# FROM: https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/tree/gh-pages/PaymentFlows @startuml !includeurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/w3c/webpayments/gh-pages/PaymentFlows/skin.ipml Participant "Payee (Merchant) Site" as Payee Actor "Payer (Shopper) Browser" as Payer participant "Payer (Shopper) PSP (PayPal)" as CPSP note over MPSP, CPSP: HTTPS title PayPal Payment (REST API) (Current) Payee->Payer: Present Checkout Page with Pay Button Payer->Payer: Select PayPal Payment Method Payer-\Payee: Payment Page Request Payee<->CPSP: Create Payment Payee-/Payer: HTTP Redirect Note right: HTTP Direct now send the shopper to the PayPal site Payer-\CPSP: Payment Initiation CPSP-/Payer: Authentication Page Payer-\CPSP: Authenticate note right: Typically a username & password CPSP-/Payer: Payment Page opt Payer<->CPSP: Instrument Choice note right: Payer can change from default payment instrument end Payer->Payer: Approval Payer-\CPSP: Payment Approval CPSP-/Payer: Payment Response Redirect Payer-\Payee: Payment Response Payee<->CPSP: Execute Payment Payee-/Payer: Result Page ... asynchronous notification ... CPSP->Payer: Payment Notification (email) Opt Payee->Payer: Payment Notification (email) End Note right: Provides out of band confirmation to protect against failure/modification at browser @enduml