Legacy Merchant Hosted Card Payment with Acquirer Supported 3DS (Current)3DS is used to add confidence that the payer is who they say they are and importantly in the event of a dispute liability shift to the Issuer.Payee (Merchant) PSP [Acquirer]Payee (Merchant) PSP [Acquirer]Payee (Merchant) [Acceptor] SitePayee (Merchant) [Acceptor] SitePayer (Shopper) [Cardholder] BrowserPayer (Shopper) [Cardholder] BrowserBrowser Form FillerBrowser Form FillerCard Scheme DirectoryCard Scheme DirectoryIssuing Bank [Issuer] WebsiteIssuing Bank [Issuer] WebsiteIssuing Bank [Issuer]Issuing Bank [Issuer]HTTPSEstablish Payment Obligation1Present Check-out page with Pay Button2Select Card Payment Methodalt3Form Fillfields are PAN & Expiry Date with optional CVV, & Address, Also Card Valid Date and Issue Number are required for some Schemes4User Fills FormCard Payment Initiation5Payment InitiationCustom code on merchant webpage can encrypt payload to reduce PCI burden from SAQ D to SAQ A-EPopt6Store CardMerchant can store card details apart from CVV (even if encrypted) for future use (a.k.a. Card on File)7Authorise3DS part of flowAt this point, the Merchant or Merchant's PSP can decide if it wishes to invoke 3DS. This might be based on transaction value (i.e. low value -> low risk) or other factors, e.g. if the Shopper is a repeat purchaser.8BIN to URL lookup (VAReq message)9Lookup URL from BIN10“PING”verify URL validity11“PING” response12URL133DS redirect (PAReq message)143DS redirect (PAReq message)153DS invoke163DS challenge173DS response (PARes message)183DS response (PARes message)193DS response (PARes message)203DS response (PARes message)21Verification of PARes signatureEnd of 3DS22Authorisation Request23Authorisation Response24Authorisation ResponseNotification25Result PageRequest for Settlement process (could be immediate, batch (e.g. daily) or after some days)alt26CaptureLater Capture may be called, for example after good shipped or tickets pickedup27Auto Capture in batch processing at end-of-day28CaptureFulfilment29Provide products or services