# babel-template > Generate an AST from a string template. In computer science, this is known as an implementation of quasiquotes. ## Install ```sh $ npm install babel-template ``` ## Usage ```js import template from 'babel-template'; import generate from 'babel-generator'; import * as t from 'babel-types'; const buildRequire = template(` var IMPORT_NAME = require(SOURCE); `); const ast = buildRequire({ IMPORT_NAME: t.identifier('myModule'), SOURCE: t.stringLiteral('my-module') }); console.log(generate(ast).code); ``` ```js var myModule = require('my-module'); ``` ## API ### `template(code, [opts])` #### code Type: `string` #### options `babel-template` accepts all of the options from [babylon], and specifies some defaults of its own: * `allowReturnOutsideFunction` is set to `true` by default. * `allowSuperOutsideMethod` is set to `true` by default. ##### preserveComments Type: `boolean` Default: `false` Set this to `true` to preserve any comments from the `code` parameter. #### Return value `babel-template` returns a `function` which is invoked with an optional object of replacements. See the usage section for an example. [babylon]: https://github.com/babel/babylon#options