loading test-specs/spec/specs/comments.json processing file test-specs/spec/specs/comments.json [0] Inline Comment blocks should be removed from the template. => SUCCESS [1] Multiline Multiline comments should be permitted. => SUCCESS [2] Standalone All standalone comment lines should be removed. => SUCCESS [3] Indented Standalone All standalone comment lines should be removed. => SUCCESS [4] Standalone Line Endings "\r\n" should be considered a newline for standalone tags. => SUCCESS [5] Standalone Without Previous Line Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them. => SUCCESS [6] Standalone Without Newline Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them. => SUCCESS [7] Multiline Standalone All standalone comment lines should be removed. => SUCCESS [8] Indented Multiline Standalone All standalone comment lines should be removed. => SUCCESS [9] Indented Inline Inline comments should not strip whitespace => SUCCESS [10] Surrounding Whitespace Comment removal should preserve surrounding whitespace. => SUCCESS [11] Variable Name Collision Comments must never render, even if variable with same name exists. => SUCCESS loading test-specs/spec/specs/delimiters.json processing file test-specs/spec/specs/delimiters.json [0] Pair Behavior The equals sign (used on both sides) should permit delimiter changes. => SUCCESS [1] Special Characters Characters with special meaning regexen should be valid delimiters. => SUCCESS [2] Sections Delimiters set outside sections should persist. => SUCCESS [3] Inverted Sections Delimiters set outside inverted sections should persist. => SUCCESS [4] Partial Inheritence Delimiters set in a parent template should not affect a partial. => SUCCESS [5] Post-Partial Behavior Delimiters set in a partial should not affect the parent template. => SUCCESS [6] Surrounding Whitespace Surrounding whitespace should be left untouched. => SUCCESS [7] Outlying Whitespace (Inline) Whitespace should be left untouched. => SUCCESS [8] Standalone Tag Standalone lines should be removed from the template. => SUCCESS [9] Indented Standalone Tag Indented standalone lines should be removed from the template. => SUCCESS [10] Standalone Line Endings "\r\n" should be considered a newline for standalone tags. => SUCCESS [11] Standalone Without Previous Line Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them. => SUCCESS [12] Standalone Without Newline Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them. => SUCCESS [13] Pair with Padding Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored. => SUCCESS loading test-specs/spec/specs/interpolation.json processing file test-specs/spec/specs/interpolation.json [0] No Interpolation Mustache-free templates should render as-is. => SUCCESS [1] Basic Interpolation Unadorned tags should interpolate content into the template. => SUCCESS [2] HTML Escaping Basic interpolation should be HTML escaped. => SUCCESS [3] Triple Mustache Triple mustaches should interpolate without HTML escaping. => SUCCESS [4] Ampersand Ampersand should interpolate without HTML escaping. => SUCCESS [5] Basic Integer Interpolation Integers should interpolate seamlessly. => SUCCESS [6] Triple Mustache Integer Interpolation Integers should interpolate seamlessly. => SUCCESS [7] Ampersand Integer Interpolation Integers should interpolate seamlessly. => SUCCESS [8] Basic Decimal Interpolation Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance. => SUCCESS [9] Triple Mustache Decimal Interpolation Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance. => SUCCESS [10] Ampersand Decimal Interpolation Decimals should interpolate seamlessly with proper significance. => SUCCESS [11] Basic Null Interpolation Nulls should interpolate as the empty string. => SUCCESS [12] Triple Mustache Null Interpolation Nulls should interpolate as the empty string. => SUCCESS [13] Ampersand Null Interpolation Nulls should interpolate as the empty string. => SUCCESS [14] Basic Context Miss Interpolation Failed context lookups should default to empty strings. => SUCCESS [15] Triple Mustache Context Miss Interpolation Failed context lookups should default to empty strings. => SUCCESS [16] Ampersand Context Miss Interpolation Failed context lookups should default to empty strings. => SUCCESS [17] Dotted Names - Basic Interpolation Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections. => SUCCESS [18] Dotted Names - Triple Mustache Interpolation Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections. => SUCCESS [19] Dotted Names - Ampersand Interpolation Dotted names should be considered a form of shorthand for sections. => SUCCESS [20] Dotted Names - Arbitrary Depth Dotted names should be functional to any level of nesting. => SUCCESS [21] Dotted Names - Broken Chains Any falsey value prior to the last part of the name should yield ''. => SUCCESS [22] Dotted Names - Broken Chain Resolution Each part of a dotted name should resolve only against its parent. => SUCCESS [23] Dotted Names - Initial Resolution The first part of a dotted name should resolve as any other name. => SUCCESS [24] Dotted Names - Context Precedence Dotted names should be resolved against former resolutions. => SUCCESS [25] Implicit Iterators - Basic Interpolation Unadorned tags should interpolate content into the template. => SUCCESS [26] Implicit Iterators - HTML Escaping Basic interpolation should be HTML escaped. => SUCCESS [27] Implicit Iterators - Triple Mustache Triple mustaches should interpolate without HTML escaping. => SUCCESS [28] Implicit Iterators - Ampersand Ampersand should interpolate without HTML escaping. => SUCCESS [29] Implicit Iterators - Basic Integer Interpolation Integers should interpolate seamlessly. => SUCCESS [30] Interpolation - Surrounding Whitespace Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace. => SUCCESS [31] Triple Mustache - Surrounding Whitespace Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace. => SUCCESS [32] Ampersand - Surrounding Whitespace Interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace. => SUCCESS [33] Interpolation - Standalone Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace. => SUCCESS [34] Triple Mustache - Standalone Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace. => SUCCESS [35] Ampersand - Standalone Standalone interpolation should not alter surrounding whitespace. => SUCCESS [36] Interpolation With Padding Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored. => SUCCESS [37] Triple Mustache With Padding Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored. => SUCCESS [38] Ampersand With Padding Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored. => SUCCESS loading test-specs/spec/specs/inverted.json processing file test-specs/spec/specs/inverted.json [0] Falsey Falsey sections should have their contents rendered. => SUCCESS [1] Truthy Truthy sections should have their contents omitted. => SUCCESS [2] Null is falsey Null is falsey. => SUCCESS [3] Context Objects and hashes should behave like truthy values. => SUCCESS [4] List Lists should behave like truthy values. => SUCCESS [5] Empty List Empty lists should behave like falsey values. => SUCCESS [6] Doubled Multiple inverted sections per template should be permitted. => SUCCESS [7] Nested (Falsey) Nested falsey sections should have their contents rendered. => SUCCESS [8] Nested (Truthy) Nested truthy sections should be omitted. => SUCCESS [9] Context Misses Failed context lookups should be considered falsey. => SUCCESS [10] Dotted Names - Truthy Dotted names should be valid for Inverted Section tags. => SUCCESS [11] Dotted Names - Falsey Dotted names should be valid for Inverted Section tags. => SUCCESS [12] Dotted Names - Broken Chains Dotted names that cannot be resolved should be considered falsey. => SUCCESS [13] Surrounding Whitespace Inverted sections should not alter surrounding whitespace. => SUCCESS [14] Internal Whitespace Inverted should not alter internal whitespace. => SUCCESS [15] Indented Inline Sections Single-line sections should not alter surrounding whitespace. => SUCCESS [16] Standalone Lines Standalone lines should be removed from the template. => SUCCESS [17] Standalone Indented Lines Standalone indented lines should be removed from the template. => SUCCESS [18] Standalone Line Endings "\r\n" should be considered a newline for standalone tags. => SUCCESS [19] Standalone Without Previous Line Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them. => SUCCESS [20] Standalone Without Newline Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them. => SUCCESS [21] Padding Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored. => SUCCESS loading test-specs/spec/specs/partials.json processing file test-specs/spec/specs/partials.json [0] Basic Behavior The greater-than operator should expand to the named partial. => SUCCESS [1] Failed Lookup The empty string should be used when the named partial is not found. => SUCCESS [2] Context The greater-than operator should operate within the current context. => SUCCESS [3] Recursion