/* This file is part of TALER Copyright (C) 2014-2024 Taler Systems SA TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, see */ /** * @file taler_merchant_service.h * @brief C interface of libtalermerchant, a C library to use merchant's HTTP API * This library is not thread-safe, all APIs must only be used from a single thread. * This library calls abort() if it runs out of memory. Be aware of these limitations. * @author Christian Grothoff * @author Marcello Stanisci * @author Priscilla HUANG */ #ifndef _TALER_MERCHANT_SERVICE_H #define _TALER_MERCHANT_SERVICE_H #include #include #include #include #include /** * Library version (in hex) for compatibility tests. */ #define TALER_MERCHANT_SERVICE_VERSION 0x00100000 /** * General information about the HTTP response we obtained * from the merchant for a request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse { /** * The complete JSON reply. NULL if we failed to parse the * reply (too big, invalid JSON). */ const json_t *reply; /** * The complete JSON reply from the exchange, if we generated an error in * response to an exchange error. Usually set if @e http_status is * #MHD_HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY or #MHD_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE. NULL if we * failed to obtain a JSON reply from the exchange or if we did not receive * an error from the exchange. */ const json_t *exchange_reply; /** * Set to the human-readable 'hint' that is optionally * provided by the exchange together with errors. NULL * if no hint was provided or if there was no error. */ const char *hint; /** * The error hint from the exchange, if we generated an error in * response to an exchange error. Usually set if @e http_status is * #MHD_HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY or #MHD_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE. NULL if we * failed to obtain a hint from the exchange or if we did not receive * an error from the exchange. */ const char *exchange_hint; /** * HTTP status code for the response. 0 if the * HTTP request failed and we did not get any answer, or * if the answer was invalid and we set @a ec to a * client-side error code. */ unsigned int http_status; /** * The HTTP status code from the exchange, if we generated an error in * response to an exchange error. Usually set if @e http_status is * #MHD_HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY or #MHD_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE. 0 if we * failed to obtain a JSON reply from the exchange or if we did not receive * an error from the exchange. */ unsigned int exchange_http_status; /** * Taler error code. #TALER_EC_NONE if everything was * OK. Usually set to the "code" field of an error * response, but may be set to values created at the * client side, for example when the response was * not in JSON format or was otherwise ill-formed. */ enum TALER_ErrorCode ec; /** * The error code from the reply from the exchange, if we generated an error in * response to an exchange error. Usually set if @e http_status is * #MHD_HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY or #MHD_HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE. NULL if we * failed to obtain a error code from the exchange or if we did not receive * an error from the exchange. */ enum TALER_ErrorCode exchange_code; }; /** * Contains information gathered from parsing a taler://pay URI. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_PayUriData { /** * Hostname (and possibly port) of the merchant. */ char *merchant_host; /** * Prefix to the base url of the merchant backend. May be NULL. */ char *merchant_prefix_path; /** * The id of the order to pay. */ char *order_id; /** * Session id to use when paying the order. May be NULL. */ char *session_id; /** * Claim token to use when claiming the order. May be NULL. */ struct TALER_ClaimTokenP *claim_token; /** * A WLAN SSID that the wallet can use to connect to the internet in order to * to pay. May be NULL. */ char *ssid; /** * true if the URI used taler+http. */ bool use_http; }; /** * Extracts information from a taler://pay URI. * * @param pay_uri the URI to parse. * @param[out] parse_data data extracted from the URI. Must be free'd. * @return #GNUNET_SYSERR if @e pay_uri is malformed, #GNUNET_OK otherwise. */ enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue TALER_MERCHANT_parse_pay_uri (const char *pay_uri, struct TALER_MERCHANT_PayUriData *parse_data); /** * Frees data contained in the result of parsing a taler://pay URI. * * @param[in] parse_data the data to free. */ void TALER_MERCHANT_parse_pay_uri_free ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_PayUriData *parse_data); /** * Contains information gathered from parsing a taler://refund URI. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_RefundUriData { /** * Hostname (and possibly port) of the merchant. */ char *merchant_host; /** * Prefix to the base url of the merchant backend. May be NULL. */ char *merchant_prefix_path; /** * The id of the order to pay. */ char *order_id; /** * A WLAN SSID that the wallet can use to connect to the internet in order to * to pay. May be NULL. */ char *ssid; /** * true if the URI used taler+http. */ bool use_http; }; /** * Extracts information from a taler://refund URI. * * @param refund_uri the URI to parse. * @param[out] parse_data data extracted from the URI. Must be free'd. * @return #GNUNET_SYSERR if @e refund_uri is malformed, #GNUNET_OK otherwise. */ enum GNUNET_GenericReturnValue TALER_MERCHANT_parse_refund_uri ( const char *refund_uri, struct TALER_MERCHANT_RefundUriData *parse_data); /** * Frees data contained in the result of parsing a taler://refund URI. * * @param parse_data the data to free. */ void TALER_MERCHANT_parse_refund_uri_free ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_RefundUriData *parse_data); /* ********************* /public/config ****************** */ /** * How compatible are the protocol version of the auditor and this * client? The bits (1,2,4) can be used to test if the auditor's * version is incompatible, older or newer respectively. */ enum TALER_MERCHANT_VersionCompatibility { /** * The auditor runs exactly the same protocol version. */ TALER_MERCHANT_VC_MATCH = 0, /** * The auditor is too old or too new to be compatible with this * implementation (bit) */ TALER_MERCHANT_VC_INCOMPATIBLE = 1, /** * The auditor is older than this implementation (bit) */ TALER_MERCHANT_VC_OLDER = 2, /** * The auditor is too old to be compatible with * this implementation. */ TALER_MERCHANT_VC_INCOMPATIBLE_OUTDATED = TALER_MERCHANT_VC_INCOMPATIBLE | TALER_MERCHANT_VC_OLDER, /** * The auditor is more recent than this implementation (bit). */ TALER_MERCHANT_VC_NEWER = 4, /** * The auditor is too recent for this implementation. */ TALER_MERCHANT_VC_INCOMPATIBLE_NEWER = TALER_MERCHANT_VC_INCOMPATIBLE | TALER_MERCHANT_VC_NEWER, /** * We could not even parse the version data. */ TALER_MERCHANT_VC_PROTOCOL_ERROR = 8 }; /** * @brief Config information we get from the backend. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ConfigInformation { /** * Default currency of the merchant. See cspecs * for all currencies supported by the merchant. */ const char *currency; /** * Supported Taler protocol version by the merchant. * String in the format current:revision:age using the * semantics of GNU libtool. See * https://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/manual/html_node/Versioning.html#Versioning */ const char *version; }; /** * Information about an exchange the merchant backend trusts. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ExchangeConfigInfo { /** * Base URL of the exchange REST API. */ const char *base_url; /** * Currency for which the merchant is configured to * trust the exchange. */ const char *currency; /** * Master public key of the exchange. */ struct TALER_MasterPublicKeyP master_pub; }; /** * Response to /config request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ConfigResponse { /** * HTTP response. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Status-dependent details. */ union { /** * Information returned on #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * basic information about the merchant */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ConfigInformation ci; /** * protocol compatibility information */ enum TALER_MERCHANT_VersionCompatibility compat; /** * Length of the @e cspecs array. */ unsigned int num_cspecs; /** * Array with rendering specifications for the currencies * supported by this merchant backend. */ const struct TALER_CurrencySpecification *cspecs; /** * Length of the @e exchanges array. */ unsigned int num_exchanges; /** * Array details about exchanges trusted * by this merchant backend. */ const struct TALER_MERCHANT_ExchangeConfigInfo *exchanges; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with information about the merchant. * * @param cls closure * @param cr response data */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_ConfigCallback) ( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_ConfigResponse *cr); /** * Handle for a #TALER_MERCHANT_config_get() operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ConfigGetHandle; /** * Get the config data of a merchant. Will connect to the merchant backend * and obtain information about the backend. The respective information will * be passed to the @a config_cb once available. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param config_cb function to call with the * backend's config information * @param config_cb_cls closure for @a config_cb * @return the config check handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ConfigGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_config_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, TALER_MERCHANT_ConfigCallback config_cb, void *config_cb_cls); /** * Cancel /config request. Must not be called by clients after * the callback was invoked. * * @param[in] vgh request to cancel. */ void TALER_MERCHANT_config_get_cancel (struct TALER_MERCHANT_ConfigGetHandle *vgh); /* ********************* /instances *********************** */ /** * @brief Information about a merchant instance. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceInformation { /** * Id of this instance. This $ID can be used to construct the URL of the * instance, by combining it using "$MERCHANT_BASEURL/instances/$ID/". */ const char *id; /** * Legal name of the merchant/instance. */ const char *name; /** * Public key of the instance. */ struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP merchant_pub; /** * JSON array of payment targets (strings) supported by this backend * instance. */ const json_t *payment_targets; }; /** * Handle for a GET /instances operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstancesGetHandle; /** * Response to a GET /instances request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstancesGetResponse { /** * HTTP response data */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; union { /** * Data returned on #MHD_HTTP_OK status. */ struct { /** * length of the @e iis array */ unsigned int iis_length; /** * array with instance information of length @e iis_length */ const struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceInformation *iis; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /instances operation. * * @param cls closure * @param igr response data */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_InstancesGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstancesGetResponse *igr); /** * Get the instance data of a backend. Will connect to the merchant backend * and obtain information about the instances. The respective information will * be passed to the @a instances_cb once available. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param instances_cb function to call with the * backend's instances information * @param instances_cb_cls closure for @a config_cb * @return the instances handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstancesGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_instances_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, TALER_MERCHANT_InstancesGetCallback instances_cb, void *instances_cb_cls); /** * Cancel /instances request. Must not be called by clients after * the callback was invoked. * * @param igh request to cancel. */ void TALER_MERCHANT_instances_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstancesGetHandle *igh); /** * Handle for a POST /instances/$ID operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstancesPostHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the POST /instances/$ID operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response data */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_InstancesPostCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Setup an new instance in the backend. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param instance_id identity of the instance to get information about * @param name name of the merchant instance * @param ut user type of the merchant instance * @param address physical address of the merchant instance * @param jurisdiction jurisdiction of the merchant instance * @param use_stefan use STEFAN curve for acceptable fees * @param default_wire_transfer_delay default wire transfer delay merchant will ask for * @param default_pay_delay default validity period for offers merchant makes * @param auth_token authentication token to use for access control, NULL for external auth; MUST follow RFC 8959 * @param cb function to call with the * backend's instances information * @param cb_cls closure for @a config_cb * @return the instances handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstancesPostHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_instances_post ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *instance_id, const char *name, const json_t *address, const json_t *jurisdiction, bool use_stefan, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative default_wire_transfer_delay, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative default_pay_delay, const char *auth_token, TALER_MERCHANT_InstancesPostCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel /instances request. Must not be called by clients after * the callback was invoked. * * @param iph request to cancel. */ void TALER_MERCHANT_instances_post_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstancesPostHandle *iph); /** * Handle for a PATCH /instances/$ID operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstancePatchHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /instances/$ID operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response data */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_InstancePatchCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Modify an existing instance in the backend. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend (top-level "default" instance * or base URL of an instance if @a instance_id is NULL) * @param instance_id identity of the instance to modify information about; NULL * if the instance is identified as part of the @a backend_url * @param name name of the merchant instance * @param ut user type of the merchant instance * @param address physical address of the merchant instance * @param jurisdiction jurisdiction of the merchant instance * @param use_stefan use STEFAN curve for acceptable fees * @param default_wire_transfer_delay default wire transfer delay merchant will ask for * @param default_pay_delay default validity period for offers merchant makes * @param cb function to call with the * backend's instances information * @param cb_cls closure for @a config_cb * @return the instances handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstancePatchHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_instance_patch ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *instance_id, const char *name, const json_t *address, const json_t *jurisdiction, bool use_stefan, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative default_wire_transfer_delay, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative default_pay_delay, TALER_MERCHANT_InstancePatchCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel /instances request. Must not be called by clients after * the callback was invoked. * * @param iph request to cancel. */ void TALER_MERCHANT_instance_patch_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstancePatchHandle *iph); /** * Handle for an operation to modify authentication settings. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceAuthPostHande; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /instances/$ID operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response data */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceAuthPostCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Modify authentication for an existing instance in the backend. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend (top-level "default" instance * or base URL of an instance if @a instance_id is NULL) * @param instance_id identity of the instance to patch the authentication for; NULL * if the instance is identified as part of the @a backend_url * @param auth_token authorization token needed to access the instance, can be NULL * to switch to no (or external) authentication; MUST follow RFC 8959 * @param cb function to call with the backend's response * @param cb_cls closure for @a config_cb * @return the instances handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceAuthPostHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_instance_auth_post ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *instance_id, const char *auth_token, TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceAuthPostCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel /private/auth request. Must not be called by clients after * the callback was invoked. Afterwards, the authentication may or * may not have been updated. * * @param iaph request to cancel. */ void TALER_MERCHANT_instance_auth_post_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceAuthPostHandle *iaph); /** * Handle for a GET /instances/$ID operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceGetHandle; /** * Details about an instance. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceDetails { /** * Name of the merchant instance */ const char *name; /** * public key of the merchant instance */ struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP merchant_pub; /** * physical address of the merchant instance */ const json_t *address; /** * jurisdiction of the merchant instance */ const json_t *jurisdiction; /** * Are we using STEFAN curves to determine acceptable * fees? */ bool use_stefan; /** * default wire transfer delay merchant will ask for */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative default_wire_transfer_delay; /** * default validity period for offers merchant makes */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative default_pay_delay; }; struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceGetResponse { /** * HTTP response data */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; union { /** * Data returned on #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * Details about the instance. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceDetails details; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /instances/$ID operation. * * @param cls closure * @param igr response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceGetResponse *igr); /** * Get the details on one of the instances of a backend. Will connect to the * merchant backend and obtain information about the instance. The respective * information will be passed to the @a cb once available. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param instance_id identity of the instance to get information about * @param cb function to call with the * backend's instances information * @param cb_cls closure for @a config_cb * @return the instances handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_instance_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *instance_id, TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel /instances request. Must not be called by clients after * the callback was invoked. * * @param igh request to cancel. */ void TALER_MERCHANT_instance_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceGetHandle *igh); /** * Handle for a DELETE /instances operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceDeleteHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the DELETE /instances operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response data */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceDeleteCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Delete the private key of an instance of a backend, thereby disabling the * instance for future requests. Will preserve the other instance data * (i.e. for taxation). * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend (top-level "default" instance * or base URL of an instance if @a instance_id is NULL) * @param instance_id identity of the instance to modify information about; NULL * if the instance is identified as part of the @a backend_url * @param instances_cb function to call with the * backend's return * @param instances_cb_cls closure for @a config_cb * @return the instances handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceDeleteHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_instance_delete ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *instance_id, TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceDeleteCallback instances_cb, void *instances_cb_cls); /** * Purge all data associated with an instance. Use with * extreme caution. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param instance_id which instance should be deleted * @param instances_cb function to call with the * backend's return * @param instances_cb_cls closure for @a config_cb * @return the instances handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceDeleteHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_instance_purge ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *instance_id, TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceDeleteCallback instances_cb, void *instances_cb_cls); /** * Cancel /instances DELETE request. Must not be called by clients after * the callback was invoked. * * @param idh request to cancel. */ void TALER_MERCHANT_instance_delete_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_InstanceDeleteHandle *idh); /** * Cancel /instances DELETE request. Must not be called by clients after * the callback was invoked. * * @param arg request to cancel. */ #define TALER_MERCHANT_instance_purge_cancel(arg) \ TALER_MERCHANT_instance_delete_cancel (arg) /* *************** Accounts **************** */ /** * Handle for a POST /instances/$ID/accounts operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountsPostHandle; /** * Response for a POST /instances/$ID/account operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountsPostResponse { /** * HTTP response data */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details depending on HTTP status. */ union { /** * Details returned on #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * Hash of @e payto_uri and @e salt. */ struct TALER_MerchantWireHashP h_wire; /** * salt used to compute h_wire */ struct TALER_WireSaltP salt; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with the result of the POST /instances/$ID/accounts operation. * * @param cls closure * @param par response data */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_AccountsPostCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountsPostResponse *par); /** * Setup an new account for an instance in the backend. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param payto_uri URI of the bank account as per RFC 8905 * @param credit_facade_url credit facade for the account, can be NULL * @param credit_facade_credentials credentials for credit facade, can be NULL * @param cb function to call with the response * @param cb_cls closure for @a config_cb * @return the instances handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountsPostHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_accounts_post ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *payto_uri, const char *credit_facade_url, const json_t *credit_facade_credentials, TALER_MERCHANT_AccountsPostCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel POST /accounts request. Must not be called by clients after * the callback was invoked. * * @param pah request to cancel. */ void TALER_MERCHANT_accounts_post_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountsPostHandle *pah); /** * Handle for a GET /accounts/$ID operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountGetHandle; /** * Details about a merchant's bank account. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountDetails { /** * salt used to compute h_wire */ struct TALER_WireSaltP salt; /** * payto:// URI of the account. */ const char *payto_uri; /** * Credit facade URL of the account. */ const char *credit_facade_url; /** * Hash of @e payto_uri and @e salt. */ struct TALER_MerchantWireHashP h_wire; /** * true if the account is active, * false if it is historic. */ bool active; }; /** * Response returned with details about an account. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountGetResponse { /** * HTTP response data */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; union { /** * Data returned on #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * bank accounts of the merchant instance */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountDetails ad; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /instances/$ID/accounts/$H_WIRE operation. * * @param cls closure * @param igr response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_AccountGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountGetResponse *igr); /** * Get the details on one of the accounts of an instance. Will connect to the * merchant backend and obtain information about the account. The respective * information will be passed to the @a cb once available. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param instance_id identity of the instance to get information about * @param h_wire hash of the wire details * @param cb function to call with the * backend's instances information * @param cb_cls closure for @a config_cb * @return the instances handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_account_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *instance_id, const struct TALER_MerchantWireHashP *h_wire, TALER_MERCHANT_AccountGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel GET /accounts/$H_WIRE request. Must not be called by clients after * the callback was invoked. * * @param igh request to cancel. */ void TALER_MERCHANT_account_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountGetHandle *igh); /** * Handle for a GET /accounts operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountsGetHandle; /** * Individual account (minimal information * returned via GET /accounts). */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountEntry { /** * account payto URI. */ const char *payto_uri; /** * Hash of @e payto_uri and salt. */ struct TALER_MerchantWireHashP h_wire; }; /** * Response to a GET /accounts operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountsGetResponse { /** * HTTP response details */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details depending on status. */ union { /** * Details if status is #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * length of the @e accounts array */ unsigned int accounts_length; /** * array of accounts the requested instance offers */ const struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountEntry *accounts; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /accounts operation. * * @param cls closure * @param tgr response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_AccountsGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountsGetResponse *tgr); /** * Make a GET /accounts request. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param cb function to call with the backend information * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountsGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_accounts_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, TALER_MERCHANT_AccountsGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel GET /accounts operation. * * @param tgh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_accounts_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountsGetHandle *tgh); /** * Handle for a PATCH /account operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountPatchHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the PATCH /account operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_AccountPatchCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a PATCH /accounts/$H_WIRE request to update account details. Cannot be used to change the payto URI or the salt. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param h_wire identifies the account to patch * @param credit_facade_url credit facade for the account, can be NULL * @param credit_facade_credentials credentials for credit facade, can be NULL * @param cb function to call with the backend's result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountPatchHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_account_patch ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const struct TALER_MerchantWireHashP *h_wire, const char *credit_facade_url, const json_t *credit_facade_credentials, TALER_MERCHANT_AccountPatchCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel PATCH /accounts/$H_WIRE operation. * * @param[in] tph operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_account_patch_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountPatchHandle *tph); /** * Handle for a DELETE /instances/$ID/account/$H_WIRE operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountDeleteHandle; /** * Response for a DELETE /instances/$ID/account operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountDeleteResponse { /** * HTTP response data */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; }; /** * Function called with the result of the DELETE /instances/$ID/account/$H_WIRE operation. * * @param cls closure * @param par response data */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_AccountDeleteCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountDeleteResponse *par); /** * Remove bank account from an instance in the backend. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param h_wire wire hash of the bank accounts to delete * @param cb function to call with the response * @param cb_cls closure for @a config_cb * @return the instances handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountDeleteHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_account_delete ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const struct TALER_MerchantWireHashP *h_wire, TALER_MERCHANT_AccountDeleteCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel /account request. Must not be called by clients after * the callback was invoked. * * @param pah request to cancel. */ void TALER_MERCHANT_account_delete_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountDeleteHandle *pah); /* ********************* /products *********************** */ /** * Handle for a GET /products operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsGetHandle; /** * Individual product from the inventory (minimal information * returned via GET /products). */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InventoryEntry { /** * Product identifier. */ const char *product_id; /** * Serial ID of the product. */ uint64_t product_serial; }; /** * Response to a GET /products request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_GetProductsResponse { /** * HTTP response details */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; union { struct { /** * length of the @a products array */ unsigned int products_length; /** * array of products the requested instance offers */ const struct TALER_MERCHANT_InventoryEntry *products; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /products operation. * * @param cls closure * @param gpr response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_GetProductsResponse *gpr); /** * Make a GET /products request. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param cb function to call with the backend's inventory information * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_products_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel GET /products operation. * * @param pgh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_products_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsGetHandle *pgh); /** * Handle for a GET /product/$ID operation. Gets details * about a single product. Do not confused with a * `struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsGetHandle`, which * obtains a list of all products. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductGetHandle; /** * Response to GET /product/$ID operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductGetResponse { /** * HTTP response details */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details depending on HTTP status. */ union { /** * Details for #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * description of the product */ const char *description; /** * Map from IETF BCP 47 language tags to localized descriptions */ const json_t *description_i18n; /** * unit in which the product is measured (liters, kilograms, packages, etc.) */ const char *unit; /** * the price for one @a unit of the product, zero is used to imply that * this product is not sold separately or that the price is * not fixed and must be supplied by the front-end. If * non-zero, price must include applicable taxes. */ struct TALER_Amount price; /** * base64-encoded product image, can be NULL if none is set. */ const char *image; /** * list of taxes paid by the merchant, can be NULL if no taxes were specified. */ const json_t *taxes; /** * total_stock in @e units, -1 to indicate "infinite" (i.e. electronic * books), does NOT indicate remaining stocks, to get remaining stocks, * subtract @e total_sold and @e total_lost. Note that this still does * not then say how many of the remaining inventory are locked. */ int64_t total_stock; /** * in @e units, total number of @e unit of product sold */ uint64_t total_sold; /** * in @e units, total number of @e unit of product lost from inventory */ uint64_t total_lost; /** * where the product is in stock, can be NULL if no location was given. */ const json_t *location; /** * when the next restocking is expected to happen, 0 for unknown, * #GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_ABS for 'never'. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp next_restock; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /products operation. * * @param cls closure * @param pgr response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_ProductGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductGetResponse *pgr); /** * Make a GET /product/$ID request to get details about an * individual product. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param product_id identifier of the product to inquire about * @param cb function to call with the backend's product information * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_product_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *product_id, TALER_MERCHANT_ProductGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel GET /products/$ID operation. * * @param pgh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_product_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductGetHandle *pgh); /** * Handle for a POST /products operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsPostHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the POST /products operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsPostCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a POST /products request to add a product to the * inventory. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param product_id identifier to use for the product * @param description description of the product * @param description_i18n Map from IETF BCP 47 language tags to localized descriptions * @param unit unit in which the product is measured (liters, kilograms, packages, etc.) * @param price the price for one @a unit of the product, zero is used to imply that * this product is not sold separately or that the price is not fixed and * must be supplied by the front-end. If non-zero, price must include * applicable taxes. * @param image base64-encoded product image * @param taxes list of taxes paid by the merchant * @param total_stock in @a units, -1 to indicate "infinite" (i.e. electronic books) * @param address where the product is in stock * @param next_restock when the next restocking is expected to happen, 0 for unknown, * #GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_ABS for 'never'. * @param cb function to call with the backend's result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsPostHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_products_post ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *product_id, const char *description, const json_t *description_i18n, const char *unit, const struct TALER_Amount *price, const char *image, const json_t *taxes, int64_t total_stock, const json_t *address, struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp next_restock, TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsPostCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Make a POST /products request to add a product to the * inventory. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param product_id identifier to use for the product * @param description description of the product * @param description_i18n Map from IETF BCP 47 language tags to localized descriptions * @param unit unit in which the product is measured (liters, kilograms, packages, etc.) * @param price the price for one @a unit of the product, zero is used to imply that * this product is not sold separately or that the price is not fixed and * must be supplied by the front-end. If non-zero, price must include * applicable taxes. * @param image base64-encoded product image * @param taxes list of taxes paid by the merchant * @param total_stock in @a units, -1 to indicate "infinite" (i.e. electronic books) * @param address where the product is in stock * @param next_restock when the next restocking is expected to happen, 0 for unknown, * #GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_ABS for 'never'. * @param minimum_age minimum age the buyer must have * @param cb function to call with the backend's result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsPostHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_products_post2 ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *product_id, const char *description, const json_t *description_i18n, const char *unit, const struct TALER_Amount *price, const char *image, const json_t *taxes, int64_t total_stock, const json_t *address, struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp next_restock, uint32_t minimum_age, TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsPostCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Make a POST /products request to add a product to the * inventory. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param product_id identifier to use for the product * @param description description of the product * @param description_i18n Map from IETF BCP 47 language tags to localized descriptions * @param unit unit in which the product is measured (liters, kilograms, packages, etc.) * @param price the price for one @a unit of the product, zero is used to imply that * this product is not sold separately or that the price is not fixed and * must be supplied by the front-end. If non-zero, price must include * applicable taxes. * @param image base64-encoded product image * @param taxes list of taxes paid by the merchant * @param total_stock in @a units, -1 to indicate "infinite" (i.e. electronic books) * @param address where the product is in stock * @param next_restock when the next restocking is expected to happen, 0 for unknown, * #GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_ABS for 'never'. * @param minimum_age minimum age the buyer must have * @param num_cats length of the @a cats array * @param cats array of categories the product is in * @param cb function to call with the backend's result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsPostHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_products_post3 ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *product_id, const char *description, const json_t *description_i18n, const char *unit, const struct TALER_Amount *price, const char *image, const json_t *taxes, int64_t total_stock, const json_t *address, struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp next_restock, uint32_t minimum_age, unsigned int num_cats, const uint64_t *cats, TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsPostCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel POST /products operation. * * @param pph operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_products_post_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductsPostHandle *pph); /** * Handle for a PATCH /products operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductPatchHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the PATCH /products operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_ProductPatchCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a PATCH /products request to update product details in the * inventory. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param product_id identifier to use for the product; the product must exist, * or the transaction will fail with a #MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND * HTTP status code * @param description description of the product * @param description_i18n Map from IETF BCP 47 language tags to localized descriptions * @param unit unit in which the product is measured (liters, kilograms, packages, etc.) * @param price the price for one @a unit of the product, zero is used to imply that * this product is not sold separately or that the price is not fixed and * must be supplied by the front-end. If non-zero, price must include * applicable taxes. * @param image base64-encoded product image * @param taxes list of taxes paid by the merchant * @param total_stock in @a units, -1 to indicate "infinite" (i.e. electronic books), * must be larger than previous values * @param total_lost in @a units, must be larger than previous values, and may * not exceed total_stock minus total_sold; if it does, the transaction * will fail with a #MHD_HTTP_CONFLICT HTTP status code * @param address where the product is in stock * @param next_restock when the next restocking is expected to happen * @param cb function to call with the backend's result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductPatchHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_product_patch ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *product_id, const char *description, const json_t *description_i18n, const char *unit, const struct TALER_Amount *price, const char *image, const json_t *taxes, int64_t total_stock, uint64_t total_lost, const json_t *address, struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp next_restock, TALER_MERCHANT_ProductPatchCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel PATCH /products operation. * * @param pph operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_product_patch_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductPatchHandle *pph); /** * Handle for a POST /products/$ID/lock operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductLockHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the POST /product/$ID/lock operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_ProductLockCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a POST /products/$ID/lock request to reserve a certain * amount of product in inventory to a reservation UUID. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param product_id identifier of the product * @param uuid UUID that identifies the client holding the lock * @param duration how long should the lock be held * @param quantity how much product should be locked * @param cb function to call with the backend's lock status * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductLockHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_product_lock ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *product_id, const char *uuid, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative duration, uint32_t quantity, TALER_MERCHANT_ProductLockCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel POST /products/$ID/lock operation. Note that the * lock may or may not be acquired despite the cancellation. * * @param plh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_product_lock_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductLockHandle *plh); /** * Handle for a DELETE /products/$ID operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductDeleteHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the DELETE /product/$ID operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_ProductDeleteCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a DELETE /products/$ID request to delete a product from our * inventory. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param product_id identifier of the product * @param cb function to call with the backend's deletion status * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductDeleteHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_product_delete ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *product_id, TALER_MERCHANT_ProductDeleteCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel DELETE /products/$ID operation. * * @param pdh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_product_delete_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_ProductDeleteHandle *pdh); /* ********************* /tokenfamilies ************************** */ /** * Handle for a GET /tokenfamilies/$SLUG operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TokenFamilyGetHandle; /** * Response to GET /tokenfamilies/$SLUG operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TokenFamilyGetResponse { /** * HTTP response details */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details depending on HTTP status. */ union { /** * Details for #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * Identifier for the token family consisting of unreserved characters * according to RFC 3986. */ const char *slug; /** * Human-readable name for the token family. */ const char *name; /** * description of the token family */ const char *description; /** * Optional map from IETF BCP 47 language tags to localized descriptions. */ const json_t *description_i18n; /** * Start time of the token family's validity period. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp valid_after; /** * End time of the token family's validity period. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp valid_before; /** * Validity duration of an issued token. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative duration; /** * Kind of token family, "subscription" or "discount". */ const char *kind; /** * How many tokens have been issued for this family. */ uint64_t issued; /** * How many tokens have been redeemed for this family. */ uint64_t redeemed; } ok; } details; }; /** * Cancel GET /tokenfamilies/$SLUG operation. * * @param handle operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_token_family_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_TokenFamilyGetHandle *handle); /** * Function called with the result of the GET /tokenfamilies/$SLUG operation. * * @param cls closure * @param pgr response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_TokenFamilyGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_TokenFamilyGetResponse *pgr); /** * Handle for a POST /tokenfamilies operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TokenFamiliesPostHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the POST /tokenfamilies operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_TokenFamiliesPostCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a POST /tokenfamilies request to add a token family to the * merchant instance. