/* This file is part of TALER Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Taler Systems SA TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * @file util/taler-exchange-secmod-rsa.c * @brief Standalone process to perform private key RSA operations * @author Christian Grothoff * * Key design points: * - EVERY thread of the exchange will have its own pair of connections to the * crypto helpers. This way, every threat will also have its own /keys state * and avoid the need to synchronize on those. * - auditor signatures and master signatures are to be kept in the exchange DB, * and merged with the public keys of the helper by the exchange HTTPD! * - the main loop of the helper is SINGLE-THREADED, but there are * threads for crypto-workers which (only) do the signing in parallel, * working of a work-queue. * - thread-safety: signing happens in parallel, thus when REMOVING private keys, * we must ensure that all signers are done before we fully free() the * private key. This is done by reference counting (as work is always * assigned and collected by the main thread). */ #include "taler_config.h" #define HAVE_USED_CONFIG_H #undef ENABLE_NLS #include "platform.h" #include "taler_util.h" #include "taler-exchange-secmod-rsa.h" #include #include #include #include "taler_error_codes.h" #include "taler_signatures.h" /** * Information we keep per denomination. */ struct Denomination; /** * One particular denomination key. */ struct DenominationKey { /** * Kept in a DLL of the respective denomination. Sorted by anchor time. */ struct DenominationKey *next; /** * Kept in a DLL of the respective denomination. Sorted by anchor time. */ struct DenominationKey *prev; /** * Denomination this key belongs to. */ struct Denomination *denom; /** * Name of the file this key is stored under. */ char *filename; /** * The private key of the denomination. */ struct TALER_DenominationPrivateKey denom_priv; /** * The public key of the denomination. */ struct TALER_DenominationPublicKey denom_pub; /** * Hash of this denomination's public key. */ struct GNUNET_HashCode h_denom_pub; /** * Time at which this key is supposed to become valid. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute anchor; /** * Reference counter. Counts the number of threads that are * using this key at this time. */ unsigned int rc; /** * Flag set to true if this key has been purged and the memory * must be freed as soon as @e rc hits zero. */ bool purge; }; struct Denomination { /** * Kept in a DLL. Sorted by #denomination_action_time(). */ struct Denomination *next; /** * Kept in a DLL. Sorted by #denomination_action_time(). */ struct Denomination *prev; /** * Head of DLL of actual keys of this denomination. */ struct DenominationKey *keys_head; /** * Tail of DLL of actual keys of this denomination. */ struct DenominationKey *keys_tail; /** * How long can coins be withdrawn (generated)? Should be small * enough to limit how many coins will be signed into existence with * the same key, but large enough to still provide a reasonable * anonymity set. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative duration_withdraw; /** * What is the configuration section of this denomination type? Also used * for the directory name where the denomination keys are stored. */ char *section; /** * Length of (new) RSA keys (in bits). */ uint32_t rsa_keysize; }; /** * Actively worked on client request. */ struct WorkItem; /** * Information we keep for a client connected to us. */ struct Client { /** * Kept in a DLL. */ struct Client *next; /** * Kept in a DLL. */ struct Client *prev; /** * Client address. */ struct sockaddr_un addr; /** * Number of bytes used in @e addr. */ socklen_t addr_size; }; struct WorkItem { /** * Kept in a DLL. */ struct WorkItem *next; /** * Kept in a DLL. */ struct WorkItem *prev; /** * Key to be used for this operation. */ struct DenominationKey *dk; /** * RSA signature over @e blinded_msg using @e dk. Result of doing the * work. Initially NULL. */ struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *rsa_signature; /** * Coin_ev value to sign. */ void *blinded_msg; /** * Number of bytes in #blinded_msg. */ size_t blinded_msg_size; /** * Client address. */ struct sockaddr_un addr; /** * Number of bytes used in @e addr. */ socklen_t addr_size; }; /** * Return value from main(). */ static int global_ret; /** * Private key of this security module. Used to sign denomination key * announcements. */ static struct TALER_SecurityModulePrivateKeyP smpriv; /** * Public key of this security module. */ static struct TALER_SecurityModulePublicKeyP smpub; /** * Number of worker threads to use. Default (0) is to use one per CPU core * available. * Length of the #workers array. */ static unsigned int num_workers; /** * Time when the key update is executed. * Either the actual current time, or a pretended time. */ static struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute now; /** * The time for the key update, as passed by the user * on the command line. */ static struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute now_tmp; /** * Handle to the exchange's configuration */ static const struct GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_Handle *kcfg; /** * Where do we store the keys? */ static char *keydir; /** * How much should coin creation (@e duration_withdraw) duration