/* This file is part of TALER (C) 2014 GNUnet e.V. TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, If not, see */ /** * @file taler-mint-httpd_refresh.c * @brief Handle /refresh/ requests * @author Florian Dold * @author Benedikt Mueller * @author Christian Grothoff */ #include "platform.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "mint.h" #include "mint_db.h" #include "taler_signatures.h" #include "taler_rsa.h" #include "taler_json_lib.h" #include "taler-mint-httpd_parsing.h" #include "taler-mint-httpd_keys.h" #include "taler-mint-httpd_mhd.h" #include "taler-mint-httpd_refresh.h" #include "taler-mint-httpd_responses.h" /** * Sign the message in @a purpose with the mint's signing * key and encode the signature as a JSON object. * * @param purpose the message to sign * @return signature as JSON object */ static json_t * sign_as_json (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose *purpose) { json_t *sig_json; struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature sig; struct MintKeyState *key_state; key_state = TALER_MINT_key_state_acquire (); sig_json = json_object (); GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_sign (&key_state->current_sign_key_issue.signkey_priv, purpose, &sig)); TALER_MINT_key_state_release (key_state); json_object_set (sig_json, "sig", TALER_JSON_from_data (&sig, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature))); json_object_set (sig_json, "purpose", json_integer (ntohl (purpose->purpose))); json_object_set (sig_json, "size", json_integer (ntohl (purpose->size))); return sig_json; } static int link_iter (void *cls, const struct LinkDataEnc *link_data_enc, const struct TALER_RSA_PublicKeyBinaryEncoded *denom_pub, const struct TALER_RSA_Signature *ev_sig) { json_t *list = cls; json_t *obj = json_object (); json_array_append_new (list, obj); json_object_set_new (obj, "link_enc", TALER_JSON_from_data (link_data_enc, sizeof (struct LinkDataEnc))); json_object_set_new (obj, "denom_pub", TALER_JSON_from_data (denom_pub, sizeof (struct TALER_RSA_PublicKeyBinaryEncoded))); json_object_set_new (obj, "ev_sig", TALER_JSON_from_data (ev_sig, sizeof (struct TALER_RSA_Signature))); return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Insert all requested denominations into the db, and compute the * required cost of the denominations, including fees. * * @param connection the connection to send an error response to * @param db_conn the database connection * @param key_state the mint's key state to use * @param session_pub the refresh session public key * @param root the request JSON object * @param hash_context the hash context where accepted * denominations will be hased into * @param r_amount the sum of the cost (value+fee) for * all requested coins * @return FIXME! */ static int refresh_accept_denoms (struct MHD_Connection *connection, PGconn *db_conn, const struct MintKeyState *key_state, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *session_pub, const json_t *root, struct GNUNET_HashContext *hash_context, struct TALER_Amount *r_amount) { unsigned i; int res; json_t *new_denoms; res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "new_denoms", JNAV_RET_TYPED_JSON, JSON_ARRAY, &new_denoms); if (GNUNET_OK != res) return res; memset (r_amount, 0, sizeof (struct TALER_Amount)); for (i = 0; i < json_array_size (new_denoms); i++) { struct TALER_RSA_PublicKeyBinaryEncoded denom_pub; int res; struct TALER_MINT_DenomKeyIssue *dki; struct TALER_Amount cost; res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "new_denoms", JNAV_INDEX, (int) i, JNAV_RET_DATA, &denom_pub, sizeof (struct TALER_RSA_PublicKeyBinaryEncoded)); if (GNUNET_OK != res) return res; dki = &(TALER_MINT_get_denom_key (key_state, &denom_pub)->issue); GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_read (hash_context, &denom_pub, sizeof (struct TALER_RSA_PublicKeyBinaryEncoded)); cost = TALER_amount_add (TALER_amount_ntoh (dki->value), TALER_amount_ntoh (dki->fee_withdraw)); *r_amount = TALER_amount_add (cost, *r_amount); /* Insert the requested coin into the DB, so we'll know later * what denomination the request had */ if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_insert_refresh_order (db_conn, i, session_pub, &denom_pub)) return res; // ??? } return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Get an amount in the mint's currency * that is zero. * * @return zero amount in the mint's currency */ static struct TALER_Amount mint_amount_native_zero () { struct TALER_Amount amount; memset (&amount, 0, sizeof (amount)); // FIXME: load from config memcpy (amount.currency, "EUR", 3); return amount; } static int check_confirm_signature (struct MHD_Connection *connection, json_t *coin_info, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey *coin_pub, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *session_pub) { struct RefreshMeltConfirmSignRequestBody body; struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaSignature sig; int res; body.purpose.size = htonl (sizeof (struct RefreshMeltConfirmSignRequestBody)); body.purpose.purpose = htonl (TALER_SIGNATURE_REFRESH_MELT_CONFIRM); body.session_pub = *session_pub; res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, coin_info, JNAV_FIELD, "confirm_sig", JNAV_RET_DATA, &sig, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaSignature)); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (GNUNET_SYSERR != res); return res; } if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_verify (TALER_SIGNATURE_REFRESH_MELT_CONFIRM, &body.purpose, &sig, coin_pub)) { if (MHD_YES != TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, "{s:s}", "error", "signature invalid")) return GNUNET_SYSERR; return GNUNET_NO; } return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Extract public coin information from a JSON object. * * @param connection the connection to send error responses to * @param root the JSON object to extract the coin info from * @return GNUNET_YES if coin public info in JSON was valid * GNUNET_NO otherwise * GNUNET_SYSERR on internal error */ static int request_json_require_coin_public_info (struct MHD_Connection *connection, json_t *root, struct TALER_CoinPublicInfo *r_public_info) { int ret; GNUNET_assert (NULL != root); ret = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "coin_pub", JNAV_RET_DATA, &r_public_info->coin_pub, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey)); if (GNUNET_OK != ret) return ret; ret = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "denom_sig", JNAV_RET_DATA, &r_public_info->denom_sig, sizeof (struct TALER_RSA_Signature)); if (GNUNET_OK != ret) return ret; ret = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "denom_pub", JNAV_RET_DATA, &r_public_info->denom_pub, sizeof (struct TALER_RSA_PublicKeyBinaryEncoded)); if (GNUNET_OK != ret) return ret; return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Parse coin melt requests from a JSON object and write them to * the database. * * @param connection the connection to send errors to * @param db_conn the database connection * @param key_state the mint's key state * @param session_pub the refresh session's public key * @param root the JSON object * @param hash_context the hash context that will receive * the coin public keys of the melted coin * @return a GNUnet result code, GNUNET_OK on success, * GNUNET_NO if an error message was generated, * GNUNET_SYSERR on internal errors (no response generated) */ static int refresh_accept_melts (struct MHD_Connection *connection, PGconn *db_conn, const struct MintKeyState *key_state, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *session_pub, json_t *root, struct GNUNET_HashContext *hash_context, struct TALER_Amount *r_melt_balance) { size_t i; int res; json_t *melt_coins; res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "melt_coins", JNAV_RET_TYPED_JSON, JSON_ARRAY, &melt_coins); if (GNUNET_OK != res) return res; memset (r_melt_balance, 0, sizeof (struct TALER_Amount)); for (i = 0; i < json_array_size (melt_coins); i++) { struct TALER_CoinPublicInfo coin_public_info; struct TALER_MINT_DenomKeyIssue *dki; struct KnownCoin known_coin; // money the customer gets by melting the current coin struct TALER_Amount coin_gain; res = request_json_require_coin_public_info (connection, json_array_get (melt_coins, i), &coin_public_info); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (GNUNET_SYSERR != res); return res; } if (GNUNET_OK != (res = check_confirm_signature (connection, json_array_get (melt_coins, i), &coin_public_info.coin_pub, session_pub))) { GNUNET_break (GNUNET_SYSERR != res); return res; } GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_read (hash_context, &coin_public_info.coin_pub, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey)); dki = &(TALER_MINT_get_denom_key (key_state, &coin_public_info.denom_pub)->issue); if (NULL == dki) return (MHD_YES == TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{s:s}", "error", "denom not found")) ? GNUNET_NO : GNUNET_SYSERR; if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_test_coin_valid (key_state, &coin_public_info)) return (MHD_YES == TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{s:s}", "error", "coin invalid")) ? GNUNET_NO : GNUNET_SYSERR; res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_known_coin (db_conn, &coin_public_info.coin_pub, &known_coin); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) { GNUNET_break (0); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } if (GNUNET_YES == res) { if (GNUNET_YES == known_coin.is_refreshed) return (MHD_YES == TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{s:s}", "error", "coin already refreshed")) ? GNUNET_NO : GNUNET_SYSERR; } else { known_coin.expended_balance = mint_amount_native_zero (); known_coin.public_info = coin_public_info; } known_coin.is_refreshed = GNUNET_YES; known_coin.refresh_session_pub = *session_pub; if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_upsert_known_coin (db_conn, &known_coin)) { GNUNET_break (0); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_insert_refresh_melt (db_conn, session_pub, i, &coin_public_info.coin_pub, &coin_public_info.denom_pub)) { GNUNET_break (0); return GNUNET_SYSERR; } coin_gain = TALER_amount_ntoh (dki->value); coin_gain = TALER_amount_subtract (coin_gain, known_coin.expended_balance); /* Refuse to refresh when the coin does not have enough money left to * pay the refreshing fees of the coin. */ if (TALER_amount_cmp (coin_gain, TALER_amount_ntoh (dki->fee_refresh)) < 0) return (MHD_YES == TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{s:s}", "error", "depleted")) ? GNUNET_NO : GNUNET_SYSERR; coin_gain = TALER_amount_subtract (coin_gain, TALER_amount_ntoh (dki->fee_refresh)); *r_melt_balance = TALER_amount_add (*r_melt_balance, coin_gain); } return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Send a response for "/refresh/melt". * * @param connection the connection to send the response to * @param db_conn the database connection to fetch values from * @param session_pub the refresh session public key. * @return a MHD result code */ static int helper_refresh_send_melt_response (struct MHD_Connection *connection, PGconn *db_conn, const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *session_pub) { struct RefreshSession session; int res; json_t *root; json_t *list; struct GNUNET_HashContext *hash_context; if (GNUNET_OK != (res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_session (db_conn, session_pub, &session))) { // FIXME: send internal error GNUNET_break (0); return MHD_NO; } root = json_object (); list = json_array (); json_object_set_new (root, "blind_session_pubs", list); hash_context = GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_start (); { struct RefreshMeltResponseSignatureBody body; json_t *sig_json; body.purpose.size = htonl (sizeof (struct RefreshMeltResponseSignatureBody)); body.purpose.purpose = htonl (TALER_SIGNATURE_REFRESH_MELT_RESPONSE); GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_finish (hash_context, &body.melt_response_hash); sig_json = sign_as_json (&body.purpose); GNUNET_assert (NULL != sig_json); json_object_set (root, "signature", sig_json); } return TALER_MINT_reply_json (connection, root, MHD_HTTP_OK); } /** * Verify a signature that is encoded in a JSON object * * @param connection the connection to send errors to * @param root the JSON object with the signature * @param the public key that the signature was created with * @param purpose the signed message * @return GNUNET_YES if the signature was valid * GNUNET_NO if the signature was invalid * GNUNET_SYSERR on internal error */ static int request_json_check_signature (struct MHD_Connection *connection, json_t *root, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *pub, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EccSignaturePurpose *purpose) { struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature signature; int size; uint32_t purpose_num; int res; json_t *el; res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "sig", JNAV_RET_DATA, &signature, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaSignature)); if (GNUNET_OK != res) return res; res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "purpose", JNAV_RET_TYPED_JSON, JSON_INTEGER, &el); if (GNUNET_OK != res) return res; purpose_num = json_integer_value (el); if (purpose_num != ntohl (purpose->purpose)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "signature invalid (purpose wrong)\n"); return TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "{s:s}", "error", "signature invalid (purpose)"); } res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "size", JNAV_RET_TYPED_JSON, JSON_INTEGER, &el); if (GNUNET_OK != res) return res; size = json_integer_value (el); if (size != ntohl (purpose->size)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "signature invalid (size wrong)\n"); return TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, GNUNET_NO, GNUNET_SYSERR, "{s:s}", "error", "signature invalid (size)"); } if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CRYPTO_eddsa_verify (purpose_num, purpose, &signature, pub)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_WARNING, "signature invalid (did not verify)\n"); return TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, "{s:s}", "error", "invalid signature (verification)"); } return GNUNET_OK; } /** * Handle a "/refresh/melt" request * * @param rh context of the handler * @param connection the MHD connection to handle * @param[IN|OUT] connection_cls the connection's closure (can be updated) * @param upload_data upload data * @param[IN|OUT] upload_data_size number of bytes (left) in @a upload_data * @return MHD result code */ int TALER_MINT_handler_refresh_melt (struct RequestHandler *rh, struct MHD_Connection *connection, void **connection_cls, const char *upload_data, size_t *upload_data_size) { json_t *root; PGconn *db_conn; struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey refresh_session_pub; int res; struct MintKeyState *key_state; struct TALER_Amount requested_cost; struct TALER_Amount melt_balance; struct GNUNET_HashContext *hash_context; struct GNUNET_HashCode melt_hash; res = TALER_MINT_parse_post_json (connection, connection_cls, upload_data, upload_data_size, &root); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) return MHD_NO; if ( (GNUNET_NO == res) || (NULL == root) ) return MHD_YES; if (NULL == (db_conn = TALER_MINT_DB_get_connection ())) { /* FIXME: return error code to MHD! */ return MHD_NO; } /* session_pub field must always be present */ res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "session_pub", JNAV_RET_DATA, &refresh_session_pub, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey)); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { // FIXME: return 'internal error'? GNUNET_break (0); return MHD_NO; } if (GNUNET_NO == res) return MHD_YES; /* Send response immediately if we already know the session. * Do _not_ care about fields other than session_pub in this case. */ res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_session (db_conn, &refresh_session_pub, NULL); if (GNUNET_YES == res) return helper_refresh_send_melt_response (connection, db_conn, &refresh_session_pub); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) { // FIXME: return 'internal error'? GNUNET_break (0); return MHD_NO; } /* We incrementally update the db with other parameters in a transaction. * The transaction is aborted if some parameter does not validate. */ if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_transaction (db_conn)) { // FIXME: return 'internal error'? GNUNET_break (0); return MHD_NO; } if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_create_refresh_session (db_conn, &refresh_session_pub)) { // FIXME: return 'internal error'? GNUNET_break (0); TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn); return MHD_NO; } /* The next two operations must see the same key state, * thus we acquire it here. */ key_state = TALER_MINT_key_state_acquire (); /* Write requested denominations to the DB, * and sum the costs (value plus fees) */ hash_context = GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_start (); if (GNUNET_OK != (res = refresh_accept_denoms (connection, db_conn, key_state, &refresh_session_pub, root, hash_context, &requested_cost))) { TALER_MINT_key_state_release (key_state); TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn); GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_abort (hash_context); return (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) ? MHD_NO : MHD_YES; } /* Write old coins to db and sum their value */ if (GNUNET_OK != (res = refresh_accept_melts (connection, db_conn, key_state, &refresh_session_pub, root, hash_context, &melt_balance))) { TALER_MINT_key_state_release (key_state); GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn)); GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_abort (hash_context); return (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) ? MHD_NO : MHD_YES; } GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_finish (hash_context, &melt_hash); TALER_MINT_key_state_release (key_state); /* check that signature from the session public key is ok */ { struct RefreshMeltSignatureBody body; json_t *melt_sig_json; melt_sig_json = json_object_get (root, "melt_signature"); if (NULL == melt_sig_json) { GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn)); return TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "{s:s}", "error", "melt_signature missing"); } body.melt_hash = melt_hash; body.purpose.purpose = htonl (TALER_SIGNATURE_REFRESH_MELT); body.purpose.size = htonl (sizeof (struct RefreshMeltSignatureBody)); if (GNUNET_OK != (res = request_json_check_signature (connection, melt_sig_json, &refresh_session_pub, &body.purpose))) { GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn)); return (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) ? MHD_NO : MHD_YES; } } /* Request is only ok if cost of requested coins * does not exceed value of melted coins. */ // FIXME: also, consider fees? if (TALER_amount_cmp (melt_balance, requested_cost) < 0) { GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn)); return TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "{s:s}", "error", "not enough coins melted"); } if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_commit (db_conn)) { GNUNET_break (0); return MHD_NO; } return helper_refresh_send_melt_response (connection, db_conn, &refresh_session_pub); } /** * Send a response to a "/refresh/commit" request. * * @param connection the connection to send the response to * @param db_conn the mint database * @param refresh_session the refresh session * @return a MHD status code */ static int refresh_send_commit_response (struct MHD_Connection *connection, PGconn *db_conn, struct RefreshSession *refresh_session) { struct RefreshCommitResponseSignatureBody body; json_t *sig_json; body.purpose.size = htonl (sizeof (struct RefreshCommitResponseSignatureBody)); body.purpose.purpose = htonl (TALER_SIGNATURE_REFRESH_COMMIT_RESPONSE); body.noreveal_index = htons (refresh_session->noreveal_index); sig_json = sign_as_json (&body.purpose); GNUNET_assert (NULL != sig_json); return TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_OK, "{s:i, s:o}", "noreveal_index", (int) refresh_session->noreveal_index, "signature", sig_json); } /** * Handle a "/refresh/commit" request * * @param rh context of the handler * @param connection the MHD connection to handle * @param[IN|OUT] connection_cls the connection's closure (can be updated) * @param upload_data upload data * @param[IN|OUT] upload_data_size number of bytes (left) in @a upload_data * @return MHD result code */ int TALER_MINT_handler_refresh_commit (struct RequestHandler *rh, struct MHD_Connection *connection, void **connection_cls, const char *upload_data, size_t *upload_data_size) { struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey refresh_session_pub; int res; PGconn *db_conn; struct RefreshSession refresh_session; int i; struct GNUNET_HashCode commit_hash; struct GNUNET_HashContext *hash_context; json_t *root; res = TALER_MINT_parse_post_json (connection, connection_cls, upload_data, upload_data_size, &root); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) return MHD_NO; if ( (GNUNET_NO == res) || (NULL == root) ) return MHD_YES; res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "session_pub", JNAV_RET_DATA, &refresh_session_pub, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey)); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (GNUNET_SYSERR != res); return (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) ? MHD_NO : MHD_YES; } if (NULL == (db_conn = TALER_MINT_DB_get_connection ())) { // FIXME: return 'internal error'? GNUNET_break (0); return MHD_NO; } /* Send response immediately if we already know the session. * Do _not_ care about fields other than session_pub in this case. */ res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_session (db_conn, &refresh_session_pub, &refresh_session); if ( (GNUNET_YES == res) && (GNUNET_YES == refresh_session.has_commit_sig) ) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, "sending cached commit response\n"); res = refresh_send_commit_response (connection, db_conn, &refresh_session); GNUNET_break (res != GNUNET_SYSERR); return (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) ? MHD_NO : MHD_YES; } if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) { // FIXME: return 'internal error'? GNUNET_break (0); return MHD_NO; } if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_transaction (db_conn)) { // FIXME: return 'internal error'? GNUNET_break (0); return MHD_NO; } /* Re-fetch the session information from the database, * in case a concurrent transaction modified it. */ res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_session (db_conn, &refresh_session_pub, &refresh_session); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { // FIXME: return 'internal error'? GNUNET_break (GNUNET_SYSERR != res); GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn)); return MHD_NO; } hash_context = GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_start (); for (i = 0; i < refresh_session.kappa; i++) { unsigned int j; for (j = 0; j < refresh_session.num_newcoins; j++) { struct RefreshCommitCoin commit_coin; res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "coin_evs", JNAV_INDEX, (int) i, JNAV_INDEX, (int) j, JNAV_RET_DATA, &commit_coin.coin_ev, sizeof (struct TALER_RSA_BlindedSignaturePurpose)); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { // FIXME: return 'internal error'? GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn)); GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_abort (hash_context); return (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) ? MHD_NO : MHD_YES; } GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_read (hash_context, &commit_coin.coin_ev, sizeof (struct TALER_RSA_BlindedSignaturePurpose)); res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "link_encs", JNAV_INDEX, (int) i, JNAV_INDEX, (int) j, JNAV_RET_DATA, commit_coin.link_enc, TALER_REFRESH_LINK_LENGTH); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { // FIXME: return 'internal error'? GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn)); GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_abort (hash_context); return (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) ? MHD_NO : MHD_YES; } GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_read (hash_context, commit_coin.link_enc, TALER_REFRESH_LINK_LENGTH); commit_coin.cnc_index = i; commit_coin.newcoin_index = j; commit_coin.session_pub = refresh_session_pub; if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_insert_refresh_commit_coin (db_conn, &commit_coin)) { // FIXME: return 'internal error'? GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn)); GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_abort (hash_context); return MHD_NO; } } } for (i = 0; i < refresh_session.kappa; i++) { unsigned int j; for (j = 0; j < refresh_session.num_oldcoins; j++) { struct RefreshCommitLink commit_link; res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "transfer_pubs", JNAV_INDEX, (int) i, JNAV_INDEX, (int) j, JNAV_RET_DATA, &commit_link.transfer_pub, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey)); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (GNUNET_SYSERR != res); GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn)); GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_abort (hash_context); return (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) ? MHD_NO : MHD_YES; } GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_read (hash_context, &commit_link.transfer_pub, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey)); res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "secret_encs", JNAV_INDEX, (int) i, JNAV_INDEX, (int) j, JNAV_RET_DATA, commit_link.shared_secret_enc, TALER_REFRESH_SHARED_SECRET_LENGTH); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (GNUNET_SYSERR != res); GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn)); GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_abort (hash_context); return (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) ? MHD_NO : MHD_YES; } GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_read (hash_context, commit_link.shared_secret_enc, TALER_REFRESH_SHARED_SECRET_LENGTH); commit_link.cnc_index = i; commit_link.oldcoin_index = j; commit_link.session_pub = refresh_session_pub; if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_insert_refresh_commit_link (db_conn, &commit_link)) { // FIXME: return 'internal error'? GNUNET_break (0); GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn)); GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_abort (hash_context); return MHD_NO; } } } GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash_context_finish (hash_context, &commit_hash); { struct RefreshCommitSignatureBody body; json_t *commit_sig_json; commit_sig_json = json_object_get (root, "commit_signature"); if (NULL == commit_sig_json) { GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn)); return TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "{s:s}", "error", "commit_signature missing"); } body.commit_hash = commit_hash; body.purpose.purpose = htonl (TALER_SIGNATURE_REFRESH_COMMIT); body.purpose.size = htonl (sizeof (struct RefreshCommitSignatureBody)); if (GNUNET_OK != (res = request_json_check_signature (connection, commit_sig_json, &refresh_session_pub, &body.purpose))) { GNUNET_break (GNUNET_OK == TALER_MINT_DB_rollback (db_conn)); return (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) ? MHD_NO : MHD_YES; } } if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_commit (db_conn)) { // FIXME: return 'internal error'? GNUNET_break (0); return MHD_NO; } return refresh_send_commit_response (connection, db_conn, &refresh_session); } /** * Send response for "/refresh/reveal". * * @param connection the MHD connection * @param db_conn the connection to the mint's db * @param refresh_session_pub the refresh session's public key * @return a MHD result code */ static int helper_refresh_reveal_send_response (struct MHD_Connection *connection, PGconn *db_conn, struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey *refresh_session_pub) { int res; int newcoin_index; struct RefreshSession refresh_session; json_t *root; json_t *list; res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_session (db_conn, refresh_session_pub, &refresh_session); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { // FIXME: return 'internal error' GNUNET_break (0); return MHD_NO; } GNUNET_assert (0 != refresh_session.reveal_ok); root = json_object (); list = json_array (); json_object_set_new (root, "ev_sigs", list); for (newcoin_index = 0; newcoin_index < refresh_session.num_newcoins; newcoin_index++) { struct TALER_RSA_Signature ev_sig; res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_collectable (db_conn, newcoin_index, refresh_session_pub, &ev_sig); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { // FIXME: return 'internal error' GNUNET_break (0); return MHD_NO; } json_array_append_new (list, TALER_JSON_from_data (&ev_sig, sizeof (struct TALER_RSA_Signature))); } return TALER_MINT_reply_json (connection, root, MHD_HTTP_OK); } /** * Handle a "/refresh/reveal" request * * @param rh context of the handler * @param connection the MHD connection to handle * @param[IN|OUT] connection_cls the connection's closure (can be updated) * @param upload_data upload data * @param[IN|OUT] upload_data_size number of bytes (left) in @a upload_data * @return MHD result code */ int TALER_MINT_handler_refresh_reveal (struct RequestHandler *rh, struct MHD_Connection *connection, void **connection_cls, const char *upload_data, size_t *upload_data_size) { struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey refresh_session_pub; int res; PGconn *db_conn; struct RefreshSession refresh_session; struct MintKeyState *key_state; int i; int j; json_t *root; res = TALER_MINT_parse_post_json (connection, connection_cls, upload_data, upload_data_size, &root); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) return MHD_NO; if ( (GNUNET_NO == res) || (NULL == root) ) return MHD_YES; res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "session_pub", JNAV_RET_DATA, &refresh_session_pub, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey)); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (GNUNET_SYSERR != res); return res; } if (NULL == (db_conn = TALER_MINT_DB_get_connection ())) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return 'internal error'? return MHD_NO; } /* Send response immediately if we already know the session, * and the session commited already. * Do _not_ care about fields other than session_pub in this case. */ res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_session (db_conn, &refresh_session_pub, &refresh_session); if (GNUNET_YES == res && 0 != refresh_session.reveal_ok) return helper_refresh_reveal_send_response (connection, db_conn, &refresh_session_pub); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return 'internal error'? return MHD_NO; } /* Check that the transfer private keys match their commitments. * Then derive the shared secret for each kappa, and check that they match. */ for (i = 0; i < refresh_session.kappa; i++) { struct GNUNET_HashCode last_shared_secret; int secret_initialized = GNUNET_NO; if (i == (refresh_session.noreveal_index % refresh_session.kappa)) continue; for (j = 0; j < refresh_session.num_oldcoins; j++) { struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPrivateKey transfer_priv; struct RefreshCommitLink commit_link; struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey coin_pub; struct GNUNET_HashCode transfer_secret; struct GNUNET_HashCode shared_secret; res = GNUNET_MINT_parse_navigate_json (connection, root, JNAV_FIELD, "transfer_privs", JNAV_INDEX, (int) i, JNAV_INDEX, (int) j, JNAV_RET_DATA, &transfer_priv, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPrivateKey)); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (GNUNET_SYSERR != res); return res; } res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_commit_link (db_conn, &refresh_session_pub, i, j, &commit_link); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return 'internal error'? return MHD_NO; } res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_melt (db_conn, &refresh_session_pub, j, &coin_pub); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return 'internal error'? return MHD_NO; } /* We're converting key types here, which is not very nice * but necessary and harmless (keys will be thrown away later). */ if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecc_ecdh ((struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePrivateKey *) &transfer_priv, (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdhePublicKey *) &coin_pub, &transfer_secret)) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return 'internal error'? return MHD_NO; } if (0 >= TALER_refresh_decrypt (commit_link.shared_secret_enc, TALER_REFRESH_SHARED_SECRET_LENGTH, &transfer_secret, &shared_secret)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "decryption failed\n"); // FIXME: return 'internal error'? return MHD_NO; } if (GNUNET_NO == secret_initialized) { secret_initialized = GNUNET_YES; last_shared_secret = shared_secret; } else if (0 != memcmp (&shared_secret, &last_shared_secret, sizeof (struct GNUNET_HashCode))) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "shared secrets do not match\n"); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } { struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey transfer_pub_check; GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_key_get_public (&transfer_priv, &transfer_pub_check); if (0 != memcmp (&transfer_pub_check, &commit_link.transfer_pub, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey))) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "transfer keys do not match\n"); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } } } /* Check that the commitments for all new coins were correct */ for (j = 0; j < refresh_session.num_newcoins; j++) { struct RefreshCommitCoin commit_coin; struct LinkData link_data; struct TALER_RSA_BlindedSignaturePurpose *coin_ev_check; struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey coin_pub; struct TALER_RSA_BlindingKey *bkey; struct TALER_RSA_PublicKeyBinaryEncoded denom_pub; bkey = NULL; res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_commit_coin (db_conn, &refresh_session_pub, i, j, &commit_coin); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } if (0 >= TALER_refresh_decrypt (commit_coin.link_enc, sizeof (struct LinkData), &last_shared_secret, &link_data)) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "decryption