var clean = require('gulp-clean'); var fs = require('fs'); var gulp = require('gulp'); var log = require('fancy-log'); var gzip = require('../'); var nid = require('nid'); var rename = require('gulp-rename'); var should = require('should'); var Stream = require('stream'); var tap = require('gulp-tap'); var zlib = require('zlib'); // monkeys are fixing cwd for gulp-mocha // node lives in one process/scope/directory process.chdir('./test'); describe('gulp-gzip', function() { describe('config', function() { it('should have default config', function(done) { var instance = gzip(); instance.config.should.eql({ append: true, gzipOptions: {}, skipGrowingFiles: false, threshold: false }); done(); }); it('should merge options with defaults', function(done) { var instance = gzip({ append: false }); instance.config.should.eql({ append: false, gzipOptions: {}, skipGrowingFiles: false, threshold: false }); done(); }); }); describe('file extension', function() { it('should append .gz to the file extension, by default', function(done) { gulp.src('files/small.txt') .pipe(gzip()) .pipe(tap(function(file) { file.path.should.endWith('.gz'); done(); })); }); it('should not append .gz to the file extension receiving { append: false }', function(done) { gulp.src('files/small.txt') .pipe(gzip({ append: false })) .pipe(tap(function(file) { file.path.should.not.endWith('.gz'); done(); })); }); it('should accept an arbitrary extension with the `extension` option', function(done) { gulp.src('files/small.txt') .pipe(gzip({ extension: 'zip' })) .pipe(tap(function(file) { file.path.should.endWith('.zip'); done(); })); }); it('should accept an arbitrary pre-extension with the `preExtension` option', function(done) { gulp.src('files/small.txt') .pipe(gzip({ preExtension: 'gz' })) .pipe(tap(function(file) { file.path.should.endWith('.gz.txt'); done(); })); }); }); describe('file type', function() { it('should return file contents as a Buffer', function(done) { gulp.src('files/small.txt') .pipe(gzip()) .pipe(tap(function(file) {; done(); })); }); it('should return file contents as a Stream', function(done) { gulp.src('files/small.txt', { buffer: false }) .pipe(gzip()) .pipe(tap(function(file) {; done(); })); }); }); describe('file properties', function() { it('should not lose any properties from the Vinyl file', function(done) { gulp.src('files/small.txt') .pipe(tap(function(file) { file.test = 'test'; })) .pipe(gzip()) .pipe(tap(function(file) {'test', 'test'); done(); })); }); it('should set `contentEncoding`', function(done) { gulp.src('files/small.txt') .pipe(gzip()) .pipe(tap(function(file) {'contentEncoding'); file.contentEncoding.should.containEql('gzip'); done(); })); }); }); describe('gzip options', function() { it('should set gzipOptions object', function(done) { var instance = gzip({ gzipOptions: { level: 9, memLevel: 1} });'gzipOptions');'level', 9);'memLevel', 1); done(); }); it('should handle compression level in buffer mode', function(done) { var id_lowest_compression = nid(); var id_highest_compression = nid(); var out_lowest_compression = gulp.dest('tmp'); var out_highest_compression = gulp.dest('tmp'); var size_lowest_compression = 0; var size_highest_compression = 0; out_lowest_compression.on('end', function() { fs.stat('./tmp/' + id_lowest_compression + '.txt.gz', function (err, stats) { size_lowest_compression = stats.size; if (size_highest_compression > 0) {; done(); } }); }); out_highest_compression.on('end', function() { fs.stat('./tmp/' + id_highest_compression + '.txt.gz', function (err, stats) { size_highest_compression = stats.size; if (size_lowest_compression > 0) {; done(); } }); }); gulp.src('files/big.txt') .pipe(rename({ basename: id_lowest_compression })) .pipe(gzip({ gzipOptions: { level: 1 } })) .pipe(out_lowest_compression); gulp.src('files/big.txt') .pipe(rename({ basename: id_highest_compression })) .pipe(gzip({ gzipOptions: { level: 9 } })) .pipe(out_highest_compression); }); it('should handle compression level in stream mode', function(done) { var id_lowest_compression = nid(); var id_highest_compression = nid(); var out_lowest_compression = gulp.dest('tmp'); var out_highest_compression = gulp.dest('tmp'); var size_lowest_compression = 0; var size_highest_compression = 0; out_lowest_compression.on('end', function() { fs.stat('./tmp/' + id_lowest_compression + '.txt.gz', function (err, stats) { size_lowest_compression = stats.size; if (size_highest_compression > 0) {; done(); } }); }); out_highest_compression.on('end', function() { fs.stat('./tmp/' + id_highest_compression + '.txt.gz', function (err, stats) { size_highest_compression = stats.size; if (size_lowest_compression > 0) {; done(); } }); }); gulp.src('files/big.txt', { buffer: false }) .pipe(rename({ basename: id_lowest_compression })) .pipe(gzip({ gzipOptions: { level: 1 } })) .pipe(out_lowest_compression); gulp.src('files/big.txt', { buffer: false }) .pipe(rename({ basename: id_highest_compression })) .pipe(gzip({ gzipOptions: { level: 9 } })) .pipe(out_highest_compression); }); }); describe('threshold option', function() { it('should set threshold to false while receiving false', function(done) { var instance = gzip({ threshold: false });; done(); }); it('should set threshold to 150 while receiving true', function(done) { var instance = gzip({ threshold: true }); instance.config.threshold.should.eql(150); done(); }); it('should set threshold to Number while receiving Number', function(done) { var instance = gzip({ threshold: 1024 });'threshold', 1024); done(); }); it('should set threshold to 150 while receiving Number < 150', function(done) { var instance = gzip({ threshold: 100 });'threshold', 150); done(); }); it('should set threshold to Number while receiving String (bytes result)', function(done) { var instance = gzip({ threshold: '1kb' });'threshold', 1024); done(); }); it('should set threshold to 150 while receiving String (bytes result < 150)', function(done) { var instance = gzip({ threshold: '1kb' });'threshold', 1024); done(); }); it('should handle threshold of 1kb by passing through small.txt (<1kb)', function(done) { var id = nid(); var out = gulp.dest('tmp'); out.on('end', function() { fs.readFile('./tmp/' + id + '.