The greater-than operator should properly recurse. => SUCCESS [4] Nested The greater-than operator should work from within partials. => SUCCESS [5] Surrounding Whitespace The greater-than operator should not alter surrounding whitespace. => SUCCESS [6] Inline Indentation Whitespace should be left untouched. => SUCCESS [7] Standalone Line Endings "\r\n" should be considered a newline for standalone tags. => SUCCESS [8] Standalone Without Previous Line Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them. => SUCCESS [9] Standalone Without Newline Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them. => SUCCESS [10] Standalone Indentation Each line of the partial should be indented before rendering. => SUCCESS [11] Padding Whitespace Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored. => SUCCESS loading test-specs/spec/specs/sections.json processing file test-specs/spec/specs/sections.json [0] Truthy Truthy sections should have their contents rendered. => SUCCESS [1] Falsey Falsey sections should have their contents omitted. => SUCCESS [2] Null is falsey Null is falsey. => SUCCESS [3] Context Objects and hashes should be pushed onto the context stack. => SUCCESS [4] Parent contexts Names missing in the current context are looked up in the stack. => SUCCESS [5] Variable test Non-false sections have their value at the top of context, accessible as {{.}} or through the parent context. This gives a simple way to display content conditionally if a variable exists. => SUCCESS [6] List Contexts All elements on the context stack should be accessible within lists. => SUCCESS [7] Deeply Nested Contexts All elements on the context stack should be accessible. => SUCCESS [8] List Lists should be iterated; list items should visit the context stack. => SUCCESS [9] Empty List Empty lists should behave like falsey values. => SUCCESS [10] Doubled Multiple sections per template should be permitted. => SUCCESS [11] Nested (Truthy) Nested truthy sections should have their contents rendered. => SUCCESS [12] Nested (Falsey) Nested falsey sections should be omitted. => SUCCESS [13] Context Misses Failed context lookups should be considered falsey. => SUCCESS [14] Implicit Iterator - String Implicit iterators should directly interpolate strings. => SUCCESS [15] Implicit Iterator - Integer Implicit iterators should cast integers to strings and interpolate. => SUCCESS [16] Implicit Iterator - Decimal Implicit iterators should cast decimals to strings and interpolate. => DIFFERS .. DATA[{"list":[1.1000000000000001,2.2000000000000002,3.2999999999999998,4.4000000000000004,5.5]}] .. TEMPLATE["{{#list}}({{.}}){{/list}}"] .. EXPECTED["(1.1)(2.2)(3.3)(4.4)(5.5)"] .. GOT["(1.1000000000000001)(2.2000000000000002)(3.2999999999999998)(4.4000000000000004)(5.5)"] [17] Implicit Iterator - Array Implicit iterators should allow iterating over nested arrays. => SUCCESS [18] Implicit Iterator - HTML Escaping Implicit iterators with basic interpolation should be HTML escaped. => SUCCESS [19] Implicit Iterator - Triple mustache Implicit iterators in triple mustache should interpolate without HTML escaping. => SUCCESS [20] Implicit Iterator - Ampersand Implicit iterators in an Ampersand tag should interpolate without HTML escaping. => SUCCESS [21] Implicit Iterator - Root-level Implicit iterators should work on root-level lists. => SUCCESS [22] Dotted Names - Truthy Dotted names should be valid for Section tags. => SUCCESS [23] Dotted Names - Falsey Dotted names should be valid for Section tags. => SUCCESS [24] Dotted Names - Broken Chains Dotted names that cannot be resolved should be considered falsey. => SUCCESS [25] Surrounding Whitespace Sections should not alter surrounding whitespace. => SUCCESS [26] Internal Whitespace Sections should not alter internal whitespace. => SUCCESS [27] Indented Inline Sections Single-line sections should not alter surrounding whitespace. => SUCCESS [28] Standalone Lines Standalone lines should be removed from the template. => SUCCESS [29] Indented Standalone Lines Indented standalone lines should be removed from the template. => SUCCESS [30] Standalone Line Endings "\r\n" should be considered a newline for standalone tags. => SUCCESS [31] Standalone Without Previous Line Standalone tags should not require a newline to precede them. => SUCCESS [32] Standalone Without Newline Standalone tags should not require a newline to follow them. => SUCCESS [33] Padding Superfluous in-tag whitespace should be ignored. => SUCCESS summary: error 0 differ 1 success 132