overlap * with the next denomination? Basically, the starting time of two * denominations is always @e duration_withdraw - #overlap_duration apart. */ static struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative overlap_duration; /** * How long into the future do we pre-generate keys? */ static struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative lookahead_sign; /** * All of our denominations, in a DLL. Sorted? */ static struct Denomination *denom_head; /** * All of our denominations, in a DLL. Sorted? */ static struct Denomination *denom_tail; /** * Map of hashes of public (RSA) keys to `struct DenominationKey *` * with the respective private keys. */ static struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *keys; /** * Our listen socket. */ static struct GNUNET_NETWORK_Handle *unix_sock; /** * Path where we are listening. */ static char *unixpath; /** * Task run to accept new inbound connections. */ static struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task *read_task; /** * Task run to generate new keys. */ static struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task *keygen_task; /** * Head of DLL of clients connected to us. */ static struct Client *clients_head; /** * Tail of DLL of clients connected to us. */ static struct Client *clients_tail; /** * Head of DLL with pending signing operations. */ static struct WorkItem *work_head; /** * Tail of DLL with pending signing operations. */ static struct WorkItem *work_tail; /** * Lock for the work queue. */ static pthread_mutex_t work_lock; /** * Condition variable for the semaphore of the work queue. */ static pthread_cond_t work_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; /** * Number of items in the work queue. Also used as the semaphore counter. */ static unsigned long long work_counter; /** * Head of DLL with completed signing operations. */ static struct WorkItem *done_head; /** * Tail of DLL with completed signing operations. */ static struct WorkItem *done_tail; /** * Lock for the done queue. */ static pthread_mutex_t done_lock; /** * Task waiting for work to be done. */ static struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task *done_task; /** * Signal used by threads to notify the #done_task that they * completed work that is now in the done queue. */ static struct GNUNET_NETWORK_Handle *done_signal; /** * Set once we are in shutdown and workers should terminate. */ static volatile bool in_shutdown; /** * Array of #num_workers sign_worker() threads. */ static pthread_t *workers; /** * Main function of a worker thread that signs. * * @param cls NULL * @return NULL */ static void * sign_worker (void *cls) { (void) cls; GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_mutex_lock (&work_lock)); while (! in_shutdown) { struct WorkItem *wi; while (NULL != (wi = work_head)) { /* take work from queue */ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (work_head, work_tail, wi); work_counter--; GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_mutex_unlock (&work_lock)); wi->rsa_signature = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign_blinded (wi->dk->denom_priv.rsa_private_key, wi->blinded_msg, wi->blinded_msg_size); /* put completed work into done queue */ GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_mutex_lock (&done_lock)); GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (done_head, done_tail, wi); GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_mutex_unlock (&done_lock)); { uint64_t val = GNUNET_htonll (1); /* raise #done_signal */ if (sizeof(val) != write (GNUNET_NETWORK_get_fd (done_signal), &val, sizeof (val))) GNUNET_log_strerror (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "write(eventfd)"); } GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_mutex_lock (&work_lock)); } if (in_shutdown) break; /* queue is empty, wait for work */ GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_cond_wait (&work_cond, &work_lock)); } GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_mutex_unlock (&work_lock)); return NULL; } /** * Free @a client, releasing all (remaining) state. * * @param[in] client data to free */ static void free_client (struct Client *client) { GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (clients_head, clients_tail, client); GNUNET_free (client); } /** * Function run to read incoming requests from a client. * * @param cls the `struct Client` */ static void read_job (void *cls); /** * Free @a dk. It must already have been removed from #keys and the * denomination's DLL. * * @param[in] dk key to free */ static void free_dk (struct DenominationKey *dk) { GNUNET_free (dk->filename); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_free (dk->denom_priv.rsa_private_key); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_free (dk->denom_pub.rsa_public_key); GNUNET_free (dk); } /** * Send a message starting with @a hdr to @a client. We expect that * the client is mostly able to handle everything at whatever speed * we have (after all, the crypto should be the slow part). However, * especially on startup when we send all of our keys, it is possible * that the client cannot keep up. In that case, we throttle when * sending fails. This does not work with poll() as we cannot specify * the sendto() target address with poll(). So we