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param slug short, url-safe identifier for the token family * @param name human-readable name for the token family * @param description description of the token family * @param description_i18n Map from IETF BCP 47 language tags to localized descriptions * @param valid_after when the token family becomes valid * @param valid_before when the token family expires * @param duration how long tokens issued by this token family are valid for * @param kind kind of token family, "subscription" or "discount" * @param cb function to call with the backend's result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TokenFamiliesPostHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_token_families_post ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *slug, const char *name, const char *description, const json_t *description_i18n, struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp valid_after, struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp valid_before, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative duration, const char *kind, TALER_MERCHANT_TokenFamiliesPostCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel POST /tokenfamilies operation. * * @param handle operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_token_families_post_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_TokenFamiliesPostHandle *handle); /* ********************* /orders ************************** */ /** * Handle to a POST /private/orders operation */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_PostOrdersHandle; /** * Possible details from a reply to POST /private/orders. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_PostOrdersReply { /** * HTTP response details. HTTP status code * determines what parts of @e details are valid. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details of the reply, depending on the HTTP * status code. */ union { /** * Details provided if the @e hr.http_status is * #MHD_HTTP_OK and the order was created. */ struct { /** * order id of the newly created order */ const char *order_id; /** * the claim token generated by the merchant, * (NULL if it was NOT generated). */ const struct TALER_ClaimTokenP *token; } ok; /** * Details provided if the @e hr.http_status is * #MHD_HTTP_GONE because a product was out of stock. */ struct { /** * ID of the product of the order that is out of * stock. */ const char *product_id; /** * How many units were requested by the order. */ uint64_t requested_quantity; /** * How many units are actually still in stock. */ uint64_t available_quantity; /** * When does the backend expect the stock to be * restocked? 0 for unknown. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp restock_expected; } gone; } details; }; /** * Callbacks of this type are used to serve the result of submitting a * POST /using-templates and POST /orders request to a merchant. * * @param cls closure * @param por response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_PostOrdersCallback) ( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_PostOrdersReply *por); /** * POST to /orders at the backend to setup an order and obtain * the order ID (which may have been set by the front-end). * * @param ctx execution context * @param backend_url URL of the backend * @param order basic information about this purchase, to be extended by the backend * @param refund_delay how long can refunds happen for this order; 0 to use * absolute value from contract (or not allow refunds). * @param cb the callback to call when a reply for this request is available * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return a handle for this request, NULL on error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_PostOrdersHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_orders_post ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const json_t *order, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative refund_delay, TALER_MERCHANT_PostOrdersCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Information needed per product for constructing orders from * the inventory. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_InventoryProduct { /** * Identifier of the product. */ char *product_id; /** * How many units of this product should be ordered. */ unsigned int quantity; }; /** * POST to /orders at the backend to setup an order and obtain * the order ID (which may have been set by the front-end). * * @param ctx execution context * @param backend_url URL of the backend * @param order basic information about this purchase, to be extended by the backend * @param refund_delay how long can refunds happen for this order; 0 to use * absolute value from contract (or not allow refunds). * @param payment_target desired payment target identifier (to select merchant bank details) * @param inventory_products_length length of the @a inventory_products array * @param inventory_products products to add to the order from the inventory * @param uuids_length length of the @a uuids array * @param uuids array of UUIDs with locks on @a inventory_products * @param create_token whether to create a claim token * @param cb the callback to call when a reply for this request is available * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return a handle for this request, NULL on error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_PostOrdersHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_orders_post2 ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const json_t *order, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative refund_delay, const char *payment_target, unsigned int inventory_products_length, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_InventoryProduct inventory_products[], unsigned int uuids_length, const char *uuids[static uuids_length], bool create_token, TALER_MERCHANT_PostOrdersCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * POST to /orders at the backend to setup an order and obtain * the order ID (which may have been set by the front-end). * * @param ctx execution context * @param backend_url URL of the backend * @param order basic information about this purchase, to be extended by the backend * @param session_id session ID to set for the order * @param refund_delay how long can refunds happen for this order; 0 to use * absolute value from contract (or not allow refunds). * @param payment_target desired payment target identifier (to select merchant bank details) * @param inventory_products_length length of the @a inventory_products array * @param inventory_products products to add to the order from the inventory * @param uuids_length length of the @a uuids array * @param uuids array of UUIDs with locks on @a inventory_products * @param create_token whether to create a claim token * @param cb the callback to call when a reply for this request is available * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return a handle for this request, NULL on error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_PostOrdersHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_orders_post3 ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const json_t *order, const char *session_id, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative refund_delay, const char *payment_target, unsigned int inventory_products_length, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_InventoryProduct inventory_products[], unsigned int uuids_length, const char *uuids[static uuids_length], bool create_token, TALER_MERCHANT_PostOrdersCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel a POST /orders request. This function cannot be used * on a request handle if a response is already served for it. * * @param[in] po the proposal operation request handle */ void TALER_MERCHANT_orders_post_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_PostOrdersHandle *po); /** * Handle for a GET /orders operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrdersGetHandle; /** * Individual order (minimal information returned via GET /orders). */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderEntry { /** * Order identifier. */ const char *order_id; /** * Time when the order was created. Useful for filtering by * 'date' (in #TALER_MERCHANT_orders_get2()). */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp timestamp; /** * Serial ID of the order. Useful for filtering by 'start_row' * (in #TALER_MERCHANT_orders_get2()). */ uint64_t order_serial; /** * The amount of the order. */ struct TALER_Amount amount; /** * The summary of the order. */ const char *summary; /** * Whether it is possible to refund a part of the order still. */ bool refundable; /** * Whether the order has been paid. */ bool paid; }; /** * Response for a GET /private/orders request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrdersGetResponse { /** * HTTP response details. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details depending on HTTP status. */ union { /** * Details for #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * length of the @e orders array */ unsigned int orders_length; /** * array of orders the requested instance has made */ const struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderEntry *orders; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /orders operation. * * @param cls closure * @param ogr response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_OrdersGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrdersGetResponse *ogr); /** * Make a GET /orders request. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param cb function to call with the backend's inventory information * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrdersGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_orders_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, TALER_MERCHANT_OrdersGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Make a GET /orders request with filters. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param paid filter on payment status * @param refunded filter on refund status * @param wired filter on wire transfer status * @param date range limit by date * @param start_row range limit by order table row * @param delta range from which @a date and @a start_row apply, positive * to return delta items after the given limit(s), negative to * return delta items before the given limit(s) * @param timeout how long to wait (long polling) of zero results match the query * @param cb function to call with the backend's inventory information * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrdersGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_orders_get2 ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, enum TALER_EXCHANGE_YesNoAll paid, enum TALER_EXCHANGE_YesNoAll refunded, enum TALER_EXCHANGE_YesNoAll wired, struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp date, uint64_t start_row, int64_t delta, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout, TALER_MERCHANT_OrdersGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Make a GET /orders request with more filters. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param paid filter on payment status * @param refunded filter on refund status * @param wired filter on wire transfer status * @param session_id filter by session ID * @param fulfillment_url filter by fulfillment URL * @param date range limit by date * @param start_row range limit by order table row * @param delta range from which @a date and @a start_row apply, positive * to return delta items after the given limit(s), negative to * return delta items before the given limit(s) * @param timeout how long to wait (long polling) of zero results match the query * @param cb function to call with the backend's inventory information * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrdersGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_orders_get3 ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, enum TALER_EXCHANGE_YesNoAll paid, enum TALER_EXCHANGE_YesNoAll refunded, enum TALER_EXCHANGE_YesNoAll wired, const char *session_id, const char *fulfillment_url, struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp date, uint64_t start_row, int64_t delta, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout, TALER_MERCHANT_OrdersGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel GET /orders operation. * * @param[in] pgh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_orders_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrdersGetHandle *pgh); /** * Handle for a GET /orders/$ID operation. (Wallet's public endpoint, * not to be confused with the private endpoint for the merchant.) */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderWalletGetHandle; /** * Response to a GET /orders/$ID request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderWalletGetResponse { /** * Full HTTP response details. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Response details depending on the HTTP status. */ union { /** * Response details if the response code is #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * True if there is at least on refund on this payment. */ bool refunded; /** * True if there are refunds waiting to be * obtained. */ bool refund_pending; /** * Amount that was refunded, only set if * @e refunded is #GNUNET_YES. */ struct TALER_Amount refund_amount; } ok; /** * Response if a payment is required from the client. */ struct { /** * The URI that instructs the wallet to process * the payment. */ const char *taler_pay_uri; /** * Equivalent order that this customer paid already, or NULL for none. */ const char *already_paid_order_id; } payment_required; } details; }; /** * Callback to process a GET /orders/$ID response * * @param cls closure * @param owgs HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_OrderWalletGetCallback) ( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderWalletGetResponse *owgs); /** * Checks the status of a payment. Issue a GET /orders/$ID request to the * backend. The @a h_contract serves as identification of the wallet and is * used to authorize the request. * * @param ctx execution context * @param backend_url base URL of the merchant backend * @param order_id order id to identify the payment * @param h_contract hash of the contract to authenticate the wallet * @param timeout timeout to use in long polling (how long may the server wait to reply * before generating an unpaid response). Note that this is just provided to * the server, we as client will block until the response comes back or until * #TALER_MERCHANT_wallet_order_get_cancel() is called. * @param session_id for which session should the payment status be checked. Use * NULL to disregard sessions. * @param min_refund long poll for the service to approve a refund exceeding this value; * use NULL to not wait for any refund (only for payment). Only makes sense * with a non-zero @a timeout. Can be NULL. * @param await_refund_obtained long poll for the order's refunds to be * picked up by the wallet. * @param cb callback which will work the response gotten from the backend * @param cb_cls closure to pass to @a cb * @return handle for this operation, NULL upon errors */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderWalletGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_wallet_order_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *order_id, const struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout, const char *session_id, const struct TALER_Amount *min_refund, bool await_refund_obtained, TALER_MERCHANT_OrderWalletGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel a GET /orders/$ID request. * * @param[in] owgh handle to the request to be canceled */ void TALER_MERCHANT_wallet_order_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderWalletGetHandle *owgh); /** * Handle for a GET /private/orders/$ID operation (merchant's internal * API, not to be confused with the endpoint for wallets). */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderMerchantGetHandle; /** * Details about a wire transfer to the merchant related to the order. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WireTransfer { /** * Base URL of the exchange that made the transfer. */ const char *exchange_url; /** * When the transfer took place (note: may not be exact, * as the time at which the exchange initiated the transfer * may differ from the time the bank or the merchant observed). */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp execution_time; /** * Wire transfer subject. */ struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP wtid; /** * Total amount that was transferred. */ struct TALER_Amount total_amount; /** * Whether this transfer was confirmed by the merchant using * the POST /transfers API, or whether it was merely claimed * by the exchange. */ bool confirmed; }; /** * Details about a failures returned by the exchange when * tracking wire transfers. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WireReport { /** * Error code explaining the nature of the problem. */ enum TALER_ErrorCode code; /** * Human-readable error description. */ const char *hint; /** * Public key of the coin involved. */ struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP coin_pub; /** * HTTP response data from the exchange (fields are MAY BE NULL or 0 if not * available). */ struct TALER_EXCHANGE_HttpResponse hr; }; /** * Detail returned by the merchant backend about refunds. