module.exports = array = ### Tries to turn anything into an array. ### from: (r) -> r ### Clone of an array. Properties will be shallow copies. ### simpleClone: (a) -> a.slice 0 shallowEqual: (a1, a2) -> return no unless Array.isArray(a1) and Array.isArray(a2) and a1.length is a2.length for val, i in a1 return no unless a2[i] is val yes pluck: (a, i) -> return a if a.length < 1 for value, index in a if index > i a[index - 1] = a[index] a.length = a.length - 1 a pluckItem: (a, item) -> return a if a.length < 1 removed = 0 for value, index in a if value is item removed++ continue if removed isnt 0 a[index - removed] = a[index] a.length = a.length - removed if removed > 0 a pluckOneItem: (a, item) -> return a if a.length < 1 reached = no for value, index in a if not reached if value is item reached = yes continue else a[index - 1] = a[index] a.length = a.length - 1 if reached a pluckByCallback: (a, cb) -> return a if a.length < 1 removed = 0 for value, index in a if cb value, index removed++ continue if removed isnt 0 a[index - removed] = a[index] if removed > 0 a.length = a.length - removed a pluckMultiple: (array, indexesToRemove) -> return array if array.length < 1 removedSoFar = 0 indexesToRemove.sort() for i in indexesToRemove @pluck array, i - removedSoFar removedSoFar++ array injectByCallback: (a, toInject, shouldInject) -> valA = null valB = null len = a.length if len < 1 a.push toInject return a for val, i in a valA = valB valB = val if shouldInject valA, valB, toInject return a.splice i, 0, toInject a.push toInject a injectInIndex: (a, index, toInject) -> len = a.length i = index if len < 1 a.push toInject return a toPut = toInject toPutNext = null `for(; i <= len; i++){ toPutNext = a[i]; a[i] = toPut; toPut = toPutNext; }` # a[i] = toPut null