# version MAJOR := 1 MINOR := 2 REVIS := 7 # installation settings DESTDIR ?= PREFIX ?= /usr/local BINDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/bin LIBDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/lib INCLUDEDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/include MANDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share/man PKGDIR ?= $(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig # Tools (sed must be GNU sed) SED ?= sed INSTALL ?= install # initial settings VERSION := $(MAJOR).$(MINOR).$(REVIS) SOVER := .$(MAJOR) SOVEREV := .$(MAJOR).$(MINOR) HEADERS := mustach.h mustach-wrap.h SPLITLIB := libmustach-core.so$(SOVEREV) SPLITPC := libmustach-core.pc COREOBJS := mustach.o mustach-wrap.o SINGLEOBJS := $(COREOBJS) SINGLEFLAGS := SINGLELIBS := TESTSPECS := ALL := manuals # availability of CJSON ifneq ($(cjson),no) cjson_cflags := $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags libcjson) cjson_libs := $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --libs libcjson) ifdef cjson_libs cjson := yes tool ?= cjson HEADERS += mustach-cjson.h SPLITLIB += libmustach-cjson.so$(SOVEREV) SPLITPC += libmustach-cjson.pc SINGLEOBJS += mustach-cjson.o SINGLEFLAGS += ${cjson_cflags} SINGLELIBS += ${cjson_libs} TESTSPECS += test-specs/test-specs-cjson else ifeq ($(cjson),yes) $(error Can't find required library cjson) endif cjson := no endif endif # availability of JSON-C ifneq ($(jsonc),no) jsonc_cflags := $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags json-c) jsonc_libs := $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --libs json-c) ifdef jsonc_libs jsonc := yes tool ?= jsonc HEADERS += mustach-json-c.h SPLITLIB += libmustach-json-c.so$(SOVEREV) SPLITPC += libmustach-json-c.pc SINGLEOBJS += mustach-json-c.o SINGLEFLAGS += ${jsonc_cflags} SINGLELIBS += ${jsonc_libs} TESTSPECS += test-specs/test-specs-json-c else ifeq ($(jsonc),yes) $(error Can't find required library json-c) endif jsonc := no endif endif # availability of JANSSON ifneq ($(jansson),no) jansson_cflags := $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --cflags jansson) jansson_libs := $(shell pkg-config --silence-errors --libs jansson) ifdef jansson_libs jansson := yes tool ?= jansson HEADERS += mustach-jansson.h SPLITLIB += libmustach-jansson.so$(SOVEREV) SPLITPC += libmustach-jansson.pc SINGLEOBJS += mustach-jansson.o SINGLEFLAGS += ${jansson_cflags} SINGLELIBS += ${jansson_libs} TESTSPECS += test-specs/test-specs-jansson else ifeq ($(jansson),yes) $(error Can't find required library jansson) endif jansson := no endif endif # tool TOOLOBJS = mustach-tool.o $(COREOBJS) tool ?= none ifneq ($(tool),none) ifeq ($(tool),cjson) TOOLOBJS += mustach-cjson.o TOOLFLAGS := ${cjson_cflags} -DTOOL=MUSTACH_TOOL_CJSON TOOLLIBS := ${cjson_libs} TOOLDEP := mustach-cjson.h else ifeq ($(tool),jsonc) TOOLOBJS += mustach-json-c.o TOOLFLAGS := ${jsonc_cflags} -DTOOL=MUSTACH_TOOL_JSON_C TOOLLIBS := ${jsonc_libs} TOOLDEP := mustach-json-c.h else ifeq ($(tool),jansson) TOOLOBJS += mustach-jansson.o TOOLFLAGS := ${jansson_cflags} -DTOOL=MUSTACH_TOOL_JANSSON TOOLLIBS := ${jansson_libs} TOOLDEP := mustach-jansson.h else $(error Unknown library $(tool) for tool) endif ifneq ($($(tool)),yes) $(error No library found for tool $(tool)) endif ALL += mustach endif # compute targets libs ?