// Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The SFC licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. 'use strict'; /** * The base WebDriver error type. This error type is only used directly when a * more appropriate category is not defined for the offending error. */ class WebDriverError extends Error { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); /** @override */ this.name = this.constructor.name; } } /** * An attempt was made to select an element that cannot be selected. */ class ElementNotSelectableError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * An element command could not be completed because the element is not visible * on the page. */ class ElementNotVisibleError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * The arguments passed to a command are either invalid or malformed. */ class InvalidArgumentError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * An illegal attempt was made to set a cookie under a different domain than * the current page. */ class InvalidCookieDomainError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * The coordinates provided to an interactions operation are invalid. */ class InvalidElementCoordinatesError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * An element command could not be completed because the element is in an * invalid state, e.g. attempting to click an element that is no longer attached * to the document. */ class InvalidElementStateError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * Argument was an invalid selector. */ class InvalidSelectorError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * Occurs when a command is directed to a session that does not exist. */ class NoSuchSessionError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * An error occurred while executing JavaScript supplied by the user. */ class JavascriptError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * The target for mouse interaction is not in the browser’s viewport and cannot * be brought into that viewport. */ class MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * An attempt was made to operate on a modal dialog when one was not open. */ class NoSuchAlertError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * An element could not be located on the page using the given search * parameters. */ class NoSuchElementError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * A request to switch to a frame could not be satisfied because the frame * could not be found. */ class NoSuchFrameError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * A request to switch to a window could not be satisfied because the window * could not be found. */ class NoSuchWindowError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * A script did not complete before its timeout expired. */ class ScriptTimeoutError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * A new session could not be created. */ class SessionNotCreatedError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * An element command failed because the referenced element is no longer * attached to the DOM. */ class StaleElementReferenceError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * An operation did not complete before its timeout expired. */ class TimeoutError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * A request to set a cookie’s value could not be satisfied. */ class UnableToSetCookieError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * A screen capture operation was not possible. */ class UnableToCaptureScreenError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * A modal dialog was open, blocking this operation. */ class UnexpectedAlertOpenError extends WebDriverError { /** * @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. * @param {string=} opt_text the text of the open dialog, if available. */ constructor(opt_error, opt_text) { super(opt_error); /** @private {(string|undefined)} */ this.text_ = opt_text; } /** * @return {(string|undefined)} The text displayed with the unhandled alert, * if available. */ getAlertText() { return this.text_; } } /** * A command could not be executed because the remote end is not aware of it. */ class