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function(err, file) { fs.readFile('./files/small.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function(err, original) { file.should.equal(original); done(); }); }); }); gulp.src('files/small.txt') .pipe(rename({ basename: id })) .pipe(gzip({ threshold: '1kb' })) .pipe(out); }); it('should handle threshold of 1kb by compressing big.txt (>1kb)', function(done) { var id = nid(); var out = gulp.dest('tmp'); out.on('end', function() { fs.readFile('./tmp/' + id + '.txt.gz', function(err, file) { zlib.unzip(file, function(err, buffer) { file = buffer.toString('utf-8'); fs.readFile('./files/big.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function(err, original) { file.should.equal(original); done(); }); }); }); }); gulp.src('files/big.txt') .pipe(rename({ basename: id })) .pipe(gzip({ threshold: '1kb' })) .pipe(out); }); it('should handle threshold of 1kb by passing through small.txt (<1kb)', function(done) { var id = nid(); var out = gulp.dest('tmp'); out.on('end', function() { fs.readFile('./tmp/' + id + '.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function(err, file) { fs.readFile('./files/small.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function(err, original) { file.should.equal(original); done(); }); }); }); gulp.src('files/small.txt', { buffer: false }) .pipe(rename({ basename: id })) .pipe(gzip({ threshold: '1kb' })) .pipe(out); }); it('should handle threshold of 1kb by compressing big.txt (>1kb)', function(done) { var id = nid(); var out = gulp.dest('tmp'); out.on('end', function() { fs.readFile('./tmp/' + id + '.txt.gz', function(err, file) { zlib.unzip(file, function(err, buffer) { file = buffer.toString('utf-8'); fs.readFile('./files/big.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function(err, original) { file.should.equal(original); done(); }); }); }); }); gulp.src('files/big.txt', { buffer: false }) .pipe(rename({ basename: id })) .pipe(gzip({ threshold: '1kb' })) .pipe(out); }); }); describe('delete mode', function() { it('should not delete existing gzipped files when { deleteMode : false }', function(done) { var id = nid(); var out = gulp.dest('tmp'); out.on('end', function() { fs.readFile('./tmp/' + id + '.txt.gz', function(err, file) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(file);; var out = gulp.dest('tmp'); out.on('end', function() { fs.readFile('./tmp/' + id + '.txt.gz', function(err, file) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(file);; done(); }); }); gulp.src('files/small.txt') .pipe(rename({ basename: id })) .pipe(gzip({ threshold: 1024 })) .pipe(out); }); }); gulp.src('files/big.txt') .pipe(rename({ basename: id })) .pipe(gzip({ threshold: 1024 })) .pipe(out); }); it('should delete existing gzipped files if the files changed from big.txt (over threshold) to small.txt (under threshold) when { deleteMode : true }', function(done) { var id = nid(); var out = gulp.dest('tmp'); out.on('end', function() { fs.readFile('./tmp/' + id + '.txt.gz', function(err, file) { should.not.exist(err); should.exist(file);; var out = gulp.dest('tmp'); out.on('end', function() { fs.exists('./tmp/' + id + '.txt.gz', function(exists) {; done(); }); }); gulp.src('files/small.txt') .pipe(rename({ basename: id })) .pipe(gzip({ threshold: 1024, deleteMode: 'tmp' })) .pipe(out); }); }); gulp.src('files/big.txt') .pipe(rename({ basename: id })) .pipe(gzip({ threshold: 1024, deleteMode: 'tmp' })) .pipe(out); }); }); describe ('uncompress the compressed file', function() { it('should match original in buffer mode', function(done) { var id = nid(); var out = gulp.dest('tmp'); out.on('end', function() { fs.readFile('./tmp/' + id + '.txt.gz', function(err, file) { zlib.unzip(file, function(err, buffer) { file = buffer.toString('utf-8', 0, buffer.length); fs.readFile('./files/small.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function(err, original) { file.should.equal(original); done(); }); }); }); }); gulp.src('files/small.txt') .pipe(rename({ basename: id })) .pipe(gzip()) .pipe(out); }); it('should match original in stream mode', function(done) { var id = nid(); var out = gulp.dest('tmp'); out.on('end', function() { fs.readFile('./tmp/' + id + '.txt.gz', function(err, file) { zlib.unzip(file, function(err, buffer) { file = buffer.toString('utf-8', 0, buffer.length); fs.readFile('./files/small.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' }, function(err, original) { file.should.equal(original); done(); }); }); }); }); gulp.src('files/small.txt', { buffer: false }) .pipe(rename({ basename: id })) .pipe(gzip()) .pipe(out); }); }); describe('skip files that get larger after compression', function() { it('handles buffers', function(done) { var originalBuffer; gulp.src('files/too_small.txt') .pipe(tap(function(file) { originalBuffer = file.contents; })) .pipe(gzip({ skipGrowingFiles: true })) .pipe(tap(function(file) { file.contents.should.equal(originalBuffer); done(); })); }); it('handles streams', function(done) { var originalStream; gulp.src('files/too_small.txt', { buffer: false }) .pipe(tap(function(file) { originalStream = file.contents; })) .pipe(gzip({ skipGrowingFiles: true })) .pipe(tap(function(file) { file.contents.should.equal(originalStream); done(); })); }); }); });