= all ifeq (${libs},split) ALL += ${SPLITLIB} ${SPLITPC} else ifeq (${libs},single) ALL += libmustach.so$(SOVEREV) libmustach.pc else ifeq (${libs},all) ALL += libmustach.so$(SOVEREV) libmustach.pc ${SPLITLIB} ${SPLITPC} else ifneq (${libs},none) $(error Unknown libs $(libs)) endif # display target $(info tool = ${tool}) $(info libs = ${libs}) $(info jsonc = ${jsonc}) $(info jansson = ${jansson}) $(info cjson = ${cjson}) # settings EFLAGS = -fPIC -Wall -Wextra -DVERSION=${VERSION} ifeq ($(shell uname),Darwin) LDFLAGS_single += -install_name $(LIBDIR)/libmustach.so$(SOVEREV) LDFLAGS_core += -install_name $(LIBDIR)/libmustach-core.so$(SOVEREV) LDFLAGS_cjson += -install_name $(LIBDIR)/libmustach-cjson.so$(SOVEREV) LDFLAGS_jsonc += -install_name $(LIBDIR)/libmustach-json-c.so$(SOVEREV) LDFLAGS_jansson += -install_name $(LIBDIR)/libmustach-jansson.so$(SOVEREV) else LDFLAGS_single += -Wl,-soname,libmustach.so$(SOVER) LDFLAGS_core += -Wl,-soname,libmustach-core.so$(SOVER) LDFLAGS_cjson += -Wl,-soname,libmustach-cjson.so$(SOVER) LDFLAGS_jsonc += -Wl,-soname,libmustach-json-c.so$(SOVER) LDFLAGS_jansson += -Wl,-soname,libmustach-jansson.so$(SOVER) endif # targets .PHONY: all all: ${ALL} mustach: $(TOOLOBJS) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(TOOLFLAGS) -o mustach $(TOOLOBJS) $(TOOLLIBS) libmustach.so$(SOVEREV): $(SINGLEOBJS) $(CC) -shared $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_single) -o $@ $^ $(SINGLELIBS) libmustach-core.so$(SOVEREV): $(COREOBJS) $(CC) -shared $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_core) -o $@ $(COREOBJS) $(lib_OBJ) libmustach-cjson.so$(SOVEREV): $(COREOBJS) mustach-cjson.o $(CC) -shared $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_cjson) -o $@ $^ $(cjson_libs) libmustach-json-c.so$(SOVEREV): $(COREOBJS) mustach-json-c.o $(CC) -shared $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_jsonc) -o $@ $^ $(jsonc_libs) libmustach-jansson.so$(SOVEREV): $(COREOBJS) mustach-jansson.o $(CC) -shared $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_jansson) -o $@ $^ $(jansson_libs) # pkgconfigs %.pc: pkgcfgs $(SED) -E '/^==.*==$$/{h;d};x;/==$@==/{x;s/VERSION/$(VERSION)/;p;d};x;d' $< > $@ # objects mustach.o: mustach.c mustach.h $(CC) -c $(EFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< mustach-wrap.o: mustach-wrap.c mustach.h mustach-wrap.h $(CC) -c $(EFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< mustach-tool.o: mustach-tool.c mustach.h mustach-json-c.h $(TOOLDEP) $(CC) -c $(EFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(TOOLFLAGS) -o $@ $< mustach-cjson.o: mustach-cjson.c mustach.h mustach-wrap.h mustach-cjson.h $(CC) -c $(EFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(cjson_cflags) -o $@ $< mustach-json-c.o: mustach-json-c.c mustach.h mustach-wrap.h mustach-json-c.h $(CC) -c $(EFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(jsonc_cflags) -o $@ $< mustach-jansson.o: mustach-jansson.c mustach.h mustach-wrap.h mustach-jansson.h $(CC) -c $(EFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(jansson_cflags) -o $@ $< # installing .PHONY: install install: all $(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) if test "${tool}" != "none"; then \ $(INSTALL) -m0755 mustach $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/; \ fi $(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/mustach $(INSTALL) -m0644 $(HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/mustach $(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR) for x in libmustach*.so$(SOVEREV); do \ $(INSTALL) -m0755 $$x $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/ ;\ ln -sf $$x $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/$${x%.so.