/* This file is part of TALER Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Taler Systems SA TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * @file testing/testing_api_cmd_deposit.c * @brief command for testing /deposit. * @author Marcello Stanisci */ #include "platform.h" #include "taler_json_lib.h" #include #include "taler_testing_lib.h" #include "taler_signatures.h" #include "backoff.h" /** * How often do we retry before giving up? */ #define NUM_RETRIES 5 /** * How long do we wait AT MOST when retrying? */ #define MAX_BACKOFF GNUNET_TIME_relative_multiply ( \ GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_MILLISECONDS, 100) /** * State for a "deposit" CMD. */ struct DepositState { /** * Amount to deposit. */ struct TALER_Amount amount; /** * Reference to any command that is able to provide a coin. */ const char *coin_reference; /** * If @e coin_reference refers to an operation that generated * an array of coins, this value determines which coin to pick. */ unsigned int coin_index; /** * Wire details of who is depositing -- this would be merchant * wire details in a normal scenario. */ json_t *wire_details; /** * JSON string describing what a proposal is about. */ json_t *contract_terms; /** * Refund deadline. Zero for no refunds. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute refund_deadline; /** * Set (by the interpreter) to a fresh private key. This * key will be used to sign the deposit request. */ struct TALER_MerchantPrivateKeyP merchant_priv; /** * Deposit handle while operation is running. */ struct TALER_EXCHANGE_DepositHandle *dh; /** * Timestamp of the /deposit operation. */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute timestamp; /** * Interpreter state. */ struct TALER_TESTING_Interpreter *is; /** * Task scheduled to try later. */ struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task *retry_task; /** * How long do we wait until we retry? */ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative backoff; /** * Expected HTTP response code. */ unsigned int expected_response_code; /** * How often should we retry on (transient) failures? */ unsigned int do_retry; /** * Set to #GNUNET_YES if the /deposit succeeded * and we now can provide the resulting traits. */ int traits_ready; /** * Signing key used by the exchange to sign the * deposit confirmation. */ struct TALER_ExchangePublicKeyP exchange_pub; /** * Signature from the exchange on the * deposit confirmation. */ struct TALER_ExchangeSignatureP exchange_sig; /** * Reference to previous deposit operation. * Only present if we're supposed to replay the previous deposit. */ const char *deposit_reference; }; /** * Run the command. * * @param cls closure. * @param cmd the command to execute. * @param is the interpreter state. */ static void deposit_run (void *cls, const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd, struct TALER_TESTING_Interpreter *is); /** * Task scheduled to re-try #deposit_run. * * @param cls a `struct DepositState` */ static void do_retry (void *cls) { struct DepositState *ds = cls; ds->retry_task = NULL; ds->is->commands[ds->is->ip].last_req_time = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get (); deposit_run (ds, NULL, ds->is); } /** * Callback to analyze the /deposit response, just used to * check if the response code is acceptable. * * @param cls closure. * @param http_status HTTP response code. * @param ec taler-specific error code. * @param exchange_sig signature provided by the exchange * (NULL on errors) * @param exchange_pub public key of the exchange, * used for signing the response. * @param obj raw response from the exchange. */ static void deposit_cb (void *cls, unsigned int http_status, enum TALER_ErrorCode ec, const struct TALER_ExchangeSignatureP *exchange_sig, const struct TALER_ExchangePublicKeyP *exchange_pub, const json_t *obj) { struct DepositState *ds = cls; ds->dh = NULL; if (ds->expected_response_code != http_status) { if (0 != ds->do_retry) { ds->do_retry--; if ( (0 == http_status) || (TALER_EC_DB_COMMIT_FAILED_ON_RETRY == ec) || (MHD_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR == http_status) ) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "Retrying deposit failed with %u/%d\n", http_status, (int) ec); /* on DB conflicts, do not use backoff */ if (TALER_EC_DB_COMMIT_FAILED_ON_RETRY == ec) ds->backoff = GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_ZERO; else ds->backoff = GNUNET_TIME_randomized_backoff (ds->backoff, MAX_BACKOFF); ds->is->commands[ds->is->ip].num_tries++; ds->retry_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed (ds->backoff, &do_retry, ds); return; } } GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Unexpected response code %u to command %s in %s:%u\n", http_status, ds->is->commands[ds->is->ip].label, __FILE__, __LINE__); json_dumpf (obj, stderr, 0); TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (ds->is); return; } if (MHD_HTTP_OK == http_status) { ds->traits_ready = GNUNET_YES; ds->exchange_pub = *exchange_pub; ds->exchange_sig = *exchange_sig; } TALER_TESTING_interpreter_next (ds->is); } /** * Run