UnknownCommandError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * The requested command matched a known URL but did not match an method for * that URL. */ class UnknownMethodError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } /** * Reports an unsupport operation. */ class UnsupportedOperationError extends WebDriverError { /** @param {string=} opt_error the error message, if any. */ constructor(opt_error) { super(opt_error); } } // TODO(jleyba): Define UnknownError as an alias of WebDriverError? /** * Enum of legacy error codes. * TODO: remove this when all code paths have been switched to the new error * types. * @deprecated * @enum {number} */ const ErrorCode = { SUCCESS: 0, NO_SUCH_ELEMENT: 7, NO_SUCH_FRAME: 8, UNKNOWN_COMMAND: 9, UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION: 9, STALE_ELEMENT_REFERENCE: 10, ELEMENT_NOT_VISIBLE: 11, INVALID_ELEMENT_STATE: 12, UNKNOWN_ERROR: 13, ELEMENT_NOT_SELECTABLE: 15, JAVASCRIPT_ERROR: 17, XPATH_LOOKUP_ERROR: 19, TIMEOUT: 21, NO_SUCH_WINDOW: 23, INVALID_COOKIE_DOMAIN: 24, UNABLE_TO_SET_COOKIE: 25, UNEXPECTED_ALERT_OPEN: 26, NO_SUCH_ALERT: 27, SCRIPT_TIMEOUT: 28, INVALID_ELEMENT_COORDINATES: 29, IME_NOT_AVAILABLE: 30, IME_ENGINE_ACTIVATION_FAILED: 31, INVALID_SELECTOR_ERROR: 32, SESSION_NOT_CREATED: 33, MOVE_TARGET_OUT_OF_BOUNDS: 34, SQL_DATABASE_ERROR: 35, INVALID_XPATH_SELECTOR: 51, INVALID_XPATH_SELECTOR_RETURN_TYPE: 52, METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: 405 }; const LEGACY_ERROR_CODE_TO_TYPE = new Map([ [ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_ELEMENT, NoSuchElementError], [ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_FRAME, NoSuchFrameError], [ErrorCode.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, UnsupportedOperationError], [ErrorCode.STALE_ELEMENT_REFERENCE, StaleElementReferenceError], [ErrorCode.ELEMENT_NOT_VISIBLE, ElementNotVisibleError], [ErrorCode.INVALID_ELEMENT_STATE, InvalidElementStateError], [ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR, WebDriverError], [ErrorCode.ELEMENT_NOT_SELECTABLE, ElementNotSelectableError], [ErrorCode.JAVASCRIPT_ERROR, JavascriptError], [ErrorCode.XPATH_LOOKUP_ERROR, InvalidSelectorError], [ErrorCode.TIMEOUT, TimeoutError], [ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_WINDOW, NoSuchWindowError], [ErrorCode.INVALID_COOKIE_DOMAIN, InvalidCookieDomainError], [ErrorCode.UNABLE_TO_SET_COOKIE, UnableToSetCookieError], [ErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_ALERT_OPEN, UnexpectedAlertOpenError], [ErrorCode.NO_SUCH_ALERT, NoSuchAlertError], [ErrorCode.SCRIPT_TIMEOUT, ScriptTimeoutError], [ErrorCode.INVALID_ELEMENT_COORDINATES, InvalidElementCoordinatesError], [ErrorCode.INVALID_SELECTOR_ERROR, InvalidSelectorError], [ErrorCode.SESSION_NOT_CREATED, SessionNotCreatedError], [ErrorCode.MOVE_TARGET_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError], [ErrorCode.INVALID_XPATH_SELECTOR, InvalidSelectorError], [ErrorCode.INVALID_XPATH_SELECTOR_RETURN_TYPE, InvalidSelectorError], [ErrorCode.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, UnsupportedOperationError]]); const ERROR_CODE_TO_TYPE = new Map([ ['unknown error', WebDriverError], ['element not selectable', ElementNotSelectableError], ['element not visible', ElementNotVisibleError], ['invalid argument', InvalidArgumentError], ['invalid cookie domain', InvalidCookieDomainError], ['invalid element coordinates', InvalidElementCoordinatesError], ['invalid element state', InvalidElementStateError], ['invalid selector', InvalidSelectorError], ['invalid session id', NoSuchSessionError], ['javascript error', JavascriptError], ['move target out of bounds', MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError], ['no such alert', NoSuchAlertError], ['no such element', NoSuchElementError], ['no such frame', NoSuchFrameError], ['no such window', NoSuchWindowError], ['script timeout', ScriptTimeoutError], ['session not created', SessionNotCreatedError], ['stale element reference', StaleElementReferenceError], ['timeout', TimeoutError], ['unable to set cookie', UnableToSetCookieError], ['unable to capture screen', UnableToCaptureScreenError], ['unexpected alert open', UnexpectedAlertOpenError], ['unknown command', UnknownCommandError], ['unknown