var nomnom = require("../nomnom"); var parser = nomnom() .option('debug', { abbr: 'x', flag: true, help: 'Print debugging info' }) .option('config', { abbr: 'c', default: 'config.json', help: 'JSON file with tests to run' }) .option('version', { flag: true, help: 'print version and exit', callback: function() { return "version 1.2.4"; } }); exports.testOption = function(test) { var opts = parser.parse(["-x", "--no-verbose"]); test.strictEqual(opts.debug, true); test.equal(opts.config, "config.json"); test.done(); } exports.testCommandOption = function(test) { var parser = nomnom() parser.command('test') .option('fruit', { abbr: 'f', flag: true }) var opts = parser.parse(["test", "-f"]); test.strictEqual(opts.fruit, true); test.done(); }