the command. * * @param cls closure. * @param cmd the command to execute. * @param is the interpreter state. */ static void deposit_run (void *cls, const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd, struct TALER_TESTING_Interpreter *is) { struct DepositState *ds = cls; const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *coin_cmd; const struct TALER_CoinSpendPrivateKeyP *coin_priv; struct TALER_CoinSpendPublicKeyP coin_pub; const struct TALER_EXCHANGE_DenomPublicKey *denom_pub; const struct TALER_DenominationSignature *denom_pub_sig; struct TALER_CoinSpendSignatureP coin_sig; struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute wire_deadline; struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey *merchant_priv; struct TALER_MerchantPublicKeyP merchant_pub; struct GNUNET_HashCode h_contract_terms; (void) cmd; ds->is = is; if (NULL != ds->deposit_reference) { // We're copying another deposit operation, initialize here. const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd; struct DepositState *ods; cmd = TALER_TESTING_interpreter_lookup_command (is, ds->deposit_reference); if (NULL == cmd) { GNUNET_break (0); TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (is); return; } ods = cmd->cls; ds->coin_reference = ods->coin_reference; ds->coin_index = ods->coin_index; ds->wire_details = ods->wire_details; ds->contract_terms = ods->contract_terms; ds->timestamp = ods->timestamp; ds->refund_deadline = ods->refund_deadline; ds->amount = ods->amount; } GNUNET_assert (ds->coin_reference); coin_cmd = TALER_TESTING_interpreter_lookup_command (is, ds->coin_reference); if (NULL == coin_cmd) { GNUNET_break (0); TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (is); return; } if ( (GNUNET_OK != TALER_TESTING_get_trait_coin_priv (coin_cmd, ds->coin_index, &coin_priv)) || (GNUNET_OK != TALER_TESTING_get_trait_denom_pub (coin_cmd, ds->coin_index, &denom_pub)) || (GNUNET_OK != TALER_TESTING_get_trait_denom_sig (coin_cmd, ds->coin_index, &denom_pub_sig)) || (GNUNET_OK != TALER_JSON_hash (ds->contract_terms, &h_contract_terms)) ) { GNUNET_break (0); TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (is); return; } GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_key_get_public (&coin_priv->eddsa_priv, &coin_pub.eddsa_pub); merchant_priv = GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_key_create (); ds->merchant_priv.eddsa_priv = *merchant_priv; GNUNET_free (merchant_priv); if (0 != ds->refund_deadline.abs_value_us) { struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative refund_deadline; refund_deadline = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining (ds->refund_deadline); wire_deadline = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (GNUNET_TIME_relative_multiply (refund_deadline, 2)); } else { ds->refund_deadline = ds->timestamp; wire_deadline = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_ZERO); } GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_key_get_public (&ds->merchant_priv.eddsa_priv, &merchant_pub.eddsa_pub); (void) GNUNET_TIME_round_abs (&wire_deadline); { struct TALER_DepositRequestPS dr; memset (&dr, 0, sizeof (dr)); dr.purpose.size = htonl (sizeof (struct TALER_DepositRequestPS)); dr.purpose.purpose = htonl (TALER_SIGNATURE_WALLET_COIN_DEPOSIT); dr.h_contract_terms = h_contract_terms; GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == TALER_JSON_merchant_wire_signature_hash (ds->wire_details, &dr.h_wire)); dr.timestamp = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_hton (ds->timestamp); dr.refund_deadline = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_hton (ds->refund_deadline); TALER_amount_hton (&dr.amount_with_fee, &ds->amount); TALER_amount_hton (&dr.deposit_fee, &denom_pub->fee_deposit); dr.merchant = merchant_pub; dr.coin_pub = coin_pub; GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_sign (&coin_priv->eddsa_priv, &dr.purpose, &coin_sig.eddsa_signature)); } ds->dh = TALER_EXCHANGE_deposit (is->exchange, &ds->amount, wire_deadline, ds->wire_details, &h_contract_terms, &coin_pub, denom_pub_sig, &denom_pub->key, ds->timestamp, &merchant_pub, ds->refund_deadline, &coin_sig, &deposit_cb, ds); if (NULL == ds->dh) { GNUNET_break (0); TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (is); return; } } /** * Free the state of a "deposit" CMD, and possibly cancel a * pending operation thereof. * * @param cls closure, must be a `struct DepositState`. * @param cmd the command which is being cleaned up. */ static void deposit_cleanup (void *cls, const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *cmd) { struct DepositState *ds = cls; if (NULL != ds->dh) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "Command %u (%s) did not complete\n", ds->is->ip, cmd->label); TALER_EXCHANGE_deposit_cancel (ds->dh); ds->dh = NULL; } if (NULL != ds->retry_task) { GNUNET_SCHEDULER_cancel (ds->retry_task); ds->retry_task = NULL; } json_decref (ds->wire_details); json_decref (ds->contract_terms); GNUNET_free (ds); } /** * Offer internal data from a "deposit" CMD, to other commands. * * @param cls closure. * @param[out] ret