nanosleep() instead. * * @param addr address where to send the message * @param addr_size number of bytes in @a addr * @param hdr beginning of the message, length indicated in size field * @return #GNUNET_OK on success */ static int transmit (const struct sockaddr_un *addr, socklen_t addr_size, const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *hdr) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i<100; i++) { ssize_t ret = sendto (GNUNET_NETWORK_get_fd (unix_sock), hdr, ntohs (hdr->size), 0 /* no flags => blocking! */, (const struct sockaddr *) addr, addr_size); if ( (-1 == ret) && (EAGAIN == errno) ) { /* _Maybe_ with blocking sendto(), this should no longer be needed; still keeping it just in case. */ /* Wait a bit, in case client is just too slow */ struct timespec req = { .tv_sec = 0, .tv_nsec = 1000 }; nanosleep (&req, NULL); continue; } if (ret == ntohs (hdr->size)) return GNUNET_OK; if (ret != ntohs (hdr->size)) break; } GNUNET_log_strerror (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "sendto"); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } /** * Process completed tasks that are in the #done_head queue, sending * the result back to the client (and resuming the client). * * @param cls NULL */ static void handle_done (void *cls) { uint64_t data; (void) cls; /* consume #done_signal */ if (sizeof (data) != read (GNUNET_NETWORK_get_fd (done_signal), &data, sizeof (data))) GNUNET_log_strerror (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "read(eventfd)"); done_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_read_net (GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL, done_signal, &handle_done, NULL); GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_mutex_lock (&done_lock)); while (NULL != done_head) { struct WorkItem *wi = done_head; GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (done_head, done_tail, wi); GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_mutex_unlock (&done_lock)); if (NULL == wi->rsa_signature) { struct TALER_CRYPTO_SignFailure sf = { .header.size = htons (sizeof (sf)), .header.type = htons (TALER_HELPER_RSA_MT_RES_SIGN_FAILURE), .ec = htonl (TALER_EC_GENERIC_INTERNAL_INVARIANT_FAILURE) }; GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "Signing request failed, worker failed to produce signature\n"); (void) transmit (&wi->addr, wi->addr_size, &sf.header); } else { struct TALER_CRYPTO_SignResponse *sr; void *buf; size_t buf_size; size_t tsize; buf_size = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_encode (wi->rsa_signature, &buf); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_signature_free (wi->rsa_signature); wi->rsa_signature = NULL; tsize = sizeof (*sr) + buf_size; GNUNET_assert (tsize < UINT16_MAX); sr = GNUNET_malloc (tsize); sr->header.size = htons (tsize); sr->header.type = htons (TALER_HELPER_RSA_MT_RES_SIGNATURE); memcpy (&sr[1], buf, buf_size); GNUNET_free (buf); GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Sending RSA signature\n"); (void) transmit (&wi->addr, wi->addr_size, &sr->header); GNUNET_free (sr); } { struct DenominationKey *dk = wi->dk; dk->rc--; if ( (0 == dk->rc) && (dk->purge) ) free_dk (dk); } GNUNET_free (wi->blinded_msg); GNUNET_free (wi); GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_mutex_lock (&done_lock)); } GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_mutex_unlock (&done_lock)); } /** * Handle @a client request @a sr to create signature. Create the * signature using the respective key and return the result to * the client. * * @param addr address of the client making the request * @param addr_size number of bytes in @a addr * @param sr the request details */ static void handle_sign_request (const struct sockaddr_un *addr, socklen_t addr_size, const struct TALER_CRYPTO_SignRequest *sr) { struct DenominationKey *dk; struct WorkItem *wi; const void *blinded_msg = &sr[1]; size_t blinded_msg_size = ntohs (sr->header.size) - sizeof (*sr); dk = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_get (keys, &sr->h_denom_pub); if (NULL == dk) { struct TALER_CRYPTO_SignFailure sf = { .header.size = htons (sizeof (sr)), .header.type = htons (TALER_HELPER_RSA_MT_RES_SIGN_FAILURE), .ec = htonl (TALER_EC_EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_KEY_UNKNOWN) }; GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Signing request failed, denomination key %s unknown\n", GNUNET_h2s (&sr->h_denom_pub)); (void) transmit (addr, addr_size, &sf.header); return; } if (0 != GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining (dk->anchor).rel_value_us) { /* it is too early */ struct TALER_CRYPTO_SignFailure sf = { .header.size = htons (sizeof (sr)), .header.type = htons (TALER_HELPER_RSA_MT_RES_SIGN_FAILURE), .ec = htonl (TALER_EC_EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_TOO_EARLY) }; GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Signing request failed, denomination key %s is not yet valid\n", GNUNET_h2s (&sr->h_denom_pub)); (void) transmit (addr, addr_size, &sf.header); return; } GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Received request to sign over %u bytes with key %s\n", (unsigned int) blinded_msg_size, GNUNET_h2s (&sr->h_denom_pub)); wi = GNUNET_new (struct WorkItem); wi->addr = *addr; wi->addr_size = addr_size; wi->dk = dk; dk->rc++; wi->blinded_msg = GNUNET_memdup (blinded_msg, blinded_msg_size); wi->blinded_msg_size = blinded_msg_size; GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_mutex_lock (&work_lock)); work_counter++; GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (work_head, work_tail, wi); GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_cond_signal (&work_cond)); GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_mutex_unlock (&work_lock)); } /** * Notify @a client about @a dk becoming available. * * @param[in,out] client the client to notify; possible freed if transmission fails * @param dk the key to notify @a client about * @return #GNUNET_OK on success */ static int notify_client_dk_add (struct Client *client, const struct DenominationKey *dk) { struct Denomination *denom = dk->denom; size_t nlen = strlen (denom->section) + 1; struct TALER_CRYPTO_RsaKeyAvailableNotification *an; size_t buf_len; void *buf; void *p; size_t tlen; buf_len = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_encode (dk->denom_pub.rsa_public_key, &buf); GNUNET_assert (buf_len < UINT16_MAX); GNUNET_assert (nlen < UINT16_MAX); tlen = buf_len + nlen + sizeof (*an); GNUNET_assert (tlen < UINT16_MAX); an = GNUNET_malloc (tlen); an->header.size = htons ((uint16_t) tlen); an->header.type = htons (TALER_HELPER_RSA_MT_AVAIL); an->pub_size = htons ((uint16_t) buf_len); an->section_name_len = htons ((uint16_t) nlen); an->anchor_time = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_hton (dk->anchor); an->duration_withdraw = GNUNET_TIME_relative_hton (denom->duration_withdraw); TALER_exchange_secmod_rsa_sign (&dk->h_denom_pub, denom->section, dk->anchor, denom->duration_withdraw, &smpriv, &an->secm_sig); an->secm_pub = smpub; p = (void *) &an[1]; memcpy (p, buf, buf_len); GNUNET_free (buf); memcpy (p + buf_len, denom->section, nlen); { int ret = GNUNET_OK; GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Sending RSA denomination key %s (%s)\n", GNUNET_h2s (&dk->h_denom_pub), denom->section); if (GNUNET_OK != transmit (&client->addr, client->addr_size, &an->header)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Client %s must have disconnected\n", client->addr.sun_path); free_client (client); ret = GNUNET_SYSERR; } GNUNET_free (an); return ret; } } /** * Notify @a client about @a dk being purged. * * @param[in,out] client the client to notify; possible freed if transmission fails * @param dk the key to notify @a client about * @return #GNUNET_OK on success */ static int notify_client_dk_del (struct Client *client, const struct DenominationKey *dk) { struct TALER_CRYPTO_RsaKeyPurgeNotification pn = { .header.type = htons (TALER_HELPER_RSA_MT_PURGE), .header.size = htons (sizeof (pn)), .h_denom_pub = dk->h_denom_pub }; GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Sending RSA denomination expiration %s\n", GNUNET_h2s (&dk->h_denom_pub)); if (GNUNET_OK != transmit (&client->addr, client->addr_size, &pn.header)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Client %s must have disconnected\n", client->addr.sun_path); free_client (client); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Initialize key material for denomination key @a dk (also on disk). * * @param[in,out] dk denomination key to compute key material for * @param position where in the DLL will the @a dk go * @return #GNUNET_OK on success */ static int setup_key (struct DenominationKey *dk, struct DenominationKey *position) { struct Denomination *denom = dk->denom; struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *priv; struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *pub; size_t buf_size; void *buf; priv = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_create (denom->rsa_keysize); if (NULL == priv) { GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_SCHEDULER_shutdown (); global_ret = 40; return GNUNET_SYSERR; } pub = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_get_public (priv); if (NULL == pub) { GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_free (priv); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } buf_size = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_encode (priv, &buf); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_hash (pub, &dk->h_denom_pub); GNUNET_asprintf (&dk->filename, "%s/%s/%llu", keydir, denom->section, (unsigned long long) (dk->anchor.abs_value_us / GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_SECONDS.rel_value_us)); if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_DISK_fn_write (dk->filename, buf, buf_size, GNUNET_DISK_PERM_USER_READ)) { GNUNET_log_strerror_file (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "write", dk->filename); GNUNET_free (buf); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_free (priv); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_free (pub); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } GNUNET_free (buf); GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Setup fresh private key %s in `%s'\n", GNUNET_h2s (&dk->h_denom_pub), dk->filename); dk->denom_priv.rsa_private_key = priv; dk->denom_pub.rsa_public_key = pub; if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put ( keys, &dk->h_denom_pub, dk, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MULTIHASHMAPOPTION_UNIQUE_ONLY)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Duplicate private key created! Terminating.