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_RefundOrderDetail { /** * Human-readable reason given for the refund. */ const char *reason; /** * Time when the refund was granted. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp refund_time; /** * Total amount that was refunded. */ struct TALER_Amount refund_amount; }; /** * Status of an order. */ enum TALER_MERCHANT_OrderStatusCode { /** * The order was paid. */ TALER_MERCHANT_OSC_PAID = 1, /** * The order was claimed but not yet paid. */ TALER_MERCHANT_OSC_CLAIMED = 2, /** * The order was never paid or claimed. */ TALER_MERCHANT_OSC_UNPAID = 3 }; /** * Details about the status of an order. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderStatusResponse { /** * HTTP response details. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details provided depending on the HTTP status code. */ union { /** * Details provided if the HTTP status is #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * Status of the order. */ enum TALER_MERCHANT_OrderStatusCode status; /** * Details depending on the payment status given in @e status. */ union { /** * Details provided if @e status is #TALER_MERCHANT_OSC_PAID. */ struct { /** * Amount that was refunded. */ struct TALER_Amount refund_amount; /** * Amount that was deposited into our bank account, * excluding fees. */ struct TALER_Amount deposit_total; /** * The full contract terms of the order. */ const json_t *contract_terms; /** * Array of wire transfers made for this payment to the * merchant by the exchange. Of length @e wts_len. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WireTransfer *wts; /** * Length of the @e wts array. */ unsigned int wts_len; /** * Details returned by the merchant backend about refunds. * Of length @e refunds_len. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_RefundOrderDetail *refunds; /** * Length of the @e refunds array. */ unsigned int refunds_len; /** * Error code encountered trying to contact the exchange * about the wire tracking, 0 for none. */ enum TALER_ErrorCode exchange_ec; /** * HTTP status code encountered trying to contact the exchange * about the wire tracking, 0 for no error. */ unsigned int exchange_hc; /** * true if there is at least on refund on this payment, * false if there are no refunds. */ bool refunded; /** * true if refunds were approved that have not yet been obtained * by the wallet. */ bool refund_pending; /** * true if the exchange paid the merchant for this order, * false if not. */ bool wired; /** * Time of the last payment made on this order. * Only available if the server supports protocol * **v14** or higher, otherwise zero. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp last_payment; } paid; /** * Details provided if @e status is #TALER_MERCHANT_OSC_CLAIMED. */ struct { /** * The full contract terms of the claimed order (including client nonce from claiming). */ const json_t *contract_terms; } claimed; /** * Details provided if @e status is #TALER_MERCHANT_OSC_UNPAID. */ struct { /** * URI that should be shown to the wallet to trigger a payment. */ const char *taler_pay_uri; /** * Alternative order ID which was paid for already in the same session. * Only given if the same product was purchased before in the same session. * Otherwise NULL. */ const char *already_paid_order_id; /** * Order summary. */ const char *summary; /** * Time when the order was created. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp creation_time; /** * Total amount the order is about (amount to be paid by customer). */ struct TALER_Amount contract_amount; } unpaid; } details; } ok; } details; }; /** * Callback to process a GET /orders/$ID request * * @param cls closure * @param osr order status response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_OrderMerchantGetCallback) ( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderStatusResponse *osr); /** * Checks the status of a payment. Issue a GET /private/orders/$ID request to * the backend. * * @param ctx execution context * @param backend_url base URL of the merchant backend * @param order_id order id to identify the payment * @param session_id session id for the payment (or NULL if the check is not * bound to a session) * @param timeout timeout to use in long polling (how long may the server wait to reply * before generating an unpaid response). Note that this is just provided to * the server, we as client will block until the response comes back or until * #TALER_MERCHANT_merchant_order_get_cancel() is called. * @param cb callback which will work the response gotten from the backend * @param cb_cls closure to pass to @a cb * @return handle for this operation, NULL upon errors */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderMerchantGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_merchant_order_get (struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *order_id, const char *session_id, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout, TALER_MERCHANT_OrderMerchantGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel a GET /private/orders/$ID request. * * @param[in] omgh handle to the request to be canceled */ void TALER_MERCHANT_merchant_order_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderMerchantGetHandle *omgh); /** * Handle for a DELETE /orders/$ID operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderDeleteHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the DELETE /orders/$ID operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_OrderDeleteCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a DELETE /orders/$ID request to delete a order from our * inventory. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param order_id identifier of the order * @param force force deletion of claimed (but unpaid) orders * @param cb function to call with the backend's deletion status * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderDeleteHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_order_delete ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *order_id, bool force, TALER_MERCHANT_OrderDeleteCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel DELETE /orders/$ID operation. * * @param[in] odh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_order_delete_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderDeleteHandle *odh); /** * Handle to a POST /orders/$ID/claim handle */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderClaimHandle; /** * Response to a POST /orders/$ID/claim request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderClaimResponse { /** * HTTP response details */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details depending on HTTP status. */ union { /** * Details for #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * the details of the contract */ const json_t *contract_terms; /** * merchant's signature over @e contract_terms (already verified) */ struct TALER_MerchantSignatureP sig; /** * hash over @e contract_terms (computed client-side to verify @e sig) */ struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP h_contract_terms; } ok; } details; }; /** * Callback called to process a POST /orders/$ID/claim response. * * @param cls closure * @param ocr response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_OrderClaimCallback) ( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderClaimResponse *ocr); /** * Calls the POST /orders/$ID/claim API at the backend. That is, * retrieve the final contract terms including the client nonce. * * This is a PUBLIC API for wallets. * * @param ctx execution context * @param backend_url base URL of the merchant backend * @param order_id order id used to perform the lookup * @param nonce nonce to use to claim the proposal * @param claim_token the token used to verify the claim (NULL for none) * @param cb callback which will work the response gotten from the backend * @param cb_cls closure to pass to @a cb * @return handle for this handle, NULL upon errors */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderClaimHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_order_claim ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *order_id, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *nonce, const struct TALER_ClaimTokenP *claim_token, TALER_MERCHANT_OrderClaimCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel a POST /order/$ID/claim request. * * @param[in] och handle to the request to be canceled */ void TALER_MERCHANT_order_claim_cancel (struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderClaimHandle *och); /** * @brief Handle to a POST /orders/$ID/pay operation at a merchant. Note that * we use the same handle for interactions with frontends (API for wallets) or * backends (API for frontends). The difference is that for the frontend API, * we need the private keys of the coins, while for the backend API we need * the public keys and signatures received from the wallet. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderPayHandle; /** * Information returned in response to a payment. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_PayResponse { /** * General HTTP response details. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details returned depending on @e hr. */ union { /** * Details returned on success. */ struct { /** * Signature affirming that the order was paid. */ struct TALER_MerchantSignatureP merchant_sig; /** * Optional payment confirmation code returned by the service. */ const char *pos_confirmation; } ok; // TODO: might want to return further details on errors, // especially refund signatures on double-pay conflict. } details; }; /** * Callbacks of this type are used to serve the result of submitting a * POST /orders/$ID/pay request to a merchant. * * @param cls closure * @param pr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_OrderPayCallback) ( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_PayResponse *pr); /** * Information we need from the frontend (ok, the frontend sends just JSON) * when forwarding a payment to the backend. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_PaidCoin { /** * Denomination key with which the coin is signed */ struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey denom_pub; /** * Exchange’s unblinded signature of the coin */ struct TALER_DenominationSignature denom_sig; /** * Overall value that coins of this @e denom_pub have. */ struct TALER_Amount denom_value; /** * Coin's public key. */ struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP coin_pub; /** * Coin's signature key. */ struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP coin_sig; /** * Amount this coin contributes to (including fee). */ struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee; /** * Amount this coin contributes to (without fee). */ struct TALER_Amount amount_without_fee; /** * What is the URL of the exchange that issued @a coin_pub? */ const char *exchange_url; }; /** * Pay a merchant. API for frontends talking to backends. Here, * the frontend does not have the coin's private keys, but just * the public keys and signatures. * * This is a PUBLIC API, albeit in this form useful for the frontend, * in case the frontend is proxying the request. * * @param ctx execution context * @param merchant_url base URL of the merchant * @param order_id which order should be paid * @param session_id session to pay for, or NULL for none * @param wallet_data inputs from the wallet for the contract, NULL for none * @param num_coins length of the @a coins array * @param coins array of coins to pay with * @param pay_cb the callback to call when a reply for this request is available * @param pay_cb_cls closure for @a pay_cb * @return a handle for this request */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderPayHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_order_pay_frontend ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *merchant_url, const char *order_id, const char *session_id, const json_t *wallet_data, unsigned int num_coins, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_PaidCoin coins[static num_coins], TALER_MERCHANT_OrderPayCallback pay_cb, void *pay_cb_cls); /** * Information we need from the wallet for each coin when doing the * payment. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_PayCoin { /** * Denomination key with which the coin is signed */ struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey denom_pub; /** * Exchange’s unblinded signature of the coin */ struct TALER_DenominationSignature denom_sig; /** * Overall value that coins of this @e denom_pub have. */ struct TALER_Amount denom_value; /** * Coin's private key. */ struct TALER_CoinSpendPrivateKeyP coin_priv; /** * Coin's age commitment. Might be NULL, if not applicable. */ const struct TALER_AgeCommitmentHash *h_age_commitment; /** * Amount this coin contributes to (including fee). */ struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee; /** * Amount this coin contributes to (without fee). */ struct TALER_Amount amount_without_fee; /** * URL of the exchange that issued @e coin_priv. */ const char *exchange_url; }; /** * Pay a merchant. API for wallets that have the coin's private keys. * * This is a PUBLIC API for wallets. * * @param ctx execution context * @param merchant_url base URL of the merchant * @param session_id session to pay for, or NULL for none * @param h_contract hash of the contact of the merchant with the customer * @param wallet_data inputs from the wallet for the contract, NULL for none * @param amount total value of the contract to be paid to the merchant * @param max_fee maximum fee covered by the merchant (according to the contract) * @param merchant_pub the public key of the merchant (used to identify the merchant for refund requests) * @param merchant_sig signature from the merchant over the original contract * @param timestamp timestamp when the contract was finalized, must match approximately the current time of the merchant * @param refund_deadline date until which the merchant can issue a refund to the customer via the merchant (can be zero if refunds are not allowed) * @param pay_deadline maximum time limit to pay for this contract * @param h_wire hash of the merchant’s account details * @param order_id order id * @param num_coins number of coins used to pay * @param coins array of coins we use to pay * @param pay_cb the callback to call when a reply for this request is available * @param pay_cb_cls closure for @a pay_cb * @return a handle for this request */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderPayHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_order_pay ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *merchant_url, const char *session_id, const struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract, const json_t *wallet_data, const struct TALER_Amount *amount, const struct TALER_Amount *max_fee, const struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP *merchant_pub, const struct TALER_MerchantSignatureP *merchant_sig, struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp timestamp, struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp refund_deadline, struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp pay_deadline, const struct TALER_MerchantWireHashP *h_wire, const char *order_id, unsigned int num_coins, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_PayCoin coins[static num_coins], TALER_MERCHANT_OrderPayCallback pay_cb, void *pay_cb_cls); /** * Cancel a POST /orders/$ID/pay request. Note that if you cancel a request * like this, you have no assurance that the request has not yet been * forwarded to the merchant. Thus, the payment may still succeed or fail. * Re-issue the original /pay request to resume/retry and obtain a definitive * result, or refresh the coins involved to ensure that the merchant can no * longer complete the payment. * * @param oph the payment request handle */ void TALER_MERCHANT_order_pay_cancel (struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderPayHandle *oph); /** * @brief Handle to a POST /orders/$ID/paid operation at a merchant. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderPaidHandle; /** * Response to an /orders/$ID/paid request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderPaidResponse { /** * HTTP response details. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * HTTP-status code dependent details. */ union { /** * Details on success. */ struct { /** * Set to true if the order was paid but also * refunded. */ bool refunded; } ok; } details; }; /** * Callbacks of this type are used to serve the result of submitting a * POST /orders/$ID/paid request to a merchant. * * @param cls closure * @param opr response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_OrderPaidCallback) ( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderPaidResponse *opr); /** * Send proof of payment to a merchant. * * This is a PUBLIC API, albeit in this form useful for the frontend, * in case the frontend is proxying the request. * * @param ctx execution context * @param merchant_url base URL of the merchant * @param order_id which order should be paid * @param session_id session to pay for, or NULL for none * @param h_contract_terms hash of the contract terms * @param wallet_data_hash inputs from the wallet for the contract, NULL for none * @param merchant_sig signature from the merchant * affirming payment, or NULL on errors * @param paid_cb the callback to call when a reply for this request is available * @param paid_cb_cls closure for @a paid_cb * @return a handle for this request */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderPaidHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_order_paid ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *merchant_url, const char *order_id, const char *session_id, const struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract_terms, const struct GNUNET_HashCode *wallet_data_hash, const struct TALER_MerchantSignatureP *merchant_sig, TALER_MERCHANT_OrderPaidCallback paid_cb, void *paid_cb_cls); /** * Cancel POST /orders/$ID/paid operation. * * @param oph operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_order_paid_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderPaidHandle *oph); /** * Handle for an POST /orders/$ID/abort operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderAbortHandle; /** * Entry in the array of refunded coins. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AbortedCoin { /** * Exchange signature affirming the refund. */ struct TALER_ExchangeSignatureP exchange_sig; /** * Exchange public key affirming the refund. */ struct TALER_ExchangePublicKeyP exchange_pub; }; /** * Response to an /orders/$ID/abort request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AbortResponse { /** * HTTP response details */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details depending on HTTP status code. */ union { /** * Details for #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * public key of the merchant */ const struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP *merchant_pub; /** * size of the @e aborts array */ unsigned int num_aborts; /** * merchant signatures refunding coins */ const struct TALER_MERCHANT_AbortedCoin *aborts; } ok; } details; }; /** * Callbacks of this type are used to serve the result of submitting a * /orders/$ID/abort request to a merchant. * * @param cls closure * @param ar response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_AbortCallback) ( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_AbortResponse *ar); /** * Information we need from the wallet for each coin when aborting. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AbortCoin { /** * Coin's public key. */ struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP coin_pub; /** * Amount this coin contributes to (including fee). */ struct TALER_Amount amount_with_fee; /** * URL of the exchange that issued @e coin_priv. */ const char *exchange_url; }; /** * Run a payment abort operation, asking for the payment to be aborted, * yieldingrefunds for coins that were previously spend on a payment that * failed to go through. * * This is a PUBLIC API for wallets. * * @param ctx execution context * @param merchant_url base URL of the merchant * @param order_id order to abort * @param h_contract hash of the contact of the merchant with the customer * @param merchant_pub the public key of the merchant (used to identify the merchant for refund requests) * @param num_coins number of coins used to pay * @param coins array of coins we use to pay * @param cb the callback to call when a reply for this request is available * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return a handle for this request */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderAbortHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_order_abort ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *merchant_url, const char *order_id, const struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP *merchant_pub, const struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract, unsigned int num_coins, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_AbortCoin coins[static num_coins], TALER_MERCHANT_AbortCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel a POST /orders/$ID/abort request. Note that if you cancel a request * like this, you have no assurance that the request has not yet been * forwarded to the merchant. * * @param oah the abort request handle */ void TALER_MERCHANT_order_abort_cancel (struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderAbortHandle *oah); /** * Handle for an PATCH /orders/$ID/forget operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderForgetHandle; /** * Callbacks of this type are used to serve the result of submitting a * /orders/$ID/forget request to a merchant. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_ForgetCallback) ( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Run an order forget operation, which forgets certain fields in an order's * contract terms without changing the hash of the contract terms. * * @param ctx execution context. * @param merchant_url base URL of the merchant. * @param order_id order to forget. * @param fields_length length of @e fields. * @param fields the fields in the contract terms to forget. * @param cb the callback to call when a reply for this request is available. * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb. * @return a handle for this request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderForgetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_order_forget ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *merchant_url, const char *order_id, unsigned int fields_length, const char *fields[static fields_length], TALER_MERCHANT_ForgetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel a PATCH /orders/$ID/forget request. Note that if you cancel a request * like this, you have no assurance that the request has not yet been * forwarded to the merchant. * * @param[in] ofh the forget request handle */ void TALER_MERCHANT_order_forget_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderForgetHandle *ofh); /** * Handle for a POST /orders/ID/refund operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderRefundHandle; /** * Response to a POST /orders/$ID/refund request */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_RefundResponse { /** * HTTP response details this request */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details depending on HTTP status. */ union { /** * Details if status is #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * the refund uri offered to the wallet */ const char *taler_refund_uri; /** * Hash of the contract a wallet may need to authorize obtaining the HTTP * response. */ struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP h_contract; } ok; } details; }; /** * Callback to process a POST /orders/$ID/refund request * * @param cls closure * @param rr response details this request */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_RefundCallback) ( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_RefundResponse *rr); /** * Increase the refund granted for an order * * @param ctx the CURL context used to connect to the backend * @param backend_url backend's base URL, including final "/" * @param order_id id of the order whose refund is to be increased * @param refund amount to which increase the refund * @param reason human-readable reason justifying the refund * @param cb callback processing the response from /refund * @param cb_cls closure for cb */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderRefundHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_post_order_refund ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *order_id, const struct TALER_Amount *refund, const char *reason, TALER_MERCHANT_RefundCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel a POST /refund request. * * @param orh the refund increasing operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_post_order_refund_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_OrderRefundHandle *orh); /** * Handle for a (public) POST /orders/ID/refund operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WalletOrderRefundHandle; /** * Detail about a refund lookup result. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_RefundDetail { /** * Exchange response details. Full details are only included * upon failure (HTTP status is not #MHD_HTTP_OK). */ struct TALER_EXCHANGE_HttpResponse hr; /** * Coin this detail is about. */ struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP coin_pub; /** * Refund transaction ID used. */ uint64_t rtransaction_id; /** * Amount to be refunded for this coin. */ struct TALER_Amount refund_amount; /** * Details depending on exchange HTTP status. */ union { /** * Details if exchange status is #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * Public key of the exchange affirming the refund, * only valid if the @e hr http_status is #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct TALER_ExchangePublicKeyP exchange_pub; /** * Signature of the exchange affirming the refund, * only valid if the @e hr http_status is #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct TALER_ExchangeSignatureP exchange_sig; } ok; } details; }; /** * Response to a POST /orders/$ID/refund request * for wallet API. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WalletRefundResponse { /** * HTTP response details this request */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details depending on HTTP status. */ union { /** * Details if status is #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * Total amount of the refund that was granted */ struct TALER_Amount refund_amount; /** * public key of the merchant signing the @e refunds */ struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP merchant_pub; /** * array with details about the refunds obtained */ const struct TALER_MERCHANT_RefundDetail *refunds; /** * length of the @e refunds array */ unsigned int refunds_length; } ok; } details; }; /** * Callback to process a (public) POST /orders/ID/refund request * * @param cls closure * @param wrr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_WalletRefundCallback) ( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_WalletRefundResponse *wrr); /** * Obtain the refunds that have been granted for an order. * * @param ctx the CURL context used to connect to the backend * @param backend_url backend's base URL, including final "/" * @param order_id id of the order whose refund is to be increased * @param h_contract_terms hash of the contract terms of the order * @param cb callback processing the response from /refund * @param cb_cls closure for cb */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WalletOrderRefundHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_wallet_post_order_refund ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *order_id, const struct TALER_PrivateContractHashP *h_contract_terms, TALER_MERCHANT_WalletRefundCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel a (public) POST /refund request. * * @param orh the refund operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_wallet_post_order_refund_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_WalletOrderRefundHandle *orh); /* ********************* /transfers *********************** */ /** * @brief Handle to a POST /transfers operation at a merchant's backend. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_PostTransfersHandle; /** * @brief Response to a POST /transfers operation from a merchant's backend. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_PostTransfersResponse { /** * HTTP response details */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details depending on HTTP status. */ union { /** * Details if we got an #MHD_HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY. */ struct { /** * HTTP status of the exchange (or 0 if not available). */ unsigned int exchange_http_status; /** * Error code of the exchange (or TALER_EC_NONE if not available). */ enum TALER_ErrorCode exchange_ec; } bad_gateway; } details; }; /** * Callbacks of this type are used to work the result of submitting a * POST /transfers request to a merchant * * @param cls closure * @param ptr response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_PostTransfersCallback) ( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_PostTransfersResponse *ptr); /** * Request backend to remember that we received the given * wire transfer and to request details about the aggregated * transactions from the exchange. * * @param ctx execution context * @param backend_url base URL of the backend * @param credit_amount how much money did we receive (without wire fee) * @param wtid base32 string indicating a wtid * @param payto_uri which account was credited by the wire transfer * @param exchange_url what is the URL of the exchange that made the transfer * @param cb the callback to call when a reply for this request is available * @param cls closure for @a cb * @return a handle for this request */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_PostTransfersHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_transfers_post ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const struct TALER_Amount *credit_amount, const struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP *wtid, const char *payto_uri, const char *exchange_url, TALER_MERCHANT_PostTransfersCallback cb, void *cls); /** * Cancel a POST /transfers request. This function cannot be used * on a request handle if a response is already served for it. * * @param pth the operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_transfers_post_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_PostTransfersHandle *pth); /** * Handle for a DELETE /transfers/ID operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TransferDeleteHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the DELETE /transfers/$ID operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_TransferDeleteCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Delete an incoming wire transfer at an instance of a backend. This * will only succeed if the exchange did not respond to the inquiry * about the transfer. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend (top-level "default" instance * or base URL of an instance if @a instance_id is NULL) * @param wire_transfer_serial unique number that identifies the transfer * @param td_cb function to call with the backend's result * @param td_cb_cls closure for @a td_cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TransferDeleteHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_transfer_delete ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, uint64_t wire_transfer_serial, TALER_MERCHANT_TransferDeleteCallback td_cb, void *td_cb_cls); /** * Cancel deletion operation. Note that the operation may still * succeed. * * @param tdh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_transfer_delete_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_TransferDeleteHandle *tdh); /** * @brief Handle to a GET /transfers operation at a merchant's backend. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_GetTransfersHandle; /** * Information about the _total_ amount that was paid back * by the exchange for a given h_contract_terms, by _one_ wire * transfer. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TransferData { /** * Total amount wired by the exchange (without wire fee) */ struct TALER_Amount credit_amount; /** * Wire transfer identifier used. */ struct TALER_WireTransferIdentifierRawP wtid; /** * URI of the target account. */ const char *payto_uri; /** * URL of the exchange that made the transfer. */ const char *exchange_url; /** * Serial number of the credit operation in the merchant backend. * Needed, for example, to delete the transfer using * #TALER_MERCHANT_transfer_delete(). */ uint64_t credit_serial; /** * Time of the wire transfer, according to the exchange. * 0 for not provided by the exchange. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp execution_time; /** * Did we check the exchange's answer and are happy about it? False if we * did not check or are unhappy with the answer. */ bool verified; /** * Did we confirm the wire transfer happened (via * #TALER_MERCHANT_transfers_post())? */ bool confirmed; }; /** * Response from a GET /transfers request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_GetTransfersResponse { /** * HTTP response details */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details depending on HTTP status. */ union { /** * Details for status #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * length of the @e transfers array */ unsigned int transfers_length; /** * array with details about the transfers we received */ const struct TALER_MERCHANT_TransferData *transfers; } ok; } details; }; /** * Callbacks of this type are used to work the result of submitting a * GET /transfers request to a merchant * * @param cls closure * @param gtr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_GetTransfersCallback) ( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_GetTransfersResponse *gtr); /** * Request backend to return list of all wire transfers that * we received (or that the exchange claims we should have received). * * Note that when filtering by timestamp (using “before” and/or “after”), we * use the time reported by the exchange and thus will ONLY return results for * which we already have a response from the exchange. This should be * virtually all transfers, however it is conceivable that for some transfer * the exchange responded with a temporary error (i.e. HTTP status 500+) and * then we do not yet have an execution time to filter by. Thus, IF timestamp * filters are given, transfers for which we have no response from the * exchange yet are automatically excluded. * * @param ctx execution context * @param backend_url base URL of the backend * @param payto_uri filter by this credit account of the merchant * @param before limit to transactions before this timestamp, use * #GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_ABS to not filter by @a before * @param after limit to transactions after this timestamp, use * #GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_ZERO_ABS to not filter by @a after * @param limit return at most this number of results; negative to descend in execution time * @param offset start at this "credit serial" number (exclusive) * @param verified filter results by verification status * @param cb the callback to call when a reply for this request is available * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return a handle for this request */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_GetTransfersHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_transfers_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *payto_uri, const struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp before, const struct GNUNET_TIME_Timestamp after, int64_t limit, uint64_t offset, enum TALER_EXCHANGE_YesNoAll verified, TALER_MERCHANT_GetTransfersCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel a POST /transfers request. This function cannot be used * on a request handle if a response is already served for it. * * @param gth the operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_transfers_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_GetTransfersHandle *gth); /* ********************* /kyc ************************** */ /** * Handle for getting the KYC status of instance(s). */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_KycGetHandle; /** * Information about KYC actions the merchant still must perform. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountKycRedirectDetail { /** * URL that the user should open in a browser to * proceed with the KYC process (as returned * by the exchange's /kyc-check/ endpoint). Can * be NULL, specifically if KYC is satisfied but * the transactions are hanging in AML. */ const char *kyc_url; /** * Base URL of the exchange this is about. */ const char *exchange_url; /** * Our bank wire account this is about. */ const char *payto_uri; /** * AML state for our account. */ enum TALER_AmlDecisionState aml_status; }; /** * Information about KYC status failures at the exchange. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ExchangeKycFailureDetail { /** * Base URL of the exchange this is about. */ const char *exchange_url; /** * Error code indicating errors the exchange * returned, or #TALER_EC_INVALID for none. */ enum TALER_ErrorCode exchange_code; /** * HTTP status code returned by the exchange when we asked for * information about the KYC status. * 0 if there was no response at all. */ unsigned int exchange_http_status; }; /** * Details in a response to a GET /kyc request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_KycResponse { /** * HTTP response details. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Response details depending on the HTTP status. */ union { /** * Information returned if the status was #MHD_HTTP_ACCEPTED, * #MHD_HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY or #MHD_HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT. */ struct { /** * Array with information about KYC actions the merchant still must perform. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_AccountKycRedirectDetail *pending_kycs; /** * Array with information about KYC failures at the exchange. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_ExchangeKycFailureDetail *timeout_kycs; /** * Length of the @e pending_kycs array. */ unsigned int pending_kycs_length; /** * Length of the @e timeout_kycs array. */ unsigned int timeout_kycs_length; } kyc_status; } details; }; /** * Callback to with a response from a GET [/private]/kyc request * * @param cls closure * @param kr response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_KycGetCallback) ( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_KycResponse *kr); /** * Issue a GET /private/kycs/$KYC_ID (private variant) request to the backend. * Returns KYC status of bank accounts. * * @param ctx execution context * @param backend_url base URL of the merchant backend * @param h_wire which bank account to query, NULL for all * @param exchange_url which exchange to query, NULL for all * @param timeout how long to wait for a (positive) reply * @param cb function to call with the result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return handle for this operation, NULL upon errors */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_KycGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_kyc_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const struct TALER_MerchantWireHashP *h_wire, const char *exchange_url, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout, TALER_MERCHANT_KycGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Issue a GET /management/instances/$INSTANCE/kyc request to the backend. * Returns KYC status of bank accounts. * * @param ctx execution context * @param backend_url base URL of the merchant backend * @param instance_id specific instance to query * @param h_wire which bank account to query, NULL for all * @param exchange_url which exchange to query, NULL for all * @param timeout how long to wait for a (positive) reply * @param cb function to call with the result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return handle for this operation, NULL upon errors */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_KycGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_management_kyc_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *instance_id, const struct TALER_MerchantWireHashP *h_wire, const char *exchange_url, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout, TALER_MERCHANT_KycGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel a GET [/private]/kyc/$KYC_ID request. * * @param kyc handle to the request to be canceled */ void TALER_MERCHANT_kyc_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_KycGetHandle *kyc); /* ********************* /otp-devices *********************** */ /** * Handle for a GET /otp-devices operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicesGetHandle; /** * Individual OTP device (minimal information * returned via GET /otp-devices). */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDeviceEntry { /** * OTP device identifier. */ const char *otp_device_id; /** * OTP device description. */ const char *device_description; }; /** * Response to a GET /otp-devices operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicesGetResponse { /** * HTTP response details */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details depending on status. */ union { /** * Details if status is #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * length of the @e otp_devices array */ unsigned int otp_devices_length; /** * array of otp_devices the requested instance offers */ const struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDeviceEntry *otp_devices; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /otp-devices operation. * * @param cls closure * @param tgr response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicesGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicesGetResponse *tgr); /** * Make a GET /otp-devices request. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param cb function to call with the backend information * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicesGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_otp_devices_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicesGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel GET /otp-devices operation. * * @param tgh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_otp_devices_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicesGetHandle *tgh); /** * Handle for a GET /otp-device/$ID operation. Gets details * about a single otp_device. Do not confused with a * `struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicesGetHandle`, which * obtains a list of all otp_devices. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDeviceGetHandle; /** * Details in a response to a GET /otp-devices request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDeviceGetResponse { /** * HTTP response details. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Response details depending on the HTTP status. */ union { /** * Information returned if the status was #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * description of the otp_device */ const char *otp_device_description; /** * POS confirmation text with OTP codes that * would be returned for a purchase over the * amount given in the query for the respective * time and algorithm. NULL if the confirmation * could not be computed based on the query and * OTP algorithm. */ const char *otp_code; /** * current counter. */ uint64_t otp_ctr; /** * OTP algorithm used. */ enum TALER_MerchantConfirmationAlgorithm otp_alg; /** * Timestamp in second used to compute * @e otp_code. */ uint64_t otp_timestamp_s; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /otp-device/$ID operation. * * @param cls closure * @param tgr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDeviceGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDeviceGetResponse *tgr); /** * Make a GET /otp-device/$ID request to get details about an * individual OTP device. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param otp_device_id identifier of the otp_device to inquire about * @param cb function to call with the backend's otp_device information * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDeviceGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_otp_device_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *otp_device_id, TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDeviceGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel GET /otp-devices/$ID operation. * * @param tgh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_otp_device_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDeviceGetHandle *tgh); /** * Handle for a POST /otp-devices operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicesPostHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the POST /otp-devices operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicesPostCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a POST /otp-devices request to add an OTP device * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param otp_id identifier to use for the OTP device * @param otp_device_description description of the OTP device * @param otp_key key of the OTP device * @param otp_alg OTP algorithm used * @param otp_ctr counter for counter-based OTP * @param cb function to call with the backend's result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicesPostHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_otp_devices_post ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *otp_id, const char *otp_device_description, const char *otp_key, enum TALER_MerchantConfirmationAlgorithm otp_alg, uint64_t otp_ctr, TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicesPostCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel POST /otp-devices operation. * * @param[in] tph operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_otp_devices_post_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicesPostHandle *tph); /** * Handle for a PATCH /otp-device operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicePatchHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the PATCH /otp-device operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicePatchCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a PATCH /otp-device request to update OTP device details * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param otp_id identifier to use for the OTP device; the OTP device must exist, * or the transaction will fail with a #MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND * HTTP status code * @param otp_device_description description of the otp_device * @param otp_key key of the OTP device * @param otp_alg OTP algorithm used * @param otp_ctr counter for counter-based OTP * @param cb function to call with the backend's result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicePatchHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_otp_device_patch ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *otp_id, const char *otp_device_description, const char *otp_key, enum TALER_MerchantConfirmationAlgorithm otp_alg, uint64_t otp_ctr, TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicePatchCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel PATCH /otp-device operation. * * @param[in] tph operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_otp_device_patch_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDevicePatchHandle *tph); /** * Handle for a DELETE /otp-device/$ID operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDeviceDeleteHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the DELETE /otp-device/$ID operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDeviceDeleteCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a DELETE /otp-device/$ID request to delete an OTP device. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param otp_device_id identifier of the OTP device * @param cb function to call with the backend's deletion status * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDeviceDeleteHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_otp_device_delete ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *otp_device_id, TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDeviceDeleteCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel DELETE /otp-device/$ID operation. * * @param[in] tdh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_otp_device_delete_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_OtpDeviceDeleteHandle *tdh); /* ********************* /templates *********************** */ /** * Handle for a GET /templates operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatesGetHandle; /** * Individual template (minimal information * returned via GET /templates). */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateEntry { /** * template identifier. */ const char *template_id; }; /** * Response to a GET /templates operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatesGetResponse { /** * HTTP response details */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details depending on status. */ union { /** * Details if status is #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * length of the @e templates array */ unsigned int templates_length; /** * array of templates the requested instance offers */ const struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateEntry *templates; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /templates operation. * * @param cls closure * @param tgr response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatesGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatesGetResponse *tgr); /** * Make a GET /templates request. