/* This file is part of TALER (C) 2015, 2016 Taler Systems SA TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * @file pq/test_pq.c * @brief Tests for Postgres convenience API * @author Christian Grothoff */ #include "platform.h" #include "taler_util.h" #include "taler_pq_lib.h" /** * Setup prepared statements. * * @param db database handle to initialize * @return #GNUNET_OK on success, #GNUNET_SYSERR on failure */ static int postgres_prepare (struct GNUNET_PQ_Context *db) { struct GNUNET_PQ_PreparedStatement ps[] = { GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("test_insert", "INSERT INTO test_pq (" " tamount" ",hamount_val" ",hamount_frac" ",namount_val" ",namount_frac" ",json" ",aamount" ") VALUES " "($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);"), GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("test_select", "SELECT" " tamount" ",hamount_val" ",hamount_frac" ",namount_val" ",namount_frac" ",json" ",aamount" " FROM test_pq;"), GNUNET_PQ_PREPARED_STATEMENT_END }; return GNUNET_PQ_prepare_statements (db, ps); } /** * Run actual test queries. * * @return 0 on success */ static int run_queries (struct GNUNET_PQ_Context *conn) { struct TALER_Amount tamount; struct TALER_Amount hamount; struct TALER_Amount hamount2; struct TALER_AmountNBO namount; struct TALER_AmountNBO namount2; struct TALER_Amount aamount[3]; struct TALER_Amount *pamount; size_t npamount; PGresult *result; int ret; json_t *json; json_t *json2; GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == TALER_string_to_amount ("EUR:5.3", &aamount[0])); GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == TALER_string_to_amount ("EUR:6.4", &aamount[1])); GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == TALER_string_to_amount ("EUR:7.5", &aamount[2])); GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == TALER_string_to_amount ("EUR:7.7", &tamount)); GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == TALER_string_to_amount ("EUR:5.5", &hamount)); TALER_amount_hton (&namount, &hamount); GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == TALER_string_to_amount ("EUR:4.4", &hamount)); json = json_object (); json_object_set_new (json, "foo", json_integer (42)); GNUNET_assert (NULL != json); { struct GNUNET_PQ_QueryParam params_insert[] = { TALER_PQ_query_param_amount_tuple (conn, &tamount), TALER_PQ_query_param_amount (&hamount), TALER_PQ_query_param_amount_nbo (&namount), TALER_PQ_query_param_json (json), TALER_PQ_query_param_array_amount (3, aamount, conn), GNUNET_PQ_query_param_end }; result = GNUNET_PQ_exec_prepared (conn, "test_insert", params_insert); if (PGRES_COMMAND_OK != PQresultStatus (result)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Database failure: %s\n", PQresultErrorMessage (result)); PQclear (result); return 1; } PQclear (result); } { struct GNUNET_PQ_QueryParam params_select[] = { GNUNET_PQ_query_param_end }; result = GNUNET_PQ_exec_prepared (conn, "test_select", params_select); if (1 != PQntuples (result)) { GNUNET_break (0); PQclear (result); return 1; } } { struct GNUNET_PQ_ResultSpec results_select[] = { TALER_PQ_result_spec_amount ("hamount", "EUR", &hamount2), TALER_PQ_result_spec_amount_nbo ("namount", "EUR", &namount2), TALER_PQ_result_spec_json ("json", &json2), TALER_PQ_result_spec_amount_tuple ("tamount", "EUR", &tamount), TALER_PQ_result_spec_array_amount (conn, "aamount", "EUR", &npamount, &pamount), GNUNET_PQ_result_spec_end }; ret = GNUNET_PQ_extract_result (result, results_select, 0); GNUNET_break (0 == TALER_amount_cmp (&hamount, &hamount2)); GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == TALER_string_to_amount ("EUR:5.5", &hamount)); TALER_amount_ntoh (&hamount2, &namount2); GNUNET_break (0 == TALER_amount_cmp (&hamount, &hamount2)); GNUNET_break (42 == json_integer_value (json_object_get (json2, "foo"))); GNUNET_break (3 == npamount); for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { GNUNET_break (0 == TALER_amount_cmp (&aamount[i], &pamount[i])); } GNUNET_PQ_cleanup_result (results_select); PQclear (result); } json_decref (json); if (GNUNET_OK != ret) return 1; return 0; } int main (int argc, const char *const argv[]) { struct GNUNET_PQ_ExecuteStatement es[] = { GNUNET_PQ_make_execute ("DO $$ " " BEGIN" " CREATE TYPE taler_amount AS" " (val INT8, frac INT4);" " EXCEPTION" " WHEN duplicate_object THEN null;" " END " "$$;"), GNUNET_PQ_make_execute ("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_pq (" " tamount taler_amount NOT NULL" ",hamount_val INT8 NOT NULL" ",hamount_frac INT4 NOT NULL" ",namount_val INT8 NOT NULL" ",namount_frac INT4 NOT NULL" ",json VARCHAR NOT NULL" ",aamount taler_amount[]" ")"), GNUNET_PQ_EXECUTE_STATEMENT_END }; struct GNUNET_PQ_Context *conn; int ret; (void) argc; (void) argv; GNUNET_log_setup ("test-pq", "WARNING", NULL); conn = GNUNET_PQ_connect ("postgres:///talercheck", NULL, es, NULL); if (NULL == conn) return 77; if (GNUNET_OK != postgres_prepare (conn)) { GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_PQ_disconnect (conn); return 1; } ret = run_queries (conn); { struct GNUNET_PQ_ExecuteStatement ds[] = { GNUNET_PQ_make_execute ("DROP TABLE test_pq"), GNUNET_PQ_EXECUTE_STATEMENT_END }; if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_PQ_exec_statements (conn, ds)) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to drop table\n"); GNUNET_PQ_disconnect (conn); return 1; } } GNUNET_PQ_disconnect (conn); return ret; } /* end of test_pq.c */