\n"); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_free (dk->denom_priv.rsa_private_key); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_free (dk->denom_pub.rsa_public_key); GNUNET_free (dk->filename); GNUNET_free (dk); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_after (denom->keys_head, denom->keys_tail, position, dk); /* tell clients about new key */ { struct Client *nxt; for (struct Client *client = clients_head; NULL != client; client = nxt) { nxt = client->next; if (GNUNET_OK != notify_client_dk_add (client, dk)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Failed to notify client about new key, client dropped\n"); } } } return GNUNET_OK; } /** * A client informs us that a key has been revoked. * Check if the key is still in use, and if so replace (!) * it with a fresh key. * * @param addr address of the client making the request * @param addr_size number of bytes in @a addr * @param rr the revocation request */ static void handle_revoke_request (const struct sockaddr_un *addr, socklen_t addr_size, const struct TALER_CRYPTO_RevokeRequest *rr) { struct DenominationKey *dk; struct DenominationKey *ndk; struct Denomination *denom; dk = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_get (keys, &rr->h_denom_pub); if (NULL == dk) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "Revocation request ignored, denomination key %s unknown\n", GNUNET_h2s (&rr->h_denom_pub)); return; } /* kill existing key, done first to ensure this always happens */ if (0 != unlink (dk->filename)) GNUNET_log_strerror_file (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "unlink", dk->filename); /* Setup replacement key */ denom = dk->denom; ndk = GNUNET_new (struct DenominationKey); ndk->denom = denom; ndk->anchor = dk->anchor; if (GNUNET_OK != setup_key (ndk, dk)) { GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_SCHEDULER_shutdown (); global_ret = 44; return; } /* get rid of the old key */ dk->purge = true; GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_remove ( keys, &dk->h_denom_pub, dk)); GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (denom->keys_head, denom->keys_tail, dk); GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Revocation of denomination key %s complete\n", GNUNET_h2s (&rr->h_denom_pub)); /* Tell clients this key is gone */ { struct Client *nxt; for (struct Client *client = clients_head; NULL != client; client = nxt) { nxt = client->next; if (GNUNET_OK != notify_client_dk_del (client, dk)) GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Failed to notify client about revoked key, client dropped\n"); } } if (0 == dk->rc) free_dk (dk); } static void read_job (void *cls) { struct Client *client = cls; char buf[65536]; ssize_t buf_size; const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *hdr; struct sockaddr_un addr; socklen_t addr_size = sizeof (addr); read_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_read_net (GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL, unix_sock, &read_job, NULL); buf_size = GNUNET_NETWORK_socket_recvfrom (unix_sock, buf, sizeof (buf), (struct sockaddr *) &addr, &addr_size); if (-1 == buf_size) { GNUNET_log_strerror (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "recv"); return; } if (0 == buf_size) { return; } if (buf_size < sizeof (struct GNUNET_MessageHeader)) { GNUNET_break_op (0); return; } hdr = (const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *) buf; if (ntohs (hdr->size) != buf_size) { GNUNET_break_op (0); free_client (client); return; } switch (ntohs (hdr->type)) { case TALER_HELPER_RSA_MT_REQ_INIT: if (ntohs (hdr->size) != sizeof (struct GNUNET_MessageHeader)) { GNUNET_break_op (0); return; } { struct Client *client; client = GNUNET_new (struct Client); client->addr = addr; client->addr_size = addr_size; GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (clients_head, clients_tail, client); for (struct Denomination *denom = denom_head; NULL != denom; denom = denom->next) { for (struct DenominationKey *dk = denom->keys_head; NULL != dk; dk = dk->next) { if (GNUNET_OK != notify_client_dk_add (client, dk)) { /* client died, skip the rest */ client = NULL; break; } } if (NULL == client) break; } if (NULL != client) { struct GNUNET_MessageHeader synced = { .type = htons (TALER_HELPER_RSA_SYNCED), .size = htons (sizeof (synced)) }; GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Sending RSA SYNCED message\n"); if (GNUNET_OK != transmit (&client->addr, client->addr_size, &synced)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Client %s must have disconnected\n", client->addr.sun_path); free_client (client); } } } break; case TALER_HELPER_RSA_MT_REQ_SIGN: if (ntohs (hdr->size) <= sizeof (struct TALER_CRYPTO_SignRequest)) { GNUNET_break_op (0); return; } handle_sign_request (&addr, addr_size, (const struct TALER_CRYPTO_SignRequest *) buf); break; case TALER_HELPER_RSA_MT_REQ_REVOKE: if (ntohs (hdr->size) != sizeof (struct TALER_CRYPTO_RevokeRequest)) { GNUNET_break_op (0); return; } handle_revoke_request (&addr, addr_size, (const struct TALER_CRYPTO_RevokeRequest *) buf); break; default: GNUNET_break_op (0); return; } } /** * Create a new denomination key (we do not have enough). * * @param denom denomination key to create * @param now current time to use (to get many keys to use the