paranoid mode](docs/api.md#paranoid-mode) that provides a significant performance gain in v8 (e.g. Node and Chrome). See this [v8 performance problem with Object.freeze](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8435080/any-performance-benefit-to-locking-down-javascript-objects) for more info. * **Important:** `deferred` and `deferred.resolver` no longer throw when resolved/rejected multiple times. They will return silently as if the they had succeeded. This prevents parties to whom *only* the `resolver` has been given from using `try/catch` to determine the state of the associated promise. * For debugging, you can use the [when/debug](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-debug) module, which will still throw when a deferred is resolved/rejected multiple times. ### 1.4.4 * Change UMD boilerplate to check for `exports` to avoid a problem with QUnit. See [#54](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/54) for more info. ### 1.4.3 * Fix for infinite promise coercion between when.js and Q (See [#50](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/50)). Thanks [@kriskowal](https://github.com/kriskowal) and [@domenic](https://github.com/domenic) ### 1.4.2 * Fix for IE8 infinite recursion (See [#49](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/49)) ### 1.4.1 * Code and unit test cleanup and streamlining--no functional changes. ### 1.4.0 * Create a resolved promise: `when.resolve(value)` creates a resolved promise for `value`. See [API docs](docs/api.md#whenresolve). * Resolve/reject return something useful: `deferred.resolve` and `deferred.reject` now return a promise for the fulfilled or rejected value. * Resolve a deferred with another promise: `deferred.resolve(promise)` - when `promise` resolves or rejects, so will `deferred`. ### 1.3.0 * Fixed a deviation from the Promises/A spec where returning undefined from a callback or errback would cause the previous value to be forwarded. See [#31](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/31) * *This could be a breaking change* if you depended on this behavior. If you encounter problems, the solution is to ensure that your promise callbacks (registered either with `when()` or `.then()`) return what you intend, keeping in mind that not returning something is equivalent to returning `undefined`. * This change also restores compatibility with the promises returned by `jQuery.get()`, which seem to reject with themselves as the rejection value. See [issue #41](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/43) for more information and discussion. Thanks to [@KidkArolis](https://github.com/KidkArolis) for raising the issue. ### 1.2.0 * `promise.otherwise(errback)` as a shortcut for `promise.then(null, errback)`. See discussion [here](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/13) and [here](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/29). Thanks to [@jonnyreeves](https://github.com/jonnyreeves/) for suggesting the name "otherwise". * [when/debug](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-debug) now detects exceptions that typically represent coding errors, such as SyntaxError, ReferenceError, etc. and propagates them to the host environment. In other words, you'll get a very loud stack trace. ### 1.1.1 * Updated [wiki](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki) map/reduce examples, and added simple promise forwarding example * Fix for calling `when.any()` without a callback ([#33](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/33)) * Fix version number in `when.js` source ([#36](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/36)) ### 1.1.0 * `when.all/any/some/map/reduce` can all now accept a promise for an array in addition to an actual array as input. This allows composing functions to do interesting things like `when.reduce(when.map(...))` * `when.reject(promiseOrValue)` that returns a new, rejected promise. * `promise.always(callback)` as a shortcut for `promise.then(callback, callback)` * **Highly experimental** [when/debug](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-debug) module: a drop-in replacement for the main `when` module that enables debug logging for promises created or consumed by when.js ### 1.0.4 * [Travis CI](http://travis-ci.org/cujojs/when) integration * Fix for cancelable deferred not invoking progress callbacks. ([#24](https://github.com/cujojs/when/pull/24) Thanks [@scothis](https://github.com/scothis)) * The promise returned by `when.chain` now rejects when the input promise rejects. ### 1.0.3 * Fix for specific situation where `null` could incorrectly be used as a promise resolution value ([#23](https://github.com/cujojs/when/pull/23)) ### 1.0.2 * Updated README for running unit tests in both Node and Browsers. See **Running the Unit Tests** below. * Set package name to 'when' in package.json ### 1.0.1 * Fix for rejections propagating in some cases when they shouldn't have been ([#19](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/19)) * Using [buster.js](http://busterjs.org/) for unit tests now. ### 1.0.0 * First official when.js release as a part of [cujojs](https://github.com/cujojs). * Added [when/cancelable](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-cancelable) decorator for creating cancelable deferreds * Added [when/delay](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-delay) and [when/timeout](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-timeout) helpers for creating delayed promises and promises that timeout and reject if not resolved first. ### 0.11.1 * Added [when/apply](https://github.com/cujojs/when/wiki/when-apply) helper module for using arguments-based and variadic callbacks with `when.all`, `when.some`, `when.map`, or any promise that resolves to an array. ([#14](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/14)) * `.then()`, `when()`, and all other methods that accept callback/errback/progress handlers will throw if you pass something that's not a function. ([#15](https://github.com/cujojs/when/issues/15)) ### 0.11.0 * `when.js` now *assimilates* thenables that pass the [Promises/A duck-type test](http://wiki.commonjs.org/wiki/Promises/A), but which may not be fully Promises/A compliant, such as [jQuery's Deferred](http://api.jquery.com/category/deferred-object/) and [curl's global API](https://github.com/cujojs/curl) (See the **API at a glance** section) * `when()`, and `when.all/some/any/map/reduce/chain()` are all now guaranteed to return a fully Promises/A compliant promise, even when their input is not compliant. * Any non-compliant thenable returned by a callback or errback will also be assimilated to protect subsequent promises and callbacks in a promise chain, and preserve Promises/A forwarding guarantees. ### 0.10.4 * **Important Fix for some AMD build/optimizer tools**: Switching back to more verbose, builder-friendly boilerplate * If you are using when.js 0.10.3 with the dojo or RequireJS build tools, you should update to v.10.4 as soon as possible. ### 0.10.3 **Warning**: This version will not work with most AMD build tools. You should update to 0.10.4 as soon as possible. * Minor `package.json` updates * Slightly smaller module boilerplate ### 0.10.2 * Performance optimizations for `when.map()` (thanks @[smitranic](https://github.com/smitranic)), especially for large arrays where the `mapFunc` is also async (i.e. returns a promise) * `when.all/some/any/map/reduce` handle sparse arrays (thanks @[rwaldrn](https://github.com/rwldrn/)) * Other minor performance optimizations ### 0.10.1 * Minor tweaks (thanks @[johan](https://github.com/johan)) * Add missing semis that WebStorm didn't catch * Fix DOH submodule ref, and update README with info for running unit tests ### 0.10.0 * `when.map` and `when.reduce` - just like Array.map and Array.reduce, but they operate on promises and arrays of promises * Lots of internal size and performance optimizations * Still only 1k! ### 0.9.4 * Important fix for break in promise chains