failed\n"); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } GNUNET_CRYPTO_ecdsa_key_get_public (&link_data.coin_priv, &coin_pub); if (NULL == (bkey = TALER_RSA_blinding_key_decode (&link_data.bkey_enc))) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "Invalid blinding key\n"); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_order (db_conn, j, &refresh_session_pub, &denom_pub); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } if (NULL == (coin_ev_check = TALER_RSA_message_blind (&coin_pub, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey), bkey, &denom_pub))) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "blind failed\n"); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } if (0 != memcmp (&coin_ev_check, &commit_coin.coin_ev, sizeof (struct TALER_RSA_BlindedSignaturePurpose))) { GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "blind envelope does not match for kappa=%d, old=%d\n", (int) i, (int) j); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } } } if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_transaction (db_conn)) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } for (j = 0; j < refresh_session.num_newcoins; j++) { struct RefreshCommitCoin commit_coin; struct TALER_RSA_PublicKeyBinaryEncoded denom_pub; struct TALER_MINT_DenomKeyIssuePriv *dki; struct TALER_RSA_Signature ev_sig; res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_commit_coin (db_conn, &refresh_session_pub, refresh_session.noreveal_index % refresh_session.kappa, j, &commit_coin); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } res = TALER_MINT_DB_get_refresh_order (db_conn, j, &refresh_session_pub, &denom_pub); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } key_state = TALER_MINT_key_state_acquire (); dki = TALER_MINT_get_denom_key (key_state, &denom_pub); TALER_MINT_key_state_release (key_state); if (NULL == dki) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_RSA_sign (dki->denom_priv, &commit_coin.coin_ev, sizeof (struct TALER_RSA_BlindedSignaturePurpose), &ev_sig)) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } res = TALER_MINT_DB_insert_refresh_collectable (db_conn, j, &refresh_session_pub, &ev_sig); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } } /* mark that reveal was successful */ res = TALER_MINT_DB_set_reveal_ok (db_conn, &refresh_session_pub); if (GNUNET_OK != res) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } if (GNUNET_OK != TALER_MINT_DB_commit (db_conn)) { GNUNET_break (0); return MHD_NO; } return helper_refresh_reveal_send_response (connection, db_conn, &refresh_session_pub); } /** * Handle a "/refresh/link" request * * @param rh context of the handler * @param connection the MHD connection to handle * @param[IN|OUT] connection_cls the connection's closure (can be updated) * @param upload_data upload data * @param[IN|OUT] upload_data_size number of bytes (left) in @a upload_data * @return MHD result code */ int TALER_MINT_handler_refresh_link (struct RequestHandler *rh, struct MHD_Connection *connection, void **connection_cls, const char *upload_data, size_t *upload_data_size) { struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey coin_pub; int res; json_t *root; json_t *list; PGconn *db_conn; struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey transfer_pub; struct SharedSecretEnc shared_secret_enc; res = TALER_MINT_mhd_request_arg_data (connection, "coin_pub", &coin_pub, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EcdsaPublicKey)); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) { // FIXME: return 'internal error' GNUNET_break (0); return MHD_NO; } if (GNUNET_OK != res) return MHD_YES; if (NULL == (db_conn = TALER_MINT_DB_get_connection ())) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } list = json_array (); root = json_object (); json_object_set_new (root, "new_coins", list); res = TALER_db_get_transfer (db_conn, &coin_pub, &transfer_pub, &shared_secret_enc); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } if (GNUNET_NO == res) { return TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{s:s}", "error", "link data not found (transfer)"); } GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == res); res = TALER_db_get_link (db_conn, &coin_pub, link_iter, list); if (GNUNET_SYSERR == res) { GNUNET_break (0); // FIXME: return error code! return MHD_NO; } if (GNUNET_NO == res) { return TALER_MINT_reply_json_pack (connection, MHD_HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "{s:s}", "error", "link data not found (link)"); } GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == res); json_object_set_new (root, "transfer_pub", TALER_JSON_from_data (&transfer_pub, sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_EddsaPublicKey))); json_object_set_new (root, "secret_enc", TALER_JSON_from_data (&shared_secret_enc, sizeof (struct SharedSecretEnc))); return TALER_MINT_reply_json (connection, root, MHD_HTTP_OK); } /* end of taler-mint-httpd_refresh.c */