exact same time) * @return #GNUNET_OK on success */ static int create_key (struct Denomination *denom, struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute now) { struct DenominationKey *dk; struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute anchor; if (NULL == denom->keys_tail) { anchor = now; } else { anchor = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_add (denom->keys_tail->anchor, GNUNET_TIME_relative_subtract ( denom->duration_withdraw, overlap_duration)); if (now.abs_value_us > anchor.abs_value_us) anchor = now; } dk = GNUNET_new (struct DenominationKey); dk->denom = denom; dk->anchor = anchor; if (GNUNET_OK != setup_key (dk, denom->keys_tail)) { GNUNET_free (dk); GNUNET_SCHEDULER_shutdown (); global_ret = 42; return GNUNET_SYSERR; } return GNUNET_OK; } /** * At what time does this denomination require its next action? * Basically, the minimum of the withdraw expiration time of the * oldest denomination key, and the withdraw expiration time of * the newest denomination key minus the #lookahead_sign time. * * @param denom denomination to compute action time for */ static struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute denomination_action_time (const struct Denomination *denom) { if (NULL == denom->keys_head) return GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_ZERO_ABS; return GNUNET_TIME_absolute_min ( GNUNET_TIME_absolute_add (denom->keys_head->anchor, denom->duration_withdraw), GNUNET_TIME_absolute_subtract ( GNUNET_TIME_absolute_subtract ( GNUNET_TIME_absolute_add (denom->keys_tail->anchor, denom->duration_withdraw), lookahead_sign), overlap_duration)); } /** * The withdraw period of a key @a dk has expired. Purge it. * * @param[in] dk expired denomination key to purge and free */ static void purge_key (struct DenominationKey *dk) { struct Denomination *denom = dk->denom; struct Client *nxt; for (struct Client *client = clients_head; NULL != client; client = nxt) { nxt = client->next; if (GNUNET_OK != notify_client_dk_del (client, dk)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Failed to notify client about purged key, client dropped\n"); } } GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (denom->keys_head, denom->keys_tail, dk); GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_remove (keys, &dk->h_denom_pub, dk)); if (0 != unlink (dk->filename)) { GNUNET_log_strerror_file (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "unlink", dk->filename); } else { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Purged expired private key `%s'\n", dk->filename); } GNUNET_free (dk->filename); if (0 != dk->rc) { /* delay until all signing threads are done with this key */ dk->purge = true; return; } GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_free (dk->denom_priv.rsa_private_key); GNUNET_free (dk); } /** * Create new keys and expire ancient keys of the given denomination @a denom. * Removes the @a denom from the #denom_head DLL and re-insert its at the * correct location sorted by next maintenance activity. * * @param[in,out] denom denomination to update material for * @param now current time to use (to get many keys to use the exact same time) */ static void update_keys (struct Denomination *denom, struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute now) { /* create new denomination keys */ while ( (NULL == denom->keys_tail) || (0 == GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining ( GNUNET_TIME_absolute_subtract ( GNUNET_TIME_absolute_subtract ( GNUNET_TIME_absolute_add (denom->keys_tail->anchor, denom->duration_withdraw), lookahead_sign), overlap_duration)).rel_value_us) ) if (GNUNET_OK != create_key (denom, now)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Failed to create keys for `%s'\n", denom->section); return; } /* remove expired denomination keys */ while ( (NULL != denom->keys_head) && (0 == GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining (GNUNET_TIME_absolute_add (denom->keys_head->anchor, denom->duration_withdraw)).rel_value_us) ) purge_key (denom->keys_head); /* Update position of 'denom' in #denom_head DLL: sort by action time */ { struct Denomination *before; struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute at; at = denomination_action_time (denom); GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_remove (denom_head, denom_tail, denom); before = NULL; for (struct Denomination *pos = denom_head; NULL != pos; pos = pos->next) { if (denomination_action_time (pos).abs_value_us >= at.abs_value_us) break; before = pos; } GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_after (denom_head, denom_tail, before, denom); } } /** * Task run periodically to expire keys and/or generate fresh ones. * * @param cls NULL */ static void update_denominations (void *cls) { struct Denomination *denom; struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute now; (void) cls; keygen_task = NULL; now = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get (); (void) GNUNET_TIME_round_abs (&now); do { denom = denom_head; update_keys (denom, now); } while (denom != denom_head); keygen_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_at (denomination_action_time (denom), &update_denominations, NULL); } /** * Parse private key of denomination @a denom in @a buf. * * @param[out] denom denomination of the key * @param