result. * @param trait name of the trait. * @param index index number of the object to offer. * * @return #GNUNET_OK on success. */ static int deposit_traits (void *cls, const void **ret, const char *trait, unsigned int index) { struct DepositState *ds = cls; const struct TALER_TESTING_Command *coin_cmd; /* Will point to coin cmd internals. */ const struct TALER_CoinSpendPrivateKeyP *coin_spent_priv; coin_cmd = TALER_TESTING_interpreter_lookup_command (ds->is, ds->coin_reference); if (NULL == coin_cmd) { GNUNET_break (0); TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (ds->is); return GNUNET_NO; } if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_TESTING_get_trait_coin_priv (coin_cmd, ds->coin_index, &coin_spent_priv)) { GNUNET_break (0); TALER_TESTING_interpreter_fail (ds->is); return GNUNET_NO; } { struct TALER_TESTING_Trait traits[] = { /* First two traits are only available if ds->traits is #GNUNET_YES */ TALER_TESTING_make_trait_exchange_pub (0, &ds->exchange_pub), TALER_TESTING_make_trait_exchange_sig (0, &ds->exchange_sig), /* These traits are always available */ TALER_TESTING_make_trait_coin_priv (0, coin_spent_priv), TALER_TESTING_make_trait_wire_details (0, ds->wire_details), TALER_TESTING_make_trait_contract_terms (0, ds->contract_terms), TALER_TESTING_make_trait_merchant_priv (0, &ds->merchant_priv), TALER_TESTING_make_trait_amount_obj (0, &ds->amount), TALER_TESTING_trait_end () }; return TALER_TESTING_get_trait ((ds->traits_ready) ? traits : &traits[2], ret, trait, index); } } /** * Create a "deposit" command. * * @param label command label. * @param coin_reference reference to any operation that can * provide a coin. * @param coin_index if @a withdraw_reference offers an array of * coins, this parameter selects which one in that array. * This value is currently ignored, as only one-coin * withdrawals are implemented. * @param target_account_payto target account for the "deposit" * request. * @param contract_terms contract terms to be signed over by the * coin. * @param refund_deadline refund deadline, zero means 'no refunds'. * Note, if time were absolute, then it would have come * one day and disrupt tests meaning. * @param amount how much is going to be deposited. * @param expected_response_code expected HTTP response code. * * @return the command. */ struct TALER_TESTING_Command TALER_TESTING_cmd_deposit (const char *label, const char *coin_reference, unsigned int coin_index, const char *target_account_payto, const char *contract_terms, struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative refund_deadline, const char *amount, unsigned int expected_response_code) { struct DepositState *ds; json_t *wire_details; wire_details = TALER_TESTING_make_wire_details (target_account_payto); ds = GNUNET_new (struct DepositState); ds->coin_reference = coin_reference; ds->coin_index = coin_index; ds->wire_details = wire_details; ds->contract_terms = json_loads (contract_terms, JSON_REJECT_DUPLICATES, NULL); if (NULL == ds->contract_terms) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Failed to parse contract terms `%s' for CMD `%s'\n", contract_terms, label); GNUNET_assert (0); } ds->timestamp = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get (); (void) GNUNET_TIME_round_abs (&ds->timestamp); json_object_set_new (ds->contract_terms, "timestamp", GNUNET_JSON_from_time_abs (ds->timestamp)); if (0 != refund_deadline.rel_value_us) { ds->refund_deadline = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (refund_deadline); (void) GNUNET_TIME_round_abs (&ds->refund_deadline); json_object_set_new (ds->contract_terms, "refund_deadline", GNUNET_JSON_from_time_abs (ds->refund_deadline)); } GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == TALER_string_to_amount (amount, &ds->amount)); ds->expected_response_code = expected_response_code; { struct TALER_TESTING_Command cmd = { .cls = ds, .label = label, .run = &deposit_run, .cleanup = &deposit_cleanup, .traits = &deposit_traits }; return cmd; } } /** * Create a "deposit" command that repeats an existing * deposit command. * * @param label command label. * @param expected_response_code expected HTTP response code. * * @return the command. */ struct TALER_TESTING_Command TALER_TESTING_cmd_deposit_replay (const char *label, const char *deposit_reference, unsigned int expected_response_code) { struct DepositState *ds; ds = GNUNET_new (struct DepositState); ds->deposit_reference = deposit_reference; ds->expected_response_code = expected_response_code; { struct TALER_TESTING_Command cmd = { .cls = ds, .label = label, .run = &deposit_run, .cleanup = &deposit_cleanup, .traits = &deposit_traits }; return cmd; } } /** * Modify a deposit command to enable retries when we get transient * errors from the exchange. * * @param cmd a deposit command * @return the command with retries enabled */ struct TALER_TESTING_Command TALER_TESTING_cmd_deposit_with_retry (struct TALER_TESTING_Command cmd) { struct DepositState *ds; GNUNET_assert (&deposit_run == cmd.run); ds = cmd.cls; ds->do_retry = NUM_RETRIES; return cmd; } /* end of testing_api_cmd_deposit.c */