*}.so$(SOVER) ;\ ln -sf $$x $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/$${x%.so.*}.so ;\ done $(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)/$(PKGDIR) $(INSTALL) -m0644 libmustach*.pc $(DESTDIR)/$(PKGDIR) $(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)/$(MANDIR)/man1 $(INSTALL) -m0644 mustach.1.gz $(DESTDIR)/$(MANDIR)/man1 # deinstalling .PHONY: uninstall uninstall: rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/mustach rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/libmustach*.so* rm -rf $(DESTDIR)$(INCLUDEDIR)/mustach # testing ifeq ($(valgrind),no) NOVALGRIND := 1 else NOVALGRIND := $(shell which -s valgrind && echo 0 || echo 1) endif export NOVALGRIND .PHONY: test test-basic test-specs test: basic-tests spec-tests basic-tests: mustach @$(MAKE) -C test1 test @$(MAKE) -C test2 test @$(MAKE) -C test3 test @$(MAKE) -C test4 test @$(MAKE) -C test5 test @$(MAKE) -C test6 test @$(MAKE) -C test7 test @$(MAKE) -C test8 test spec-tests: $(TESTSPECS) test-specs/test-specs-%: test-specs/%-test-specs test-specs/specs ./$< test-specs/spec/specs/[a-z]*.json > $@.last || true diff $@.ref $@.last test-specs/cjson-test-specs.o: test-specs/test-specs.c mustach.h mustach-wrap.h mustach-cjson.h $(CC) -I. -c $(EFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(cjson_cflags) -DTEST=TEST_CJSON -o $@ $< test-specs/cjson-test-specs: test-specs/cjson-test-specs.o mustach-cjson.o $(COREOBJS) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(cjson_libs) test-specs/json-c-test-specs.o: test-specs/test-specs.c mustach.h mustach-wrap.h mustach-json-c.h $(CC) -I. -c $(EFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(jsonc_cflags) -DTEST=TEST_JSON_C -o $@ $< test-specs/json-c-test-specs: test-specs/json-c-test-specs.o mustach-json-c.o $(COREOBJS) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(jsonc_libs) test-specs/jansson-test-specs.o: test-specs/test-specs.c mustach.h mustach-wrap.h mustach-jansson.h $(CC) -I. -c $(EFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(jansson_cflags) -DTEST=TEST_JANSSON -o $@ $< test-specs/jansson-test-specs: test-specs/jansson-test-specs.o mustach-jansson.o $(COREOBJS) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(jansson_libs) .PHONY: test-specs/specs test-specs/specs: if test -d test-specs/spec; then \ git -C test-specs/spec pull; \ else \ git -C test-specs clone https://github.com/mustache/spec.git; \ fi #cleaning .PHONY: clean clean: rm -f mustach libmustach*.so* *.o *.pc rm -f test-specs/*-test-specs test-specs/test-specs-*.last rm -rf *.gcno *.gcda coverage.info gcov-latest @$(MAKE) -C test1 clean @$(MAKE) -C test2 clean @$(MAKE) -C test3 clean @$(MAKE) -C test4 clean @$(MAKE) -C test5 clean @$(MAKE) -C test6 clean @$(MAKE) -C test7 clean @$(MAKE) -C test8 clean # manpage .PHONY: manuals manuals: mustach.1.gz mustach.1.gz: mustach.1.scd if which scdoc >/dev/null 2>&1; then scdoc < mustach.1.scd | gzip > mustach.1.gz; fi