'use strict' const constants = require('../constants') const lineBuilder = require('../lineBuilder') const recursorUtils = require('../recursorUtils') const themeUtils = require('../themeUtils') const DEEP_EQUAL = constants.DEEP_EQUAL const UNEQUAL = constants.UNEQUAL const SHALLOW_EQUAL = constants.SHALLOW_EQUAL function describe (keyDescriptor, valueDescriptor) { const keyIsPrimitive = keyDescriptor.isPrimitive === true const valueIsPrimitive = valueDescriptor.isPrimitive === true return new MapEntry(keyDescriptor, valueDescriptor, keyIsPrimitive, valueIsPrimitive) } exports.describe = describe function deserialize (state, recursor) { const keyIsPrimitive = state[0] const valueIsPrimitive = state[1] const keyDescriptor = recursor() const valueDescriptor = recursor() return new MapEntry(keyDescriptor, valueDescriptor, keyIsPrimitive, valueIsPrimitive) } exports.deserialize = deserialize const tag = Symbol('MapEntry') exports.tag = tag function mergeWithKey (theme, key, values) { const lines = lineBuilder.buffer() const keyRemainder = lineBuilder.buffer() for (const line of key) { if (!line.isLast && !line.hasGutter) { lines.append(line) } else { keyRemainder.append(line) } } for (const value of values) { lines.append(keyRemainder.mergeWithInfix(theme.mapEntry.separator, value).withLastPostfixed(theme.mapEntry.after)) } return lines } class MapEntry { constructor (key, value, keyIsPrimitive, valueIsPrimitive) { this.key = key this.value = value this.keyIsPrimitive = keyIsPrimitive this.valueIsPrimitive = valueIsPrimitive } createRecursor () { let emitKey = true let emitValue = true return () => { if (emitKey) { emitKey = false return this.key } if (emitValue) { emitValue = false return this.value } return null } } compare (expected) { if (this.tag !== expected.tag) return UNEQUAL if (this.keyIsPrimitive !== expected.keyIsPrimitive) return UNEQUAL if (this.valueIsPrimitive !== expected.valueIsPrimitive) return UNEQUAL if (!this.keyIsPrimitive) return SHALLOW_EQUAL const keyResult = this.key.compare(expected.key) if (keyResult !== DEEP_EQUAL) return keyResult if (!this.valueIsPrimitive) return SHALLOW_EQUAL return this.value.compare(expected.value) } formatDeep (theme, indent) { // Verify the map entry can be formatted directly. if (!this.keyIsPrimitive || typeof this.value.formatDeep !== 'function') return null // Since formatShallow() would result in theme modifiers being applied // before the key and value are formatted, do the same here. const value = this.value.formatDeep(themeUtils.applyModifiersToOriginal(this.value, theme), indent) if (value === null) return null const key = this.key.formatDeep(themeUtils.applyModifiersToOriginal(this.key, theme), indent) return mergeWithKey(theme, key, [value]) } formatShallow (theme, indent) { let key = null const values = [] return { append: (formatted, origin) => { if (this.key === origin) { key = formatted } else { values.push(formatted) } }, finalize () { return mergeWithKey(theme, key, values) } } } diffDeep (expected, theme, indent) { // Verify a diff can be returned. if (this.tag !== expected.tag || typeof this.value.diffDeep !== 'function') return null // Only use this logic to format value diffs when the keys are primitive and equal. if (!this.keyIsPrimitive || !expected.keyIsPrimitive || this.key.compare(expected.key) !== DEEP_EQUAL) { return null } // Since formatShallow() would result in theme modifiers being applied // before the key and value are formatted, do the same here. const diff = this.value.diffDeep(expected.value, themeUtils.applyModifiersToOriginal(this.value, theme), indent) if (diff === null) return null const key = this.key.formatDeep(themeUtils.applyModifiersToOriginal(this.key, theme), indent, '') return mergeWithKey(theme, key, [diff]) } prepareDiff (expected, lhsRecursor, rhsRecursor, compareComplexShape, isCircular) { // Circular values cannot be compared. They must be treated as being unequal when diffing. if (isCircular(this.value) || isCircular(expected.value)) return {compareResult: UNEQUAL} const compareResult = this.compare(expected) const keysAreEqual = this.tag === expected.tag && this.key.compare(expected.key) === DEEP_EQUAL // Short-circuit when keys and/or values are deeply equal. if (compareResult === DEEP_EQUAL || keysAreEqual) return {compareResult} // Try to line up this or remaining map entries with the expected entries. const lhsFork = recursorUtils.fork(lhsRecursor) const rhsFork = recursorUtils.fork(rhsRecursor) const initialExpected = expected let expectedIsMissing = false while (!expectedIsMissing && expected !== null && this.tag === expected.tag) { if (expected.keyIsPrimitive) { expectedIsMissing = this.key.compare(expected.key) !== UNEQUAL } else { expectedIsMissing = compareComplexShape(this.key, expected.key) !== UNEQUAL } expected = rhsFork.shared() } let actualIsExtraneous = false if (this.tag === initialExpected.tag) { if (initialExpected.keyIsPrimitive) { let actual = this while (!actualIsExtraneous && actual !== null && this.tag === actual.tag) { if (actual.keyIsPrimitive) { actualIsExtraneous = initialExpected.key.compare(actual.key) === DEEP_EQUAL } actual = lhsFork.shared() } } else { let actual = this while (!actualIsExtraneous && actual !== null && this.tag === actual.tag) { if (!actual.keyIsPrimitive) { actualIsExtraneous = compareComplexShape(actual.key, initialExpected.key) !== UNEQUAL } actual = lhsFork.shared() } } } if (actualIsExtraneous && !expectedIsMissing) { return { actualIsExtraneous: true, lhsRecursor: lhsFork.recursor, rhsRecursor: recursorUtils.unshift(rhsFork.recursor, initialExpected) } } if (expectedIsMissing && !actualIsExtraneous) { return { expectedIsMissing: true, lhsRecursor: recursorUtils.unshift(lhsFork.recursor, this), rhsRecursor: rhsFork.recursor } } let mustRecurse = false if (!this.keyIsPrimitive && !initialExpected.keyIsPrimitive) { if (this.valueIsPrimitive || initialExpected.valueIsPrimitive) { mustRecurse = this.value.compare(initialExpected.value) !== UNEQUAL } else { mustRecurse = compareComplexShape(this.value, initialExpected.value) !== UNEQUAL } } return { mustRecurse, isUnequal: !mustRecurse, lhsRecursor: lhsFork.recursor, rhsRecursor: rhsFork.recursor } } serialize () { return [this.keyIsPrimitive, this.valueIsPrimitive] } } Object.defineProperty(MapEntry.prototype, 'isMapEntry', { value: true }) Object.defineProperty(MapEntry.prototype, 'tag', { value: tag })