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UglifyJS Webpack Plugin

This plugin uses UglifyJS v2 to minify your JavaScript.

> Note that webpack contains the same plugin under `webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin`. This is a standalone version for those that want to control the version of UglifyJS. The documentation is valid apart from the installation instructions in that case.


With [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com): ```bash yarn add uglifyjs-webpack-plugin --dev ``` With npm: ```bash npm install uglifyjs-webpack-plugin --save-dev ``` **Important!** The plugin has a peer dependency to uglify-js, so in order to use the plugin, also uglify-js has to be installed. The currently (2017/1/25) available uglify-js npm packages; however, do not support minification of ES6 code. In order to support ES6, an ES6-capable, a.k.a. _harmony_, version of UglifyJS has to be provided. If your minification target is ES6: ```bash yarn add git://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2#harmony-v2.8.22 --dev ``` If your minification target is ES5: ```bash yarn add uglify-js --dev ```


```javascript const UglifyJSPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin'); module.exports = { entry: {...}, output: {...}, module: {...}, plugins: [ new UglifyJSPlugin() ] }; ```


This plugin supports UglifyJS features as discussed below: | Property | Type | Default | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | compress | boolean, object | true | See [UglifyJS documentation](http://lisperator.net/uglifyjs/compress). | | mangle | boolean, object | true | See below. | | beautify | boolean | false | Beautify output. | | output | An object providing options for UglifyJS [OutputStream](https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/blob/v2.x/lib/output.js) | | Lower level access to UglifyJS output. | | comments | boolean, RegExp, function(astNode, comment) -> boolean | Defaults to preserving comments containing `/*!`, `/**!`, `@preserve` or `@license`. | Comment related configuration. | | extractComments | boolean, RegExp, function (astNode, comment) -> boolean, object | false | Whether comments shall be extracted to a separate file, see below. | | sourceMap | boolean | false | Use SourceMaps to map error message locations to modules. This slows down the compilation. **Important!** `cheap` source map options don't work with the plugin! | | test | RegExp, Array | /\.js($|\?)/i | Test to match files against. | | include | RegExp, Array | | Test only `include` files. | | exclude | RegExp, Array | | Files to `exclude` from testing. | | extractComments | boolean, RegExp, object | | Extract comments to separate file (see [details](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/commit/71933e979e51c533b432658d5e37917f9e71595a), since webpack 2.3.0) | | warningsFilter | function(source) -> boolean | | Allow to filter uglify warnings (since webpack 2.3.0) |


`mangle (boolean|object)` - Passing `true` or an object enables and provides options for UglifyJS name mangling. See [UglifyJS documentation](https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/tree/v2.x#mangle) for mangle options. Example configuration, this will **not** mangle properties (see below): ```javascript new UglifyJsPlugin({ mangle: { // Skip mangling these except: ['$super', '$', 'exports', 'require'] } }) ``` `mangle.props (boolean|object)` - Passing `true` or an object enables and provides options for UglifyJS property mangling - see [UglifyJS documentation](https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/tree/v2.x#mangleproperties-options) for mangleProperties options. > Note: the UglifyJS docs warn that [you will probably break your source if you use property mangling](https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/tree/v2.x#mangling-property-names---mangle-props), so if you aren’t sure why you’d need this feature, you most likely shouldn’t be using it! This is **not** enabled by default. Example configuration, this will mangle both names and properties: ```javascript new UglifyJsPlugin({ mangle: { props: true } }) ```

Extracting Comments

The `extractComments` option can be - `true`: All comments that normally would be preserved by the `comments` option will be moved to a separate file. If the original file is named `foo.js`, then the comments will be stored to `foo.js.LICENSE` - regular expression (given as `RegExp` or `string`) or a `function (astNode, comment) -> boolean`: All comments that match the given expression (resp. are evaluated to `true` by the function) will be extracted to the separate file. The `comments` option specifies whether the comment will be preserved, i.e. it is possible to preserve some comments (e.g. annotations) while extracting others or even preserving comments that have been extracted. - an `object` consisting of the following keys, all optional: - `condition`: regular expression or function (see previous point) - `filename`: The file where the extracted comments will be stored. Can be either a `string` or `function (string) -> string` which will be given the original filename. Default is to append the suffix `.LICENSE` to the original filename. - `banner`: The banner text that points to the extracted file and will be added on top of the original file. will be added to the original file. Can be `false` (no banner), a `string`, or a `function (string) -> string` that will be called with the filename where extracted comments have been stored. Will be wrapped into comment. Default: `/*! For license information please see foo.js.LICENSE */`


Juho Vepsäläinen

Joshua Wiens

Kees Kluskens

Sean Larkin
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