method', UnknownMethodError], ['unsupported operation', UnsupportedOperationError]]); const TYPE_TO_ERROR_CODE = new Map; ERROR_CODE_TO_TYPE.forEach((value, key) => { TYPE_TO_ERROR_CODE.set(value, key); }); /** * @param {*} err The error to encode. * @return {{error: string, message: string}} the encoded error. */ function encodeError(err) { let type = WebDriverError; if (err instanceof WebDriverError && TYPE_TO_ERROR_CODE.has(err.constructor)) { type = err.constructor; } let message = err instanceof Error ? err.message : err + ''; let code = /** @type {string} */(TYPE_TO_ERROR_CODE.get(type)); return {'error': code, 'message': message}; } /** * Checks a response object from a server that adheres to the W3C WebDriver * protocol. * @param {*} data The response data to check. * @return {*} The response data if it was not an encoded error. * @throws {WebDriverError} the decoded error, if present in the data object. * @deprecated Use {@link #throwDecodedError(data)} instead. * @see https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/webdriver-spec.html#protocol */ function checkResponse(data) { if (data && typeof data.error === 'string') { let ctor = ERROR_CODE_TO_TYPE.get(data.error) || WebDriverError; throw new ctor(data.message); } return data; } /** * Throws an error coded from the W3C protocol. A generic error will be thrown * if the privded `data` is not a valid encoded error. * * @param {{error: string, message: string}} data The error data to decode. * @throws {WebDriverError} the decoded error. * @see https://w3c.github.io/webdriver/webdriver-spec.html#protocol */ function throwDecodedError(data) { if (data && typeof data === 'object' && typeof data.error === 'string') { let ctor = ERROR_CODE_TO_TYPE.get(data.error) || WebDriverError; throw new ctor(data.message); } throw new WebDriverError('Unknown error: ' + JSON.stringify(data)); } /** * Checks a legacy response from the Selenium 2.0 wire protocol for an error. * @param {*} responseObj the response object to check. * @return {*} responseObj the original response if it does not define an error. * @throws {WebDriverError} if the response object defines an error. */ function checkLegacyResponse(responseObj) { // Handle the legacy Selenium error response format. if (responseObj && typeof responseObj === 'object' && typeof responseObj['status'] === 'number' && responseObj['status'] !== 0) { let status = responseObj['status']; let ctor = LEGACY_ERROR_CODE_TO_TYPE.get(status) || WebDriverError; let value = responseObj['value']; if (!value || typeof value !== 'object') { throw new ctor(value + ''); } else { let message = value['message'] + ''; if (ctor !== UnexpectedAlertOpenError) { throw new ctor(message); } let text = ''; if (value['alert'] && typeof value['alert']['text'] === 'string') { text = value['alert']['text']; } throw new UnexpectedAlertOpenError(message, text); } } return responseObj; } // PUBLIC API module.exports = { ErrorCode: ErrorCode, WebDriverError: WebDriverError, ElementNotSelectableError: ElementNotSelectableError, ElementNotVisibleError: ElementNotVisibleError, InvalidArgumentError: InvalidArgumentError, InvalidCookieDomainError: InvalidCookieDomainError, InvalidElementCoordinatesError: InvalidElementCoordinatesError, InvalidElementStateError: InvalidElementStateError, InvalidSelectorError: InvalidSelectorError, JavascriptError: JavascriptError, MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError: MoveTargetOutOfBoundsError, NoSuchAlertError: NoSuchAlertError, NoSuchElementError: NoSuchElementError, NoSuchFrameError: NoSuchFrameError, NoSuchSessionError: NoSuchSessionError, NoSuchWindowError: NoSuchWindowError, ScriptTimeoutError: ScriptTimeoutError, SessionNotCreatedError: SessionNotCreatedError, StaleElementReferenceError: StaleElementReferenceError, TimeoutError: TimeoutError, UnableToSetCookieError: UnableToSetCookieError, UnableToCaptureScreenError: UnableToCaptureScreenError, UnexpectedAlertOpenError: UnexpectedAlertOpenError, UnknownCommandError: UnknownCommandError, UnknownMethodError: UnknownMethodError, UnsupportedOperationError: UnsupportedOperationError, checkResponse: checkResponse, checkLegacyResponse: checkLegacyResponse, encodeError: encodeError, throwDecodedError: throwDecodedError, };