SystemJS ======== [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Gitter](]( [![Support](]( Universal dynamic module loader - loads ES6 modules, AMD, CommonJS and global scripts in the browser and NodeJS. * [Loads any module format](docs/ with [exact circular reference and binding support]( * Loads [ES6 modules compiled into the `System.register` bundle format for production](docs/, maintaining circular references support. * Supports RequireJS-style [map](docs/, [paths](, [bundles](docs/ and [global shims](docs/ * [Loader plugins](docs/ allow custom transpilation or asset loading. Built to the format ES6-specified loader API from [ES6 Specification Draft Rev 27, Section 15](, and will be updated to the [WhatWG loader API]( as soon as it can be considered stable for implementation. ~19KB minified and gzipped, runs in IE8+ and NodeJS. For discussion, join the [Gitter Room]( Documentation --- * [ES6 Modules Overview](docs/ * [SystemJS Overview](docs/ * [Config API](docs/ * [Module Formats](docs/ * [Production Workflows](docs/ * [System API](docs/ * [Creating Plugins](docs/ Basic Use --- ### Browser ```html ``` The above will support loading all module formats, including ES Modules transpiled into the System.register format. To load ES6 code with in-browser transpilation, configure one of the following transpiler plugins: * [Babel]( * [TypeScript]( * [Traceur]( ### Promise Polyfill SystemJS relies on `Promise` being present in the environment. For the best performance in IE and older browsers, it is advisable to load a polyfill like [Bluebird]( or [es6-promise]( before SystemJS. Otherwise, when Promise is not available, SystemJS will attempt to load the `system-polyfills.js` file located in the dist folder which contains the when.js Promise polyfill. ### NodeJS To load modules in NodeJS, install SystemJS with: ``` npm install systemjs ``` If transpiling ES6, also install the transpiler plugin, following the instructions from the transpiler project page. We can then load modules equivalently in NodeJS as we do in the browser: ```javascript var SystemJS = require('systemjs'); // loads './app.js' from the current directory SystemJS.import('./app.js').then(function(m) { console.log(m); }); ``` If you are using jspm as a package manager you will also need to load the generated configuration. The best way to do this in node is to get your `System` instance through jspm, which will automatically load your config correctly for you: ```js var Loader = require('jspm').Loader; var SystemJS = new Loader(); SystemJS.import('lodash').then(function (_) { console.log(_); }); ``` ### Plugins Supported loader plugins: * [CSS]( * [LESS]( * [Image]( * [JSON]( * [Text]( * [Node Binary]( Additional Plugins: * [Audio]( * [CoffeeScript]( * [Ember Handlebars]( * [Handlebars]( * [HTML]( * [Image (lazy)]( * [Jade]( * [Jade VirtualDOM]( * [jst]( * [JSX]( * [Markdown]( * [raw]( * [SASS]( * [SCSS]( * [sofe]( * [SVG]( * [WebFont]( * [WebWorkers]( * [YAML]( Guides: * [Using plugins](docs/ * [Creating plugins](docs/ #### Running the tests To install the dependencies correctly, run `bower install` from the root of the repo, then open `test/test.html` in a browser with a local server or file access flags enabled. License --- MIT [travis-url]: [travis-image]: