/* This file is part of TALER (C) 2015 GNUnet e.V. TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Script that is injected into (all!) pages to allow them * to interact with the GNU Taler wallet via DOM Events. * * @author Florian Dold */ /// "use strict"; // Make sure we don't pollute the namespace too much. namespace TalerNotify { const PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1; /** * Wallet-internal version of offerContractFrom, used for 402 payments. */ function internalOfferContractFrom(url: string) { function handle_contract(contract_wrapper) { var cEvent = new CustomEvent("taler-confirm-contract", { detail: { contract_wrapper: contract_wrapper, replace_navigation: true } }); document.dispatchEvent(cEvent); } var contract_request = new XMLHttpRequest(); console.log("downloading contract from '" + url + "'") contract_request.open("GET", url, true); contract_request.onload = function (e) { if (contract_request.readyState == 4) { if (contract_request.status == 200) { console.log("response text:", contract_request.responseText); var contract_wrapper = JSON.parse(contract_request.responseText); if (!contract_wrapper) { console.error("response text was invalid json"); alert("Failure to download contract (invalid json)"); return; } handle_contract(contract_wrapper); } else { alert("Failure to download contract from merchant " + "(" + contract_request.status + "):\n" + contract_request.responseText); } } }; contract_request.onerror = function (e) { alert("Failure requesting the contract:\n" + contract_request.statusText); }; contract_request.send(); } /** * Wallet-internal version of executeContract, used for 402 payments. */ function internalExecuteContract(contractHash: string, payUrl: string, offerUrl: string) { /** * Handle a failed payment. * * Try to notify the wallet first, before we show a potentially * synchronous error message (such as an alert) or leave the page. */ function handleFailedPayment(status) { let timeoutHandle = null; function err() { alert("Payment failed: Unexpected status code for $pay_url: " + status); } function onResp() { if (timeoutHandle != null) { clearTimeout(timeoutHandle); timeoutHandle = null; } err(); } function onTimeout() { timeoutHandle = null; err(); } let eve = new CustomEvent('taler-payment-failed', {detail: {}}); document.dispatchEvent(eve); document.addEventListener("taler-payment-failed-ok", onResp, false); timeoutHandle = setTimeout(onTimeout, 200); } function handleResponse(evt) { console.log("handling taler-notify-payment"); // Payment timeout in ms. let timeout_ms = 1000; // Current request. let r; let timeoutHandle = null; function sendPay() { r = new XMLHttpRequest(); r.open("post", payUrl); r.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8"); r.send(JSON.stringify(evt.detail.payment)); r.onload = function() { switch (r.status) { case 200: window.location.href = subst(evt.detail.contract.fulfillment_url, evt.detail.H_contract); window.location.reload(true); break; default: handleFailedPayment(r.status); break; } r = null; if (timeoutHandle != null) { clearTimeout(timeoutHandle); timeoutHandle = null; } }; function retry() { if (r) { r.abort(); r = null; } timeout_ms = Math.min(timeout_ms * 2, 10 * 1000); console.log("sendPay timed out, retrying in ", timeout_ms, "ms"); sendPay(); } timeoutHandle = setTimeout(retry, timeout_ms); } sendPay(); } let detail = { H_contract: contractHash, offering_url: offerUrl }; document.addEventListener("taler-notify-payment", handleResponse, false); let eve = new CustomEvent('taler-fetch-payment', {detail: detail}); document.dispatchEvent(eve); } function subst(url: string, H_contract) { url = url.replace("${H_contract}", H_contract); url = url.replace("${$}", "$"); return url; } const handlers = []; function init() { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({type: "ping"}, (resp) => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { console.log("extension not yet ready"); window.setTimeout(init, 200); return; } registerHandlers(); // Hack to know when the extension is unloaded let port = chrome.runtime.connect(); port.onDisconnect.addListener(() => { console.log("chrome runtime disconnected, removing handlers"); for (let handler of handlers) { document.removeEventListener(handler.type, handler.listener); } }); console.log(resp); if (resp.type === "fetch") { console.log("it's fetch"); internalOfferContractFrom(resp.contractUrl); document.documentElement.style.visibility = "hidden"; } else if (resp.type === "execute") { console.log("it's execute"); document.documentElement.style.visibility = "hidden"; internalExecuteContract(resp.contractHash, resp.payUrl, resp.offerUrl); } }); } init(); function registerHandlers() { const $ = (x) => document.getElementById(x); function addHandler(type, listener) { document.addEventListener(type, listener); handlers.push({type, listener}); } addHandler("taler-query-id", function(e) { let evt = new CustomEvent("taler-id", { detail: { id: chrome.runtime.id } }); document.dispatchEvent(evt); }); addHandler("taler-probe", function(e) { let evt = new CustomEvent("taler-wallet-present", { detail: { walletProtocolVersion: PROTOCOL_VERSION } }); document.dispatchEvent(evt); }); addHandler("taler-create-reserve", function(e: CustomEvent) { console.log("taler-create-reserve with " + JSON.stringify(e.detail)); let params = { amount: JSON.stringify(e.detail.amount), callback_url: URI(e.detail.callback_url) .absoluteTo(document.location.href), bank_url: document.location.href, wt_types: JSON.stringify(e.detail.wt_types), }; let uri = URI(chrome.extension.getURL("pages/confirm-create-reserve.html")); document.location.href = uri.query(params).href(); }); addHandler("taler-confirm-reserve", function(e: CustomEvent) { console.log("taler-confirm-reserve with " + JSON.stringify(e.detail)); let msg = { type: "confirm-reserve", detail: { reservePub: e.detail.reserve_pub } }; chrome.runtime.sendMessage(msg, (resp) => { console.log("confirm reserve done"); }); }); addHandler("taler-confirm-contract", function(e: CustomEvent) { if (!e.detail.contract_wrapper) { console.error("contract wrapper missing"); return; } const offer = e.detail.contract_wrapper; if (!offer.contract) { console.error("contract field missing"); return; } const msg = { type: "check-repurchase", detail: { contract: offer.contract }, }; chrome.runtime.sendMessage(msg, (resp) => { if (resp.error) { console.error("wallet backend error", resp); return; } if (resp.isRepurchase) { console.log("doing repurchase"); console.assert(resp.existingFulfillmentUrl); console.assert(resp.existingContractHash); window.location.href = subst(resp.existingFulfillmentUrl, resp.existingContractHash); } else { const uri = URI(chrome.extension.getURL("pages/confirm-contract.html")); const params = { offer: JSON.stringify(offer), merchantPageUrl: document.location.href, }; const target = uri.query(params).href(); if (e.detail.replace_navigation === true) { document.location.replace(target); } else { document.location.href = target; } } }); }); addHandler("taler-payment-failed", (e: CustomEvent) => { const msg = { type: "payment-failed", detail: {}, }; chrome.runtime.sendMessage(msg, (resp) => { let evt = new CustomEvent("taler-payment-failed-ok", { detail: {} }); document.dispatchEvent(evt); }); }); // Should be: taler-request-payment, taler-result-payment addHandler("taler-execute-contract", (e: CustomEvent) => { console.log("got taler-execute-contract in content page"); const msg = { type: "execute-payment", detail: { H_contract: e.detail.H_contract, }, }; chrome.runtime.sendMessage(msg, (resp) => { console.log("got resp"); console.dir(resp); if (!resp.success) { console.log("got event detial:"); console.dir(e.detail); if (e.detail.offering_url) { console.log("offering url", e.detail.offering_url); window.location.href = e.detail.offering_url; } else { console.error("execute-payment failed"); } return; } let contract = resp.contract; if (!contract) { throw Error("contract missing"); } // We have the details for then payment, the merchant page // is responsible to give it to the merchant. let evt = new CustomEvent("taler-notify-payment", { detail: { H_contract: e.detail.H_contract, contract: resp.contract, payment: resp.payReq, } }); document.dispatchEvent(evt); }); }); } }