filename name of the file we are parsing, for logging * @param buf key material * @param buf_size number of bytes in @a buf */ static void parse_key (struct Denomination *denom, const char *filename, const void *buf, size_t buf_size) { struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *priv; char *anchor_s; char dummy; unsigned long long anchor_ll; struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute anchor; anchor_s = strrchr (filename, '/'); if (NULL == anchor_s) { /* File in a directory without '/' in the name, this makes no sense. */ GNUNET_break (0); return; } anchor_s++; if (1 != sscanf (anchor_s, "%llu%c", &anchor_ll, &dummy)) { /* Filenames in KEYDIR must ONLY be the anchor time in seconds! */ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "Filename `%s' invalid for key file, skipping\n", filename); return; } anchor.abs_value_us = anchor_ll * GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_SECONDS.rel_value_us; if (anchor_ll != anchor.abs_value_us / GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_SECONDS.rel_value_us) { /* Integer overflow. Bad, invalid filename. */ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "Filename `%s' invalid for key file, skipping\n", filename); return; } priv = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_decode (buf, buf_size); if (NULL == priv) { /* Parser failure. */ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "File `%s' is malformed, skipping\n", filename); return; } { struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKey *pub; struct DenominationKey *dk; struct DenominationKey *before; pub = GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_get_public (priv); if (NULL == pub) { GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_free (priv); return; } dk = GNUNET_new (struct DenominationKey); dk->denom_priv.rsa_private_key = priv; dk->denom = denom; dk->anchor = anchor; dk->filename = GNUNET_strdup (filename); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_hash (pub, &dk->h_denom_pub); dk->denom_pub.rsa_public_key = pub; if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put ( keys, &dk->h_denom_pub, dk, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MULTIHASHMAPOPTION_UNIQUE_ONLY)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Duplicate private key %s detected in file `%s'. Skipping.\n", GNUNET_h2s (&dk->h_denom_pub), filename); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_free (priv); GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_public_key_free (pub); GNUNET_free (dk); return; } before = NULL; for (struct DenominationKey *pos = denom->keys_head; NULL != pos; pos = pos->next) { if (pos->anchor.abs_value_us > anchor.abs_value_us) break; before = pos; } GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_after (denom->keys_head, denom->keys_tail, before, dk); GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Imported key %s from `%s'\n", GNUNET_h2s (&dk->h_denom_pub), filename); } } /** * Import a private key from @a filename for the denomination * given in @a cls. * * @param[in,out] cls a `struct Denomiantion` * @param filename name of a file in the directory */ static int import_key (void *cls, const char *filename) { struct Denomination *denom = cls; struct GNUNET_DISK_FileHandle *fh; struct GNUNET_DISK_MapHandle *map; void *ptr; int fd; struct stat sbuf; { struct stat lsbuf; if (0 != lstat (filename, &lsbuf)) { GNUNET_log_strerror_file (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "lstat", filename); return GNUNET_OK; } if (! S_ISREG (lsbuf.st_mode)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "File `%s' is not a regular file, which is not allowed for private keys!\n", filename); return GNUNET_OK; } } fd = open (filename, O_CLOEXEC); if (-1 == fd) { GNUNET_log_strerror_file (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "open", filename); return GNUNET_OK; } if (0 != fstat (fd, &sbuf)) { GNUNET_log_strerror_file (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "stat", filename); return GNUNET_OK; } if (! S_ISREG (sbuf.st_mode)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "File `%s' is not a regular file, which is not allowed for private keys!\n", filename); return GNUNET_OK; } if (0 != (sbuf.st_mode & (S_IWUSR | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO))) { /* permission are NOT tight, try to patch them up! */ if (0 != fchmod (fd, S_IRUSR)) { GNUNET_log_strerror_file (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "fchmod", filename); /* refuse to use key if file has wrong permissions */ GNUNET_break (0 == close (fd)); return GNUNET_OK; } } fh = GNUNET_DISK_get_handle_from_int_fd (fd); if (NULL == fh) { GNUNET_log_strerror_file (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "open", filename); GNUNET_break (0 == close (fd)); return GNUNET_OK; } if (sbuf.st_size > 2048) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "File `%s' to big to be a private key\n", filename); GNUNET_DISK_file_close (fh); return GNUNET_OK; } ptr = GNUNET_DISK_file_map (fh, &map, GNUNET_DISK_MAP_TYPE_READ, (size_t) sbuf.st_size); if (NULL == ptr) { GNUNET_log_strerror_file (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "mmap", filename); GNUNET_DISK_file_close (fh); return GNUNET_OK; } parse_key (denom, filename, ptr, (size_t) sbuf.st_size); GNUNET_DISK_file_unmap (map); GNUNET_DISK_file_close (fh); return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Parse configuration for denomination type parameters. Also determines * our anchor by looking at the existing denominations of the same type. * * @param ct section in the configuration file giving the denomination type parameters * @param[out] denom set to the denomination parameters from the configuration * @return #GNUNET_OK on success, #GNUNET_SYSERR if the configuration is invalid */ static int parse_denomination_cfg (const char *ct, struct Denomination *denom) { unsigned long long rsa_keysize; if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_time (kcfg, ct, "DURATION_WITHDRAW", &denom->duration_withdraw)) { GNUNET_log_config_missing (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, ct, "DURATION_WITHDRAW"); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } GNUNET_TIME_round_rel (&denom->duration_withdraw); if (overlap_duration.rel_value_us >= denom->duration_withdraw.rel_value_us) { GNUNET_log_config_invalid (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "taler-exchange-secmod-rsa", "OVERLAP_DURATION", "Value given must be smaller than value for DURATION_WITHDRAW!"); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_number (kcfg, ct, "RSA_KEYSIZE", &rsa_keysize)) { GNUNET_log_config_missing (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, ct, "RSA_KEYSIZE"); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } if ( (rsa_keysize > 4 * 2048) || (rsa_keysize < 1024) ) { GNUNET_log_config_invalid (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, ct, "RSA_KEYSIZE", "Given RSA keysize outside of permitted range [1024,8192]\n"); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } denom->rsa_keysize = (unsigned int) rsa_keysize; denom->section = GNUNET_strdup (ct); return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Closure for #load_denominations. */ struct LoadContext { /** * Current time to use. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute now; /** * Status, to be set to #GNUNET_SYSERR on failure */ int ret; }; /** * Generate new denomination signing keys for the denomination type of the given @a * denomination_alias. * * @param cls a `struct LoadContext`, with 'ret' to be set to #GNUNET_SYSERR on failure * @param denomination_alias name of the denomination's section in the configuration */ static void load_denominations (void *cls, const char *denomination_alias) { struct LoadContext *ctx = cls; struct Denomination *denom; if (0 != strncasecmp (denomination_alias, "coin_", strlen ("coin_"))) return; /* not a denomination type definition */ denom = GNUNET_new (struct Denomination); if (GNUNET_OK != parse_denomination_cfg (denomination_alias, denom)) { ctx->ret = GNUNET_SYSERR; GNUNET_free (denom); return; } GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Loading keys for denomination %s\n", denom->section); { char *dname; GNUNET_asprintf (&dname, "%s/%s", keydir, denom->section); GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == GNUNET_DISK_directory_create (dname)); GNUNET_DISK_directory_scan (dname, &import_key, denom); GNUNET_free (dname); } GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert (denom_head, denom_tail, denom); update_keys (denom, ctx->now); } /** * Load the various duration values from #kcfg. * * @return #GNUNET_OK on success */ static int load_durations (void) { if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_time (kcfg, "taler-exchange-secmod-rsa", "OVERLAP_DURATION", &overlap_duration)) { GNUNET_log_config_missing (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "taler-exchange-secmod-rsa", "OVERLAP_DURATION"); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } GNUNET_TIME_round_rel (&overlap_duration); if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CONFIGURATION_get_value_time (kcfg, "taler-exchange-secmod-rsa", "LOOKAHEAD_SIGN", &lookahead_sign)) { GNUNET_log_config_missing (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "taler-exchange-secmod-rsa", "LOOKAHEAD_SIGN"); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } GNUNET_TIME_round_rel (&lookahead_sign); return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Function run on shutdown. Stops the various jobs (nicely). * * @param cls NULL */ static void do_shutdown (void *cls) { (void) cls; if (NULL != read_task) { GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (read_task); read_task = NULL; } if (NULL != unix_sock) { GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == GNUNET_NETWORK_socket_close (unix_sock)); unix_sock = NULL; } if (0 != unlink (unixpath)) { GNUNET_log_strerror_file (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "unlink", unixpath); } GNUNET_free (unixpath); if (NULL != keygen_task) { GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (keygen_task); keygen_task = NULL; } if (NULL != done_task) { GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (done_task); done_task = NULL; } /* shut down worker threads */ if (NULL != workers) { GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_mutex_lock (&work_lock)); in_shutdown = true; GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_cond_broadcast (&work_cond)); GNUNET_assert (0 == pthread_mutex_unlock (&work_lock)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i