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param cb function to call with the backend information * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatesGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_templates_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatesGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel GET /templates operation. * * @param tgh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_templates_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatesGetHandle *tgh); /** * Handle for a GET /private/template/$ID operation. Gets details * about a single template. Do not confused with a * `struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatesGetHandle`, which * obtains a list of all templates. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateGetHandle; /** * Details in a response to a GET /private/templates/$ID request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateGetResponse { /** * HTTP response details. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Response details depending on the HTTP status. */ union { /** * Information returned if the status was #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * description of the template */ const char *template_description; /** * OTP device ID used by the POS, NULL if none. */ const char *otp_id; /** * Template for the contract. */ const json_t *template_contract; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /private/template/$ID operation. * * @param cls closure * @param tgr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateGetResponse *tgr); /** * Make a GET /private/template/$ID request to get details about an * individual template. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param template_id identifier of the template to inquire about * @param cb function to call with the backend's template information * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_template_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *template_id, TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel GET /private/templates/$ID operation. * * @param tgh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_template_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateGetHandle *tgh); /** * Handle for a (public) GET /template/$ID operation. Gets details about a * single template. Do not confused with a `struct * TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateGetHandle`, which is for the private API. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WalletTemplateGetHandle; /** * Details in a response to a GET /templates request. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WalletTemplateGetResponse { /** * HTTP response details. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Response details depending on the HTTP status. */ union { /** * Information returned if the status was #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * Template for the contract. */ const json_t *template_contract; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /template/$ID operation. * * @param cls closure * @param tgr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_WalletTemplateGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_WalletTemplateGetResponse *tgr); /** * Make a GET /template/$ID request to get details about an * individual template. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param template_id identifier of the template to inquire about * @param cb function to call with the backend's template information * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WalletTemplateGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_wallet_template_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *template_id, TALER_MERCHANT_WalletTemplateGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel GET /templates/$ID operation. * * @param tgh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_wallet_template_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_WalletTemplateGetHandle *tgh); /** * Handle for a POST /templates operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatesPostHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the POST /templates operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatesPostCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a POST /templates request to add a template * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param template_id identifier to use for the template * @param template_description description of the template * @param otp_id ID of the OTP device, or NULL if OTP is not used * @param template_contract is the contract of the company * @param cb function to call with the backend's result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatesPostHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_templates_post ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *template_id, const char *template_description, const char *otp_id, const json_t *template_contract, TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatesPostCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel POST /templates operation. * * @param[in] tph operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_templates_post_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatesPostHandle *tph); /** * Handle for a PATCH /template operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatePatchHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the PATCH /template operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatePatchCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a PATCH /template request to update template details * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param template_id identifier to use for the template; the template must exist, * or the transaction will fail with a #MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND * HTTP status code * @param template_description description of the template * @param otp_id device ID of the OTP device, or NULL if OTP is not used * @param template_contract is the contract of the company * @param cb function to call with the backend's result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatePatchHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_template_patch ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *template_id, const char *template_description, const char *otp_id, json_t *template_contract, TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatePatchCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel PATCH /template operation. * * @param[in] tph operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_template_patch_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplatePatchHandle *tph); /** * Handle for a DELETE /template/$ID operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateDeleteHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the DELETE /template/$ID operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateDeleteCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a DELETE /template/$ID request to delete a template. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param template_id identifier of the template * @param cb function to call with the backend's deletion status * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateDeleteHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_template_delete ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *template_id, TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateDeleteCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel DELETE /template/$ID operation. * * @param[in] tdh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_template_delete_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_TemplateDeleteHandle *tdh); /** * Make a POST /using-templates request to add an using template * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param template_id which template should be used * @param summary summary of the using template * @param amount to pay given by the customer * @param cb function to call with the backend's result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_UsingTemplatesPostHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_using_templates_post ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *template_id, const char *summary, const struct TALER_Amount *amount, TALER_MERCHANT_PostOrdersCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel POST /using-templates operation. * * @param[in] utph operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_using_templates_post_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_UsingTemplatesPostHandle *utph); /* ********************* /webhooks *********************** */ /** * Handle for a GET /webhooks operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhooksGetHandle; /** * Individual webhook (minimal information * returned via GET /webhooks). */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookEntry { /** * webhook identifier. */ const char *webhook_id; }; /** * Response to a GET /webhooks operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhooksGetResponse { /** * HTTP response details */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse hr; /** * Details depending on status. */ union { /** * Details if status is #MHD_HTTP_OK. */ struct { /** * length of the @e webhooks array */ unsigned int webhooks_length; /** * array of templates the requested instance offers */ const struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookEntry *webhooks; } ok; } details; }; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /webhooks operation. * * @param cls closure * @param wgr response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_WebhooksGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhooksGetResponse *wgr); /** * Make a GET /webhooks request. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param cb function to call with the backend information * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhooksGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_webhooks_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, TALER_MERCHANT_WebhooksGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel GET /webhooks operation. * * @param[in] tgh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_webhooks_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhooksGetHandle *tgh); /** * Handle for a GET /webhook/$ID operation. Gets details * about a single webhook. Do not confused with a * `struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhooksGetHandle`, which * obtains a list of all webhooks. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookGetHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the GET /webhooks operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details * @param event_type event of the webhook * @param url url to trigger webhook at * @param http_method use for the webhook * @param header_template header of the webhook * @param body_template body of the webhook */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookGetCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr, const char *event_type, const char *url, const char *http_method, const char *header_template, const char *body_template); /** * Make a GET /webhook/$ID request to get details about an * individual webhook. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param webhook_id identifier of the webhook to inquire about * @param cb function to call with the backend's webhook information * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookGetHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_webhook_get ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *webhook_id, TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookGetCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel GET /webhooks/$ID operation. * * @param[in] tgh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_webhook_get_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookGetHandle *tgh); /** * Handle for a POST /webhooks operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhooksPostHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the POST /webhooks operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_WebhooksPostCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a POST /webhooks request to add a webhook * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param webhook_id identifier to use for the webhook * @param event_type event of the webhook * @param url url use by the customer * @param http_method http method use by the merchant * @param header_template header of the webhook * @param body_template body of the webhook * @param cb function to call with the backend's result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhooksPostHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_webhooks_post ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *webhook_id, const char *event_type, const char *url, const char *http_method, const char *header_template, const char *body_template, TALER_MERCHANT_WebhooksPostCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel POST /webhooks operation. * * @param[in] wph operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_webhooks_post_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhooksPostHandle *wph); /** * Handle for a PATCH /webhook operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookPatchHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the PATCH /webhook operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookPatchCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a PATCH /webhook request to update webhook details * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param webhook_id identifier to use for the webhook; the webhook must exist, * or the transaction will fail with a #MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND * HTTP status code * @param event_type event of the webhook * @param url url use by the customer * @param http_method http method use by the merchant * @param header_template header of the webhook * @param body_template body of the webhook * @param cb function to call with the backend's result * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookPatchHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_webhook_patch ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *webhook_id, const char *event_type, const char *url, const char *http_method, const char *header_template, const char *body_template, TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookPatchCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel PATCH /webhook operation. * * @param[in] wph operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_webhook_patch_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookPatchHandle *wph); /** * Handle for a DELETE /webhook$ID operation. */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookDeleteHandle; /** * Function called with the result of the DELETE /webhook/$ID operation. * * @param cls closure * @param hr HTTP response details */ typedef void (*TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookDeleteCallback)( void *cls, const struct TALER_MERCHANT_HttpResponse *hr); /** * Make a DELETE /webhook/$ID request to delete a webhook. * * @param ctx the context * @param backend_url HTTP base URL for the backend * @param webhook_id identifier of the webhook * @param cb function to call with the backend's deletion status * @param cb_cls closure for @a cb * @return the request handle; NULL upon error */ struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookDeleteHandle * TALER_MERCHANT_webhook_delete ( struct GNUNET_CURL_Context *ctx, const char *backend_url, const char *webhook_id, TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookDeleteCallback cb, void *cb_cls); /** * Cancel DELETE /webhook/$ID operation. * * @param[in] wdh operation to cancel */ void TALER_MERCHANT_webhook_delete_cancel ( struct TALER_MERCHANT_WebhookDeleteHandle *wdh); #endif /* _TALER_MERCHANT_SERVICE_H */